107 research outputs found

    Novija saznanja o nutritivnoj vrednosti kukuruzne silaže i njen značaj u ishrani tovne junadi

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    The study presents the latest scientific accomplishments in selection of silage hybrids with a special regard to digestibility as a quality parameter of the maize plant. The most important quality parameters, necessary in silage maize hybrid selection with the aim of completely defining their nutritive values, are presented in the case of the most demanded MRI hybrids of all maturity groups and encompass the following: the whole plant DM yield, the share of ears in DM yield, NDF, ADF and ADL content, and especially in vitro DM digestibility according to the Tilley and Terry method. Hybrids can be compared by the use of the exact values for the stated criteria and at the same time it is possible to make actual recommendations for certain production. The importance of the whole maize plant silage is manifested in beef cattle feeding, as the use of 3-12 kg silage day-1 with the appropriate feed concentrate significantly contributes to the more economic production of beef for which the demand in our country is realistic.U radu su prikazana najnovija naučna dostignuća u pogledu izbora hibrida za silažu sa posebnim osvrtom na kriterijum svarljivosti kao parametar kvaliteta kukuruzne biljke. Najvažniji parametri kvaliteta koji su neophodni pri izboru hibrida kukuruza za silažu radi potpunijeg definisanja njihove nutritivne vrednosti predstavljeni su na primeru najrasprostranjenijih hibrida Instituta za kukuruz „Zemun Polje” svih grupa zrenja i u njih se ubrajaju: prinos suve materije cele biljke, udeo klipova u suvoj materiji prinosa, sadržaj vlakna u kiselom i neutralnom deterdžentu (NDF - neutralna deterdžentna vlakna, ADF - kisela deterdžentna vlakna, ADL - kiseli deterdžent lignin), a kao posebno značajnim smatra se in vitro svarljivost suve materije po metodi Tilleyja i Terryja. Korišćenjem egzaktnih vrednosti za navedene parametre moguć e je da se obavi međusobno poređenje hibrida i daju konkretne preporuke za određenu proizvodnju. Značaj korišćenja silaže biljke kukuruza posebno se ogleda u obrocima za tovnu junad, u kojima se korišćenjem ovog hraniva u količini od 3 do 12 kg/dan, uz odgovarajuće smeše koncentrata značajno doprinosi ekonomičnosti proizvodnje junećeg mesa za koju u našoj zemlji postoje realne pretpostavke

    Kvalitet zrna i mogućnosti korišćenja ZP hibrida kukuruza

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    The study presents results of a long-term scientific and research work on the improvement of maize utilization at the Department of Technology of the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje. This research was aimed at the development of new assortment of plant food, feed and maize-based technical products of high quality. The application of modern processing technologies resulted in the production of highly valuable food: whole grain of micronised red-, yellow- and white- maize, concentrate for bread production bread and traditional Serbian corn bread with biologically valuable ingredients of red- and yellow- maize. Besides these food products, the original technology of maize cob processing has been developed. Various lignocelluloses granules intended for utilization in different sectors of industry, agriculture and environmental protection.U radu su prikazani rezultati višegodišnjeg naučnoistraživačkog rada na unapređenju korišćenja kukuruza u Odseku za tehnološka istraživanja Instituta za kukuruz. Ova istraživanja usmerena su ka stvaranju novog asortimana kvalitetne biljne hrane i tehničkih proizvoda. Primenom savremenih tehnologija prerade osvojena je proizvodnja nove i jedinstvene visokovredne hrane: integralno brašno mikronizovanog zrna crvenog, žutog i belog kukuruza, koncentrat za proizvodnju hleba, hleb i proja sa biološki vrednim sastojcima kukuruza crvenog i žutog zrna. Pored toga, razrađena je originalna tehnologija prerade kukuruznog oklaska. Dobijeni su različiti lignocelulozni granulati namenjeni za upotrebu u različitim granama industrije, poljoprivredi i zaštiti životne sredine

    The nutritive value of poultry diets containing sunflower meal supplemented by enzymes

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    The international limitations imposed on the utilization of meat and bone meals in animal diets, together with the increasing demand for soybean meal, create a necessity to search for other protein sources to economically balance compound feeds. In this regard it is important to note that sunflower is the best adapted high-protein crop available in some European regions and that is useful to use it in poultry farming as the replacement of other protein sources. Protein and many other nutrients are “imprisoned” to variable degrees, inside sunflower meal fibrous structures, and remain less available for digestion by the poultry’s own proteases and other endogenous enzymes. Added exogenous enzymes (phytase, hemicellulase, cellulase, carbohydrase, protease, etc.) offer a number of creative possibilities for breakdown and “liberation” of these nutrients, their easier digestion and absorption, and thus development of new nutritional standards and new diets formulation. Supplementation of poultry diets containing sunflower meal by different enzymes increasingly contribute to sustainable poultry farming by enhancing production efficiency, increasing the effectiveness of nutrient utilization and upgrading in environmental protection. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46012

    The analysis of impact of intensity of contact load and angular shaft speed on the heat generation within radial ball bearing

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    This paper considers the factors that influence the heat generation within ball bearing. Various lubrication regimes are taken into consideration and a mathematical model for determination of the coefficient of heat generation is set up. Due to the complexity of mathematical tools, and in order to perform better and easier analysis of the considered phenomenon, the application that integrates the mathematical models of load distribution and heat generation was developed. The impact of the contact load and angular shaft speed on the level of heat generated in radial ball bearing was analyzed

    Genetički modifikovane biljke - nutritivni i zdravstveni aspekti

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    Genetically modified plants (GMP) with specific traits, have been developed by transfer of a single or several genes within or among species. Already, genetically modified sorts of cotton, soybean, oilseed rape as well as corn hybrids with gene for herbicide tolerance, insect and virus resistance, improving nutrition characteristics have been created. The use of genetically modified crops as animal feed from nutritional aspects have great potential but otherwise raised concerns about potentional risks in scientific community all over the world. Potential risks include development of allergic reactions, transfer of antibiotic gene to gut bacteria of animal and development of antibiotic resistance and potential adverse health effect in animals. The study of food safety obtained from genetically modified crops in the nutrition of animals has been conducted throughout the whole world. The results obtained have demonstrated no difference in the quality of the milk, meat and eggs of animals that had eaten either transgenic or no-transgenic feed. Of course, long term and thorough research should give more reliable results.Genetički modifikovane biljke (GMB), sa specifičnim karakteristikama, stvorene su zahvaljujući visokom razvoju tehnologije koja je omogućila prenos gena unutar ili između vrsta. Tako su već stvorene genetički modifikovane sorte soje, pamuka, uljane repice kao i hibridi kukuruza sa unetim genom za tolerantnost na herbicide, otpornost na insekte ili sa poboljšanim nutritivnim karakteristikama. Primena GM biljaka u ishrani domaćih životinja sa nutritivnog aspekta pruža velike mogućnosti dok sa druge strane potencijalni rizici njihovog korišćenja izazivaju brojne polemike u naučnim i stručnim krugovima. Kao najveći potencijalni rizik njihove primene navodi se opasnost od pojave rezistentnosti na antibiotike alergijske reakcije ali i razni drugi mogući neželjeni efekti na zdravstveno stanje. U cilju rešavanja ovih dilema sprovedena su brojna istraživanja koja su obuhvatila ispitivanje bezbednosti hrane dobijene od GM biljaka kod ishrane domaćih životinja. Rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja su pokazala da se životinjski proizvodi dobije-ni od životinja hranjenih genetički modifkovanim biljkama ne razlikuju od onih hranjenih nemodifikovanim biljakama i nemaju uticaj na kvalitet mesa, mleka i jaja. Naravno, pravi potpun odgovor treba da pruže buduća obimnija istraživanja koja bi trebalo da daju relevantne podatke kako bi se ove dileme resile

    Genetička osnova korišćenja kukuruznog oklasaka kao vredne prirodnoobnovljive sirovine

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    The original technological method of the maize cob processing has been developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, by which lignocellulose granules of different particle sizes are produced from the cob. Different chemical composition and physical and chemical properties of these fractions, and especially a great capacity of binding liquids particularly oil and water determine, their usage as degreasing and drying means. Due to their great hardness and abrasive capacity, products made from ground cobs are usable for polishing in the metal processing industry, while the composition of certain compounds (pento-san) are of a particular importance in the chemical industry for the pro duction of furfural and its derivates. As these products are inert, of neutral pH and free of heavy metals they are used as organic carriers in the pro duction of pesticides and agro-chemicals, as well as, in cosmetics and the pharmaceutical industry.U Institutu za kukuruz razvijen je originalni tehnološki postupak prerade kukuruznog oklaska kojim se dobijaju lignocelulozni granulati različite veličine čestica. Različit hemijski sastav i fizičkohemijske karakteristike ovih frakcija, pre svega visoka sposobnost vezivanja tečnosti, naročito ulja i vode opredeljuju njihovu upotrebu kao medijuma za odmašćivanje i sušenje. Velika tvrdoća i abrazivna sposobnost proizvoda dobijenih mlevenjem oklaska našla je primenu za poliranje u metaloprerađivačkoj industriji, a sadržaj nekih jedinjenja (pentozana) od posebnog je značaja u hemijskoj industriji za proizvodnju furfurola i njegovih derivata. Zbog svoje inertnosti, neutralne pH vrednosti i odsustva teških metala ovi proizvodi nalaze primenu kao organski nosači u proizvodnji pesticida i agrohemikalija kao i u kozmetici i farmaciji

    Upotreba kukuruznog oklaska kao prirodnog, biodegradibilnog proizvoda za uklanjanje izlivene nafte, motornog ulja i mazuta sa vodenih površina

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    The original technological procedure of maize cob processing into lignocellulose granulates, CELGRAN® A, B and C products, was developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje. These products are particles of different sizes and different physical and chemical compositions, and are intended for a direct use or could be processed into products not available in the domestic market and very demanded in the international markets. Absorption and adsorption powers were used as a measure or a parameter of the utilisable value of the maize cob in environmental protection via cleaning of water surfaces from spilt crude oil, engine oil and fuel oil. This power was established by determining of the liquid amount that was absorbed or adsorbed under exactly defined conditions by a certain amount of the observed CELGRAN® product. Absorbability of crude oil was determined after two, four and six hours, while the power of binding of engine oil and fuel oil by all observed CELGRAN® products was determined after two hours. Depending on the particle size of observed fractions, CELGRAN® products can absorb over three times the weight of crude oil in regard to their own initial weight - for instance, in order to clean 1 ton of crude oil, 300 kg of CELGRAN® C is needed. The power of binding of all tested products was considerably uniform and ranged from 186.62% for the fraction A to 213.16% for the fraction C.Kukuruzni oklasak ili kočanka predstavlja veoma značajan nusproizvod pri proizvodnji kukuruznog zrna. Na svaku tonu kukuruznog zrna dobija se 180 do 200 kg oklaska. Godišnje se u našoj zemlji dobija oko 1,2 do 1,5 miliona tona ove sekundarne sirovine. Tradicionalna upotreba oklaska u poljoprivredi, kao ogreva ili grube celulozne hrane za životinje, danas je znatno proširena na industriju. U Institutu za kukuruz razvijen je originalni tehnološki postupak prerade kukuruznog oklaska kojim se dobijaju lignocelulozni granulati različite veličine čestica i različitog fizičko-hemijskog sastava, koji nalaze direktnu primenu ili se mogu preraditi u proizvode kojih nema na domaćem tržištu, a veoma su traženi i na inostranom tržištu. Različit hemijski sastav i fizičko-hemijske karakteristike ovih ZP proizvoda - CELGRAN® A, B i C, a pre svega visoka moć apsorpcije i vezivanja tečnosti, naročito vode, nafte i ulja opredeljuju njihovu upotrebu kao medijuma za odmašćivanje i sušenje. Zahvaljujući baš ovim karakteristikama lignocelulozni granulati mogu da se koriste i za "pranje vode", odnosno uklanjanje izlivene nafte, motornog ulja i mazuta sa vodenih površina

    Prinos ZP hibrida kukuruza sejanih krajem juna u zavisnosti od gustina

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    The studies were carried out under irrigation conditions in the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, at Zemun Polje during 2002 and 2003. Yields of the total biomass, dry matter and dry grain per area unit were observed in the following early and medium early maturity hybrids: ZP 105, ZP 196, ZP 243, ZP 256, ZP 307 and ZP 360. Hybrids were sown in the last decade of June and yields were observed over the following sowing densities: 65,000, 75,000 and 85,000 plants ha-1. The highest total biomass yields of 28.08 and 34.11 t ha-1, then the highest DM yields of 12.39 and 13.84 t ha-1 and the highest dry grain yields of 6.66, and 7.41 t ha-1 were registered in hybrids ZP 307 and ZP 360, respectively. The higher sowing density was the higher yields of the total biomass (18.83, 20.82 22.69 t ha-1), DM (10.11, 10.95, 11.85 t ha-1) and dry grain (5.81, 6.21 6.69 t ha-1) were.Ispitivanja su obavljena na oglednom dobru Instituta za kukuruz "Zemun Polje" u Zemun Polju 2002. i 2003. godine u uslovima navodnjavanja. Ispitivan je prinos ukupne biomase, suve materije i prinos zrna po jedinici površine kod ranih i srednje ranih hibrida kukuruza: ZP 105, ZP 196, ZP 243, ZP 256, ZP 307 i ZP 360 sejanih u poslednjoj dekadi juna, u zavisnosti od gustina setve (65.000, 75.000, 85.000 bilj/ha) Hibridi ZP 307 i ZP 360 ostvarili su najveću produkciju ukupne biomase (28,08, 34,11 t/ha), najviši prinos suve materije (12,39, 13,84 t/ha) i najviši prinos suvog zrna (6,66, 7,41 t/ha). Sa povećanjem gustine setve povećan je prinos ukupne biomase (18,83, 20,82 22,69 t/ha), suve materije (10,11, 10,95, 11,85 t/ha) i suvog zrna (5,81 6,21, 6,69 t/ha)

    Najvažniji parametri kvaliteta pri izboru hibrida za silažu

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    The most important parameters of quality necessary in selection of hybrids for silage are presented in this study in the case of the widely grown the Maize Research Institute maize hybrids with the aim to better define their nutritive value. In order to define this value as thoroughly as possible it is necessary to conduct permanent tests of both, in vitro digestibility of dry matter by the method of Tilley and Terry and a structure of cell walls by detergent fibre method (NDF-Neutral Detergent Fibre, ADF- Acid Detergent Fibre and ADL - Acid Detergent Lignin). The most important parameters of quality are: DM yield of a whole plant, share of ears in DM yield, fibre content in acid and neutral detergent and in vitro digestibility. The comparison among hybrids is possible if exact values of the stated parameters are applied.U radu je ukazano na najvažnije parametre kvaliteta koji su neophodni kod izbora hibrida za silažu na primeru najraširenijih hibrida Instituta za kukuruz Zemun Polje svih grupa zrenja kukuruza u cilju boljeg definisanja njihovog nutritivne vrednosti kod izbora za siliranje. Da bi se izvršilo što potpunije definisanje nutritivne vrednosti hibrida neophodno je izvršiti permanentna ispitivanja in vitro svarljivosti suve materije metodom Tilley i Terry kao i strukture ćelijskih zidova primenom deterdžent metode za frakcije sirovih vlakana (NDF-neutralna deterdžentna vlakna, ADF- kisela deterdžentna vlakna, ADL kiseli deterdžent lignin). Najvažniji parametri kvaliteta su: prinos suve materije cele biljke, udeo klipova u suvoj materiji prinosa, sadržaj vlakna u kiselom i neutralnom deterdžentu i in vitro svarljivost. Korišćenjem egzaktnih vrednosti navedenih kriterijuma moguće je vršiti međusobno poređenje hibrida

    Seed Quality of Oilseed Rape Varieties with Different Size and Colors After Three and Fifteen Months Storage

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    During two years, germinability and initial growth of seedling of nine foreign varieties and four domestic varieties were studied. The seed is grouped by size (small, medium and large), color (dark transitional and light color of seed coat). Then it was preserved and at three and fifteen months of age in the laboratory and in the field, germinability, dormant seed and growth of shoot and radicle root were examined. In addition to the age, other factors (variety, size, color, period of storage) influenced significantly (P≥0.05 to P≥0.00) on seed germinability and growth of seedling. Higher germinability is achieved from large seeds up to 3.6%. Depending on the seed coat color, the germinability varied to 11%. The seed coat color has had a high impact on maintaining germinability for fifteen months. Seeds with darker coat have also shown higher potential for storage and use in subsequent seeding periods, as determined by the application of the aging test on seed. Significant interdependence (r) was obtained between the germinability test and the growth of seedling in laboratory conditions and in field conditions. Between the germinability and the growth of the shoot and the root, a significant interdependence was established, depending on the varieties (P≥0.05 to P≥0.00). Keywords: Age; Dormancy; Germinability; Seed; Seedling