154 research outputs found

    Alterations in human EEG activity caused by extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields

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    This study has investigated whether extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can alter human brain activity. Linearly polarised magnetic flux density of 20Â-T (rms) was generated using a standard double Helmholtz coils and applied to the human head over a sequence of 1 minute stimulations followed by one minute without stimulation in the following order of frequencies 50, 16.66, 13, 10, 8.33 and 4Hz. We collected recordings on 33 human volunteers under double-blind counter-balanced conditions. Each stimulation lasted for two minutes followed by one minute post-stimulation EEG recording. The same procedure was repeated for the EMF control sessions, where the order of control and exposure sessions was determined randomly according to the subject's ID number. The rest period between two conditions (exposure and control) was 30 minutes. The results indicate that there was a significant increase in Alpha1, Alpha2, and Beta1 at the frontal brain region, and a significant decrease in Alpha2 band in parietal and occipital region due to EMF exposure

    A Charge and Spin Readout Scheme For Single Self-Assembled Quantum Dots

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    We propose an all optical spin initialization and readout concept for single self assembled quantum dots and demonstrate its feasibility. Our approach is based on a gateable single dot photodiode structure that can be switched between charge and readout mode. After optical electron generation and storage, we propose to employ a spin-conditional absorption of a circularly polarized light pulse tuned to the single negatively charged exciton transition to convert the spin information of the resident electron to charge occupancy. Switching the device to the charge readout mode then allows us to probe the charge state of the quantum dot (1e, 2e) using non-resonant luminescence. The spin orientation of the resident electron is then reflected by the photoluminescence yield of doubly and singly charged transitions in the quantum dot. To verify the feasibility of this spin readout concept, we have applied time gated photoluminescence to confirm that selective optical charging and efficient non perturbative measurement of the charge state can be performed on the same dot. The results show that, by switching the electric field in the vicinity of the quantum dot, the charging rate can be switched between a regime of efficient electron generation and a readout regime, where the charge occupancy and, therefore, the spin state of the dot can be tested via PL over millisecond timescales, without altering it.Comment: 20 Pages, 6 Figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Usage of Biologics on Tomatoes and Peppers

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    In fruit growing, nowadays a lot of chemical products are used (insecticide, fungicide etc.) in order to protect the plants. However, lately the markets are in need of gardening products which are not treated with pesticide but protected with biologics. In gardening, biological fight against the insects and the diseases is not much maintained because the shares are lower and the gardening products are on a great demand and are very profitable. Due to the great profit of the gardening products, less attention is paid to the biological fight for protection. However, the great environmental pollution evokes great interest in consuming healthy gardening products. Due to the mentioned reasons, lately, fruit producers show interest for usage of biologics to protect the gardening products from some insects and diseases. There appear to be many biologics but the producers of gardening products are not well informed because the interest of usage of biologics is not high. By all means, the market provides verified biologics which show good production results. The great interest in usage of biologics to protect the gardening products from diseases and insects increases, whereas the interest of research institutions to discover better biologics is getting bigger

    Selective Optical Charge Generation, Storage and Readout in a Single Self Assembled Quantum Dot

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    We report the investigation of a single quantum dot charge storage device. The device allows selective optical charging of a single dot with electrons, storage of these charges over timescales much longer than microseconds and reliable optical readout of the charge occupancy using a time gated photoluminescence technique. This device enables us to directly investigate the electric field dependent tunneling escape dynamics of electrons at high electric fields over timescales up to 4 us. The results demonstrate that such structures and measurement techniques can be used to investigate charge and spin dynamics in single quantum dots over microsecond timescales.Comment: Accepted for publication in AP


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    A constant progress in development of information technologies and artificial intelligence has opened immense possibilities of their use in the sphere of law. The impact of artificial intelligence is particularly visible in attempts to restrain discretion of a judicial power, located in the most “slippery” field today – in between the creator of law and the one who applies the law. At first sight, it looks like that artificial intelligence could offer a lot within that field. It might have a large potential in overcoming human weaknesses in decision making of a judge, particularly in terms of accomplishing equality and absence of prejudices. This quite optimistic approach is examined in this paper. According to the authors, artificial intelligence cannot successfully overcome the basic “human deficit” and limits immanent to the process of decision-making by judges. The authors point out the weakness and problems in the use of artificial intelligence in the context of impartial decision-making process. Due to great expectations and possibilities deriving from its use, the fact that artificial intelligence is also a product of human being is often neglected. The authors are of opinion that artificial intelligence cannot be of colossal help in terms of impartiality in judicial decision-making in the sense that it is “ratio without passion”. Namely, the creator of artificial intelligence, a man, has implemented his own subjective views into it, his prejudices and a specific view of the world. Artificial intelligence can, by all means, contribute to impartiality and equality in judicial decision-making, but only as a subsidiary remedy and not as a guarantee of a complete impartiality. Artificial intelligence cannot lead us further than what Holmes meant by the law – a prediction how the court will act – and nothing more than that. Realistic expectation of artificial intelligence is increasing predictability, but in no way establishment of a full legal certainty.Neprestani napredak u razvoju informacionih tehnologija i veštačke inteligencije otvorio je neslućene mogućnosti njihove upotrebe i u sferi prava. Uticaj veštačke inteligencije je danas naročito vidljiv u pokušajima „zauzdavanja” diskrecije sudske vlasti, koja se nalazi na najklizavijem terenu između stvaraoca i primenjivača prava. Na prvi pogled deluje da veštačka inteligencija može pružiti mnogo, jer ima veliki potencijal u prevazilaženju ljudskih slabosti u sudijskom odlučivanju, naročito u pogledu jednakosti u postupanju i nepostojanju predrasuda i predubeđenja. U radu se kritički analizira ovakav pristup, kojim se, prema mišljenju autora, ne može prevazići osnovni, „ljudski deficit” i ograničenja prilikom sudijskog odlučivanja. Autori ukazuju na slabosti i probleme upotrebe veštačke inteligencije sa stanovišta nepristrasnog odlučivanja. S obzirom na velika očekivanja i mogućnosti koje otvara upotreba veštačke inteligencije, često se gubi iz vida činjenica da je i veštačka inteligencija tvorevina lјudskog bića. Autori smatraju da ona ne može biti od prevelike pomoći što se tiče nepristrasnosti u sudijskom odlučivanju, odnosno da nije baš „razum bez strasti”, pošto je njen tvorac, čovek, uneo u nju svoje subjektivne stavove, predubeđenja i specifične poglede na svet. Nesumnjivo, veštačka inteligencija može doprineti povećanju nepristrasnosti i jednakosti u sudijskom odlučivanju, ali kao pomoćno sredstvo, a ne i kao garant potpune nepristrasnosti. Veštačka inteligencija nas ne može odvesti dalјe od onoga što je još Holms podrazumevao pod pravom – predviđanje onoga kako će sud postupiti i ništa više od toga. Realno očekivanje od ovog novuma je povećanje predvidivosti postupanja, ali nikako uspostavlјanje potpune pravne sigurnosti

    Regulatory Taking: A Contract Approach

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    This Article begins by defining the parameters of the fifth amendment\u27s taking clause. The Article then reviews the various tests used in determining whether governmental action constitutes a taking, and discusses the recent Supreme Court decisions within the framework of case law as it has evolved since the Court\u27s 1922 landmark decision, Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon. Finally, the Article suggests a formula based on well-established contract principles for analyzing the impact of land use regulation on private property interests

    Presence of Listeria species in fresh meats from retail markets in Serbia

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    Listeria spp. are Gram positive, short, non-sporing rods, microaerophilic. Of the six species currently recognized, Listeria monocytogenes is the most important as it causes a range of infections in humans and animals. The organism can be found in a wide variety of habitats including the soil, food processing environments and raw foods. The ability of the organism to grow at refrigeration temperatures is of major importance in food production. This study examines the presence of Listeria species in fresh meat. 29 samples (chicken, pork and beef) meat. This bacteria was found in 82.7% of analyzed samples; 7 L. innocua, 8 L. monocytogenes and 9 L. welshimeri (of all isolates). L. innocua prevailed in pork meat (40%), L. monocytogenes in chicken and pork meat (30%), and L. welshimeri in beef meat (44.4%)

    Harnessing content and context for enhanced decision making

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    In a time in which a significant amount of interpersonal interactions take place online, one must enquire to which extent are these milieus suitable for supporting the complexity of our communication. This is especially important in more sensitive domains, such as the one of Online Dispute Resolution, in which inefficient communication environments may result in misunderstandings, poor decisions or the escalation of the conflict. The conflict manager, in particular, may find his skills severely diminished, namely in what concerns the accurate perception of the state of the parties. In this paper the development of a rich communication framework is detailed that conveys contextual information about their users, harnessed from the transparent analysis of their behaviour while communicating. Using it, the conflict manager may not only better perceive the conflict and how it affects each party but also take better contextualized decisions, closer to the ones taken in face-to-face settings.This work is part-funded by ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT { Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028980 (PTDC/EEI-SII/1386/2012) and project PEst- OE/EEI/UI0752/2014

    Wettability of electrodeposited copper films and correlation with morphology and surface chemistry

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    In this study, different forms of copper films were electrodeposited (ED) on silicon wafer, copper and brass foils. The effect of monocrystalline Si(111) surface cleaning method and electrodeposition conditions and regimes (frequency in the pulsating current (PC) regime, an addition of additives in electrolyte for the constant galvanostatic (DC) regime, and thickness) on surface morphology and wettability of copper films was investigated. Optical microscopy equipped with highresolution camera, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and an atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used for thin film characterization and to evaluate wettability of copper films. The sessile drop method was used for the measurement of water contact angle. According to the obtained results, choice of electrolyte used in ED greatly affects wettability of copper films. It was also shown that copper films electrodeposited from basic sulfate electrolyte with varying current regimes frequencies, thicknesses, and cathode types have opposite trends between roughness parameter values and the water contact angle value. Structural-morphological changes of a film or bulk solid surface are key parameters in determining wettability properties and the analysis of the wetting angle oscillations, but not the only one