10 research outputs found

    Komparacija rizika i recidivizma osuđenih na kaznu zatvora i kućnog zatvora

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    In 2008, during the process of implementation of European standards, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia started a project of establishing an alternative sanctions system. The alternative sanctions were introduced into our legislation as a response to an overload of prison capacities, absence of individual or group penal rehabilitation treatment, high levels of deprivation in convicts and frequent recidivism. The subjects of the research are the convicts serving prison sentences or being in house arrest. The aim of the research was to analyze the relations between the modality of sentence serving with recidivism risk score and previous conviction. The research included 120 convicts from Padinska Skela Detention and Rehabilitation Facility and nine probation offices. The obtained results indicate that those convicted to prison time and those placed under house arrest statistically significantly differed in relation to their recidivism risk score, however, there were no observable differences in their legal and penal recidivism levels. Furthermore, those placed under house arrest with or without electronic surveillance did not differ in any of the analyzed characteristics.U procesu implementacije evropskih standarda Ministarstvo pravde Republike Srbije pokrenulo je 2008. godine projekat uspostavljanja sistema alternativnih sankcija u Republici Srbiji. Alternativne sankcije uvedene su u naÅ”e zakonodavstvo kao odgovor na preopterećenje zatvorskih kapaciteta, odsustvo individualnog i grupnog rehabilitacionog penalnog tretmana, visoku depriviranost osuđenih i učestali recidivizam. Predmet istraživanja su osuđeni na izvrÅ”enju kazne zatvora i kućnog zatvora. Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje povezanosti modaliteta izvrÅ”enja kazne sa skorom rizika recidivizma i prethodnom osuđivanoŔću. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 120 osuđenih iz Kazneno-popravnog zavoda Padinska Skela i devet povereničkih kancelarija. Dobijeni su podaci koji ukazuju da se osuđeni na kaznu zatvora i kućnog zatvora statistički značajno razlikuju u odnosu na skor rizika recidivizma, ali da ne postoje razlike u odnosu na legalni i penalni recidivizam. Takođe, osuđeni na kućni zatvor sa elektronskim nadzorom i bez njega ne razlikuju se ni po jednoj od ispitivanih karakteristika

    Generalization of powder analyses of interest in biomedicine and ecology

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    Mikročestice, u prvom redu prahovi, koji su od interesa u mnogo oblasti, predstavljaju složeno područje istraživanja sa teorijske i metroloÅ”ke tačke glediÅ”ta. Tačnost razmatranja i kontrole je od izuzetnog interesa za područja ekoloÅ”kih i medicinskih normi i primena. U radu je razmatran matematički aparat, problematike koriŔćenja i distribucije prahova uz praktična reÅ”enja, koja nudi savremena tehnika merenja.Microparticles, firstly, powders of interest in many area, represent complex research field ,from the theoretical and metrologic point of view. The exact consideration as well as control is of extremly importance for ecological and biomedical normative and application. The numerical and analytical point of view for powder distribution as well as practical modern solution are considered in this paper

    Generalization of powder analyses of interest in biomedicine and ecology

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    Mikročestice, u prvom redu prahovi, koji su od interesa u mnogo oblasti, predstavljaju složeno područje istraživanja sa teorijske i metroloÅ”ke tačke glediÅ”ta. Tačnost razmatranja i kontrole je od izuzetnog interesa za područja ekoloÅ”kih i medicinskih normi i primena. U radu je razmatran matematički aparat, problematike koriŔćenja i distribucije prahova uz praktična reÅ”enja, koja nudi savremena tehnika merenja.Microparticles, firstly, powders of interest in many area, represent complex research field ,from the theoretical and metrologic point of view. The exact consideration as well as control is of extremly importance for ecological and biomedical normative and application. The numerical and analytical point of view for powder distribution as well as practical modern solution are considered in this paper

    Laser applications in retinopathy as invasive therapy and possibility of pre and post diagnostics by appropriate image processing

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    Retinopathy o Prematurity (ROP) is a leading cause of blindness in children. The ROP is a disease that occurs in premature infants and affects the blood vessels of the developing retina. The unique feature of ROP relates to its occurrence only in premature infants with immature and incompletely vascularized retina. We reduce the blindness from ROP by appropriate screening and effective diode laser treatment (diode red 810nm). Ocular fundus photos are performed as a part of ROP screening. During screening examination, the RerCam3, equipped with 130 degrees lens, is used to obtain the color images of both eyes. In all cases of active posterior ROP the laser treatment is performed. In those infants the fundus images are taken in sessions of laser treatment and it is repeated one or two weeks later. The goal of each imaging session is to obtain clear and focused images of all parts of the ocular fundus. The images are stored on the RetCam3computer hard drive. This paper attempts to compare certain methods of quantifying results of several stages of the pathological eye conditions in clinical practice based on RetCam image records. The first image processing is related to application of color analysis by the program Matcad. It is scrutinized if the increased or decreased presence of certain color in an image of a full eye or specific parts of the eye indicates the degree/severity of the disease (pathological state). Another approach is the implementation of the program Image J. The third quantification belongs to fractional analysis where several approaches are executed related to the application of different filtrations. Herein it is addressed the analysis of concrete examples and analysis of different utility levels of processing technique. In particular, some issues of interaction of the three laser types with eye tissue in various operating modes (ex. Q-switched laser and others) are particularly discussed

    Laser applications in retinopathy as invasive therapy and possibility of pre and post diagnostics by appropriate image processing

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    Retinopathy o Prematurity (ROP) is a leading cause of blindness in children. The ROP is a disease that occurs in premature infants and affects the blood vessels of the developing retina. The unique feature of ROP relates to its occurrence only in premature infants with immature and incompletely vascularized retina. We reduce the blindness from ROP by appropriate screening and effective diode laser treatment (diode red 810nm). Ocular fundus photos are performed as a part of ROP screening. During screening examination, the RerCam3, equipped with 130 degrees lens, is used to obtain the color images of both eyes. In all cases of active posterior ROP the laser treatment is performed. In those infants the fundus images are taken in sessions of laser treatment and it is repeated one or two weeks later. The goal of each imaging session is to obtain clear and focused images of all parts of the ocular fundus. The images are stored on the RetCam3computer hard drive. This paper attempts to compare certain methods of quantifying results of several stages of the pathological eye conditions in clinical practice based on RetCam image records. The first image processing is related to application of color analysis by the program Matcad. It is scrutinized if the increased or decreased presence of certain color in an image of a full eye or specific parts of the eye indicates the degree/severity of the disease (pathological state). Another approach is the implementation of the program Image J. The third quantification belongs to fractional analysis where several approaches are executed related to the application of different filtrations. Herein it is addressed the analysis of concrete examples and analysis of different utility levels of processing technique. In particular, some issues of interaction of the three laser types with eye tissue in various operating modes (ex. Q-switched laser and others) are particularly discussed

    Zastupljenost oganohlornih pesticida u filetima oslića

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    Organohlorni pesticidi (OCP) su grupa jedinjenja Å”iroko zastupljena u prirodi a samim tim i u hrani koju konzumiramo. Da bismo za proizvod rekli da je bezbedan za upotrebu neophodno je da sadržaj OCP-a u njemu bude manji od maksimalno dozvoljenih vrednosti koje su propisane važećim Pravilnikom. Identifikacija ove grupe jedinjenja se vrÅ”i gasnom hromatografijom sa masenim detektorom. Priprema uzoraka za analizu sa brzom QuECHERS metodom obezbeđuje da za kratko vreme, pouzdano ekstrahujemo analite od interesa. U naÅ”oj studiji ispitivali smo sadžaj 19 organohlornih pesticida u filetima oslića, ribljem proizvodu popularnom u naÅ”oj zemlji. Ispitivanja su pokazala da se koncentracija OCP-ova u ovim proizvodima nalazi znatno ispod maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija. Organohlorni pesticidi se akumuliraju u hrani i okruženju Å”to izaziva zabrinutost zbog potencijalnih rizika po ljudsko zdravlje kao i zbog naruÅ”avanja ekoloÅ”ke ravnoteže (Kartalovic et al, 2015). U predhodnim decenijama organohlorni pesticidi su se koristili Å”irom sveta kako bi unapredili poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Globalna upotreba ove grupe jedinjenja je od 1950. godine dovela je do povećanja njihove potroÅ”nje i do pedeset puta, paralelno sa rastom stanovniÅ”tva (Nath, 2013). U naÅ”oj studiji ispitivali smo slučajno izabrane uzorke iz marketa. Uzorci su do ispitivanja čuvani u orginalnom pakovanju u skladu sa preporukom proizvođača. Na osnovu ispitivanja 18 uzoraka zaključeno je da je sadržaj organohlornih pesticida znatno niži od maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija u ribi, koje su propisane važećim Pravilnikom Republike Srbije. Opseg koncentracija OCP-a se kretao od 0.0065-0.0097 mg/kg. Generalno, svi pesticidi su toksične supstance dizajnirane da ubiju Å”tetočine sa svojim otrovnim ili Å”tetnim efektima. Direktno ili indirektno pesticidi mogu ući u ljudsko telo kroz lanac ishrane i konačno, mogu prouzrokovati različite efekte na ljudsko zdravlje, poput alergijskih reakcija uključujući i sterilitet i kancer. Zagađivanje hrane sa ovim supstancama se smatra jednim od najopasnijih aspekata u poslednjih nekoliko godina. Riba i riblji proizvodi mogu biti kontaminirani sa hloriovanim ostacima kroz različite izvore. Ovi kvaliteti ih čine najopasnijom grupom hemikalija kojima prirodni sistemi mogu biti izloženi i funkcioniÅ”u kao hemijski indikatori antropogenog pritiska i zagađenja (Baiarri i dr., 2001; Storelli et al.,2004). Zbog činjenice da su OCP ipak prisutni u ovim proizodima neophodno je iste izloziti stalnom monitoringu s ciljem obezbeđivanja plasmana samo bezbednih proizvoda na naÅ”e trziÅ”te

    Waste reduction algorithm used as the case study of simulated bitumen production process

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    Algoritam za redukciju otpada (eng. waste reduction algorithm ā€“ WAR) jeste metodologija koja se može koristiti za procenu potencijalnog uticaja tehnoloÅ”kih procesa na životnu sredinu. Analizom pojedinačnih stupnjeva procesa proizvodnje dobijaju se podaci koji omogućavaju sagledavanje kritičnih segmenata. Cilj ovog rada je da se sagledaju kritične tačke procesa proizvodnje bitumena sa stanoviÅ”ta zaÅ”tite životne sredine. Definisanjem osnovnih parametara algoritma WAR GUI (eng. waste reduction algorithm graphical user interface) softverskog modela dobijene su kvantifikovane vrednosti potencijalnih uticaja na životnu sredinu (eng. potential environmental impact ā€“ PEI) svakog pojedinačnog stupnja proizvodnog procesa, polazeći od procesa atmosferske destilacije, preko vakuum destilacije, do procesa dobijanja bitumena iz vakuum ostatka u postrojenju bitumen

    Waste reduction algorithm used as the case study of simulated bitumen production process

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    Waste reduction algorithm - WAR is a tool helping process engineers for environmental impact assessment. WAR algorithm is a methodology for determining the potential environmental impact (PEI) of a chemical process. In particular, the bitumen production process was analyzed following three stages: a) atmospheric distillation unit, b) vacuum distillation unit, and c) bitumen production unit. Study was developed for the middle sized oil refinery with capacity of 5000000 tones of crude oil per year. Results highlight the most vulnerable aspects of the environmental pollution that arise during the manufacturing process of bitumen. The overall rates of PEI leaving the system (PEI/h) - Iout PEI/h are: a) 2.14105, b) 7.17104 and c) 2.36103, respectively. The overall rates of PEI generated within the system - Igen PEI/h are: a) 7.75104, b) -4.31104 and c) -4.32102, respectively. Atmospheric distillation unit have the highest overall rate of PEI while the bitumen production unit have the lowest overall rate of PEI. Comparison of Iout PEI/h and Igen PEI/h values for the atmospheric distillation unit, shows that the overall rate of PEI generated in the system is 36.21% of the overall rate of PEI leaving the system. In the cases of vacuum distillation and bitumen production units, the overall rate of PEI generated in system have negative values, i.e. the overall rate of PEI leaving the system is reduced at 60.11% (in the vacuum distillation unit) and at 18.30% (in the bitumen production unit). Analysis of the obtained results for the overall rate of PEI, expressed by weight of the product, confirms conclusions