15 research outputs found

    Zastupljenost razvojnih anomalija zuba kod ortodontskih pacijenata u Srbiji

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    Introduction/Objective the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of developmental dental anomalies (DDA) in Serbian orthodontic patients. Methods the sample was composed of 1,001 panoramic radiographs of orthodontic patients, older than seven years, taken as a part of the initial diagnostic procedure at the Clinic of Orthodontics, School of Dental medicine in Belgrade. The DDA that could be diagnosed accurately on panoramic X-rays were documented. Descriptive analysis was used to determine prevalence and sex distribution of DDA. The Pearson ch2 test and Fisher's exact test were used to compare number of affected teeth in males and females (level of significance was 95%). Results the prevalence of DDA in Serbian orthodontic patients was 34.8% (15.5% males and 19.3% females). Impactions were present in 16.5%, hypodontia in 12.9%, hyperdontia in 4.4%, microdontia in 2.9%, macrodontia in 1.8% and transposition in 0.8% of patients. Maxillary canines were the most frequently impacted teeth. Maxillary second molars were more prone to impaction in females (p lt 0.05). Impacted incisors were more prevalent in maxilla, premolars, and second molars in mandible. The most commonly missing teeth were upper left second premolars. Mesiodens was the most frequently found supernumerary tooth. Conclusion We reported a high a rate of DDA in Serbian orthodontic patients, more in females than males. The most frequently observed DDA were impaction, tooth agenesis, hyperdontia, microdontia, macrodontia, and transposition. All investigated DDA were more frequently present in females, except hyperdontia. Current findings could offer a foundation for epidemiological studies on DDA prevalence.Uvod/Cilj Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita zastupljenost razvojnih anomalija zuba kod ortodontskih pacijenata u Srbiji. Metode Uzorak je činio 1001 ortopantomografski snimak ortodontskih pacijenata starijih od sedam godina sa Klinike za ortopediju vilica Stomatološkog fakulteta u Beogradu. Beleženo je prisustvo razvojnih anomalija za čiju dijagnostiku je potreban samo ortopantomografski snimak. Za ispitivanje zastupljenosti razvojnih anomalija zuba korišćena je deskriptivna statistička analiza. ch2 test je korišćen radi poređenja broja zuba sa anomalijom između polova (stepen značajnosti 95%). Rezultati Razvojne anomalije zuba su bile zastupljene kod 34,8% ortodontskih pacijenata (15,5% muškaraca i 19,3% žena). Impakcije zuba su bile prisutne kod 16,5% pacijenata, hipodoncija kod 12,9%, prekobrojni zubi kod 4,4%, mikrodoncija kod 2,9%, makrodoncija kod 1,8% i transpozicija kod 0,8% pacijenata. Očnjaci u gornjoj vilici su bili najčešće impaktirani zubi. Gornji drugi kutnjaci su bili skloniji impakciji kod žena (p lt 0,05). Dokumentovano je više impaktiranih sekutića u gornjoj vilici, a pretkutnjaka i drugih kutnjaka u donjoj vilici. Najčešće su nedostajali gornji levi pretkutnjaci. Od svih prekobrojnih zuba najčešće je bio uočavan meziodens. Zaključak Prikazali smo postojanje visoke učestalosti razvojnih anomalija zuba kod ortodontskih pacijenata u Srbiji sa većom izraženošću kod osoba ženskog pola. Najčešće anomalije bile su impakcija, hipodoncija, hiperdoncija, mikrodoncija, makrodoncija i transpozicija. Sve anomalije su bile učestalije kod žena, osim u slučaju prekobrojnih zuba. Rezultati sadašnje studije mogu biti polazna tačka za epidemiološke studije o učestalosti razvojnih anomalija zuba

    Svest, znanje i ponašanje srednjoškolaca u vezi sa polno prenosivim infekcijama

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    Introduction. This paper presents the results of a research conducted among senior high school students in northern Kosovo and Metohija on their knowledge about sexually transmitted infections, emphasizing their awareness and sources of information, as well as their sexual behavior and use of contraceptives. Material and Methods. The survey of senior high school students was done using a previously prepared anonymous questionnaire which was followed by statistical processing of fully completed questionnaires. Results. The research included students aged 17 to 19; 63% were females and 37% males; 35.8% were sexually active. The correct definition of sexually transmitted infections was identified by 49%. School was the source of information on these infections for 45.6% of students and biology class for 45.7%. There were 40.6% sexually active male respondents and 33.0% of female (on average, 18 years old). Of the surveyed students of both sexes, 40.6% became sexually active at the age of 17. Condom use was reported by 49% of respondents of both sexes, whereas 50.8% of sexually active students always used condoms. There were 38.7% (38.9% girls, 38.4% boys) of students who used condoms for protection against sexually transmitted infections, and 58.1% of them personally decided whether to use them. Conclusion. The majority of our respondents were able to identify the correct definition of sexually transmitted infections, and they most often heard of the human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome. School was their most common source of information, biology class, and a considerable number were informed about this issue on the Internet. The majority of sexually active girls did not use any contraceptives. School curricula and parent-child relationships should have a greater impact on the youth's awareness of reproductive health.Uvod. Rad prikazuje rezultate anketiranja učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola na severnom Kosovu i Metohiji o polno prenosivim infekcijama, njihovoj obaveštenosti i izvorima informisanja, njihovoj seksualnoj aktivnosti i korišćenju kontraceptivnih sredstava. Materijal i metode. Anketiranje učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola na severu Kosova i Metohije prethodno pripremljenim anonimnim upitnikom. Statistički su obrađeni kompletno popunjeni upitnici. Rezultati. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni učenici od 17 do 19 godina, 63% ženskog i 37% muškog pola; 35,8% ispitanika je seksualno aktivno. Tačnu definiciju polno prenosivih infekcija prepoznalo je 49% anketiranih učenika. Škola je izvor informisanosti o polno prenosivim infekcijama za 45,6% učenika, a za 45,7% anketiranih časovi biologije u školi. Seksualno je aktivno 40,6% učenika i 33% učenica; oni imaju prosečno 18 godina. Polno aktivno pre sedamnaeste godine postalo je 40,6% anketiranih učenika. Većina seksualno aktivnih ispitanika, 49%, oba pola koristi kondom kao kontraceptivno sredstvo. Uvek koristi kondom 50,8% polno aktivnih učenika. Seksualno aktivni ispitanici koriste kondom zbog zaštite od polno prenosivih infekcija ̶ 38,7% (38,9% učenica i 38,4% učenika), a 58,1% lično odlučuje o njihovoj primeni. Zaključak. Većina naših ispitanika je prepoznala tačnu definiciju polno prenosivih infekcija, a najčešće su čuli za infekciju virusom humane imunodeficijencije/sindrom stečene imunodeficijencije. Ispitanici su najčešće bili obavešteni u školi, na časovima biologije, a znatan broj je informisan o ovom problemu putem interneta. Školski sadržaji i razgovor sa roditeljima bi trebalo značajnije da utiču na svest mladih o reproduktivnom zdravlju

    Procena uspešnosti terapije jednostranom kompleksnom skeletiranom parcijalnom protezom - petogodišnja klinička studija

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    Introduction Removable partial denture (RPD) is common treatment option for unilateral partially edentulous patients not indicated for implant therapy. Unilateral complex partial denture (UCPD) could be an alternative approach to RPD treatment, but there is lack of evidence about UCPD treatment outcomes during the long-term clinical performance. The aim of this study was to use periodontal, prosthodontic and participant satisfaction measures to evaluate the long-term clinical performance of UCPD. Material and methods This 5 year follow-up clinical study evaluated pocket probing depth (PPD) and vertical clinical attachment loss (CAL-V) of direct abutment (DA), indirect abutment (IA) and control teeth (CT). Also complications and failures of UCPD were analysed using questionnaire of participant satisfaction with UCPD (stability, comfort and manipulation). Results Evaluation of data showed that CAL-V and PPD significantly increased over time for DA, IA and CT (p lt 0.0001), but the tooth function (DA, IA and CT) did not significantly influence changes in PPD and CAL-V. The fracture of one abutment tooth and increase of the number of artificial teeth deformations (p=0.039) were observed after 5 years. Participant satisfaction with denture after 1 year and 5 years vs. 7 days was significantly improved. Conclusion Despite limitations of this clinical study and assuming regular oral maintenance with proper indication, UCPD might be considered as good treatment option for Kennedy II rehabilitation in patients not indicated for implant therapy or who cannot tolerate extensive RPD design.Uvod Parcijalna skeletirana proteza (PSP) najčešća je terapijska opcija kod jednostrane krezubosti kada nije indikovana implantološka terapija. Jednostrana kompleksna parcijalna skeletirana proteza (JKPSP) predstavlja alternativu konvencionalnoj PSP, jedino što ne postoje evidentni podaci o uspešnosti terapije nakon duže kliničke upotrebe. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se na osnovu analize objektivnih pokazatelja, odnosno analize periodontalnih i protetskih parametara, kao i na osnovu subjektivnih ocena pacijenta, izvrši provera uspešnosti JKPSP retiniranim atečmenom tipa reze sa oprugom nakon petogodišnjeg praćenja. Materijal i metod Kod deset ispitanika oba pola izvršeno je praćenje gubitka vertikalnog pripoja gingive i dubine parodontalnih džepova, kod primarnog retencionog zuba (PRZ), sekundarnog retencionog zuba (SRZ), koji su bili u sastavu JKPSP i kontrolnog zuba (KZ) suprotne strane vilice. Takođe, analizirani su protetske komplikacije (fraktura zuba, gubitak veštačkih zuba) i zadovoljstvo pacijenata na osnovu popunjenih upitnika, gde su oni ocenjivali stabilnost, komfor i rukovanje JKPSP. Rezultati Nakon analize dobijnih podataka uočeno je da se vrednost dubine parodontalnih džepova i gubitak vertikalnog pripoja gingive kod PRZ statistički značajno razlikuju u odnosu na SRZ i KZ (p lt 0,0001). Zabeležene protetske komplikacije u vidu frakture retencionog zuba i deformacije veštačkih akrilatnih zuba nisu bile statistički značajne posle pet godina praćenja. Zadovoljstvo pacijenata JKPSP posle prve godine i posle pet godina nošenja se značajno popravilo u odnosu na prvih sedam dana posle predaje. Zaključak Nezavisno od ograničenja ove kliničke studije, uzimajući u obzir adekvatnu indikaciju i pravilno održavanje higijene, JKPSP se može smatrati dobrom opcijom za rehabilitaciju krezubosti Kenedi II klase kod pacijenata kod kojih nije indikovana terapija implantatima, odnosno koji ne prihvataju prisustvo velike spojnice. Pacijenti su bili zadovoljni protezama, njihovim komforom i lakoćom rukovanja protezama.

    Detection and sampling methods for isolation of Candida spp. from oral cavities in diabetics and non-diabetics

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    The purpose of this study was to detect Candida spp. on the tongue and in the subgingival sites in healthy and type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients with chronic periodontitis (CP), and to compare the accuracy of sampling methods. This study included 131 patients divided into four groups: healthy control (group A), nondiabetics + CP (Group B), diabetics with good metabolic control + CP (group C) and diabetics with poor glycoregulation + CP (Group D). Cotton swab samples from tongue and subgingival samples were obtained from each patient with help of sterile paper points and a sterile curette. Swab cultures were made on Sabouraud dextrose agar. The number of CFUs was counted. The sampling methods for subgingival plaque were compared by Receiving Operator Curve (ROC). The presence of Candida spp. on the tongue was statistically significant among groups (group D vs. others three groups:.2: p lt 0.005 for each group). Positive findings of subgingival Candida spp. did not differ among the groups. There were no significant differences in the quantification of Candida spp., neither on the tongue, nor in the subgingival samples. 17.2% of diabetic patients revealed the presence of Candida spp. in the subgingival samples, with negative finding on tongue. There was a significant difference in the sampling methods for subgingival plaque (p = 0.000). Candida spp. is more prevalent on the tongue of diabetics. The sampling of subgingival plaque by a sterile curette is more accurate than with paper points. Subgingival plaque may represent a reservoir of commensals. It is necessary to standardize the sampling of subgingival plaque

    Rresence of different Candida species at denture wearers with type 2 diabetes and clinically healthy oral mucosa: Pilot study

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    Background/Aim: The aim of this study was to examine prevalence of different Candida spp. at diabetics and nondiabetics wearing dentures without clinical signs of Denture Stomatitis (DS) and to study if some local and systematic factors are confounders for harboring Candida at these subjects. Material and Methods: Total of 60 subjects wearing partial or complete upper acrylic denture having at least half of palatal mucosa covered by denture were selected and stratified into three experimental groups: systematically health subjects; patients with diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) and good glycoregulation; and T2D subjects with poorly regulated blood sugar level. Cotton swab samples were obtained from each patient from hard palate mucosa and denture surface. Swab cultures were made on Sabouraud dextrose agar and ChromAgar Media for distinciton of various Candida spp. Density growth was also measured. Results: Frequency of Candida spp. findings were similar between groups. At healthy subjects, only C.albicans was detected. At diabetics, C.albicans was the most common isolated species, followed by C.glabrata and C.tropicalis. Negative finding of yeasts on palatal mucosa, but positive on denture surface were detected at all groups, with the highest frequency (33.4%) at diabetics with poor glycoregulation. Denture surface was heavier colonized than hard palate mucosa. Duration of diabetes in years were only independent predictors for harboring Candida spp. at denture surface (Exp B=1.186, CI=1.047-1.344, p=0.007). Conclusions: Prosthesis of denture wearers without DS may serve as reservoir of Candida spp. Presence of more pathogenic and resistant non-albicans species are related to diabetics, even without clinical signs of DS

    Antropometrijska studija kraniofacijalnih dimenzija i njihova korelacija sa vertikalnom dimenzijom okluzije u populaciji Srbije kod pacijenata sa očuvanom denticijom

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    Introduction In clinical conditions vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) is defined as a distance between the two points, one above and the other one under the mouth, while teeth are intercuspidated. As a result of teeth loss, attrition , abrasion or unsuccessful dental interventions the VDO changes. Decrease of VDO not only changes the esthetic appereance of the lower third of the face, but also affects the function of the orofacial system. The objective of the study was to find correlation of VDO and craniofacial measurements among fully dentate subjects. Material and methods the study was performed at the Clinic of Prosthodontics of University of Belgrade from October 2018 until March 2019. The participants included both genders age range between 22 and 24 years, class I occlusion and intact dentition. Twelve craniofacial lines were measured with specially constructed divider. Gathered results were analyzed in SPSS 22 computer software. Mean values and standard deviation were used for data description. Results the results showed statistically significant correlation in values of some parameters in both genders. The proportion of the face was noticed among all participants, and possibility of analyzing face by thirds. Also the correlation was noticed between the lower facial height and the height of right ear as well as bi-pupillary distance where with increasing distance of bi-pupillary line, the value of the lower facial height was also increased. Statistical significance in values of both genders was noticed in middle facial height (p = 0.006), lower facial height/ vertical dimension of occlusion (p = 0.004), width of nose (p = 0.01), Frankfurt plane (p = 0.008), height of the right ear (p = 0.000). Conclusion Obtained results showed correlation between VDO and craniofacial dimension among young adults with intact dentition.Uvod U kliničkim uslovima vertikalna dimenzija okluzije (VDO) definiše se kao rastojanje gde je jedna tačka lokalizovana iznad, a druga ispod nivoa usana, kada su zubi u maksimalnoj interkuspidaciji. Kao posledica gubitka zuba usled atricije, abrazije, odnosno neuspešnih stomatoloških intervencija VDO se menja i ne utiče samo na estetski izgled donje trećine lica već i na funkciju mastikatornog aparata. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi povezanost vrednosti VDO i kraniometrijskih dimenzija kod pacijenata sa intaktnom denticijom. Materijal i metode Ispitivanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za Stomatološku protetiku Univerziteta u Beogradu i trajalo je od oktobra 2018. do marta 2019. godine. Ispitanici su bili muškog i ženskog pola, prosečne starosti između 22 i 24 godine, I skeletne klase i intaktne denticije. Dvanaest kraniometrijskih linija je izmereno korišćenjem specijalno izrađenog šestara. Prikupljeni rezultati su analizirani u kompjuterskom programu SPSS 22. Prosek i standardna devijacija su korišćeni za deskripciju podataka, a Spirmanova korelacija za utvrđivanje povezanosti između parametara. Rezultati Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajnu povezanost kraniometrijskih linija kod osoba oba pola. Uočena je skladnost lica ispitanika, i mogućnost analize lica po trećinama. Pokazana je korelacija srednje jačine između donje trećine lica i veličine uveta. Takođe je zapažena korelacija donje trećine lica i bipupilarne linije jer je uočeno da se pri povećanju rastojanja bipupilarne linije povećavala i vrednost donje trećine lica. Statistička značajnost u rezultatima među polovima je uočena kada su u pitanju srednja visina lica (p = 0,006), donja visina lica/vertikalna, dimenzije okluzije (p = 0,004), širine nosa (p = 0,01), Frankfurtske horizontale (p = 0,008), visine desnog uveta (p = 0,000). Zaključak Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da postoji korelacija VDO i kraniometrijskih dimenzija među pacijentima mlađe životne dobi sa intaktnom denticijom

    Svileni i polipropilenski materijal za šavove u oralnoj hirurgiji - kolonizacija mikroorganizmima i kliničke karakteristike

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    Introduction/Objective The purpose of this study was to compare polypropylene and silk suture materials in terms of bacterial adherence and clinical features including the impact on soft tissue healing. Methods Ten healthy patients were included in this study. Unilateral upper and lower wisdom teeth were extracted at the same time and wounds were sutured with different threads (one monofilament - polypropylene - and one multifilament - silk suture). Stitches were removed seven days postoperatively. Real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to analyze bacterial adherence. Intraoperative handling and ease of removal were assessed with the help of Visual Analogue Scale. Landry healing index was used for evaluation of soft tissue healing. Results Significantly more pronounced bacterial adherence was found on silk compared to polypropylene sutures (p = 0.005). Superior intraoperative handling properties were registered suturing with polypropylene compared to silk (p = 0.005). Soft tissue healing was significantly better around polypropylene sutures, both on the third and the seventh postoperative day (p = 0.016). Patient discomfort was slightly higher for polypropylene sutures, but without statistical significance. Conclusion Polypropylene suture material showed significantly lower bacterial adherence and superior clinical features compared to silk, including better soft tissue healing.Uvod/Cilj Cilj ove studije bio je poređenje svilenog (SK) i polipropilenskog konca (PPK) u pogledu prijemčivosti za bakterije i kliničkih karakteristika, uključujući uticaj na zarastanje mekog tkiva u usnoj duplji. Metode U studiju je uključeno deset zdravih ispitanika kod kojih su hirurški izvađeni gornji i donji umnjak sa jedne strane istovremeno, a rane su ušivene različitim koncima (jedan monofilamentni - PPK i jedan polifilamentni - SK). Kvantifikacija bakterija na uzorcima konaca koji su uklonjeni sedam dana posle operacije urađena je metodom lančane reakcije polimeraze u realnom vremenu. Oralni hirurg je uz pomoć Vizuelne analogne skale ocenjivao lakoću intraoperativnog rukovanja, kao i lakoću uklanjanja konaca. Za procenu kvaliteta zarastanja mekog tkiva korišćen je indeks po Landriju. Rezultati Statistički značajno više bakterija nađeno je na svim uzorcima SK u poređenju sa PPK (p = 0,005). PPK se pokazao značajno lakšim za intraoperativno rukovanje u odnosu na SK (p = 0,005). Takođe, zarastanje mekog tkiva, 3. i 7. dana postoperativno, bilo je značajno uspešnije oko PPK nego oko SK (p = 0,016). Neprijatnost zbog prisustva konaca bila je veća kod primene PPK u odnosu na SK, ali bez statistički značajne razlike. Zaključak Polipropilenski konac je u odnosu na svileni konac pokazao značajno manju prijemčivost za bakterije i bolje kliničke karakteristike, uključujući i bolje zarastanje mekog tkiva. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175075

    Presence of Different Candida Species at Denture Wearers With Type 2 Diabetes and Clinically Healthy Oral Mucosa-Pilot Study

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    Background/Aim: The aim of this study was to examine prevalence of different Candida spp. at diabetics and nondiabetics wearing dentures without clinical signs of Denture Stomatitis (DS) and to study if some local and systematic factors are confounders for harboring Candida at these subjects. Material and Methods: Total of 60 subjects wearing partial or complete upper acrylic denture having at least half of palatal mucosa covered by denture were selected and stratified into three experimental groups: systematically health subjects; patients with diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) and good glycoregulation; and T2D subjects with poorly regulated blood sugar level. Cotton swab samples were obtained from each patient from hard palate mucosa and denture surface. Swab cultures were made on Sabouraud dextrose agar and ChromAgar Media for distinciton of various Candida spp. Density growth was also measured. Results: Frequency of Candida spp. findings were similar between groups. At healthy subjects, only C.albicans was detected. At diabetics, C.albicans was the most common isolated species, followed by C.glabrata and C.tropicalis. Negative finding of yeasts on palatal mucosa, but positive on denture surface were detected at all groups, with the highest frequency (33.4%) at diabetics with poor glycoregulation. Denture surface was heavier colonized than hard palate mucosa. Duration of diabetes in years were only independent predictors for harboring Candida spp. at denture surface (Exp B=1.186, CI=1.047-1.344, p=0.007). Conclusions: Prosthesis of denture wearers without DS may serve as reservoir of Candida spp. Presence of more pathogenic and resistant non-albicans species are related to diabetics, even without clinical signs of DS

    The efficacy of fluoxetine in BMS-A cross-over study

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    Background: Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is an intraoral burning or dysaesthetic sensation, recurring daily for more than two hours during the period longer than 3 months. The objective was to evaluate and analyse the efficacy of serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine on psychological factors, as well as on pain in participants with BMS. Methods: In a 6-month study, 100 participants with primary and secondary BMS were divided into two groups-fluoxetine and control (placebo) and examined by the dentist and the neurologist. Depression and anxiety were estimated by Hamilton Scale for Depression (HAM-D) and Anxiety (HAM-A) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the pain intensity by visual analogue scale (VAS). Results: Mean age of the participants was 60.33 in fluoxetine group and 67.4 in control group. Most of the participants were female-74% in the fluoxetine and 78% in the control group. Statistical difference between the fluoxetine and the control group was found in HAM-D results (P lt .05). Values of other scales and VAS decreased significantly after the therapy in both groups (P lt .05). Conclusions: Our trial results indicate that fluoxetine therapy not only improves the psychological status of participants with BMS but also fluoxetine decreases the intensity of pain in these patients

    Endothelial nitric oxide synthase polymorphisms/haplotypes are strong modulators of oral cancer risk in Serbian population

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    Oral carcinoma is the sixth most common malignancy worldwide, with survival rates of approximately 50%. The major type of oral cancer, present in 90% of the cases, is oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). The genetic background predisposing an individual to OSCC is complex and largely unknown. Studies have suggested that endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene polymorphisms modulate the cancer risk, prompting us to assess the impact of three functional eNOS gene polymorphisms on OSCC risk. The present study included 50 patients with OSCC and 110 controls. Polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis were used for genotyping of single-nucleotide polymorphisms -786 T/C (rs2070744) and 894 G/T (rs1799983) and variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) intron 4b/a polymorphism. Homozygous carriers of -786 T/C and intron 4b/a VNTR variant alleles paired with a significant increase of oral cancer risk [odds ratio (OR): 3.63, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.08-12.21; P = 0.045 and OR: 11.29, 95% CI: 2.71-47.11; P < 0.001, respectively]. When combined, CC and 4b4a genotypes together led to a 21-fold OSCC risk increase (OR: 21, 95% CI: 2.07-213.29; P = 0.006). Haplotype analysis showed that the C-G-4b haplotype conferred an 11-fold increase in OSCC risk. In conclusion, eNOS polymorphisms considerably influence levels of OSCC risk in the Serbian population