291 research outputs found

    The Taylor Decomposition: A Unified Generalization of the Oaxaca Method to Nonlinear Models

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    Ce Working Paper fait l'objet d'une publication inJournal of Economic and Social Measurement, IOS Press, 2017, 42 (2), pp.101 - 121. 〈https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-economic-and-social-measurement/jem439〉. 〈10.3233/JEM-170439〉. 〈hal-01684635〉The widely used Oaxaca decomposition applies to linear models. Extending it to commonly used nonlinear models such as binary choice and duration models is not straightforward. This paper shows that the original decomposition using a linear model can be obtained as a first order Taylor expansion. This basis provides a means of obtaining a coherent and unified approach which applies to nonlinear models, which we refer to as a Taylor decomposition. Explicit formulae are provided for the Taylor decomposition for the main nonlinear models used in applied econometrics including the Probit binary choice and Weibull duration models. The detailed decomposition of the explained component is expressed in terms of what are usually referred to as marginal effects and a remainder. Given Jensen's inequality, the latter will always be present in nonlinear models unless an ad hoc or tautological basis for decomposition is used

    Unemployment and employment dynamics in the Mexican segmented labour market

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    This paper analyses unemployment and employment dynamics in the urban Mexican labour market. We use amethod to distinguish between the effects of duration dependence and unobserved heterogeneity. Cohort effects are added and identified within the dependent concurrent risks model. We consider the exit from unemployment to the formal and informal sector; the transitions between sectors; and the transitions from the two types of employment to unemployment. The model is estimated on quarterly urban Mexican aggregated data over the period 1987-2001 stratified by sex, age, and education level. It turns out that for all groups of unemployed there is nonmonotonous duration dependence. Unobserved heterogeneity is not found in all groups of unemployed individuals. The first results, obtained from the analysis of the unemployment dynamics do not enable us to conclude that both formal and informal sectors play a specific role, but neither do they show a dynamic or specific behaviour; with similar cohort effects and different duration dependences, the sectors appear symmetrical. The transitions between sectors show shapes of dependence, where we find a primacy of the formal sector over the informal one for some categories of workers, especially males and the more educated. An asymmetrical mechanism within the formal sector thus seems to take place with the employment length in this sector, keeping those workers within the same type of employment. Between the two following quarters, the probabilities of returning to unemployment differ greatly according to the categories of workers and the origin sectors. It is difficult to draw conclusions from those mechanisms of nonmonotonous dependence in the analysis of transitions from employment to unemployment. The transition risks from formal employment, that is to saymobility between sectors or a return to unemployment are overall homogeneous within the different categories of workers. The exit rates from informal employment are very different. Regarding the mobility between sectors from informal to formal, the presence of heterogeneity is systematically significant (except for the less educated workers). Rather than pure cyclical effects, it seems nevertheless that cohort effects make account of the labour market mutations and of the transformations and particularly of the role of employment sectors

    The Duration-Based Measurement of Unemployment: Estimation Issues and an Application to Male-Female Unemployment Differences in France

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    This paper examines how unemployment can be measured in normative fashion - taking into account the mean and inequality of spell lengths - and how the extent of unemployment can be estimated from cross section data of the type found in labour force surveys. The issue is not straightforward since in these surveys completed durations of unemployed individuals are not observed yet they constitute the basis for calculating the kind of index that has been proposed to measure the extent of unemployment in a way that goes beyond the unemployment rate. The index proposed by Shorrocks has robust normative foundations and has an equivalent representation in terms of average complete duration and the density of completed durations. Building upon earlier work applied in the United States for estimating the first of these, we present a method that enables the index to be calculated based on an estimate of the density of completed durations. The approach is illustrated in the context of comparing male-female unemployment differences in France, where historically female unemployment has been higher than that of males

    Le service militaire et l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes suivant leur niveau d'étude : les leçons de la suspension de la conscription.

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    Cet article utilise la suspension de la conscription en France pour Ă©valuer l'effet causal du service national sur diffĂ©rents aspects de l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes. Deux aspects novateurs sont plus particuliĂšrement privilĂ©giĂ©s: l'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des effets du traitement selon le niveau de sortie des Ă©tudes et l'influence du service national sur la durĂ©e cumulĂ©e des Ă©pisodes d'emploi. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus rĂ©vĂšlent une forte hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des rendements de la conscription. Les rendements salariaux sont positifs pour les jeunes sortants sans diplĂŽme du systĂšme scolaire et ceux de niveau BAC. Ils sont le plus souvent non significatifs pour les autres. Ces rendements positifs s'expliquent Ă  la fois par la faible ampleur de la perte d'expĂ©rience professionnelle - la durĂ©e cumulĂ©e des Ă©pisodes d'emploi diminue peu et mĂȘme augmente pour les non diplĂŽmĂ©s - et par un impact positif sur les premiers salaires.Conscription, effet de traitement, insertion professionnelle

    Travailler autrement au collĂšge

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    À partir de la rentrĂ©e 2002, des « itinĂ©raires de dĂ©couverte » seront mis en place dans les collĂšges français. Cette nouvelle dĂ©marche d’apprentissage s’inscrit dans une Ă©volution plus large qui inclut Ă©galement les classes Ă  projet artistique et culturel. Il s’agit, dans les deux cas, de dĂ©velopper l’autonomie des Ă©lĂšves et leur capacitĂ© Ă  aborder des notions complexes qui font appel aux savoirs de plusieurs disciplines.Starting in the 2002 school year, French middle schools will inaugurate a new imitative entitled “Discovery Pathways” (itinĂ©raires de dĂ©couverte). The new learning approach is part of a wider programme of initiatives and will feature a stronger emphasis on artistic and cultural education. The essential objectives for these efforts are to develop pupils’ ability to learn autonomously and apply multi-disciplinary approaches to complex notions.A partir de la reapertura del curso escolar 2002, los colegios franceses adoptarĂĄn varios “itinerarios de descubrimiento”. Este nuevo mĂ©todo de aprendizaje entra en el marco de una evoluciĂłn mĂĄs amplia que tambiĂ©n incluye los cursos con proyectos artĂ­sticos y culturales. Se trata, en ambos casos, de desarrollar la autonomĂ­a de los alumnos y sus capacidades a comentar nociones complejas utilizando datos de varias asignaturas

    MĂ©moires historiques d’ici et d’ailleurs : regards croisĂ©s

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    Philippe Joutard, professeur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© d’Aix-Marseille-I avec Bogumil Jewsiewicki, titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en histoire comparĂ©e de la mĂ©moire, UniversitĂ© Laval, QuĂ©bec et Marie-Claire Lavabre, directrice de recherche au CNRS Histoire et sociologie de la mĂ©moire dans l’Europe post-communiste Notre sĂ©minaire, cette annĂ©e, s’est Ă©largi avec la participation de Marie-Claire Lavabre et du Centre d’études europĂ©ennes de Sciences-Po. La dimension sociologique de l’approche..

    Construction de la mémoire historique en France

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    Philippe Joutard, professeur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© d’Aix-Marseille-I Dans les deux annĂ©es prĂ©cĂ©dentes, nous avions mesurĂ© le caractĂšre exclusif et univoque de la mĂ©moire historique française qui aujourd’hui, loin de s’affaiblir, s’est renforcĂ©e, participant pleinement Ă  « l’ùre de la mĂ©moire gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e ». Au cours de cette troisiĂšme annĂ©e, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© deux instruments privilĂ©giĂ©s du maintien et du dĂ©veloppement de cette mĂ©moire historique, l’école et les musĂ©es d’histoire. L’école a longtemps..

    Un inspirateur

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    À une Ă©tude historiographique j'ai prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© apporter mon tĂ©moignage, et la lettre que j'avais envoyĂ©e lors de la remise des manuscrits de Robert Mandrou par son Ă©pouse m'a semblĂ© le mieux exprimer ce que j'avais envie de dire, mĂȘme dans le cadre diffĂ©rent d'une revue. Car derriĂšre l'historien rigoureux, derriĂšre ces archives classĂ©es avec tant de soin, il y avait un homme qui a beaucoup souffert de la rupture avec les Annales et cette remise d'archives revĂȘt une signification particuliĂšre qu'o..

    Mémoire historique française, mémoires historiques étrangÚres : regards croisés

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    Philippe Joutard, professeur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© d’Aix-Marseille-I Enseignement suspendu durant l’annĂ©e universitaire 2001-2002
