75 research outputs found

    High-dynamic-range extinction mapping of infrared dark clouds: Dependence of density variance with sonic Mach number in molecular clouds

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    Measuring the mass distribution of infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) over the wide dynamic range of their column densities is a fundamental obstacle in determining the initial conditions of high-mass star formation and star cluster formation. We present a new technique to derive high-dynamic-range, arcsecond-scale resolution column density data for IRDCs and demonstrate the potential of such data in measuring the density variance - sonic Mach number relation in molecular clouds. We combine near-infrared data from the UKIDSS/Galactic Plane Survey with mid-infrared data from the Spitzer/GLIMPSE survey to derive dust extinction maps for a sample of ten IRDCs. We then examine the linewidths of the IRDCs using 13CO line emission data from the FCRAO/Galactic Ring Survey and derive a column density - sonic Mach number relation for them. For comparison, we also examine the relation in a sample of nearby molecular clouds. The presented column density mapping technique provides a very capable, temperature independent tool for mapping IRDCs over the column density range equivalent to A_V=1-100 mag at a resolution of 2". Using the data provided by the technique, we present the first direct measurement of the relationship between the column density dispersion, \sigma_{N/}, and sonic Mach number, M_s, in molecular clouds. We detect correlation between the variables with about 3-sigma confidence. We derive the relation \sigma_{N/} = (0.047 \pm 0.016) Ms, which is suggestive of the correlation coefficient between the volume density and sonic Mach number, \sigma_{\rho/} = (0.20^{+0.37}_{-0.22}) Ms, in which the quoted uncertainties indicate the 3-sigma range. When coupled with the results of recent numerical works, the existence of the correlation supports the picture of weak correlation between the magnetic field strength and density in molecular clouds (i.e., B ~ \rho^{0.5}).Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 29 pages. Download the version with full-resolution figures from http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/homes/jtkainul/NexusI/PaperII_arxiv.pdf.g

    Studies of the star-forming structures in the dense interstellar medium : a view by dust extinction

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    New stars in galaxies form in dense, molecular clouds of the interstellar medium. Measuring how the mass is distributed in these clouds is of crucial importance for the current theories of star formation. This is because several open issues in them, such as the strength of different mechanism regulating star formation and the origin of stellar masses, can be addressed using detailed information on the cloud structure. Unfortunately, quantifying the mass distribution in molecular clouds accurately over a wide spatial and dynamical range is a fundamental problem in the modern astrophysics. This thesis presents studies examining the structure of dense molecular clouds and the distribution of mass in them, with the emphasis on nearby clouds that are sites of low-mass star formation. In particular, this thesis concentrates on investigating the mass distributions using the near infrared dust extinction mapping technique. In this technique, the gas column densities towards molecular clouds are determined by examining radiation from the stars that shine through the clouds. In addition, the thesis examines the feasibility of using a similar technique to derive the masses of molecular clouds in nearby external galaxies. The papers presented in this thesis demonstrate how the near infrared dust extinction mapping technique can be used to extract detailed information on the mass distribution in nearby molecular clouds. Furthermore, such information is used to examine characteristics crucial for the star formation in the clouds. Regarding the use of extinction mapping technique in nearby galaxies, the papers of this thesis show that deriving the masses of molecular clouds using the technique suffers from strong biases. However, it is shown that some structural properties can still be examined with the technique.Galaksien uudet tÀhdet syntyvÀt tÀhtienvÀlisen avaruuden tiheissÀ kaasupilvissÀ joita kutsutaan molekyylipilviksi. NÀiden molekyylipilvien rakenteen mÀÀrittÀminen on tÀhtien syntyteorioiden kannalta erittÀin tÀrkeÀÀ, koska monet teorioihin liittyvÀt fysikaaliset ilmiöt heijastuvat suoraan pilvien rakenteeseen. Molekyylipilvien rakenteen tarkka mÀÀritys on kuitenkin ongelmallista, sillÀ kaasua josta pilvet koostuvat on verrattaen vaikea havaita. Tutkin vÀitöskirjatyössÀni tÀhtien syntyprosessin alkuhetkiÀ tarkastelemalla kaasun muodostamia rakenteita molekyylipilvissÀ. TyössÀ keskitytÀÀn soveltamaan uutta ns. lÀhi-infrapuna-alueen vÀrieksessi-menetelmÀÀ, jossa pilven rakenne mÀÀritetÀÀn tarkastelemalla sen lÀpi loistavien tÀhtien sÀteilyÀ. MenetelmÀn soveltamisen lisÀksi työssÀ tutkitaan menetelmÀn tarkkuutta ja mahdollisia sovellusalueita. VÀitöskirjatyöni tutkimukset havainnollistavat kuinka vÀriksessi-menetelmÀllÀ voidaan saavuttaa verrattaen tarkka ja nÀin ollen erittÀin hyödyllinen nÀkymÀ tÀhtien syntyrakenteisiin molekyylipilvissÀ. LisÀksi tutkimuksissa tarkastellaan erilaisten rakenteiden merkitystÀ nykyisille tÀhtien syntyteorioille. Tutkimuksissa selvitetÀÀn myös millÀ tarkkuudella menetelmÀÀ voidaan soveltaa Linnunradan ulkopuolisten galaksien molekyylipilvien tutkimukseen

    Connection between dense gas mass fraction, turbulence driving, and star formation efficiency of molecular clouds

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    We examine the physical parameters that affect the accumulation of gas in molecular clouds to high column densities where the formation of stars takes place. In particular, we analyze the dense gas mass fraction (DGMF) in a set of self-gravitating, isothermal, magnetohydrodynamic turbulence simulations including sink particles to model star formation. We find that the simulations predict close to exponential DGMFs over the column density range N(H2) = 3-25 x 10^{21} cm^{-2} that can be easily probed via, e.g., dust extinction measurements. The exponential slopes correlate with the type of turbulence driving and also with the star formation efficiency. They are almost uncorrelated with the sonic Mach number and magnetic-field strength. The slopes at early stages of cloud evolution are steeper than at the later stages. A comparison of these predictions with observations shows that only simulations with relatively non-compressive driving (b ~< 0.4) agree with the DGMFs of nearby molecular clouds. Massive infrared dark clouds can show DGMFs that are in agreement with more compressive driving. The DGMFs of molecular clouds can be significantly affected by how compressive the turbulence is on average. Variations in the level of compression can cause scatter to the DGMF slopes, and some variation is indeed necessary to explain the spread of the observed DGMF slopes. The observed DGMF slopes can also be affected by the clouds' star formation activities and statistical cloud-to-cloud variations.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted to A&A Letter

    Three-dimensional Shape Explains Star Formation Mystery of California and Orion A

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    The new Gaia data release (EDR3) with improved astrometry has opened a new era in studying our Milky Way in fine detail. We use Gaia EDR3 astrometry together with 2MASS and WISE photometry to study two of the most massive molecular clouds in the solar vicinity: Orion A and California. Despite having remarkable similarities in the plane of the sky in terms of shape, size, and extinction, California has an order of magnitude lower star formation efficiency. We use our state-of-the-art dust mapping technique to derive the detailed three-dimensional (3D) structure of the two clouds, taking into account both distance and extinction uncertainties, and a full 3D spatial correlation between neighboring points. We discover that, despite the apparent filamentary structure in the plane of the sky, California is a flat 120 pc-long sheet extending from 410 to 530 pc. We show that not only Orion A and California differ substantially in their 3D shapes, but also Orion A has considerably higher density substructures in 3D than California. This result presents a compelling reason why the two clouds have different star formation activities. We also demonstrate how the viewing angle of California can substantially change the cloud\u27s position in the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation. This underlines the importance of 3D information in interpreting star formation relations and challenges studies that rely solely on the column density thresholds to determine star formation activities in molecular clouds. Finally, we provide accurate distance estimates to multiple lines of sight toward various parts of the two clouds

    Structure and Fragmentation of a high line-mass filament: Nessie

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    An increasing number of hundred-parsec scale, high line-mass filaments have been detected in the Galaxy. Their evolutionary path, including fragmentation towards star formation, is virtually unknown. We characterize the fragmentation within the Nessie filament, covering size-scales between ∌\sim 0.1-100 pc. We also connect the small-scale fragments to the star-forming potential of the cloud. We combine near-infrared data from the VVV survey with mid-infrared GLIMPSE data to derive a high-resolution dust extinction map and apply a wavelet decomposition technique on it to analyze the fragmentation characteristics of the cloud, which are compared with predictions from fragmentation models. We compare the detected objects to those identified in ∌\sim 10 times coarser resolution from ATLASGAL data. We present a high-resolution extinction map of Nessie. We estimate the mean line-mass of Nessie to be ∌\sim 627 M⊙_\odot/pc and the distance to be ∌\sim 3.5 kpc. We find that Nessie shows fragmentation at multiple size scales. The nearest-neighbour separations of the fragments at all scales are within a factor of 2 of the Jeans' length at that scale. However, the relationship between the mean densities of the fragments and their separations is significantly shallower than expected for Jeans' fragmentation. The relationship is similar to the one predicted for a filament that exhibits a Larson-like scaling between size-scale and velocity dispersion; such a scaling may result from turbulent support. Based on the number of YSOs in Nessie, we estimate that the star formation rate is ∌\sim 371 M⊙_\odot/Myr; similar values result if using the number of dense cores, or the amount of dense gas, as the proxy of star formation. The star formation efficiency is 0.017. These numbers indicate that Nessie's star-forming content is comparable to the Solar neighborhood giant molecular clouds like Orion A

    The Darkest Shadows: Deep Mid-Infrared Extinction Mapping of a Massive Protocluster

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    We use deep 8 Όm8\:\mu m Spitzer-IRAC imaging of a massive Infrared Dark Cloud (IRDC) G028.37+00.07 to construct a Mid-Infrared (MIR) extinction map that probes mass surface densities up to ÎŁâ€…âˆŒ1 g cm−2\Sigma\:\sim 1\:\rm{g~cm^{-2}} (AV∌200 A_V\sim200\:mag), amongst the highest values yet probed by extinction mapping. Merging with a NIR extinction map of the region, creates a high dynamic range map that reveals structures down to AV∌1 A_V\sim1\:mag. We utilize the map to: (1) Measure a cloud mass ∌7×104 M⊙\sim7\times10^4\:M_\odot within a radius of ∌8 \sim8\:pc. 13^{13}CO kinematics indicate that the cloud is gravitationally bound. It thus has the potential to form one of the most massive young star clusters known in the Galaxy. (2) Characterize the structures of 16 massive cores within the IRDC, finding they can be fit by singular polytropic spheres with ρ∝r−kρ\rho\propto{r}^{-k_\rho} and kρ=1.3±0.3k_\rho=1.3\pm0.3. They have ÎŁâ€Ÿâ‰ƒ0.1−0.4 g cm−2\overline{\Sigma}\simeq0.1-0.4\:\rm{g~cm^{-2}} --- relatively low values that, along with their measured cold temperatures, suggest magnetic fields, rather than accretion-powered radiative heating, are important for controlling fragmentation of these cores. (3) Determine the ÎŁ\Sigma (equivalently column density or AVA_V) probability distribution function (PDF) for a region that is near complete for AV>3 A_V>3\:mag. The PDF is well fit by a single log-normal with mean A‟V≃9 \overline{A}_V\simeq9\:mag, high compared to other known clouds. It does not exhibit a separate high-end power law tail, which has been claimed to indicate the importance of self-gravity. However, we suggest that the PDF does result from a self-similar, self-gravitating hierarchy of structure being present over a wide range of scales in the cloud.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted to ApJ

    Deep point spread function photometric catalog of the VVV survey data

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    Context. The Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey has performed a multi-epoch near-infrared imaging of the inner Galactic plane. High-fidelity photometric catalogs are needed to utilize the data. Aims. We aim at producing a deep, point spread function (PSF) photometric catalog for the VVV survey J-,H-, and K-s-band data. Specifically, we aim to take advantage of multiple epochs of the survey to reach high limiting magnitudes. Methods. We developed an automatic PSF-fitting pipeline based on the DaoPHOT algorithm and performed photometry on the stacked VVV images in J,H, and K-s bands. Results. We present a PSF photometric catalog in the Vega system that contains about 926 million sources in the J,H, and K-s filters. About 10% of the sources are flagged as possible spurious detections. The 5 sigma limiting magnitudes of the sources with high reliability are about 20.8, 19.5, and 18.7 mag in the J,H, and K-s bands, respectively, depending on the local crowding condition. Our photometric catalog reaches on average about one magnitude deeper than the previously released PSF DoPHOT photometric catalog and includes less spurious detections. There are significant differences in the brightnesses of faint sources between our catalog and the previously released one. The likely origin of these differences is in the different photometric algorithms that are used; it is not straightforward to assess which catalog is more accurate in different situations. Our new catalog is beneficial especially for science goals that require high limiting magnitudes; our catalog reaches such high magnitudes in fields that have a relatively uniform source number density. Overall, the limiting magnitudes and completeness are different in fields with different crowding conditions
