7 research outputs found

    Classification with Margin Constraints: A Unification with Applications to Optimization

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    This paper introduces Classification with Margin Constraints (CMC), a simple generalization of cost-sensitive classification that unifies several learning settings. In particular, we show that a CMC classifier can be used, out of the box, to solve regression, quantile estimation, and several anomaly detection formulations. On the one hand, our reductions to CMC are at the loss level: the optimization problem to solve under the equivalent CMC setting is exactly the same as the optimization problem under the original (e.g. regression) setting. On the other hand, due to the close relationship between CMC and standard binary classification, the ideas proposed for efficient optimization in binary classification naturally extend to CMC. As such, any improvement in CMC optimization immediately transfers to the domains reduced to CMC, without the need for new derivations or programs. To our knowledge, this unified view has been overlooked by the existing practice in the literature, where an optimization technique (such as SMO or PEGASOS) is first developed for binary classification and then extended to other problem domains on a case-by-case basis. We demonstrate the flexibility of CMC by reducing two recent anomaly detection and quantile learning methods to CMC

    A unified modular analysis of online and stochastic optimization: adaptivity, optimism, non-convexity

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    We present a simple unified analysis of adaptive Mirror Descent (MD) and Follow- the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) algorithms for online and stochastic optimization in (possibly infinite-dimensional) Hilbert spaces. The analysis is modular in the sense that it completely decouples the effect of possible assumptions on the loss functions (such as smoothness, strong convexity, and non-convexity) and on the optimization regularizers (such as strong convexity, non-smooth penalties in composite-objective learning, and non-monotone step-size sequences). We demonstrate the power of this decoupling by obtaining generalized algorithms and improved regret bounds for the so-called “adaptive optimistic online learning” set- ting. In addition, we simplify and extend a large body of previous work, including several various AdaGrad formulations, composite-objective and implicit-update algorithms. In all cases, the results follow as simple corollaries within few lines of algebra. Finally, the decomposition enables us to obtain preliminary global guarantees for limited classes of non-convex problems

    Delay-Tolerant Online Convex Optimization: Unified Analysis and Adaptive-Gradient Algorithms

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    We present a unified, black-box-style method for developing and analyzing online convex optimization (OCO) algorithms for full-information online learning in delayed-feedback environments. Our new, simplified analysis enables us to substantially improve upon previous work and to solve a number of open problems from the literature. Specifically, we develop and analyze asynchronous AdaGrad-style algorithms from the Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) and MirrorDescent family that, unlike previous works, can handle projections and adapt both to the gradients and the delays, without relying on either strong convexity or smoothness of the objective function, or data sparsity. Our unified framework builds on a natural reduction from delayed-feedback to standard (non-delayed) online learning. This reduction, together with recent unification results for OCO algorithms, allows us to analyze the regret of generic FTRL and Mirror-Descent algorithms in the delayed-feedback setting in a unified manner using standard proof techniques. In addition, the reduction is exact and can be used to obtain both upper and lower bounds on the regret in the delayed-feedback setting

    A Modular Analysis of Adaptive (Non-)Convex Optimization: Optimism, Composite Objectives, and Variational Bounds

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    Recently, much work has been done on extending the scope of online learning and incremental stochastic optimization algorithms. In this paper we contribute to this effort in two ways: First, based on a new regret decomposition and a generalization of Bregman divergences, we provide a self-contained, modular analysis of the two workhorses of online learning: (general) adaptive versions of Mirror Descent (MD) and the Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) algorithms. The analysis is done with extra care so as not to introduce assumptions not needed in the proofs and allows to combine, in a straightforward way, different algorithmic ideas (e.g., adaptivity, optimism, implicit updates) and learning settings (e.g., strongly convex or composite objectives). This way we are able to reprove, extend and refine a large body of the literature, while keeping the proofs concise. The second contribution is a byproduct of this careful analysis: We present algorithms with improved variational bounds for smooth, composite objectives, including a new family of optimistic MD algorithms with only one projection step per round. Furthermore, we provide a simple extension of adaptive regret bounds to practically relevant non-convex problem settings with essentially no extra effort.Comment: Accepted to The 28th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2017). 40 page