261 research outputs found

    Методика перерозподілу продуктивності групи кар'єрів, що входять до складу гірничо-збагачувального комбінату

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    Продуктивністю необхідно керувати, як на рівні окремого кар'єра, так і групи кар'єрів комбінату з метою отримання максимального прибутку. При цьому продуктивність кожного кар'єру, що входить до складу гірничо-збагачувального комбінату слід визначати виходячи з найбільшої ефективності роботи ГЗК. Розроблено методику перерозподілу продуктивності групи кар'єрів, що входять до складу гірничо-збагачувального комбінату, яка враховує взаємозв'язок режиму гірничих робіт і продуктивності по руді при зміні потреби в залізорудній продукції. Запропонована методика дозволяє адаптувати гірничі виробництва, до мінливих умов ринку і при цьому, на відміну від існуючих методик враховує взаємозв'язок режиму гірничих робіт і продуктивності кар'єру по руді. Доведено, що найкращим варіантом продуктивності кар'єрів по руді при плануванні розвитку гірничих робіт Північного ГЗК є варіант, коли Першотравневий кар'єр працює з максимально можливою продуктивністю, а Ганнівський кар'єр забезпечує продуктивність 9 млн. т/рік.Productivity must be managed both at the level of a separate open pit and a group of open pit mines in order to maximize profit. At the same time, the productivity of each open pit that is part of the mining and processing plant should be determined based on the highest efficiency of the mining and processing plant. A method has been developed for rearrangement of the productivity of the open pits group that are part of a mining and processing plant, which takes into account the relationship between the mining mode and ore productivity when the demand for iron ore products changes. Current methodology allows to adjust mining operations to different market terms and, contrary to existing methodologies, this one includes interrelation between mining operation mode and ore extraction productivity. It has been proven that the best option for the ore performance of open pits when planning the development of mining operations at Northern MPP is the option when the Pervomaysky open pit works with the maximum possible productivity, and the Annovsky open pit provides a capacity of 9 million tons/year

    Phage-Derived Fully Human Monoclonal Antibody Fragments to Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-C Block Its Interaction with VEGF Receptor-2 and 3

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) is a key mediator of lymphangiogenesis, acting via its receptors VEGF-R2 and VEGF-R3. High expression of VEGF-C in tumors correlates with increased lymphatic vessel density, lymphatic vessel invasion, sentinel lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis. Recently, we found that in a chemically induced skin carcinoma model, increased VEGF-C drainage from the tumor enhanced lymphangiogenesis in the sentinel lymph node and facilitated metastatic spread of cancer cells via the lymphatics. Hence, interference with the VEGF-C/VEGF-R3 axis holds promise to block metastatic spread, as recently shown by use of a neutralizing anti-VEGF-R3 antibody and a soluble VEGF-R3 (VEGF-C/D trap). By antibody phage-display, we have developed a human monoclonal antibody fragment (single-chain Fragment variable, scFv) that binds with high specificity and affinity to the fully processed mature form of human VEGF-C. The scFv binds to an epitope on VEGF-C that is important for receptor binding, since binding of the scFv to VEGF-C dose-dependently inhibits the binding of VEGF-C to VEGF-R2 and VEGF-R3 as shown by BIAcore and ELISA analyses. Interestingly, the variable heavy domain (VH) of the anti-VEGF-C scFv, which contains a mutation typical for camelid heavy chain-only antibodies, is sufficient for binding VEGF-C. This reduced the size of the potentially VEGF-C-blocking antibody fragment to only 14.6 kDa. Anti-VEGF-C VH-based immunoproteins hold promise to block the lymphangiogenic activity of VEGF-C, which would present a significant advance in inhibiting lymphatic-based metastatic spread of certain cancer types

    Experimental assessment of pro-lymphangiogenic growth factors in the treatment of post-surgical lymphedema following lymphadenectomy

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    Introduction: Lymphedema is a frequent consequence of lymph node excision during breast cancer surgery. Current treatment options are limited mainly to external compression therapies to limit edema development. We investigated previously, postsurgical lymphedema in a sheep model following the removal of a single lymph node and determined that autologous lymph node transplantation has the potential to reduce or prevent edema development. In this report, we examine the potential of lymphangiogenic therapy to restore lymphatic function and reduce postsurgical lymphedema. Methods: Lymphangiogenic growth factors (vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C)) and angiopoietin-2 (ANG-2) were loaded into a gel-based drug delivery system (HAMC; a blend of hyaluronan and methylcellulose). Drug release rates and lymphangiogenic signaling in target endothelial cells were assessed in vitro and vascular permeability biocompatibility tests were examined in vivo. Following, the removal of a single popliteal lymph node, HAMC with the growth factors was injected into the excision site. Six weeks later, lymphatic functionality was assessed by injecting 125Iodine radiolabeled bovine serum albumin (125I-BSA) into prenodal vessels and measuring its recovery in plasma. Circumferential leg measurements were plotted over time and areas under the curves used to quantify edema formation. Results: The growth factors were released over a two-week period in vitro by diffusion from HAMC, with 50% being released in the first 24 hr. The system induced lymphangiogenic signaling in target endothelial cells, while inducing only a minimal inflammatory response in sheep. Removal of the node significantly reduced lymphatic functionality (nodectomy 1.9 ± 0.9, HAMC alone 1.7 ± 0.8) compared with intact groups (3.2 ± 0.7). In contrast, there was no significant difference between the growth factor treatment group (2.3 ± 0.73) and the intact group indicating improved function with the molecular factors. An increase in the number of regenerated lymphatic vessels at treatment sites was observed with fluoroscopy. Groups receiving HAMC plus growth factors displayed significantly reduced edema (107.4 ± 51.3) compared with nontreated groups (nodectomy 219.8 ± 118.7 and HAMC alone 162.6 ± 141). Conclusions: Growth factor therapy has the potential to increase lymphatic function and reduce edema magnitude in an animal model of lymphedema. The application of this concept to lymphedema patients warrants further examination

    Zebrafish ProVEGF-C Expression, Proteolytic Processing and Inhibitory Effect of Unprocessed ProVEGF-C during Fin Regeneration

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    BACKGROUND: In zebrafish, vascular endothelial growth factor-C precursor (proVEGF-C) processing occurs within the dibasic motif HSIIRR(214) suggesting the involvement of one or more basic amino acid-specific proprotein convertases (PCs) in this process. In the present study, we examined zebrafish proVEGF-C expression and processing and the effect of unprocessed proVEGF-C on caudal fin regeneration. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Cell transfection assays revealed that the cleavage of proVEGF-C, mainly mediated by the proprotein convertases Furin and PC5 and to a less degree by PACE4 and PC7, is abolished by PCs inhibitors or by mutation of its cleavage site (HSIIRR(214) into HSIISS(214)). In vitro, unprocessed proVEGF-C failed to activate its signaling proteins Akt and ERK and to induce cell proliferation. In vivo, following caudal fin amputation, the induction of VEGF-C, Furin and PC5 expression occurs as early as 2 days post-amputation (dpa) with a maximum levels at 4-7 dpa. Using immunofluorescence staining we localized high expression of VEGF-C and the convertases Furin and PC5 surrounding the apical growth zone of the regenerating fin. While expression of wild-type proVEGF-C in this area had no effect, unprocessed proVEGF-C inhibited fin regeneration. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCES: Taken together, these data indicate that zebrafish fin regeneration is associated with up-regulation of VEGF-C and the convertases Furin and PC5 and highlight the inhibitory effect of unprocessed proVEGF-C on fin regeneration

    The nucleoporin ALADIN regulates Aurora A localization to ensure robust mitotic spindle formation

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    The formation of the mitotic spindle is a complex process that requires massive cellular reorganization. Regulation by mitotic kinases controls this entire process. One of these mitotic controllers is Aurora A kinase, which is itself highly regulated. In this study, we show that the nuclear pore protein ALADIN is a novel spatial regulator of Aurora A. Without ALADIN, Aurora A spreads from centrosomes onto spindle microtubules, which affects the distribution of a subset of microtubule regulators and slows spindle assembly and chromosome alignment. ALADIN interacts with inactive Aurora A and is recruited to the spindle pole after Aurora A inhibition. Of interest, mutations in ALADIN cause triple A syndrome. We find that some of the mitotic phenotypes that we observe after ALADIN depletion also occur in cells from triple A syndrome patients, which raises the possibility that mitotic errors may underlie part of the etiology of this syndrome

    Vascular endothelial growth factor-C expression and its relationship to pelvic lymph node status in invasive cervical cancer

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C) has been implicated in lymphangiogenesis, the process of new lymphatics formation. The present study investigated VEGF-C mRNA expression in invasive cervical cancer tissue. Additionally, the association of VEGF-C mRNA with clinicopathological features was examined. VEGF-C mRNA expression was assessed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction using β-action as an internal control. 75 patients presenting with invasive cervical cancer were included in the trial. VEGF-C mRNA expression was markedly higher in tumours in which pelvic lymph node metastasis was diagnosed by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging (P = 0.002). 53 patients displaying stage Ib–IIb cervical cancer underwent radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy. VEGF-C expression was significantly higher in tumours exhibiting deep stromal invasion, pelvic lymph node metastasis and lymph-vascular space involvement (P = 0.016, P = 0.006 and P = 0.036, respectively). Multivariate analysis revealed VEGF-C mRNA expression to be the sole independent factor influencing pelvic lymph node metastasis. Subjects demonstrating VEGF-C mRNA expression displayed significantly poorer prognoses than those lacking VEGF-C mRNA expression (P = 0.049). These findings provide evidence supporting the involvement of VEGF-C expression in the promotion of lymph node metastasis in cervical cancer. Furthermore, examination of VEGF-C expression in biopsy specimens may be beneficial in the prediction of pelvic lymph node metastasis. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Targeting lymphangiogenesis to prevent tumour metastasis

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    Recent studies involving animal models of cancer and clinicopathological analyses of human tumours suggest that the growth of lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis) in or nearby tumours is associated with the metastatic spread of cancer. The best validated molecular signalling system for tumour lymphangiogenesis involves the secreted proteins vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C) and VEGF-D that induce growth of lymphatic vessels via activation of VEGF receptor-3 (VEGFR-3) localised on the surface of lymphatic endothelial cells. In this review, we discuss the evidence supporting a role for this signalling system in the spread of cancer and potential approaches for blocking this system to prevent tumour metastasis