31 research outputs found

    TIME: A Case Tool for developing Web-based Cooperative IS

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    Distributed web oriented processing environments have created the need for information sharing and transparent data access across heterogeneous information systems. This need stems from the proliferation of network based technologies that provide universal access to a growing number of information sources. Recently, new information system architectures including federated databases, cooperative information systems, and interoperable systems have been advocated in database research for the interoperation of multiple autonomous heterogeneous information systems over distributed networks

    Actes de la conférence BDA 2014 : Gestion de données - principes, technologies et applications

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    International audienceActes de la conférence BDA 2014 Conférence soutenue par l'Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble INP, le CNRS et le laboratoire LIG. Site de la conférence : http://bda2014.imag.fr Actes en ligne : https://hal.inria.fr/BDA201

    Semantic Filtering of Scientific Articles guided by a Domain Ontology

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    International audienceThe problem that we address in this paper is how to improve the accuracy of retrieving specialized information within a textual scientific corpus. We present a new approach in which the keywords expressing the bibliographical needs of a researcher are related to a domain ontology. We illustrate how such a declarative ontolology-based approach can be used both for computing varied statistics, and also for helping experts to find useful fine-grained information within a textual corpus

    A Multimodal Database Framework for Multimedia Meeting Annotations

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    The main objective of this paper is to present a flexible annotation management framework for a multimedia database system, applied to meeting recordings. Presented research and development activities are carried out within the scope of the IM2 project in which annotations play an important role in describing raw data from various points of view and in enhancing the query process. We focus on a database system capable of managing annotations (e.g. text transcriptions, dialog acts, speaker space position, etc.) and keeping links with raw data (audio, video, digital documents). This database provides a schema evolution mechanism and a meta-description layer ensuring flexible and incremental annotation definitions. To enhance this database system, some research works are currently in progress: a predictive methodology for schema evolution and a query technique that deals with fuzzy concepts and ontological commitments. We describe our on-going prototype development, in which we focus on data storage and interactive data access

    Le web sémantique en aide à l'analyste de traces d'exécution

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    International audienceL'analyse de traces d' exécution est devenue l'outil priv-ilégié pour débugger et optimiser le code des applications sur les syst emes embarqués. Ces syst emes ont des architec-tures complexes basées sur des composants intégrés appelés SoC (System-on-Chip). Le travail de l'analyste (souvent, un développeur d'application) devient un véritable challenge car les traces produites par ces syst emes sont de tr es grande taille et les ev enements qu'ils contiennent sont de bas niveau. Nous proposons d'aider ce travail d'analyse en utilisant des outils de gestion des connaissances pour faciliter l'explo-ration de la trace. Nous proposons une ontologie du do-maine qui décrit les principaux concepts et contraintes pour l'analyse de traces issues de SoC. Cette ontologie reprend les paradigmes d'ontologie lég ere pour supporter le passagè a l'´ echelle de la gestion des connaissances. Elle utilise des technologies de " triple store " RDF pour son exploitation a l'aide de requêtes déclaratives SPARQL. Nous illustrons notre ap-proche en offrant une analyse de meilleure qualité des traces d'un cas d'utilisation réel

    OntoSIDES: Ontology-based student progress monitoring on the national evaluation system of French Medical Schools

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    International audienceWe introduce OntoSIDES, the core of an ontology-based learning management system in Medicine, in which theeducational content, the traces of students’ activities and the correction of exams are linked and related to itemsof an official reference program in a unified RDF data model. OntoSIDES is an RDF knowledge base comprised ofa lightweight domain ontology that serves as a pivot high-level vocabulary of the query interface with users, andof a dataset made of factual statements relating individual entities to classes and properties of the ontology.Thanks to an automatic mapping-based data materialization and rule-based data saturation, OntoSIDES containsaround 8 millions triples to date, and provides an integrated access to useful information for student progressmonitoring, using a powerful query language (namely SPARQL) allowing users to express their specific needs ofdata exploration and analysis. Since we do not expect end-users to master the raw syntax of SPARQL and toexpress directly complex queries in SPARQL, we have designed a set of parametrized queries that users caninstantiate through a user-friendly interface

    Query Translation for Heterogeneous Information Management

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    this article and presents our future work. 2 Overview of TIM

    Conquer, an RDFS-based model for context querying

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    National audienceWe propose a declarative approach to modeling context data based on the RDFS[6] language which enables to declare in a ?exible way classes and properties, and organize them in hierarchies. We show that queries on context data can then be expressed at a high level of abstraction and remain applicable when the class hierarchy is extended