2 research outputs found
Toxicity of the hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of Cissus sicyoides
Cissus sicyoides L. (cipó-anil, vegetal insulin) belongs to the family Vitacea. It is much used by the population for the treatment of diabetes. The objective of this research was to perform a phytochemical screening of the hydroalcoholic extract of leaves of C. sicyoides to be used as primary source in the toxicological test with Artemia salina L. Were be phytochemical tests on the hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of C. sicyoides for research on secondary metabolites and was evaluated the toxicological activity using A. saline cysts to quantify the mean lethal concentration (CL50). The extract presented steroids, tannins, flavonoids and saponins, compounds that had already been found in other studies of this species. It presented high toxicity to A. salina, reporting a Mean Lethal Concentration (CL50) of 930.7 g mL-1, serving as a parameter for the accomplishment of later studies in animal models with the pretension to reach more results for a safe use of C. sicyoides
Evaluation of acute and chronic toxicity of crude hydroalcoholic extract from the bark of Dioclea grandiflora mart root. ex benth.
Introduction: Dioclea grandiflora, known as stone Mucunã, acts on the Central Nervous System, diseases of the prostate and kidney stones. Objective: Toxicology Assessment Acute and chronic nonclinical crude hydroalcoholic extract from the bark of Dioclea grandiflora, based on normative Statement 4, 18 June 2014 national health surveillance agency (ANVISA). Methodology: For both methodologies were used Wistar rats, both sexes, with the administration of ethanolic extract of the root bark of Dioclea grandiflora (EEBCRDg), orally. On acute toxicity, a group treated with 2000 mg/kg dose and a control group (forward). After administration, the parameters of behaviour for 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 240 minutes feed intake and water daily, weekly and haematological parameters by evolution and biochemists, after 14 days of administration of a single dose. The number of survivors recorded to determine the LD50. For chronic toxicity the animals were treated orally (v) with the doses of 10, 50 and 250 mg/kg of EEBCRDg and a control group, during 90 days. We analyzed the water and feed consumption, temperature, blood glucose, weight evolution, behavioural tests such as, rod and the open route, biochemical and Hematological and pathological. Results: In acute toxicity there was statistically significant increase in the consumption of water and feed for both sexes. Increased albumin of males, females reduced alkaline phosphatase, total protein and globulins. Decreased the number of red blood cells in females. In chronic toxicity an increase in temperature of males and females decreased, decreased blood glucose levels in both sexes, decreased water consumption and feed in males, increase and decrease of water and rations in females, increased and decreased by evolution for both sexes, for the corportamental open field test, increased the body postures when walking in females, increased the lift in both sexes, increased cleaning in females, decreased the amount of faecal cakes in females. For the biochemical parameters there was decrease of glucose and albumin, increased creatinine, AST, ALT, LDH, total protein, albumin and globulin for males, an increase in total protein and immunoglobulin in females. Haematological parameters increased red blood cells, hematocrit, leukocytes and decreased the VCM and MCHC in males, females increased, decreased red blood cells MCV and MCH. Showing inflammatory infiltrate in the lungs of males. Conclusion: According to the results of the EEBCRDg presented a considerable toxicity, and required further investigation to attest to the safety of its use.Introdução: A Dioclea grandiflora, conhecida como Mucunã de caroço, atua sobre o Sistema Nervoso Central, doenças da próstata e pedras nos rins. Objetivo: Avaliação toxicológica não clínica aguda e crônica do extrato etanólico bruto da casca da raiz de Dioclea grandiflora, com base na Instrução Normativa nº4, de 18 de junho de 2014 da Agencia Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). Metodologia: Para ambas as metodologias foram utilizados ratos Wistar, ambos os sexos, com a administração do extrato etanólico bruto da casca da raiz de Dioclea grandiflora (EEBCRDg), via oral. Na toxicidade aguda, utilizou-se um grupo tratado com a dose 2000 mg/kg e um grupo controle (veiculo). Após a administração, observou-se os parâmetros de comportamento por 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 e 240 minutos, consumo de ração e água diariamente, evolução ponderal semanal e parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos, após os 14 dias da administração da dose única. O número de sobreviventes contabilizados para determinar a DL50. Para a toxicidade crônica os animais foram tratados por via oral (v.o) com as doses de 10, 50 e 250 mg/kg do EEBCRDg e um grupo controle, durante 90 dias. Foram analisados o consumo de água e ração, temperatura, glicemia, evolução ponderal, testes comportamentais tais como, rota rod e campo aberto, parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos e anatomopatológicos. Resultados: Na toxicidade aguda houve aumento estatisticamente significativo no consumo de água e ração para ambos os sexos. Aumento da albumina dos machos, nas fêmeas reduziu a fosfatase alcalina, proteína total e globulinas. Diminuiu o número de hemácias nas fêmeas. Na toxicidade crônica houve aumento na temperatura dos machos e diminuição das fêmeas, diminuição da glicemia em ambos os sexos, diminuiu o consumo de água e ração nos machos, aumento e diminuição da água e ração nas fêmeas, aumento e diminuição da evolução ponderal para ambos os sexos, para o teste corportamental campo aberto, aumentou a ambulação nas fêmeas, aumentou o levantar em ambos os sexos, aumento da limpeza nas fêmeas, diminuiu a quantidade de bolos fecais nas fêmeas. Para os parâmetros bioquímicos houve diminuição da glicose e albumina, aumento da creatinina, AST, ALT, LDH, Proteínas totais, albumina e globulina para os machos, aumento nas proteínas totais e globulina nas fêmeas. Para os parâmetros hematológicos houve aumento das hemácias, hematócrito, leucócitos e diminuiu o VCM e CHCM nos machos, nas fêmeas aumentou hemácias, diminuiu VCM e HCM. Apresentando infiltrado inflamatório nos pulmões dos machos. Conclusão: De acordo com os resultados obtidos o EEBCRDg apresentou uma toxicidade considerável, sendo necessárias maiores investigações para atestar a segurança de seu uso