10 research outputs found

    Systematic Review Shows Only Few Reliable Studies of Physical Activity Intervention in Adolescents

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    Introduction. Several studies have pointed to the high prevalence of low levels of physical activity in adolescents, suggesting the need for more effective interventions for this group. The aim of this study was to present evidence of intervention programs for efficacy of physical activity for adolescents. Methods. Surveys in PubMed, SportDiscus, LiLacs, and SciELO databases were conducted using keywords to identify population, intervention, and outcome, as well as DeCS and MeSH terms in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, whenever appropriate. The review included observational studies with minimal intervention of six months, minimum sample size of 100 adolescents, written in any language, and those who have reached STROBE score greater than 70%. Results. Only seven studies met all inclusion criteria. Of these, five were pre- and postintervention and two had n>2000 participants. Interventions were of several types, durations, and strategies for physical activity implementation. Behavior change was assessed in 43% of studies and three reported success in some way. Conclusion. Due to heterogeneity in their contents and methodologies, as well as the lack of jobs that accompany adolescents after the intervention period, one cannot draw conclusions about the actual effects of the intervention programs of physical activity on the behavior of young people

    An In Silico Study of the Antioxidant Ability for Two Caffeine Analogs Using Molecular Docking and Quantum Chemical Methods

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    The antioxidant activity of molecules constitutes an important factor for the regulation of redox homeostasis and reduction of the oxidative stress. Cells affected by oxidative stress can undergo genetic alteration, causing structural changes and promoting the onset of chronic diseases, such as cancer. We have performed an in silico study to evaluate the antioxidant potential of two molecules of the zinc database: ZINC08706191 (Z91) and ZINC08992920 (Z20). Molecular docking, quantum chemical calculations (HF/6-31G**) and Pearson’s correlation have been performed. Molecular docking results of Z91 and Z20 showed both the lower binding affinity (BA) and inhibition constant (Ki) values for the receptor-ligand interactions in the three tested enzymes (cytochrome P450—CP450, myeloperoxidase—MP and NADPH oxidase—NO) than the control molecules (5-fluorouracil—FLU, melatonin—MEL and dextromethorphan—DEX, for each receptor respectively). Molecular descriptors were correlated with Ki and strong correlations were observed for the CP450, MP and NO receptors. These and other results attest the significant antioxidant ability of Z91 and Z20, that may be indicated for further analyses in relation to the control of oxidative stress and as possible antioxidant agents to be used in the pharmaceutical industry


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    Over the last years there has been an increase in the number of people who develop mycoses, especially those who frequent the beaches and use the sand area as part of recreation. This leads to greater concerns about microbial contamination. Therefore, the aim of this work was to identify the presence of pathogenic fungi in sand samples from Calhau beach, São Luís-MA. Sand samples were collected from three points of the beach, taking into consideration the parts with the largest flow of people. Mycological analysis was performed by the scattering technique. The main genera found were Chaetonium, Trichophyton, Aspergillus e Candida, the last three being of great clinical interest. The sand samples analyzed shown that Calhau beach in São Luís-MA has a variety of pathogenic fungi that can adhere to the visitors’ epidermis, leading to possible mycoses. Therefore, greater monitoring on the beaches is suggested, not only for the water zone, but also for the wet and dry areas, as regards the sanitary aspect.En los últimos años ha habido un aumento en los casos de micosis contraídos por personas que frecuentan las playas y utilizan sus arenas como recreación. Esto ha llevado a mayores preocupaciones con relación a contaminación microbiana. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar la presencia de hongos patógenos en muestras de arena de la playa de Calhau, São Luís-MA. Se tomaron muestras de arena de tres puntos de la playa, teniendo en cuenta las partes con mayor flujo de personas, el análisis micológico se realizó mediante la técnica de dispersión. Entre los principales hallazgos, destacamos hongos del género Chaetonium sp. y Trichophyton sp., así como variedades del género Aspergillus y Candida, que son de gran interés clínico. Las muestras de arena analizadas muestran que la playa de Calhau en São Luís-MA presenta una variedad de hongos patógenos que pueden adherirse a la epidermis de los asiduos y generar posibles micosis. Por lo tanto, se sugiere un mayor monitoreo en las playas, no solo para la zona de agua, sino también para las áreas húmedas y secas, en lo que respecta al aspecto sanitario.Nos últimos anos foi verificado um aumento dos casos de micoses contraídas por pessoas que frequentam as praias e utilizam suas areias como local de recreação. Isso tem ocasionado maiores preocupações com a contaminação microbiana. Sendo assim o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi identificar a presença de fungos patogênicos em amostras de areia da praia do Calhau, São Luís-MA. As amostras de areia foram coletadas em três pontos da praia, levando-se em consideração aqueles que apresentam um maior fluxo de pessoas. A análise micológica foi realizada pela técnica de espalhamento. Os principais gêneros encontrados foram Chaetonium, Trichophyton, Aspergillus e Candida, sendo os três últimos de grande relevância clínica. As amostras de areia analisadas mostram que a praia do Calhau em São Luís-MA apresenta uma variedade de fungos patogênicos que podem aderir à epiderme dos frequentadores e gerar possíveis micoses.  Portanto, sugere-se um monitoramento maior nas praias, não só para a zona hídrica, mas também para as zonas secas e úmidas, no que diz respeito ao aspecto sanitário

    Identification of Potential Inhibitors from Pyriproxyfen with Insecticidal Activity by Virtual Screening

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    Aedes aegypti is the main vector of dengue fever transmission, yellow fever, Zika, and chikungunya in tropical and subtropical regions and it is considered to cause health risks to millions of people in the world. In this study, we search to obtain new molecules with insecticidal potential against Ae. aegypti via virtual screening. Pyriproxyfen was chosen as a template compound to search molecules in the database Zinc_Natural_Stock (ZNSt) with structural similarity using ROCS (rapid overlay of chemical structures) and EON (electrostatic similarity) software, and in the final search, the top 100 were selected. Subsequently, in silico pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties were determined resulting in a total of 14 molecules, and these were submitted to the PASS online server for the prediction of biological insecticide and acetylcholinesterase activities, and only two selected molecules followed for the molecular docking study to evaluate the binding free energy and interaction mode. After these procedures were performed, toxicity risk assessment such as LD50 values in mg/kg and toxicity class using the PROTOX online server, were undertaken. Molecule ZINC00001624 presented potential for inhibition for the acetylcholinesterase enzyme (insect and human) with a binding affinity value of -10.5 and -10.3 kcal/mol, respectively. The interaction with the juvenile hormone was -11.4 kcal/mol for the molecule ZINC00001021. Molecules ZINC00001021 and ZINC00001624 had excellent predictions in all the steps of the study and may be indicated as the most promising molecules resulting from the virtual screening of new insecticidal agents.Federal University of Amapá, Program in Biotechnology and Biodiversity-Network BIONORTE, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for funding in the publication of this article


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    Objetiva analisar como os Cursos de Biblioteconomia da região nordeste qualificam seus egressos quanto ao uso e domínio das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, mapear as disciplinas encontradas nos currículos pesquisados, identificar quais disciplinas e suas ementas para verificar se atendem ao novo perfil do bibliotecário. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, com abordagem quali-quantitativa, em que utiliza a pesquisa documental para obtenção dos dados, por meio dos sites e e-mails das IFES da região nordeste. Para tratamento dos dados, usa como ferramenta o método comparativo, para verificar por meio das ementas dos componentes curriculares ofertados sejam elas obrigatórias, optativas/eletivas, destacando os componentes curriculares obrigatórios que abordam direta ou indiretamente conteúdos de formação tecnológica. Conclui-se que os Cursos de Biblioteconomia pesquisados, de maneira geral, não preparam seus egressos conforme a temática abordada. Sugere-se a criação de um canal de discussão permanente entre os Cursos de Biblioteconomia da região Nordeste para troca de experiências sobre as disciplinas que abordam sobre a formação tecnológica dos bibliotecários.Palavras-chave: Biblioteconomia. Currículo. Bibliotecário. Formação profissiona

    Identification of Potential Inhibitors from Pyriproxyfen with Insecticidal Activity by Virtual Screening

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    Aedes aegypti is the main vector of dengue fever transmission, yellow fever, Zika, and chikungunya in tropical and subtropical regions and it is considered to cause health risks to millions of people in the world. In this study, we search to obtain new molecules with insecticidal potential against Ae. aegypti via virtual screening. Pyriproxyfen was chosen as a template compound to search molecules in the database Zinc_Natural_Stock (ZNSt) with structural similarity using ROCS (rapid overlay of chemical structures) and EON (electrostatic similarity) software, and in the final search, the top 100 were selected. Subsequently, in silico pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties were determined resulting in a total of 14 molecules, and these were submitted to the PASS online server for the prediction of biological insecticide and acetylcholinesterase activities, and only two selected molecules followed for the molecular docking study to evaluate the binding free energy and interaction mode. After these procedures were performed, toxicity risk assessment such as LD50 values in mg/kg and toxicity class using the PROTOX online server, were undertaken. Molecule ZINC00001624 presented potential for inhibition for the acetylcholinesterase enzyme (insect and human) with a binding affinity value of −10.5 and −10.3 kcal/mol, respectively. The interaction with the juvenile hormone was −11.4 kcal/mol for the molecule ZINC00001021. Molecules ZINC00001021 and ZINC00001624 had excellent predictions in all the steps of the study and may be indicated as the most promising molecules resulting from the virtual screening of new insecticidal agents

    Identification of New Inhibitors with Potential Antitumor Activity from Polypeptide Structures via Hierarchical Virtual Screening.

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    Leukemias are neoplasms that affect hematopoietic cells, which are developed by genetic alterations (mutations) that lead to the loss of proliferation control mechanisms (maturation and/or cell death). The α4β1 integrin receptor is a therapeutic target for inflammation, autoimmune diseases and lymphoid tumors. This study was carried out to search through the antagonists-based virtual screening for α4β1 receptor. Initially, seventeen (17) structures were selected (based on the inhibitory activity values, IC50) and the structure with the best value was chosen as the pivot. The pharmacophoric pattern was determined from the online PharmaGist server and resulted in a model of score value equal to 97.940 with 15 pharmacophoric characteristics that were statistically evaluated via Pearson correlations, principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA). A refined model generated four pharmacophoric hypotheses totaling 1.478 structures set of Zinc_database. After, the pharmacokinetic, toxicological and biological activity predictions were realized comparing with pivot structure that resulted in five (ZINC72088291, ZINC68842860, ZINC14365931, ZINC09588345 and ZINC91247798) structures with optimal in silico predictions. Therefore, future studies are needed to confirm antitumor potential activity of molecules selected this work with in vitro and in vivo assays