32 research outputs found

    Reward and incentive programs and employee satisfaction: Case study of dm-drogerie markt d.o.o.

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    Purpose: Since reward and incentive programs play a key role in attracting new employees and motivating existing ones, we decided to investigate which programs are used by highly desirable employers and how satisfied their employees are with these programs. Methodology: A survey on employee satisfaction with work and reward and incentive programs was conducted among 160 (10%) employees of the company dm-drogerie markt d.o.o. The obtained data were processed using methods of descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests. Results: The average satisfaction of employees with the reward and incentive system is 4.39 on a scale from 1 to 5, where 5 means “completely satisfied”. The average job satisfaction is 4.47, and a moderate positive correlation was found between job satisfaction and satisfaction with the reward and incentive system (rs=0.523, p<0.010). Differences in the level of satisfaction were found in relation to the department and salary level of the respondents: more satisfaction was expressed by employees in the Sales Region department and by those in the highest salary level. Conclusion: The analysis revealed a high average satisfaction level, but also a gap between the importance that employees attach to a particular program and their satisfaction with that program. The results confirm the importance of the reward and incentive system for overall job satisfaction and can be used to improve this system within the company

    Production and Business Results of Wine Producers in Continental and Adriatic Croatia

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    Some of the main characteristics of Croatian wine growing are small vineyard areas, small share in European wine production, and negative export-import balance. Production of wine takes place in two different regions (Adriatic and Continental), and at wine growing farms and bigger wineries. Through FADN and Croatian Financial Agency (FINA) data financial indicators were calculated. Main findings are that Croatian wine farms lag behind to wine leading countries (France and Spain) in terms of income and profit (Gross Farm income, Farm Net Value Added and Farm Net Income). Comparing wine growing farms with all farms in Croatia it can be concluded that wine farms perform better in total output, gross margin and farm net value added. Debt-assets ratio (D/A) of wine farms is higher comparing to all other farms. Our calculations showed that wineries in the Continental region perform better than those in Adriatic region. In regards with the size, large wineries (above 2 million Euro value of assets) show better financial indicators comparing with small wineries

    Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit unter Landwirten. Ergebnisse einer Feldstudie aus der ländlichen Umgebung Zagrebs

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    Development of business cooperation is one of the basic preconditions for a successful transition of Croatian agriculture and for increasing its competitiveness on the national and international markets. This research conducted in the Zagreb rural area was an attempt at answering what the farmer\u27s general attitude was towards business cooperation in agriculture as well as the influence of socio-demographic and psychological characteristics on their willingness to cooperate. With regard to the declaratively expressed readiness for business cooperation, the farmers were divided into four groups "very willing", "willing", "less willing" and "unwilling". Statistically significant differences have been found between these groups with regard to: past experience and current inclusion in some form of business cooperation; level of education and psychological characteristics: innovativeness and entrepreneurship. The research shows a group of "more experienced" and more educated farmers showing more entrepreneurship and innovativeness which should be the basis of the process of development and more effective involvement of farmers into business cooperation systems in agriculture.Razvitak poslovnoga povezivanja među seljacima (zajedničkog rada, kooperacije i sl.) jedna je od temeljnih pretpostavaka uspješ noga preustroja hrvatske poljoprivrede, odnosno povećanja njezine konkurentnosti, na domaćem i na svjetskom tržištu. Istraživanjem koje je provedeno na ruralnom području Grada Zagreba pokušalo se odgovoriti na pitanje kakav je općenito odnos seljaka prema poslovnom povezivanju u poljoprivredi te u kojoj mjeri sociodemografska i psihološka obilježja ispitanika utječu na njihovu "voljnost" za poslovno povezivanje. Na osnovi deklarativno izražene voljnosti seljaka za poslovno povezivanje dobivene su četiri skupine "jako voljni", "voljni", "manje voljni" i "nevoljni". Statistički značajne razlike među tim skupinama seljaka utvrđene su s obzirom na dosadašnje iskustvo i aktivno sudjelovanje u nekom od oblika poslovnoga povezivanja, s obzirom na stupanj naobrazbe te s obzirom na psihološke osobine: inovativnost i poduzetnost. Istraživanje pokazuje da među seljacima postoji skupina "iskusnijih", izobraženijih i poduzetnijih koji trebaju biti oslonac u procesu razvitka i učinkovitijeg uključivanja seljaka u sustave poslovnoga povezivanja u poljoprivredi.Die Entwicklung geschäftlicher Verbindungen unter Landwirten (gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten, Kooperationen u.Ä.) ist eine der Grundvoraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Umstrukturierung der kroatischen Landwirtschaft bzw. für eine Steigerung ihrer Konkurrenzfähigkeit im In- und Ausland. Eine Untersuchung, die in den ländlichen Gebieten um die kroatische Hauptstadt Zagreb durchgeführt wurde, sollte zeigen, welche Einstellung die Landwirte zur Herstellung geschäftlicher Kontakte haben. Dabei wollte man sehen, inwiefern diese Einstellung von den soziodemographischen und psychologischen Merkmalen der Untersuchungsteilnehmer beeinflusst wird. Aufgrund der deklarativ geäußerten Bereitschaft zur geschäftlichen Kooperation konnten vier Gruppen von Landwirten unterschieden werden: Die verschiedenen Gruppen äußerten sich jeweils "sehr [zur Zusammenarbeit] bereit", "bereit", "wenig bereit" und "nicht bereit". Es ergaben sich statistisch relevante Unterschiede zwischen diesen Gruppen hinsichtlich der bisherigen Erfahrung sowie bezüglich der aktiven Teilnahme an irgendeiner Form geschäftlicher Zusammenarbeit; Unterschiede ergaben sich außerdem in Bezug auf den Bildungsstand und die psychischen Eigenschaften von Innovativität und Unternehmergeist. Die Untersuchung zeigte, dass es unter den kroatischen Landwirten "erfahrenere", unternehmungslustigere und solche mit höherem Bildungsstand gibt, auf die sich die Förderung der Landwirtschaft und die Beteiligung von Landwirten an Systemen geschäftlicher Kooperation innerhalb der Landwirtschaft stützen muss

    Agrokor Case: The Recent Past and The Uncertain Future of The Big Agribusiness Conglomerate In Croatia

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    The leading agribusiness group Agrokor is one of the biggest in Croatia today with respect to number of integrated companies, employees, and revenues. Its constant growth was based on acquisitions and mainly financed through borrowing. Although questions about Agrokor indebtedness were raised occasionally, the first time the problem was taken seriously was in 2017. Hence, the special national law was adopted according to which Extraordinary Administration and government commissioners were appointed with the role to maintain day-to-day activities, and conduct settlement procedure and restructuring. The objective of this paper is to determine the nature of unfocused growth of Agrokor and its consequences on the business results. For that purpose, financial analysis of main Agrokor member companies was performed. The results reveal decrement in revenues, and increment in costs for the period 2012-2016, which caused lowering of profitability and rise of indebtedness. Altman Z-score showed that all companies are one step to bankruptcy. Furthermore, the main idea is to determine supply chain models through which the company is embedded in the national agribusiness

    Analysis of the success of the students in agroeconomic studies at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb

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    Cilj rada je prikazati stanje i trendove u uspješnosti visokoškolskog obrazovanja u području agrarne ekonomike na Agronomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Na ovom visokom učilištu načela Bolonjske deklaracije primjenjuju se od 2005. godine. Tada je upisana prva generacija agrarnih ekonomista na preddiplomski studij Agrarna ekonomika koji traje šest semestara. Godine 2008. upisana je i prva generacija na diplomski studij Agrobiznis i ruralni razvitak u trajanju od četiri semestra. Podaci referade Agronomskog fakulteta obrađeni su pomoću SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Sciences 17.0) paketa, a za utvrđivanje povezanosti između varijabli korišten je χ² test. Varijable prema kojima se ocjenjivala uspješnost studiranja su: razina (vrsta) studija, akademska godina upisa studenata na studije, prosjeci ocjena položenih ispita na preddiplomskom i na diplomskom studiju, broj položenih ispita na studijima, broj prikupljenih ECTS bodova, srednjoškolsko obrazovanje po vrsti srednje škole, završeni preddiplomski studij, županija u kojoj je završena srednja škola i spol studenta. Istraživanjem raspoloživih podataka ustanovljeno je da je značajno više upisanih polaznika bilo ženskog spola, gimnazijskog srednjoškolskog obrazovanja i da su srednju školu završili na području Grada Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije. Prva tzv. „bolonjska generacija“ studenata pokazala se najuspješnijom u pokazateljima kao što su prosjek ocjena, broj položenih ispita i broj prikupljeni ECTS bodova, kako na preddiplomskom tako i na diplomskom studiju. Istraživanje je nadalje pokazalo da bolje rezultate na studiju postižu studenti ženskog spola, dok srednjoškolsko obrazovanje i županija odakle dolaze studenti ne pokazuju utjecaj na razinu uspješnosti. Studenti upisani na diplomski studij Agrobiznis i ruralni razvitak na Agronomskom fakultetu završili su stručni ili sveučilišni diplomski studij. S obzirom na preddiplomski studij koji su završili, studenti ne pokazuju manju ili veću razinu uspješnosti.The aim of this paper is to present the situation and trends in the performance of higher education in the field of agricultural economics at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture. At this University the principles of the Bologna declaration are implemented since 2005. That year the first generation of agricultural economists was admitted to undergraduate study named Agrarian Economics, which lasts for six semesters. Data were analyzed by using SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Sciences 17.0) package, and to determine the relationship between the variables the χ ² test was used. Variables according to which the success of the study was evaluated are: the level (type of) studies, an academic year of enrollment in the study, the average score on the exams at the undergraduate and graduate level, the number of exams passed at the studies, the number of accumulated ECTS points, secondary education by the type of the secondary school and the county in which the school was finished, completed undergraduate studies, and the gender of the students. In 2008 the first generation was admitted to the graduate studies named Agribusiness and Rural Development in the duration of four semesters. Analysis of the available data showed that significantly more registered students were female, with high school education and completed secondary school in the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County. The first so-called "Bologna-generation" students proved to be the most successful in indicators such as grade point average, number of examinations and the number of collected ECTS points, both at the undergraduate and graduate level. The research further showed that female students achieved better results, while secondary education, and counties where students came from did not show effect on the level of success. Students enrolled in the graduate study Agribusiness and Rural Development at the Faculty of Agriculture completed professional or university graduate program. With regard to completed undergraduate studies ,the students did not show a lower or higher level of success

    Agroekološke i ekonomske pretpostavke za ekološki uzgoj konoplje za sjeme na području općine Križ

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    Sjeme konoplje je nutricionistički vrijedan proizvod koji se sve više koristi u prehrambenoj i industriji dodataka prehrani. Dobiva se od industrijske konoplje (Cannabis sativa L.), višestruko iskoristive biljke, koja se nakon nekoliko desetljeća ponovo uzgaja u Hrvatskoj zahvaljujući prilagodbi zakonskog okvira. Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitati mogućnosti ekološke proizvodnje industrijske konoplje na području kontinentalne Hrvatske i to na primjeru Općine Križ. Usporedbom agroekoloških uvjeta na području općine i zahtjeva industrijske konoplje prema tlu, klimi i vodi, ustanovljeno je da u tom pogledu prepreke za uzgoj ne postoje. Postojeća poljoprivredna gospodarstva se u najvećem broju bave ratarskom proizvodnjom što znači da posjeduju nužne resurse za obradu tla i njegu usjeva. Većina od 145 ispitanika koji su sudjelovali u on-line anketi je čula za proizvode od sjemena konoplje (65 %), i to najviše za ulje. Nadalje, ispitanici s područja Općine Križ su u 54 % slučajeva izjavili kako im je ideja o ekološkoj proizvodnji industrijske konoplje za sjeme zanimljiva. Rezultati financijske analize ukazuju na isplativost uzgoja konoplje za sjeme (Ekonomičnost=1,9). Za uvođenje industrijske konoplje u strukturu sjetve i širenje ove proizvodnje potrebno je raditi na promociji ove kulture među poljoprivrednicima i na potencijalnom tržištu. Zainteresiranim proizvođačima treba pružiti pomoć u organiziranju, nabavi potrebne opreme i inputa te usvajanju suvremene tehnologije ekološkog uzgoja industrijske konoplje. Pri tome je organizacijska i savjetodavna potpora možda i važnija od financijske. Tu se kao jedno od rješenja nameće povezivanje s postojećim organizacijama, ustanovama i poduzećima koje se bave industrijskom konopljom na području Hrvatske i Europske unije

    Procjena tehničke učinkovitosti mađarskih i hrvatskih stočarskih sektora primjenom DEA modela na FADN podacima

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    The different sectors of the livestock industry play an important role in meeting the increasing demand for animal products in both Hungary and Croatia. The general objective of this study was to investigate and compare the efficiency of the livestock sectors in Croatia and Hungary using the Data Envelopment Analysis method. In this paper, the technical efficiency of the dairy, beef, broiler, sheep and goat, and pig sectors from 2014 to 2017 is investigated based on the Farm Accountancy Data Network database. This paper compared farms of different size classes based on the Standard Production Value for more detailed insights. Among the five main livestock sectors, Hungary performs better in terms of farm technical efficiency in the dairy and beef sectors, while Croatia has higher efficiency scores in the sheep sector. The performances in the pig and broiler sectors are almost the same in both countries. Moreover, in the Hungarian poultry, pig, sheep and goat sectors and the Croatian dairy, beef and pig sectors, the technical efficiency of small-sized farms is better than that of medium-sized farms.Različiti sektori stočarske industrije imaju važnu ulogu u zadovoljavanju sve veće potražnje za proizvodima životinjskog porijekla u Mađarskoj i Hrvatskoj. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti i usporediti učinkovitost sektora stočarstva u Hrvatskoj i Mađarskoj korištenjem metode Data Envelopment Analysis. U ovom radu istražuje se tehnička učinkovitost sektora mljekarstva, govedarstva, peradarstva, ovčarstva i kozarstva te svinjogojstva od 2014. do 2017. na temelju baze podataka Farm Accountancy Data Network. Za detaljniji uvid ovaj rad uspoređuje farme različitih veličina određenih na temelju Standardne proizvodne vrijednosti. Među pet glavnih sektora stočarstva, Mađarska ima bolje rezultate u pogledu tehničke učinkovitosti u mliječnom i govedarskom sektoru, dok Hrvatska ima bolje rezultate u sektoru ovčarstva. Učinci u sektorima svinjogojstva i peradarstva gotovo su isti u obje zemlje. Štoviše, u mađarskim sektorima peradarstva, svinjogojstva, ovčarstva i kozarstva te hrvatskim sektorima mljekarstva, govedarstva i svinjogojstva, tehnička učinkovitost malih farmi bolja je od onih srednjih farmi

    Usporedna analiza namjera sveučilišnih studenata u pogledu samozaposlenja u četiri zemlje srednje i istočne Europe

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    It is of high interest of a society to explore and support self-employment which is a prerequisite for development of entrepreneurship and, consequently, the growth of economy. Keeping in mind political and economic differences in Croatia, Poland, Serbia and Slovakia, the level of self-employment intentions was investigated among students at agricultural or life science universities in these countries. The self-employment intention level (SEINT) was measured on a scale of 1 to 5. The total sample of 1,156 respondents involved students from Nitra, Warsaw, Zagreb and Novi Sad. The average SEINT value was 2.97, with students located in Novi Sad expressing significantly higher scores than the other three universities. It was found that some of socio-demographic factors are significantly related to the SEINT. However, the main reasons for significant difference in SEINT for Novi Sad students are believed to be due to the differences in macroeconomic conditions in the country.U interesu je svakog društva razvijati samozapošljavanje među studentima, jer je za očekivati da će upravo oni biti lideri gospodarstva u bliskoj budućnosti. Uzimajući u obzir političke i gospodarske razlike između Hrvatske, Poljske, Slovačke i Srbije, ispitane su namjere samozapošljavanju među studentima područja poljoprivrede i životnih znanosti u navedenim zemljama. Razina namjere samozaposlenja (SEINT) je mjerena na skali od 1-5. Ukupno je ispitano 1.156 studenata sa sveučilišta u Nitri, Varšavi, Zagrebu i Novom Sadu. Prosječna vrijednost za SEINT iznosila je 2.97, pri čemu je prosjek studenata iz Novog Sada statistički značajno viši nego na ostala tri sveučilišta. Utvrđena je statistički značajna povezanost nekih od socio-demografskih čimbenika s vrijednošću SEINT. Rezultati ukazuju na zaključak da glavni razlog za značajno različite vrijednosti kod studenata iz Novog sada dolazi od razlike u makroekonomskim uvjetima u pojedinoj zemlji