13 research outputs found

    TRANSPLANT QUALITY OF LETTUCE (Lactuca sativa) AND SAVORY (Satureja hortensis)

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    Osnovni preduvjet uspješnog uzgoja neke vrste ovisi o klijavosti sjemena, agroekološkim uvjetima tijekom proizvodnje te genotipu istraživane sorte. Prvi cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi utjecaj sorte na klijavost i kvalitetu presadnica tri sorte zelene salate (Lactuca sativa) Majska kraljica, Atrakcija i Brazilijanka istog proizvođača, uzgojenih u plasteniku Veleučilišta u Slavonskom Brodu. Pokus je postavljen u četiri ponavljanja sa 100 posijanih sjemenki u kontejnere sa 104 sjetvena mjesta napunjenih supstratom za uzgoj presadnica salate, a za navodnjavanje je korištena vodovodna voda. Utvrđen je značajan (p≤0,01) utjecaj sorte salate na sva mjerena svojstva (klijavost, duljinu nadzemnog dijela presadnica, duljinu korijena presadnica, ukupnu duljinu presadnica te masu presadnica). Također je utvrđena korelacijska povezanost između mase i duljine presadnica salate Majska kraljica. Drugi cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razliku u klijavosti i kvaliteti presadnica čubra (Satureja hortensis) između sjemena dvaju proizvođača. Presadnice su uzgojene u plasteniku Veleučilišta u Slavonskom Brodu. Pokus je postavljen po shemi četiri ponavljanja x 50 sjemenki. Kontejneri sa 104 sjetvenih mjesta napunjeni su supstratom za uzgoj presadnica. Navodnjavanje je obavljano prema potrebi sa vodovodnom vodom. Nije utvrđena značajna (p≤0,01) razlika između sjemena dvaju proizvođača za sva mjerena svojstva.The basic prerequisite for successful species breeding depends on seed germination, environmental conditions during production and genotype studied varieties. The first objective of the research was to determine the influence of varieties on seed germination and transplant quality of three lettuce varieties (Lactuca sativa) The May Queen, Attraction and Brazilian, grown in a greenhouse of College in Slavonski Brod. The experiment was set in four repetitions with 100 seeds planted in containers with 104 pots filled with substrate for transplant production and irrigated with tap water. A highly significant (p≤0.01) impact of the variety of salads was established on all measured characteristics (germination, the length of the above-ground parts of transplant, transplant root length, total length of transplants and transplants mass). Correlation relationship between the weight and length of transplants of lettuce The May Queen was also established. The second objective of this study was to determine the difference in germination and transplants quality of the savory (Satureja hortensis) seeds of two manufacturers. Transplants were grown in a greenhouse of College in Slavonski Brod. The experiment was set up in four repetitions x 50 seeds. Containers with 104 pots filled with a growing medium transplants. Tap water used for irrigation when was necessary. No significant (p≤0.01) difference was established between the two seed producers in all measured characteristics (germination, the length of the above-ground parts of transplants, transplants root length, total length of the transplants, and the mass of transplants


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    Tlo, osim što pridonosi kvaliteti okoliša, utječe i na kvalitetu proizvedene hrane. Nematode, kao njegov sastavni dio, sudjeluju u bogatstvu hranidbenog lanca tla te pridonose kvaliteti tla. S obzirom na način ishrane, odnosno različite trofičke grupe, nematode nam omogućuju uvid u procese koji se događaju u tlu. Indeksi hranidbenog lanca tla po Ferris-u omogućuju kvalitetniju i jasniju procjenu uvjeta hranidbenog lanca tla, temeljem određivanja gustoće populacije različitih trofičkih grupa nematoda. Indeks strukture tla (SI), Indeks obogaćenja (EI) i Indeks puteva razgradnje u tlu (CI) omogućuju kvalitetnu procjenu uvjeta koji prevladavaju u tlu, a mogu pružiti jednostavniju i bržu analizu puteva razgradnje i mineralizacije hranjiva u odnosu na temeljne metode za procjenu mineralizacije -dušika (N2). Slobodnoživuće nematode utječu na mineralizaciju u tlu, dok je gustoća populacije bakterivora i fungivora u ovisnosti o uvjetima okoliša i ishrane. Zbog toga bi poljoprivredna praksa trebala imati u cilju stalno poboljšavanje uvjeta u tlu, uz povećanje populacije slobodnoživućih i smanjenje populacije biljnoparazitnih nematoda.The soil, in addition to contributing to the quality of the environment, affects the quality of food produced. Nematodes, as an integral part of the richness of the soil food chain, contribute to these qualities of the soil. With regard to diet, or different trophic groups, nematodes provide insight into the processes that occur in the soil. Indexes of the soil food chain by Ferris in enabling better and clearer assessment of the conditions of the soil food chain, which allowed the assessment of the population density of different trophic groups of nematodes. Index of soil structure (SI), Enrichment index (EI) and the Index pathways of degradation in soil (CI) allow for quality assessment of conditions prevailing in the soil, and can provide simpler and faster analysis of pathways of degradation and mineralization of nutrients in relation to the basic methods for assessing mineralization of nitrogen (N2). Free living nematodes affecting mineralization in the soil, while the population density of bakterivora and fungivora depending on the environmental conditions and nutrition. Therefore, in order to improve conditions in the soil, agricultural practices should constantly work on increasing of the population of free living and reduction of plant parasitic nematodes

    Influence of temperature on germination of seed of grain legumes

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    Kvaliteta sjemena od presudnog je značaja za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Osnovni pokazatelji kvalitete sjemena su vlaga, masa 1000 sjemenki, čistoća, energija klijanja, klijavost i zdravstveno stanje. Energija klijanja i klijavost sjemena ispituju se prema točno propisanoj metodici ovisno o biljnoj vrsti. Za svaku biljnu vrstu propisana je podloga za naklijavanje, temperatura u procesu klijanja, broj dana potrebnih za očitavanje energije i klijavosti sjemena., te predtretman ako se radi o sjemenu koje ima izraženo svojstvo dormantnosti. Temperature ispitivanja klijavosti prilagođene su optimalnim temperaturama u vrijeme sjetve određene biljne vrste, no posljednjih godina zbog klimatskih prilika često se dogodi da su temperature u vrijeme sjetve zrnatih mahunarki osjetno niže u odnosu na višegodišnji prosjek. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi utjecaj različitih temperatura na energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena zrnatih mahunarki. Ispitivanje energije klijanja i klijavosti sjemena graška (Pisum sativum L.), stočnog graška jarog i ozimog (Pisum arvense L.), graha zrnaša visokog i niskog (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), graha mahunara visokog i niskog (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), boba (Vicia faba L.) i soje (Glycine max L.) provedeno je standardnom metodom u pijesku na tri temperature 15 °C, 20 °C i 25 °C. Propisana temperatura ispitivanja klijavosti kod svih vrsta je 25 °C, osim kod boba i graška 20 °C. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je klijavost sjemena na temperaturi od 15 °C niska kod svih ispitivanih vrsta, osim kod boba i ozimog stočnog graška, dok je energija klijanja sjemena graha zrnaša, graha mahunara i soje 0 %. Temperatura od 20 °C negativno je utjecala na energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena graha zrnaša, graha mahunara i jarog stočnog graška, dok je kod boba, ozimog stočnog graška i soje utjecaj temperature bio pozitivan na oba pokazatelja kvalitete sjemena. Sjeme graška, jarog stočnog graška, graha zrnaša i graha mahunara imalo je najvišu energiju klijanja i klijavost na temperaturi od 25 °C. Niske temperature u vrijeme nicanja mogu izazvati značajne štete na usjevima zrnatih mahunarki jer je kod većine vrsta energija klijanja 0 %, a klijavost sjemena vrlo niska.Seed quality is crucial for agricultural production. The basic indicators of seed quality are moisture, weight of 1000 seeds, purity, germination energy, germination and health. Germination energy and seed germination are tested according to a precisely prescribed methodology depending on the plant species. For each plant species, the substrate for germination is prescribed, the temperature in the process of germination, the number of days required to read the energy and germination of seeds, and pre-treatment if the seed has a pronounced dormant property. Germination testing temperatures are adjusted to optimal temperatures at the time of sowing a particular plant species, but in recent years due to climatic conditions it often happens that temperatures at the time when grain legumes are sown are significantly lower than the multi-year average. The aim of the research is to determine the influence of different temperatures on germination energy and germination of grain legume seeds. Testing of germination energy and germination of seeds of peas, fodder peas (spring and winter), grain beans (high and low), green beans (high and low), broad beans and soybeans was performed by the standard method in sand at three temperatures 15 °C, 20 °C and 25 °C. The prescribed germination testing temperature for all species is 25 °C, except for broad beans which is 20 °C. Research results show that seed germination at a temperature of 15 ° C is low in all tested species, except for spring peas and broad beans, while the germination energy of grain bean seeds, green beans and soybeans is 0%. The temperature of 20 °C had a negative effect on the germination energy and germination of seeds of grain beans, green beans and spring fodder peas, while in broad beans, winter fodder peas and soybeans the effect of temperature was positive on both seed quality indicators. Seeds of peas, grain beans and green beans had the highest germination energy and germination at a temperature o f 25 ° C. Low t temperatures a t t he time of germination can cause significant damage to grain legume crops because in most species the germination energy is 0% and the germination of seeds is very low


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    Cilj pokusa bio je ustanoviti postoji li razlika u prinosu šampinjona, ako se u proizvodnji koriste dvije CACing metode. U pokusu su korištene metoda sa „spawnom“ i metoda s proraslim kompostom. Rezultati pokusa pokazali su da nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između navedenih metoda. Stoga se može zaključiti da su obadvije metode dobre. Problem bi se mogao javiti kod umiješanja proraslog komposta u pokrivku zbog moguće zaraze patogenima, dok s druge strane „spawn“ materijal je skuplja opcija. Stoga bi možda ipak bolja bila opcija umiješanja „spawna“ s obzirom na sigurnost po pitanju patogena.The aim of the experiment was to determine the mushrooms yield difference using two CACing methods. In the experiment“spawn” and overgrowing compost methods were used. The test results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between these methods. It can be concluded that both methods are good. The problem could occur in blending overgrowing compost because of possible contamination with pathogens, while on the other hand "spawn" material is a more expensive option. Therefore, it might still be a better option blending "spawn" to protect from pathogens

    The quality of parsley seedlings depending on the seed producer and substrate quality

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    Peršin listaš Petroselinum crispum Mill. je vrlo cijenjena začinska biljka koja se može uzgajati u vrtu, ali i kao lončanica što je danas sve popularniji način uzgoja u kućanstvima. Kvaliteta presadnica peršina ovisi o kvaliteti sjemena te uvjetima uzgoja. U svrhu istraživanja korištene su tri vrste sjemena peršina listaša kategorije Commun 2 (uvoznika Miagra d.o.o., uvoznika Marcon d.o.o. i proizvođača Royal). Za uzgoj su korištena dva profesionalna supstrata namijenjena uzgoju presadnica povrća: Klasmann TS 1 fine i Terra Brill BIO START. Mjereni parametri su bili: klijavost, masa biljke, visina biljke i duljina korijena. Uzgoj je obavljen u zaštićenom prostoru, uz pridržavanje svih potrebnih uvjeta uzgoja. Utvrđene su značajne razlike ovisno o uzgojnom supstratu u % nicanja, masi i duljini korijena dok kod visine nije utvrđena razlika.Parsley Petroselinum crispum Mill. is a highly valued spice plant that can be grown in the garden but also in a pot which is today increasingly popular way of growing in household. The quality of parsley seedlings depends on the quality of the seeds, but also the growing conditions. For the purpose of investigation three types of leafy parsley seeds of category Commun 2 (importer Miagra d.o.o., importer Marcon d.o.o. and producer Royal) were used. Two professional substrates intended for growing vegetable seedlings were used for cultivation; Klasmann TS 1 fine and Terra Brill BIO START. The monitored parametars were: germination percentage, plant mass, length of underground and aboveground parts. Cultivation was carried out in protected area in compliance with all necessary breeding conditions. The aim of this work was to determine which seed variety depending on the substrates gives the best results in seedling development. Significant differences were found depending on the growing substrate in % sprouting, mass, root length, while no difference was found in height

    Preference of young consumers according to organoleptic properties of apples

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    Tijekom cijele godine odvija se potrošnja jabuka u svježem stanju. O njezinim vanjskim i unutarnjim karakteristikama ovisi cjelokupna ocjena kvalitete. Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje sklonosti potrošača prema određenom tipu izgleda i okusa jabuke, odnosno sklonosti prema određenim sortama. Žiri potrošača koji su ocjenjivali plod jabuke bio je sastavljen od potrošača čija se starosna dob kretala od 20 do 30 godina. U istraživanju svih kvaliteta bile su uključene 4 sorte jabuka; Idared, Jonagold, Gloster i Granny Smith. U anketi su ocjenjivani vanjski izgled ploda (boja kožice, veličina i oblik ploda), fizikalne karakteristike ploda (tekstura, sočnost i tvrdoća), te kemijske karakteristike ploda (odnos šećera i kiselina, aroma i punoća okusa). Sva ispitivana svojstva ocjenjivala su se ocjenama od 1 do 6, pri čemu je 1 bila minimalna ocjena, a 6 maksimalna ocjena. U ovom istraživanju najbolje su ocijenjeni plodovi sorte Granny Smith, nakon toga plodovi sorte Idared, te Gloster a najlošije su ocijenjeni plodovi sorte Jonagold.Fresh apples are consumed throughout the year. The overall quality assessment depends on its external and internal characteristics. The aim of this paper is to determine the consumers preference for a certain type of appearance and taste of apples, or preference for certain varieties. The jury of consumers who evaluated apple fruit was composed of costumers whose age ranged from 20 to 30 years. Four varieties of apples, Idared, Jonagold, Gloster and Granny Smith were included in the research on all qualities. The survey evaluated the external appearance of the fruit (skin color, size and shape of the fruit), physical characteristics of the fruit (texture, juiciness and hardness), and chemical characteristics of the fruit (ratio of sugars and acids, aroma and fullness of taste). All tested traits were rated on a scale of 1 to 6, with 1 being the minimum grade and 6 being the maximum grade. In this study, the best rated apple fruits was Granny Smith variety, followed by Idared and Gloster, and the worst rated was the Jonagold variety

    Image segmentation using the k-means clustering method

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    Ovaj rad istražuje primjenu algoritma k-srednjih vrijednosti u kontekstu segmentacije slika u HSV i RGB prostoru boja. Prvo poglavlje pruža teorijski pregled algoritma k-srednjih vrijednosti, objašnjavajući njegovo osnovno načelo i način rada. Nakon toga, rad se fokusira na praktičnu implementaciju algoritma u programskom jeziku C, što omogućava čitatelju dublje razumijevanje njegove primjene. Sljedeća dva poglavlja istražuju segmentaciju slika u HSV i RGB prostoru boja. HSV prostor boja često je bolji izbor za segmentaciju temeljenu na nijansama boja i svjetlini, dok je RGB prostor bolji za razdvajanje objekata sličnih boja (ne nužno istih), ali različitih svjetlina. Analizirane su prednosti i ograničenja ovih dvaju pristupa, uz naglasak na dobivene rezultate. Rezultati segmentacije pokazuju da je algoritam k-srednjih vrijednosti učinkovit alat za izdvajanje objekata na slikama, ali njegova uspješnost ovisi o različitim faktorima kao što su inicijalni centroidi i broj klastera. Također se ukazuje na potrebu za prilagodbom izbora prostora boja ovisno o konkretnoj primjeni. Konačno, zaključak rada sumira glavne nalaze i ističe važnost pažljivog odabira parametara i prostora boja prilikom primjene algoritma k-srednjih vrijednosti za segmentaciju slika. Naglašava se potreba za daljnjim istraživanjem i eksperimentiranjem kako bi se postigla optimizacija i poboljšanje ove metode za različite scenarije i primjene u budućnosti.This paper explores the usage of k-means algorithm for image segmentation in RGB and HSV colour space. In the first chapter, a theoretical overview of the algorithm is provided, explaining its basic principle and method of operation. Subsequently, the paper focuses on the practical implementation of the algorithm in C programming language. Practical implementation enables the reader to gain a deeper understanding of its real-world application. The following two chapters explore image segmentation in RGB and HSV colour spaces. HSV colour space is often the better choice for segmentation based on colour hues and brightness, while RGB space is a better choice for separating objects of similar colour (not necessarily of same colour) and different brightness. Advantages and limitations of the two approaches were analyzed, with an emphasis on the obtained results. The segmentation results demonstrate that the k-means clustering algorithm is an effective tool for extracting objects in images, but its success is greatly impacted by various factors such as initial centroids and the number of clusters. Additionally, there is an indication of the need to adapt the choice of color space depending on the specific application. In conclusion, the paper summarizes the main findings and highlights the importance of careful parameter and color space selection when applying the k-means clustering algorithm for image segmentation. There is an emphasis on the need for further research and experimentation to achieve optimization and improvement of this method for various scenarios and applications in the future

    Image segmentation using the k-means clustering method

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    Ovaj rad istražuje primjenu algoritma k-srednjih vrijednosti u kontekstu segmentacije slika u HSV i RGB prostoru boja. Prvo poglavlje pruža teorijski pregled algoritma k-srednjih vrijednosti, objašnjavajući njegovo osnovno načelo i način rada. Nakon toga, rad se fokusira na praktičnu implementaciju algoritma u programskom jeziku C, što omogućava čitatelju dublje razumijevanje njegove primjene. Sljedeća dva poglavlja istražuju segmentaciju slika u HSV i RGB prostoru boja. HSV prostor boja često je bolji izbor za segmentaciju temeljenu na nijansama boja i svjetlini, dok je RGB prostor bolji za razdvajanje objekata sličnih boja (ne nužno istih), ali različitih svjetlina. Analizirane su prednosti i ograničenja ovih dvaju pristupa, uz naglasak na dobivene rezultate. Rezultati segmentacije pokazuju da je algoritam k-srednjih vrijednosti učinkovit alat za izdvajanje objekata na slikama, ali njegova uspješnost ovisi o različitim faktorima kao što su inicijalni centroidi i broj klastera. Također se ukazuje na potrebu za prilagodbom izbora prostora boja ovisno o konkretnoj primjeni. Konačno, zaključak rada sumira glavne nalaze i ističe važnost pažljivog odabira parametara i prostora boja prilikom primjene algoritma k-srednjih vrijednosti za segmentaciju slika. Naglašava se potreba za daljnjim istraživanjem i eksperimentiranjem kako bi se postigla optimizacija i poboljšanje ove metode za različite scenarije i primjene u budućnosti.This paper explores the usage of k-means algorithm for image segmentation in RGB and HSV colour space. In the first chapter, a theoretical overview of the algorithm is provided, explaining its basic principle and method of operation. Subsequently, the paper focuses on the practical implementation of the algorithm in C programming language. Practical implementation enables the reader to gain a deeper understanding of its real-world application. The following two chapters explore image segmentation in RGB and HSV colour spaces. HSV colour space is often the better choice for segmentation based on colour hues and brightness, while RGB space is a better choice for separating objects of similar colour (not necessarily of same colour) and different brightness. Advantages and limitations of the two approaches were analyzed, with an emphasis on the obtained results. The segmentation results demonstrate that the k-means clustering algorithm is an effective tool for extracting objects in images, but its success is greatly impacted by various factors such as initial centroids and the number of clusters. Additionally, there is an indication of the need to adapt the choice of color space depending on the specific application. In conclusion, the paper summarizes the main findings and highlights the importance of careful parameter and color space selection when applying the k-means clustering algorithm for image segmentation. There is an emphasis on the need for further research and experimentation to achieve optimization and improvement of this method for various scenarios and applications in the future