16 research outputs found


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    Menaquinone (Vitamin K) is an electron transfer cofactor that is an essential component for all the domains of life. Recently discovered, futalosine-dependent menaquinone biosynthetic pathway uses radical chemistry to assemble the aromatic core of menaquinone. Aminofutalosine synthase (MqnE)- a radical S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) enzyme, catalyzes the key C-C bond formation reaction in this pathway converting 3-((1-carboxyvinyl)oxy)benzoic acid to Aminofutalosine. We have proposed a novel reaction mechanism for the MqnE catalyzed radical rearrangement involving a radical addition to the stable benzene ring. In support of this mechanism, we have successfully trapped the captodative and aryl radical anion intermediates using intramolecular, fast and radical triggered carbon-halogen bond fragmentation reactions (b-scission and SRN1 fragmentation). We have utilized exogenous radical trapping agents such as 5,5-dimethyl-1- pyrroline-N- oxide (DMPO), and sodium dithionite to trap radical intermediates in MqnE catalyzed reaction as a DMPO-spin adduct and sulfinate adduct respectively. We also have developed a chemical derivatization strategy for these sulfinate adducts to facilitate their chromatographic detection under aerobic conditions. These radical trapping strategies are generally useful in the study of other transient enzymatic radicals. Using a mechanism-guided approach, we have identified potent inhibitors of MqnE and have demonstrated their inhibitory activity against important human pathogens - Helicobacter pylori and Campylobacter jejuni. The best inhibitor exhibits tight-binding inhibition kinetics and has comparable antibacterial to currently approved antibiotics in the treatment of H. pylori infections. Thiamin Pyrimidine Synthase (ThiC) and its paralog- hydroxybenzimidazole Synthase (BzaF) play a pivotal role in the biosynthesis of thiamin (Vitamin B1) and cobalamin (Vitamin B12) by converting 5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide (AIR) to hydroxymethyl pyrimidine phosphate (HMP-P) and 5- hydroxybenzimidazole (5-HBI) respectively. ThiC catalyzes the most complex unresolved radical rearrangement in primary metabolism. We have used rationally designed substrate analogs to study early steps of the ThiC and BzaF catalyzed reactions and have trapped a ribose based radical intermediate in the form of a sulfinate adduct using sodium dithionite as a trapping agent. These studies have demonstrated that ThiC and BzaF reactions follow a fragmentation-recombination mechanism and have enabled us to propose credible mechanistic hypotheses for these unprecedented transformations


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    Menaquinone (Vitamin K) is an electron transfer cofactor that is an essential component for all the domains of life. Recently discovered, futalosine-dependent menaquinone biosynthetic pathway uses radical chemistry to assemble the aromatic core of menaquinone. Aminofutalosine synthase (MqnE)- a radical S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) enzyme, catalyzes the key C-C bond formation reaction in this pathway converting 3-((1-carboxyvinyl)oxy)benzoic acid to Aminofutalosine. We have proposed a novel reaction mechanism for the MqnE catalyzed radical rearrangement involving a radical addition to the stable benzene ring. In support of this mechanism, we have successfully trapped the captodative and aryl radical anion intermediates using intramolecular, fast and radical triggered carbon-halogen bond fragmentation reactions (b-scission and SRN1 fragmentation). We have utilized exogenous radical trapping agents such as 5,5-dimethyl-1- pyrroline-N- oxide (DMPO), and sodium dithionite to trap radical intermediates in MqnE catalyzed reaction as a DMPO-spin adduct and sulfinate adduct respectively. We also have developed a chemical derivatization strategy for these sulfinate adducts to facilitate their chromatographic detection under aerobic conditions. These radical trapping strategies are generally useful in the study of other transient enzymatic radicals. Using a mechanism-guided approach, we have identified potent inhibitors of MqnE and have demonstrated their inhibitory activity against important human pathogens - Helicobacter pylori and Campylobacter jejuni. The best inhibitor exhibits tight-binding inhibition kinetics and has comparable antibacterial to currently approved antibiotics in the treatment of H. pylori infections. Thiamin Pyrimidine Synthase (ThiC) and its paralog- hydroxybenzimidazole Synthase (BzaF) play a pivotal role in the biosynthesis of thiamin (Vitamin B1) and cobalamin (Vitamin B12) by converting 5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide (AIR) to hydroxymethyl pyrimidine phosphate (HMP-P) and 5- hydroxybenzimidazole (5-HBI) respectively. ThiC catalyzes the most complex unresolved radical rearrangement in primary metabolism. We have used rationally designed substrate analogs to study early steps of the ThiC and BzaF catalyzed reactions and have trapped a ribose based radical intermediate in the form of a sulfinate adduct using sodium dithionite as a trapping agent. These studies have demonstrated that ThiC and BzaF reactions follow a fragmentation-recombination mechanism and have enabled us to propose credible mechanistic hypotheses for these unprecedented transformations

    Therapeutic efficacy of Guduchi w.s.r to Madhyama Khanda of Sharangdhar Samhita

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    Various classics of Ayurveda has many herbs which are highly praised for their high therapeutic values, versatile range of action and easy availability. Along with the use of single herb in the therapy, use of various formulations in the form of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana is also indicated in the treatment of various diseases. Guduchi, botanically identified as Tinospora cordifolia (Wild.) Miers. of family, Menispermaceae is one such highly praised drug by almost all scholars. Guduchi is known by various names like Amruta, Chhinna, Chhinnaruha, Chakra, Chakralakshanika, Dhara, Somavalli etc. It has been indicated in management of Jwara (Pyrexia), Vatarakta (Joint disorders), Kushtha (Skin diseases), Kamala (Jaundice) and many other systemic disorders. Sharangdhar Samnhita is one of the important treatise on Bhaishajya Kalpana (Ayurvedic pharmaceutics). Madhyam Khanda of Sharangdhar Samhita is designed for description of various formulations. It contains dedicated chapter according to the type of formulations like Swaras. Kwatha, Hima etc. As like other scholars, Sharangdhar has also praised Guduchi for its higher therapeutic efficacy. Hence, it is needed to review the Madhyam Khanda of Sharangghar Samhita for knowing the use of Guduchi in variety of formulations

    Stock Price Prediction using Facebook Prophet

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    Estimating stock prices has always been a challenging task for researchers in the financial sector. Although the Efficient Market Hypothesis states that it is impossible to accurately predict stock prices, there is work in the literature that has shown that stock price movements can be predicted with the right level of accuracy, if the right variables are selected and appropriate predictor models are developed. those that are flexible. The Stock Market is volatile in nature and the prediction of the same is a cumbersome task. Stock prices depend upon not only economic factors, but they relate to various physical, psychological, rational and other important parameters. In this research work, the stock prices are predicted using Facebook Prophet. Stock price predictive models have been developed and run-on published stock data acquired from Yahoo Finance. Prophet is capable of generating daily, weekly and yearly seasonality along with holiday effects, by implementing regression models. The experimental results lead to the conclusion that Facebook Prophet can be used to predict stock prices for a long period of time with reasonable accuracy