787 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Lyrical Repetition and Popularity in Popular Music Genres

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    This paper examines the correlation between repetitiveness and popularity in the genres of Christian, Country, EDM, Hip-Hop, Latin, Pop, R&B, and Rock. Repetitiveness is defined by the frequency of repeated words in lyrics, and the average number of streams per day defines popularity. This analysis also acknowledges the popularity metric provided by Spotify in calculating the correlation. To calculate this correlation, I wrote a program that accesses the Spotify and Genius APIs to gather metadata related to 76,069 songs from 1,246 artists, including data on repetitiveness, tempo, duration, and Spotify\u27s audio metrics of danceability, energy, speechiness, acousticness, and instrumentalness. I found a weak correlation between these metrics and popularity, concluding that these metrics are not a reliable predictor of a song\u27s popularity. While the popularity of songs in some genres have a slightly stronger relationship with repetitiveness, such as repetitiveness accounting for 6.1% of the variation of popularity in pop music, there was less of a relationship than I had hypothesized. Understanding these conclusions and considering external factors that influence the popularity of a song can help artists understand what they must do to influence their song\u27s appearance on the charts

    Block height influences the head depth of competitive racing starts

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not starting block height has an effect on the head depth and head speed of competitive racing starts. Eleven experienced, collegiate swimmers executed competitive racing starts from three different starting heights: 0.21 m (pool deck), 0.46 m (intermediate block), and 0.76 m (standard block). One-way repeated measures ANOVA indicated that starting height had a significant effect on the maximum depth of the center of the head, head speed at maximum head depth, and distance from starting wall at maximum head depth. Racing starts from the standard block and pool deck were significantly deeper, faster, and farther at maximum head depth than starts from the intermediate block. There were no differences between depth, speed, or distance between the standard block and pool deck. We conclude that there is not a positive linear relationship between starting depth and starting height, which means that starts do not necessarily get deeper as the starting height increases

    Competitive swimmers modify racing start depth upon request

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    To expand upon recent findings showing that competitive swimmers complete significantly shallower racing starts in shallower pools, 12 more experienced and 13 less experienced swimmers were filmed underwater during completion of competitive starts. Two starts (1 routine and 1 “requested shallow”) were executed from a 0.76 m block height into water 3.66 m deep. Dependent measures were maximum head depth, head speed at maximum head depth, and distance from the starting wall at maximum head depth. Statistical analyses yielded significant main effects (p < 0.05) for both start type and swimmer experience. Starts executed by the more experienced swimmers were deeper and faster than those executed by the less experienced swimmers. When asked to dive shallowly, maximum head depth decreased (0.19 m) and head speed increased (0.33 ms-1) regardless of experience. The ability of all swimmers to modify start depth implies that spinal cord injuries during competitive swimming starts are not necessarily due to an inherent inability to control the depth of the start

    Start depth modification by adolescent competitive swimmers

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    To expand upon previous studies showing inexperienced high school swimmers can complete significantly shallower racing starts when asked to start “shallow,” 42 age group swimmers (6-14 years old) were filmed underwater during completion of competitive starts. Two starts (one normal and one “requested shallow”) were executed from a 0.76 m block into 1.83 m of water. Dependent measures were maximum depth of the center of the head, head speed at maximum head depth, and distance from the starting wall at maximum head depth. Statistical analyses yielded significant main effects (p < 0.05) for start type and age. The oldest swimmers’ starts were deeper and faster than the youngest swimmers’ starts. When asked to start shallowly, maximum head depth decreased (0.10 m) and head speed increased (0.32 ms-1) regardless of age group. The ability of all age groups to modify start depth implies that spinal cord injuries during competitive swimming starts are not necessarily due to age-related deficits in basic motor skills

    Water depth influences the head depth of competitive racing starts

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    Recent research suggests that swimmers perform deeper starts in deeper water (Blitvich, McElroy, Blanksby, Clothier, & Pearson, 2000; Cornett, White, Wright, Willmott, & Stager, 2011). To provide additional information relevant to the depth adjustments swimmers make as a function of water depth and the validity of values reported in prior literature, 11 collegiate swimmers were asked to execute racing starts in three water depths (1.53 m, 2.14 m, and 3.66 m). One-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed that the maximum depth of the center of the head was significantly deeper in 3.66 m as compared to the shallower water depths. No differences due to water depth were detected in head speed at maximum head depth or in the distance from the wall at which maximum head depth occurred. We concluded that swimmers can and do make head depth adjustments as a function of water depth. Earlier research performed in deep water may provide overestimates of maximum head depth following the execution of a racing start in water depth typical of competitive venues

    Racing start safety: head depth and head speed during competitive starts into a water depth of 1.22 m

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    From the perspective of swimmer safety, there have been no quantitative 3-dimensional studies of the underwater phase of racing starts during competition. To do so, 471 starts were filmed during a meet with a starting depth of 1.22 m and block height of 0.76 m. Starts were stratified according to age (8 & U, 9–10, 11–12, 13–14, and 15 & O) and stroke during the first lap (freestyle, breaststroke, and butterfly). Dependent measures were maximum head depth, head speed at maximum head depth, and distance from the wall at maximum head depth. For all three variables, there were significant main effects for age, F(4, 456) = 12.53, p < .001, F(4, 456) = 27.46, p < .001, and F(4, 456) = 54.71, p < .001, respectively, and stroke, F(2, 456) = 16.91, p < .001, F(2, 456) = 8.45, p < .001, and F(2, 456) = 18.15, p < .001, respectively. The older swimmers performed starts that were deeper and faster than the younger swimmers and as a result, the older swimmers may be at a greater risk for injury when performing starts in this pool depth

    Racing start safety: head depth and head speed during competitive swim starts into a water depth of 2.29m

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    The head depths and head speeds of swimmers attained following the execution of racing starts during competition have not been well described. To address this, 211 competitive starts were filmed into a starting depth of 2.29 m with a block height of 0.76 m. Starts were stratified according to age, sex, stroke, and swim meet. Dependent measures were maximum depth of the center of the head, head speed at maximum head depth, and distance from the wall at maximum head depth. Significant main effects existed for age for all three measures: F(1, 106) = 13.33, p < .001, F(1, 106) = 18.60, p < .001 and F(1, 106) = 70.59, p < .001, respectively. There was a significant age by sex interaction, F(1, 106) = 5.36, p = 0.023, for head speed. In conclusion, older swimmers performed starts that were deeper and faster than younger swimmers and nearly all starts exceeded the threshold speeds for injury. As compared to starts previously reported into 1.22 m, starts were deeper, slower, and farther from the starting wall at maximum head depth

    Drinking Water in Northwestern Alaska: Using or Not Using Centralized Water Systems in Two Rural Communities

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    Over the last 100 years, there have been major changes in the way Iñupiaq villages in Alaska have procured fresh water for drinking and other human uses. Since the 1960s, major funding has been provided by local, state, and federal agencies to install centralized water systems in these villages. These systems have arrived with great expectations, and yet many of them have a myriad of problems due to harsh weather conditions, low winter temperatures, and permafrost. Other obstacles to success of the water systems arise from local preference for traditional water resources. On the Seward Peninsula, some villages rely heavily on centralized water systems, while others continue to rely more heavily on traditional water sources. We demonstrate in this paper that local variables, including different environmental factors and a sense of agency in the modernization process, affect local choices about whether or not to use the centralized water systems. We conclude that local, culturally specific ideas about health and acceptable drinking water quality must be taken into account for these projects to be successful.Ces cent derniĂšres annĂ©es, la façon dont les villages iñupiaqs, en Alaska, se sont procurĂ© l’eau douce nĂ©cessaire Ă  la consommation et Ă  d’autres usages humains a changĂ© considĂ©rablement. Depuis les annĂ©es 1960, des organismes fĂ©dĂ©raux, locaux et d’État ont consacrĂ© beaucoup de financement Ă  l’installation de rĂ©seaux centralisĂ©s d’alimentation en eau dans ces villages. Bien que les attentes Ă©taient grandes Ă  l’égard de ces rĂ©seaux, grand nombre d’entre eux ont connu une myriade de problĂšmes attribuables aux conditions climatiques difficiles de l’hiver, aux basses tempĂ©ratures hivernales et au pergĂ©lisol. Parmi les autres obstacles Ă  l’implantation rĂ©ussie des rĂ©seaux d’alimentation en eau, notons la prĂ©fĂ©rence qu’ont les gens de la rĂ©gion pour les sources d’eau traditionnelles. Dans la pĂ©ninsule de Seward, certains villages dĂ©pendent fortement de rĂ©seaux centralisĂ©s d’alimentation en eau, tandis que d’autres villages continuent de dĂ©pendre surtout de sources d’eau traditionnelles. Nous dĂ©montrons dans cette communication que les variables locales, ce qui comprend divers facteurs environnementaux et la prĂ©sence d’organismes se vouant au processus de modernisation, ont des incidences sur les choix faits dans la rĂ©gion, Ă  savoir si les peuples dĂ©cident de recourir aux rĂ©seaux centralisĂ©s d’alimentation en eau ou non. Nous en concluons que pour que ces projets rĂ©ussissent, il faut tenir compte des idĂ©es des gens de la rĂ©gion en matiĂšre de culture, plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment en ce qui a trait Ă  la santĂ© et Ă  une qualitĂ© acceptable d’eau potable
