5,951 research outputs found

    Natural aging and reversion behavior of Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy Weldalite (tm) 049

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    This study was initiated to understand the natural aging and reversion behavior of Weldalite (trademark) 049 in tempers without cold work. Of particular interest are: (1) the microstructural basis for the high strength in the T4 condition; (2) an explanation of the reversion phenomenon; and (3) the effect of re-aging at room temperature after a reversion treatment. Mechanical properties were measured and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis performed at various stages of microstructural development during aging, reversion, and subsequent re-aging

    Structure and properties during aging of an Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy, Weldalite (tm) 049

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    An Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy, Weldalite (trademark) 049, was recently introduced as an ultra-high strength alloy (7000 MPa yield strength in artificially aged tempers) with good weldability. In addition, the alloy exhibits an extraordinary natural aging response (440 MPa yield strength (YS) in the unstretch condition) and a high ductility reversion condition which may be useful as a cold-forming temper. In contrast to other Al-Li alloys, these properties can essentially be obtained with or without a stretch or other coldworking operation prior to aging. Preliminary studies have revealed that the T4 temper (no stretch, natural age) is strengthened by a combination of GP zones and delta prime (Al3Li). The T6 temper (no stretch, aged at 180 C to peak strength) was reported to be strengthened primarily by T(sub 1) phase (Al2CuLi) with a minor presence of a theta prime like (Al2Cu) phase. On the other hand, a similar but lower solute containing alloy was reported to contain omega, (stoichiometry unknown), theta prime, and S prime in the peak strength condition. The purpose of this study is to further elucidate the strengthening phases in Weldalite (trademark) 049 in the unstretched tempers, and to follow the development of the microstructure from the T4 temper through reversion (180 C for 5 to 45 minutes) to the T6 temper

    High resolution electron microscopy study of a high Cu variant of Weldalite (tm) 049 and a high strength Al-Cu-Ag-Mg-Zr alloy

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    Weldalite (trademark) 049 is an Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy that is strengthened in artificially aged tempers primarily by very thin plate-like precipitates lying on the set of (111) matrix planes. This precipitate might be expected to be the T(sub 1) phase, Al2CuLi, which has been observed in Al-Cu-Li alloys. However, in several ways this precipitate is similar to the omega phase which also appears as the set of (111) planes plates and is found in Al-Cu-Ag-Mg alloys. The study was undertaken to identify the set of (111) planes precipitate or precipitates in Weldalite (trademark) 049 in the T8 (stretched and artificially aged) temper, and to determine whether T(sub 1), omega, or some other phase is primarily responsible for the high strength (i.e., 700 MPa tensile strength) in this Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy

    Strategic Decision Facilitation: Supporting Critical Assumptions of the Human in Empirical Modeling of Pairwise Value Comparisons

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    Modeling human decision-making is difficult. Decision-makers are typically primed with unique biases that widen the confidence interval of judgment. Therefore, it is important that the human process in the system being modeled is designed to alleviate damaging biases and assumptions in an effort to increase process consistency between decision-makers. In this experiment, it is hypothesized that coupling specific decision-facilitation methods with a specific scale range will affect the consistency between decision-makers. This article presents a multiphase experiment that examines a varying presentation mode as well as scale range to determine how value is determined in subsequent pairwise comparisons of alternatives against specific requirements. When considering subject value ratings of the expected rank order of alternative subgroups (indicating strong criteria independence), results show that subjects used consistent comparison ratios regardless of the scale range. Furthermore, when comparing the subgroups of expected rank order responses to the subgroups of biased responses, although ratios were different, the same general trend of comparison existed within subgroups. Providing evidence that careful selection of the presentation mode can facilitate more consistent value comparisons between compatible decision-makers allows for the identification of and adjustment of disparities due to bias and potential lack of incremental scaling detail. Furthermore, by creating decision processes that render more consistent cognitive behavior between decision-makers, tighter confidence intervals can be obtained, and critical assumptions can be validated

    A simulation evaluation of a four-engine jet transport using engine thrust modulation for flightpath control

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    The use of throttle control laws to provide adequate flying qualities for flight path control in the event of a total loss of conventional flight control surface use was evaluated. The results are based on a simulation evaluation by transport research pilots of a B-720 transport with visual display. Throttle augmentation control laws can provide flight path control capable of landing a transport-type aircraft with up to moderate levels of turbulence. The throttle augmentation mode dramatically improves the pilots' ability to control flight path for the approach and landing flight condition using only throttle modulation. For light turbulence, the average Cooper-Harper pilot rating improved from unacceptable to acceptable (a pilot rating improvement of 4.5) in going from manual to augmented control. The low frequency response characteristics of the engines require a considerably different piloting technique. The various techniques used by the pilot resulted in considerable scatter in data. Many pilots readily adapted to a good piloting technique while some had difficulty. A new viable approach is shown to provide independent means of redundancy of transport aircraft flight path control

    Evaluation of the microstructure of Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg Weldalite (tm) alloys, part 4

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    Weldalite (trademark) 049 is an Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy designed to have ultrahigh strength and to serve in aerospace applications. The alloy displays significantly higher strength than competitive alloys in both naturally aged and artificially aged tempers. The strengthening phases in such tempers have been identified to, in part, explain the mechanical properties attained. In general, the alloy is strengthened by delta prime Al3Li and Guinier-Preston (GP) zones in the naturally aged tempers. In artificially aged tempers in slightly underaged conditions, strengthening is provided by several phases including GP zones, theta prime Al2Cu, S prime Al2CuMg, T(sub 1) Al2CuLi, and possibly a new phase. In the peak strength artificially aged tempers, T(sub 1) is the predominant strengthening phase

    Legal Effect of Voluntary Pooling and Unitization: Theories and Party Practice

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    The pooling or combining of smaller tracts is a recognized and expanding practice in the oil and gas industry. Consequently, it is important to understand the precise legal effect of pooling and unitization. In a typical situation, if A owns tract 1 and B owns tract 2, and A and B lease their tracts to X and Y respectively, it is clear that B would not share in the production from a well located on A\u27s tract. However, if tract 2 is pooled or unitized with tract 1, B would be permitted to share in the royalties from a well located on A\u27s tract. In Parker v. Parker the owners of contiguous tracts leased them as though they were a single tract owned by the lessors in common. In response to special issues the jury found that the parties had orally agreed that the lease should be considered a unitized one. The court of civil appeals disregarded the jury\u27s finding and held that, as a matter of law, the lessors had pooled their interests so that they will share pro rata in the royalty no matter from which land oil is produced. There are many other forms of pooling, as, for example, the true community lease, which generally describes the area that may be pooled and gives the other owners of a mineral interest in the described area an option to join as lessors. When the names of the other owners are subsequently inserted in the agreement and the lease has been executed by them, it has the same effect as a lease executed by one and all at the same time. The entire acreage of the joining lessors is developed and operate as one lease, and all royalties and rentals are treated as an entirety to be divided among the separate owners in the proportion that the acreage in each tract bears to the entire acreage. A third form of pooling is created by lessors who, subsequent to the leasing of their respective tracts, enter into a separate pooling agreement among themselves and their lessee(s). In Duff v. Du Bose, the pooling agreement signed by the various lessors provided that all of the leases were combined, merged, pooled, and shall hereafter be considered one lease for the purpose and operation of the Texas Company. The courts have upheld this type of pooling as a valid and binding contract. The most common means of pooling in recent years is that which results from the lessee\u27s exercise of authority to pool conferred by a pooling clause in the lease, or from an amendment that inserts a pooling clause in the lease. Typically, these clauses are drafted in broad, all inclusive fashion and the lessee is granted the right to pool the lease, or any portion thereof, with any other land, lease, or mineral estate, to create a unit of specified size for the purpose of oil and gas development and production. The lease pooling clause has also been upheld by the courts

    Investigation of Forged-Like Microstructure Produced by A Hybrid Manufacturing Process

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    Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) is an additive manufacturing technique for manufacturing complex near net shaped components. The grain size of the typical deposition microstructure in case of Ti-6Al-4V can range between 100µm-600µm, which is much larger than that of forged-like microstructures. Friction Stir Processing (FSP) has been investigated as a method for surface modification to form refined microstructure at the surface of the Ti-6Al-4V components manufactured from the LMD method. Integration of FSP and LMD can greatly improve the product properties. Friction stir processing of the laser deposited Ti-6Al-4V deposits was performed and optimum processing parameters were obtained using this hybrid process. The microstructure of the nugget regions obtained in the substrate weld, stir over deposit and deposit over stir experiments is presented. A much decreasing grain size was observed in the dilution zone inside the nugget from the stir surface to the bottom of the dilution zone.Mechanical Engineerin

    Absorption of Nitrogen during Pulsed Wave L-PBF of 17-4 PH Steel

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    In the fabrication of 17-4 PH by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) the well-documented occurrence of large amounts of retained austenite can be attributed to an elevated concentration of nitrogen present in the material. While the effects of continuous wave (CW) laser processing on in-situ nitrogen absorption characteristics have been evaluated, power modulated pulsed wave (PW) laser processing effects have not. In this study the effects of PW L-PBF processing of 17-4 PH on nitrogen absorption, phase composition, and mechanical performance are explored using commercially available PW L-PBF equipment and compared to samples produced by CW L-PBF. PW L-PBF samples fabricated in cover gas conditions with varying amounts of nitrogen demonstrated reduced absorption levels compared to those produced by CW L-PBF with no effects on phase composition and minimal effects on mechanical performance

    Synthesizing Ti–Ni Alloy Composite Coating on Ti–6Al–4V Surface from Laser Surface Modification

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    In This Work, a Ni-Alloy Deloro-22 Was Laser-Deposited on a Ti–6Al–4V Bar Substrate with Multiple Sets of Laser Processing Parameters. the Purpose Was to Apply Laser Surface Modification to Synthesize Different Combinations of Ductile TiNi and Hard Ti2Ni Intermetallic Phases on the Surface of Ti–6Al–4V in Order to Obtain Adjustable Surface Properties. Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy, and X-Ray Diffraction Were Applied to Reveal the Deposited Surface Microstructure and Phase. the Effect of Processing Parameters on the Resultant Compositions of TiNi and Ti2Ni Was Discussed. the Hardness of the Deposition Was Evaluated, and Comparisons with the Ti–6Al–4V Bulk Part Were Carried Out. They Showed a Significant Improvement in Surface Hardness on Ti–6Al–4V Alloys after Laser Processing, and the Hardness Could Be Flexibly Adjusted by using This Laser-Assisted Surface Modification Technique
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