16 research outputs found

    Hydrological modeling of geophysical parameters of arboviral and protozoan disease vectors in Internally Displaced People camps in Gulu, Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to determine if remotely sensed data and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can test relationships between <it>Culex quinquefasciatus </it>and <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>s.l. larval habitats and environmental parameters within Internally Displaced People (IDP) campgrounds in Gulu, Uganda. A total of 65 georeferenced aquatic habitats in various IDP camps were studied to compare the larval abundance of <it>Cx. quinquefasciatus </it>and <it>An. gambiae </it>s.l. The aquatic habitat dataset were overlaid onto Land Use Land Cover (LULC) maps retrieved from Landsat imagery with 150 m × 150 m grid cells stratified by levels of drainage. The LULC change was estimated over a period of 14 years. Poisson regression analyses and Moran's <it>I </it>statistics were used to model relationships between larval abundance and environmental predictors. Individual larval habitat data were further evaluated in terms of their covariations with spatial autocorrelation by regressing them on candidate spatial filter eigenvectors. Multispectral QuickBird imagery classification and DEM-based GIS methods were generated to evaluate stream flow direction and accumulation for identification of immature <it>Cx. quinquefasciatus </it>and <it>An. gambiae </it>s.l. and abundance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The main LULC change in urban Gulu IDP camps was non-urban to urban, which included about 71.5 % of the land cover. The regression models indicate that counts of <it>An. gambiae </it>s.l. larvae were associated with shade while <it>Cx. quinquefasciatus </it>were associated with floating vegetation. Moran's <it>I </it>and the General G statistics for mosquito density by species and instars, identified significant clusters of high densities of <it>Anopheles</it>; larvae, however, <it>Culex </it>are not consistently clustered. A stepwise negative binomial regression decomposed the immature <it>An. gambiae </it>s.l. data into empirical orthogonal bases. The data suggest the presence of roughly 11% to 28 % redundant information in the larval count samples. The DEM suggest a positive correlation for <it>Culex </it>(0.24) while for <it>Anopheles </it>there was a negative correlation (-0.23) for a local model distance to stream.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data demonstrate that optical remote sensing; geostatistics and DEMs can be used to identify parameters associated with <it>Culex </it>and <it>Anopheles </it>aquatic habitats.</p

    Flea Diversity as an Element for Persistence of Plague Bacteria in an East African Plague Focus

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    Plague is a flea-borne rodent-associated zoonotic disease that is caused by Yersinia pestis and characterized by long quiescent periods punctuated by rapidly spreading epidemics and epizootics. How plague bacteria persist during inter-epizootic periods is poorly understood, yet is important for predicting when and where epizootics are likely to occur and for designing interventions aimed at local elimination of the pathogen. Existing hypotheses of how Y. pestis is maintained within plague foci typically center on host abundance or diversity, but little attention has been paid to the importance of flea diversity in enzootic maintenance. Our study compares host and flea abundance and diversity along an elevation gradient that spans from low elevation sites outside of a plague focus in the West Nile region of Uganda (∼725–1160 m) to higher elevation sites within the focus (∼1380–1630 m). Based on a year of sampling, we showed that host abundance and diversity, as well as total flea abundance on hosts was similar between sites inside compared with outside the plague focus. By contrast, flea diversity was significantly higher inside the focus than outside. Our study highlights the importance of considering flea diversity in models of Y. pestis persistence

    Seasonal fluctuations of small mammal and flea communities in a Ugandan plague focus: evidence to implicate Arvicanthis niloticus and Crocidura spp. as key hosts in Yersinia pestis transmission

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    BACKGROUND: The distribution of human plague risk is strongly associated with rainfall in the tropical plague foci of East Africa, but little is known about how the plague bacterium is maintained during periods between outbreaks or whether environmental drivers trigger these outbreaks. We collected small mammals and fleas over a two year period in the West Nile region of Uganda to examine how the ecological community varies seasonally in a region with areas of both high and low risk of human plague cases. METHODS: Seasonal changes in the small mammal and flea communities were examined along an elevation gradient to determine whether small mammal and flea populations exhibit differences in their response to seasonal fluctuations in precipitation, temperature, and crop harvests in areas within (above 1300 m) and outside (below 1300 m) of a model-defined plague focus. RESULTS: The abundance of two potential enzootic host species (Arvicanthis niloticus and Crocidura spp.) increased during the plague season within the plague focus, but did not show the same increase at lower elevations outside this focus. In contrast, the abundance of the domestic rat population (Rattus rattus) did not show significant seasonal fluctuations regardless of locality. Arvicanthis niloticus abundance was negatively associated with monthly precipitation at a six month lag and positively associated with current monthly temperatures, and Crocidura spp. abundance was positively associated with precipitation at a three month lag and negatively associated with current monthly temperatures. The abundance of A. niloticus and Crocidura spp. were both positively correlated with the harvest of millet and maize. CONCLUSIONS: The association between the abundance of several small mammal species and rainfall is consistent with previous models of the timing of human plague cases in relation to precipitation in the West Nile region. The seasonal increase in the abundance of key potential host species within the plague focus, but not outside of this area, suggests that changes in small mammal abundance may create favorable conditions for epizootic transmission of Y. pestis which ultimately may increase risk of human cases in this region

    Comparison of Zoonotic Bacterial Agents in Fleas Collected from Small Mammals or Host-Seeking Fleas from a Ugandan Region Where Plague Is Endemic

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    ABSTRACT Fleas (n = 407) were collected from small mammals trapped inside huts and surroundings of homesteads in five villages within the Arua and Zombo districts of Uganda. The most common flea species were Dinopsyllus lypusus (26%) and Xenopsylla cheopis (50%). Off-host fleas (n = 225) were collected inside huts by using Kilonzo flea traps. The majority of the off-host fleas were Ctenocephalides felis (80%). All fleas were examined for the presence of Bartonella spp., Rickettsia spp., and Yersinia spp. Bartonella DNA was detected in 91 fleas, with an overall prevalence of 14%. Bartonella prevalence was significantly higher in rodent or shrew fleas than in off-host fleas (22% versus 1%). The majority of Bartonella-positive fleas were of the species D. lypusus (61%), X. cheopis (20%), and Ctenophthalmus calceatus (14%). Sequencing analysis identified 12 Bartonella genetic variants, 9 of which belonged to the zoonotic pathogen B. elizabethae species complex. Rickettsia DNA was detected in 143 fleas, giving an overall prevalence of 23%, with a significantly higher prevalence in off-host fleas than in rodent or shrew fleas (56% versus 4%). The majority (88%) of Rickettsia-positive fleas were C. felis and were collected from Kilonzo traps, while a small portion (10%) were X. cheopis collected from rodents. Sequencing analysis identified six Rickettsia genogroups that belonged either to zoonotic R. felis or to the closely related “Candidatus Ricksettia asemboensis” and “Candidatus Ricksettia sengalensis.” Yersinia DNA was not detected in the fleas tested. These observations suggested that fleas in northwestern Uganda commonly carry the zoonotic agents B. elizabethae and R. felis and potentially play an important role in transmitting these infections to humans. IMPORTANCE Fleas play critical roles in transmitting some infections among animals and from animals to humans. Detection of pathogens in fleas is important to determine human risks for flea-borne diseases and can help guide diagnosis and treatment. Our findings of high prevalence rates of B. elizabethae and R. felis in fleas in the Arua and Zombo districts of Uganda implicate these agents as potential causative agents of undiagnosed febrile illnesses in this area

    Comparison of host and flea diversity among sampling sites.

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    <p>Host diversity indices were similar between sites above (7–10) and below (1–6) the 1300 m elevation threshold. Flea diversity was significantly higher for sites above 1300 m than below; Wilcoxon rank sums test with chi square approximation χ = 6.55 d.f. = 1 P = 0.01).</p

    Flea infestations of key hosts and <i>Y. pestis</i> vector species among sampling sites.

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    <p><i>Rattus rattus</i>, <i>Arvicanthis niloticus</i>, <i>Crocidura spp.</i> and <i>Mastomys spp.</i> are indicated as Rr, An, Cr, and Ma, respectively. Numbers of hosts examined per site is given in parentheses.</p

    Starting at the community: Treatment-seeking pathways of children with suspected severe malaria in Uganda.

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    Community health workers (CHW) usually refer children with suspected severe malaria to the nearest public health facility or a designated public referral health facility (RHF). Caregivers do not always follow this recommendation. This study aimed at identifying post-referral treatment-seeking pathways that lead to appropriate antimalarial treatment for children less than five years with suspected severe malaria. An observational study in Uganda enrolled children below five years presenting to CHWs with signs of severe malaria. Children were followed up 28 days after enrolment to assess their condition and treatment-seeking history, including referral advice and provision of antimalarial treatment from visited providers. Of 2211 children included in the analysis, 96% visited a second provider after attending a CHW. The majority of CHWs recommended caregivers to take their child to a designated RHF (65%); however, only 59% followed this recommendation. Many children were brought to a private clinic (33%), even though CHWs rarely recommended this type of provider (3%). Children who were brought to a private clinic were more likely to receive an injection than children brought to a RHF (78% vs 51%, p<0.001) and more likely to receive the second or third-line injectable antimalarial (artemether: 22% vs. 2%, p<0.001, quinine: 12% vs. 3%, p<0.001). Children who only went to non-RHF providers were less likely to receive an artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) than children who attended a RHF (odds ratio [OR] = 0.64, 95% CI 0.51-0.79, p<0.001). Children who did not go to any provider after seeing a CHW were the least likely to receive an ACT (OR = 0.21, 95% CI 0.14-0.34, p<0.001). Health policies should recognise local treatment-seeking practices and ensure adequate quality of care at the various public and private sector providers where caregivers of children with suspected severe malaria actually seek care