6,932 research outputs found

    Inflation with f(R,ϕ)f(R,\phi) in Jordan frame

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    We consider an f(R)f(R) action that is non-minimally coupled to a massive scalar field. The model closely resembles scalar-tensor theory and by conformal transformation can be transformed to Einstein frame. To avoid the ambiguity of the frame dependence, we obtain an exact analytical solution in Jordan frame and show that the model leads to a period of accelerated expansion with an exit. Further, we compute the scalar and tensor power spectrum for the model and compare them with observations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Exact inflationary solutions in exponential gravity

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    We consider a modified gravity model of the form f(R,ϕ)=Reh(ϕ)R f(R,\phi)=R e^{h(\phi)R} , where the strong gravity corrections are taken to all orders and ϕ\phi is a self-interacting massless scalar field. We show that the conformal transformation of this model to Einstein frame leads to non-canonical kinetic term and negates the advantage of the Einstein frame. We obtain exact solutions for the background in the Jordan frame without performing conformal transformations and show that the model leads to inflation with exit. We obtain scalar and tensor power-spectrum in Jordan frame and show that the model leads to red-tilt. We discuss the implications of the same in the light of cosmological observations.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Modern Criminal Procedure by Roy Moreland

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    Foraging and Roosting Behaviors of Rafinesque\u27s Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) at the Northern Edge of the Species Range

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    Bat populations in the eastern United States are currently declining at unprecedented rates as a result of habitat loss, commercial wind energy development, and white-nose syndrome. Effective conservation of these declining populations requires knowledge of several aspects of summer and winter ecology, including daytime habitat use (day-roost selection and social behaviors), nocturnal habitat use (foraging habitat selection, prey selection, and prey abundance), and winter hibernation (torpor) patterns. This dissertation addresses these questions for Rafinesque’s big-eared bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii), a species of conservation concern in the southeastern United States. Kentucky represents the northern edge of the range of Rafinesque’s big-eared bat, and summer and winter behaviors in Kentucky are likely to differ from what has been observed in southern portion of the range, where available habitats and climate are different. My research occurred in two study areas in Kentucky, Mammoth Cave National Park in central Kentucky, and the Ballard Wildlife Management areas in western Kentucky. This dissertation includes all of the work done in western Kentucky, where I radio-tagged 48 adult big-eared bats and documented daytime and nighttime habitat use. Also included is a portion of the work done in central Kentucky, focusing on hibernation patterns of 14 adult big-eared bats radio-tagged during the winter at Mammoth Cave. Data disseminated in this dissertation provide insights into the summer and winter ecology of Rafinesque’s big-eared bat in Kentucky, and can be used to manage populations threatened by habitat loss and white-nose syndrome

    Merlin Phosphorylation by p21-activated Kinase 2 and Effects of Phosphorylation on Merlin Localization

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    The Nf2 tumor suppressor gene product merlin is related to the membrane-cytoskeleton linker proteins of the band 4.1 superfamily, including ezrin, radixin, and moesin (ERMs). Merlin is regulated by phosphorylation in a Rac/cdc42-dependent fashion. We report that the phosphorylation of merlin at serine 518 is induced by the p21-activated kinase PAK2. This is demonstrated by biochemical fractionation, use of active and dominant-negative mutants of PAK2, and immunodepletion. By using wild-type and mutated forms of merlin and phospho-directed antibodies, we show that phosphorylation of merlin at serine 518 leads to dramatic protein relocalization. Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2)1 is an inherited disorder characterized by the development of Schwann cell tumors of the eighth cranial nerve. Mutations and loss of heterozygosity of theNF2 gene have been detected in NF2 patients and in various sporadic tumors, including schwannomas, meningiomas, and ependymomas (1). In further support of a role for NF2 in tumor suppression, mice heterozygous for an Nf2 mutation are predisposed to a wide variety of tumors with high metastatic potential (2). In a separate model in which Nf2 is inactivated specifically in Schwann cells, mice develop schwannomas and Schwann cell hyperplasia (3). The longest and predominant splice form of the Nf2gene codes for a 595-amino acid protein highly similar to the band 4.1 family of proteins. It is most closely related to the ERM proteins,moesin, ezrin, and radixin. The ERM proteins are thought to function as cell membrane-cytoskeleton linkers and are localized to cortical actin structures near the plasma membrane such as microvilli, membrane ruffles, and lamellipodia (4, 5). Likewise, merlin is localized to cortical actin structures, in patterns that partially overlap with the ERMs (1). It has been proposed that intramolecular binding of the N-terminal and C-terminal domains conformationally regulates the ERM proteins by masking binding sites for interacting proteins. The ERMs can also form homodimers and heterodimers, among themselves and with merlin, adding an additional level of complexity to the regulation of these proteins (6). The recently solved crystal structure of the moesin N/C-terminal complex strengthens this model of conformational regulation (7). Given the sequence and, most likely, structural similarities of merlin to the ERM proteins, it is possible that merlin itself could be regulated in a similar fashion. Recent studies (8, 9) have implicated additional factors in the regulation of the ERMs, including phospholipids and phosphorylation. Previous work from our group and others (10, 11) has shown that merlin is differentially phosphorylated as well and that merlin protein levels are affected by growth conditions such as cell confluency, loss of adhesion, or serum deprivation. Merlin is found in an hypophosphorylated form when the combination of cellular and environmental conditions are growth-inhibitory (10). ERMs can be phosphorylated by Rho kinase, and this phosphorylation can affect intramolecular association and cellular localization. Phosphorylation and/or phospholipids may promote the transition of the proteins to an active form by “opening” intra- and intermolecular associations. These active monomers can then bind to other interacting proteins and the actin cytoskeleton and induce actin-rich membrane projections (5,8, 12, 13). The induction of merlin phosphorylation by activated alleles of the Rho family GTPases has also been examined. Interestingly, although activated Rho did not induce noticeable phosphorylation of merlin, activated forms of Rac and cdc42 did. The site of Rac-induced phosphorylation was determined to be a serine at position 518; mutation of serine 518 results in reduced basal phosphorylation and eliminated Rac-induced phosphorylation (11). Although Rac and cdc42 are implicated in the regulation of many pathways, they are most associated with regulation of cytoskeleton reorganization and gene expression (for recent reviews see Refs.14-16). In light of the data demonstrating that activated Rac/cdc42 leads to phosphorylation and possible inactivation of merlin, the elucidation of the responsible effector pathways and their effects on merlin function are of major importance. Understanding this regulation of merlin could lead to a more complete appreciation of the effects of merlin loss in tumors

    Supersonic boundary-layer transition on the LaRC F-106 and the DFRF F-15 aircraft. Part 1: Transition measurements and stability analysis

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    For the case of the F-15 flight tests, boundary layer transition was observed up to Mach numbers of 1.2. For very limited and specific flight conditions, laminar flow existed back to about 20 percent chord on the surface clean up glove. Hot film instrumentation was effective for locating the region of transition. For the F-106 flight tests, transition on the wing or vertical tail generally occurred very near the attachment line. Transition was believed to be caused by either attachment line contamination or strong cross flow development due to the high sweep angles of the test articles. The compressibility analysis showed that cross flow N-factors were in the range of 5 to 12 at transition

    Stochastic Metallic-Glass Cellular Structures Exhibiting Benchmark Strength

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    By identifying the key characteristic “structural scales” that dictate the resistance of a porous metallic glass against buckling and fracture, stochastic highly porous metallic-glass structures are designed capable of yielding plastically and inheriting the high plastic yield strength of the amorphous metal. The strengths attainable by the present foams appear to equal or exceed those by highly engineered metal foams such as Ti-6Al-4V or ferrous-metal foams at comparable levels of porosity, placing the present metallic-glass foams among the strongest foams known to date