16 research outputs found

    The Role of Estrogens in Pancreatic Islet Physiopathology

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    International audienceIn rodent models of insulin-deficient diabetes, 17β-estradiol (E2) protects pancreatic insulin-producing β-cells against oxidative stress, amyloid polypeptide toxicity, gluco-lipotoxicity, and apoptosis. Three estrogen receptors (ERs)-ERα, ERβ, and the G protein-coupled ER (GPER)-have been identified in rodent and human β-cells. This chapter describes recent advances in our understanding of the role of ERs in islet β-cell function, nutrient homeostasis, survival from pro-apoptotic stimuli, and proliferation. We discuss why and how ERs represent potential therapeutic targets for the maintenance of functional β-cell mass

    Estrogen receptor activation reduces lipid synthesis in pancreatic islets and prevents β cell failure in rodent models of type 2 diabetes

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    The failure of pancreatic β cells to adapt to an increasing demand for insulin is the major mechanism by which patients progress from insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes (T2D) and is thought to be related to dysfunctional lipid homeostasis within those cells. In multiple animal models of diabetes, females demonstrate relative protection from β cell failure. We previously found that the hormone 17β-estradiol (E2) in part mediates this benefit. Here, we show that treating male Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats with E2 suppressed synthesis and accumulation of fatty acids and glycerolipids in islets and protected against β cell failure. The antilipogenic actions of E2 were recapitulated by pharmacological activation of estrogen receptor α (ERα) or ERβ in a rat β cell line and in cultured ZDF rat, mouse, and human islets. Pancreas-specific null deletion of ERα in mice (PERα–/–) prevented reduction of lipid synthesis by E2 via a direct action in islets, and PERα–/– mice were predisposed to islet lipid accumulation and β cell dysfunction in response to feeding with a high-fat diet. ER activation inhibited β cell lipid synthesis by suppressing the expression (and activity) of fatty acid synthase via a nonclassical pathway dependent on activated Stat3. Accordingly, pancreas-specific deletion of Stat3 in mice curtailed ER-mediated suppression of lipid synthesis. These data suggest that extranuclear ERs may be promising therapeutic targets to prevent β cell failure in T2D

    Estrogen receptor α protects pancreatic β-cells from apoptosis by preserving mitochondrial function and suppressing endoplasmic reticulum stress.

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    Estrogen receptor α (ERα) action plays an important role in pancreatic β-cell function and survival; thus, it is considered a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in women. However, the mechanisms underlying the protective effects of ERα remain unclear. Because ERα regulates mitochondrial metabolism in other cell types, we hypothesized that ERα may act to preserve insulin secretion and promote β-cell survival by regulating mitochondrial-endoplasmic reticulum (EndoRetic) function. We tested this hypothesis using pancreatic islet-specific ERα knockout (PERαKO) mice and Min6 β-cells in culture with Esr1 knockdown (KD). We found that Esr1-KD promoted reactive oxygen species production that associated with reduced fission/fusion dynamics and impaired mitophagy. Electron microscopy showed mitochondrial enlargement and a pro-fusion phenotype. Mitochondrial cristae and endoplasmic reticulum were dilated in Esr1-KD compared with ERα replete Min6 β-cells. Increased expression of Oma1 and Chop was paralleled by increased oxygen consumption and apoptosis susceptibility in ERα-KD cells. In contrast, ERα overexpression and ligand activation reduced both Chop and Oma1 expression, likely by ERα binding to consensus estrogen-response element sites in the Oma1 and Chop promoters. Together, our findings suggest that ERα promotes β-cell survival and insulin secretion through maintenance of mitochondrial fission/fusion-mitophagy dynamics and EndoRetic function, in part by Oma1 and Chop repression

    Targeted estrogen delivery reverses the metabolic syndrome

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    We report the development of a new combinatorial approach that allows for peptide-mediated selective tissue targeting of nuclear hormone pharmacology while eliminating adverse effects in other tissues. Specifically, we report the development of a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)-estrogen conjugate that has superior sex-independent efficacy over either of the individual hormones alone to correct obesity, hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia in mice. The therapeutic benefits are driven by pleiotropic dual hormone action to improve energy, glucose and lipid metabolism, as shown by loss-of-function models and genetic action profiling. Notably, the peptide-based targeting strategy also prevents hallmark side effects of estrogen in male and female mice, such as reproductive endocrine toxicity and oncogenicity. Collectively, selective activation of estrogen receptors in GLP-1–targeted tissues produces unprecedented efficacy to enhance the metabolic benefits of GLP-1 agonism. This example of targeting the metabolic syndrome represents the discovery of a new class of therapeutics that enables synergistic co-agonism through peptide-based selective delivery of small molecules. Although our observations with the GLP-1–estrogen conjugate justify translational studies for diabetes and obesity, the multitude of other possible combinations of peptides and small molecules may offer equal promise for other diseases