345 research outputs found

    Mechanistic understanding of bioenabling formulation approaches to improve oral bioavailability using porcine in vivo and in silico models

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    Objectives: Mesoporous silicas (SLC) have demonstrated considerable potential to improve bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs by facilitating rapid dissolution and generating supersaturation. The addition of certain polymers can further enhance the dissolution of these formulations by preventing drug precipitation. This study uses fenofibrate as a model drug to investigate the performance of an SLC-based formulation, delivered with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate (HPMCAS) as a precipitation inhibitor, in pigs. The ability of biorelevant dissolution testing to predict the in vivo performance was also assessed. Key findings: Fenofibrate-loaded mesoporous silica (FF-SLC), together with HPMCAS, displayed significant improvements in biorelevant dissolution tests relative to a reference formulation consisting of a physical mixture of crystalline fenofibrate with HPMCAS. In vivo assessment in fasted pigs demonstrated bioavailabilities of 86.69 ± 35.37% with combination of FF-SLC and HPMCAS in capsule form and 75.47 ± 14.58% as a suspension, compared to 19.92 ± 9.89% with the reference formulation. A positive correlation was identified between bioavailability and dissolution efficiency. Conclusions: The substantial improvements in bioavailability of fenofibrate from the SLC-based formulations confirm the ability of this formulation strategy to overcome the dissolution and solubility limitations, further raising the prospects of a future commercially available SLC-based formulation

    Developmental Acquisition of Regulomes Underlies Innate Lymphoid Cell Functionality

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) play key roles in host defense, barrier integrity, and homeostasis and mirror adaptive CD4(+) T helper (Th) cell subtypes in both usage of effector molecules and transcription factors. To better understand the relationship between ILC subsets and their Th cell counterparts, we measured genome-wide chromatin accessibility. We find that chromatin in proximity to effector genes is selectively accessible in ILCs prior to high-level transcription upon activation. Accessibility of these regions is acquired in a stepwise manner during development and changes little after in vitro or in vivo activation. Conversely, dramatic chromatin remodeling occurs in naive CD4(+) T cells during Th cell differentiation using a type-2-infection model. This alteration results in a substantial convergence of Th2 cells toward ILC2 regulomes. Our data indicate extensive sharing of regulatory circuitry across the innate and adaptive compartments of the immune system, in spite of their divergent developing pathways

    Toward the establishment of a standardized pre-clinical porcine model to predict food effects:Case studies on fenofibrate and paracetamol

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    A preclinical porcine model that reliably predicts human food effect of fenofibrate was developed. Fenofibrate was administered to pigs as model compound with a positive food effect. Two different types of fed conditions were explored: a FDA style breakfast and a standard pig pellet feed. In order to assess if complete stomach emptying had been achieved under the employed fasting protocol, the amount of gastric and intestinal content was evaluated post-mortem. In addition, the protocol was designed to evaluate gastric emptying in the pre- and postprandial state using paracetamol as a marker. The study confirmed that micronized fenofibrate displayed a positive food effect with a similar fold difference to humans in FDA style fed state. Post-mortem assessment of stomach and intestinal content confirmed significantly lower content in the fasted compared to the pig pellet fed state. In the case of paracetamol, a delayed gastric emptying in the fed state was not observed, which may suggest that the Magenstrasse phenomena reported in humans, may also occur in landrace pigs. The study demonstrated the utility of a food effect protocol in landrace pigs as a pre-clinical approach to predict human food effects and provided new insights into gastric emptying in pigs

    Combining species specific in vitro & in silico models to predict in vivo food effect in a preclinical stage – case study of Venetoclax

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    The pig has been increasingly used as a reliable preclinical model for assessing and predicting the in vivo bioavailability of different formulation strategies. Nevertheless, differences in the composition between porcine and human intestinal fluids, may impact on the solubility and dissolution behaviour of drugs, in particular BCS II/IV drugs. Recently, a porcine fasted simulated intestinal fluid (FaSSIFp) was developed to mimic the composition in the lumen of landrace pigs under fasted state conditions. In this work, we present the utilization of FaSSIFp to compare solubility against human FaSSIF & FeSSIF and further combine species specific in vitro testing with in silico predictive modelling. Venetoclax was chosen as a model drug, representing a BCS class IV drug, with a reported clinically significant positive food effect, where bioavailability is increased up to approximately five-fold when administered with a high-fat meal. Biorelevant species specific in vitro testing was a promising tool for integrating in vitro data into in silico models, using FaSSIFp resulted in reliable predictions of the plasma concentration profile in fasted pigs, based on a porcine physiologically based absorption model. The porcine physiologically based absorption model was used to prospectively simulate the impact of food on the bioavailability of venetoclax. The use of luminal solubility estimates in combination with dissolution data for venetoclax, measured in species specific simulated fluids, correctly predict the observed pig plasma concentration profile and food effect. Overall, integrating species specific in vitro – in silico models led to accurate prediction of in vivo absorption of venetoclax in a preclinical stage, which can support guidance in early decisions of drug product development. In addition, the study further demonstrated the utility of the pig model to predict the food effects of venetoclax in humans

    Machine learning methods for prediction of food effects on bioavailability: A comparison of Support Vector Machines and Artificial Neural Networks

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    Despite countless advances in recent decades across various in vitro, in vivo and in silico tools, anticipation of whether a drug will show a human food effect (FE) remains challenging. One means to predict potential FE involves probing any dependence between FE and drug properties. Accordingly, this study explored the potential for two machine learning (ML) algorithms to predict likely FE. Using a collated database of drugs licensed from 2016-2020, drugs were classified into three groups; positive, negative or no FE. Greater than 250 drug properties were predicted for each drug which were used to train predictive models using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithms. When compared, ANN outperformed SVM for FE classification upon training (82%, 72%) and testing (72%, 69%). Both models demonstrated higher FE prediction accuracy than the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) (46%). This exploratory work provided new insights into the connection between FE and drug properties as the Octanol Water Partition Coefficient (S+logP), Number of Hydrogen Bond Donors (HBD), Topological Polar Surface Area (T_PSA) and Dose (mg) were all significant for prediction. Overall, this study demonstrated the utility of ML to facilitate early anticipation of likely FE in pre-clinical development using four well-known drug properties

    Food for thought: formulating away the food effect - a PEARRL review

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    Objectives: Co‐ingestion of oral dosage forms with meals can cause substantial changes in bioavailability relative to the fasted state. Food‐mediated effects on bioavailability can have significant consequences in drug development, regulatory and clinical settings. To date, the primary focus of research has focused on the ability to mechanistically understand the causes and predict the occurrence of these effects. Key findings: The current review describes the mechanisms underpinning the occurrence of food effects, sheds new insights on the relative frequency for newly licensed medicines and describes the various methods by which they can be overcome. Analysis of oral medicines licensed by either the EMA or FDA since 2010 revealed that over 40% display significant food effects. Due to altered bioavailability, these medicines are often required to be dosed, rather restrictively, in either the fed or the fasted state, which can hinder clinical usefulness. Summary: There are clinical and commercial advantages to predicting the presence of food effects early in the drug development process, in order to mitigate this risk of variable food effect bioavailability. Formulation approaches aimed at reducing variable food‐dependent bioavailability, through the use of bio‐enabling formulations, are an essential tool in addressing this challenge and the latest state of the art in this field are summarised here

    In vitro dissolution models for the prediction of in vivo performance of an oral mesoporous silica formulation

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    Drug release from mesoporous silica systems has been widely investigated in vitro using USP Type II (paddle) dissolution apparatus. However, it is not clear if the observed enhanced in vitro dissolution can forecast drug bioavailability in vivo. In this study, the ability of different in vitro dissolution models to predict in vivo oral bioavailability in a pig model was examined. The fenofibrate-loaded mesoporous silica formulation was compared directly to a commercial reference product, Lipantil Supra®. Three in vitro dissolution methods were considered; USP Type II (paddle) apparatus, USP Type IV (flow-through cell) apparatus and a USP IV Transfer model (incorporating a SGF to FaSSIF-V2 media transfer). In silico modelling, using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling and simulation software package (Gastroplus™), to generate in vitro/in vivo relationships was also investigated. The study demonstrates that the in vitro dissolution performance of a mesoporous silica formulation varies depending on the dissolution apparatus utilised and experimental design. The findings show that the USP IV transfer model was the best predictor of in vivo bioavailability. The USP Type II (paddle) apparatus was not effective at forecasting in vivo behaviour. This observation is likely due to hydrodynamic differences between the two apparatus and the ability of the transfer model to better simulate gastrointestinal transit. The transfer model is advantageous in forecasting in vivo behaviour for formulations which promote drug supersaturation and as a result are prone to precipitation to a more energetically favourable, less soluble form. The USP IV transfer model could prove useful in future mesoporous silica formulation development. In silico modelling has the potential to assist in this process. However, further investigation is required to overcome the limitations of the model for solubility enhancing formulations

    A retrospective biopharmaceutical analysis of >800 approved oral drug products: Are drug properties of solid dispersions and lipid-based formulations distinctive?

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    Increasing numbers of poorly water soluble drugs in development has intensified need for bio-enabling formulations including Lipid-Based Formulations (LBF) and Solid Dispersions (SD). Resultantly, a data-driven approach is required to increase formulation development efficiency. This review provides a retrospective analysis of molecular and biopharmaceutical properties of drugs commercialised as LBFs or SDs. A comprehensive stepwise statistical analysis of LBF and SD drug properties was conducted and compared to drugs not commercialised via either technology (Others), aiming to identify key predictors of successful formulation development. This review demonstrates LBF and SD drugs differ significantly in molecular weight, polar surface area, rotatable bonds and hydrogen bond acceptor count. Meanwhile, LBF and SD drugs display significantly different aqueous solubility, lipophilicity, size, molecular flexibility, hydrogen bonding capacity and rule-of-5 violations versus Others. LBF and SDs were 3 and 5 times more likely to display >1 rule-of-5 violation versus Others, over 55% of LBF drugs exceeded the reported melting point guide of 10 Hydrogen Bond Acceptors. Overall, by focusing on successfully commercialised drugs, this review provides improved understanding of links between drug properties and successful SD/LBF approaches, providing a framework for guiding pharmaceutical development on formulation approaches

    The pig as a pre-clinical model for predicting oral bioavailability and in vivo performance of pharmaceutical oral dosage forms - a PEARRL review

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    Objectives: In pharmaceutical drug development, preclinical tests in animal models are essential to demonstrate whether the new drug is orally bioavailable and to gain a first insight into in vivo pharmacokinetic parameters that can subsequently be used to predict human values. Despite significant advances in the development of bio‐predictive in vitro models and increasing ethical expectations for reducing the number of animals used for research purposes, there is still a need for appropriately selected pre‐clinical in vivo testing to provide guidance on the decision to progress to testing in humans. The selection of the appropriate animal models is essential both to maximise the learning that can be obtained from such experiments and to avoid unnecessary testing in a range of species. Key findings: The present review, provides an insight into the suitability of the pig model for predicting oral bioavailability in humans, by comparing the conditions in the GIT. It also contains a comparison between the bioavailability of compounds dosed to both humans and pigs, to provide an insight into the relative correlation and examples on why a lack of correlation may be observed. Summary: While there is a general trend towards predicting human bioavailability from pig data, there is considerable variability in the data set, most likely reflecting species specific differences in individual drug metabolism. Nonetheless, the correlation between pigs vs. humans was comparable to that reported for dogs vs. humans. The presented data demonstrate the suitability of the pig as a preclinical model to predict bioavailability in human

    Body dysmorphic disorder in patients undergoing septorhinoplasty surgery: should we be performing routine screening?

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    Objective: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is defined as having a preoccupation with a perceived flaw in one's appearance, which appears slight to others and significantly interferes with a person's functioning. When undetected in septorhinoplasty patients, it will often lead to poor outcomes. // Design: We performed a prospective cohort study to determine the prevalence of BDD in our patients and whether surgical correction could be considered. // Setting and participants: We recruited 34 patients being considered for septorhinoplasty in a tertiary referral rhinology clinic and a control group of 50 from the otology clinic giving a total of 84. // Main outcome measures: Participants completed the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire (BDDQ), the sino‐nasal outcome test‐23 (SNOT‐23) and underwent nasal inspiratory peak flow (NIPF). Those found to be at high risk for BDD were referred to a clinical psychologist. // Results: Of the septorhinoplasty patients, 11 (32%) were high risk for BDD. Following psychological assessment, 7 (63%) patients were felt to be unsuitable for surgery and were offered psychological therapy. SNOT‐23 scores were significantly higher in the BDD group indicating a negative impact on quality of life. NIPF readings were not significantly different in the BDD group compared to the control group. // Conclusions: The BDDQ is a valid tool for identifying patients at risk of BDD. A close working relationship with clinical psychology has been advantageous to help the selection process of candidates for surgery when there is a high risk of BDD