14,922 research outputs found

    On the Interface Between Operations and Human Resources Management

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    Operations management (OM) and human resources management (HRM) have historically been very separate fields. In practice, operations managers and human resource managers interact primarily on administrative issues regarding payroll and other matters. In academia, the two subjects are studied by separate communities of scholars publishing in disjoint sets of journals, drawing on mostly separate disciplinary foundations. Yet, operations and human resources are intimately related at a fundamental level. Operations are the context that often explains or moderates the effects of human resource activities such as pay, training, communications and staffing. Human responses to operations management systems often explain variations or anomalies that would otherwise be treated as randomness or error variance in traditional operations research models. In this paper, we probe the interface between operations and human resources by examining how human considerations affect classical OM results and how operational considerations affect classical HRM results. We then propose a unifying framework for identifying new research opportunities at the intersection of the two fields

    Production of single-domain magnetite throughout life by sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka

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    Although single-domain particles of biogenic magnetite have been found in different species of pelagic fishes, nothing is known about when it is synthesized, or about whether the time during life when it is produced is correlated with the development of responses to magnetic field stimuli. We have investigated production of biogenic magnetite suitable for use in magnetoreception in different life stages of the sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum). Sockeye salmon were chosen because responses in orientation arenas to magnetic field stimuli have been demonstrated in both fry and smolt stages of this species. We found significant quantities of single-domain magnetite in connective tissue from the ethmoid region of the skull of adult (4-year-old) sockeye salmon. The ontogenetic study revealed an orderly increase in the amount of magnetic material in the same region of the skull but not in other tissues of sockeye salmon fry, yearlings and smolts. The physical properties of this material closely matched those of magnetite particles extracted from the ethmoid tissue of the adult fish. We suggest that single-domain magnetite particles suitable for use in magnetoreception are produced throughout life in the ethmoid region of the skull in sockeye salmon. Based on theoretical calculations, we conclude that there are enough particles present in the skulls of the fry to mediate their responses to magnetic field direction. By the smolt stage, the amount of magnetite present in the front of the skull is sufficient to provide the fish with a magnetoreceptor capable of detecting small changes in the intensity of the geomagnetic field. Other tissues of the salmon, such as the eye and skin, often contained ferromagnetic material, although the magnetizations of these tissues were usually more variable than in the ethmoid tissue. These deposits of unidentified magnetic material, some of which may be magnetite, appear almost exclusively in adults and so would not be useful in magnetoreception by young fish. We suggest that tissue from within the ethmoid region of the skull in pelagic fishes is the only site yet identified where magnetite suitable for use in magnetoreception is concentrated

    Measurement of the Entropy and Critical Temperature of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas

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    We report a model-independent measurement of the entropy, energy, and critical temperature of a degenerate, strongly interacting Fermi gas of atoms. The total energy is determined from the mean square cloud size in the strongly interacting regime, where the gas exhibits universal behavior. The entropy is measured by sweeping a bias magnetic field to adiabatically tune the gas from the strongly interacting regime to a weakly interacting regime, where the entropy is known from the cloud size after the sweep. The dependence of the entropy on the total energy quantitatively tests predictions of the finite-temperature thermodynamics.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Alien Registration- Thomas, Joseph Reuben L. (Bangor, Penobscot County)

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    Replication of Known Dental Characteristics in Porcine Skin: Emerging Technologies for the Imaging Specialist

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    This study demonstrates that it is sometimes possible to replicate patterns of human teeth in pig skin and determine scientifically that a given injury pattern (bite mark) correlates with the dentitions of a very small proportion of a population dataset, e.g., 5 percent or even 1 percent. The authors recommend building on the template of this research with a sufficiently large database of samples that reflects the diverse world population. They also envision the development of a sophisticated imaging software application that enables forensic examiners to insert parameters for measurement, as well as additional methods of applying force to produce bite marks for research. The authors further advise that this project is applied science for injury pattern analysis and is only foundational research that should not be cited in testimony and judicial procedures. It supplements but does not contradict current guidelines of the American Board of Forensic Odontology regarding bite mark analysis and comparisons. A much larger population database must be developed. The project’s methodology is described in detail, accompanied by 11 tables and 41 figures

    Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Ophiostoma piceae complex and the Dutch elm disease fungi

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    The Ophiostoma piceae complex forms a monophyletic group of insect-dispersed pyrenomycetes with synnemata (Pesotum) and micronematous (Sporothrix) synanamorphs. Other species of Ophios-toma outside of the O. piceae complex that form syn-nemata lack the Sporothrix state. The nine recognized species within the 0. piceae complex are delimited by synnema morphology, growth rate at 32 C, mating reactions and sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rDNA operon. Phyloge-netic analysis of the ITS region suggests two major clades in the complex, one that causes bluestain in primarily coniferous hosts and the other on primarily hardwood hosts. In the coniferous group are O. pi-ceae, O. canum, O. floccosum and the recently de-scribed O. setosum (anamorph Pesotum cupulatum sp. nov.). In the hardwood group are O. querci, O. caton-ianum, and the Dutch elm disease fungi: O. ulmi, O. novo-ulmi and O. himal-ulmi. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the ITS region are shown to be a convenient diagnostic tool for delimiting these species

    Performance Expectations and Behavior in Small Groups

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    This Technical Report presents the theoretical account for relations among power and prestige behaviors in small groups and performance expectation states. It explains, among other things, the high correlations among several different behaviors and their relations to estimates of ability and choices for leadership among group members. It is the first full exposition of this theory, as well as of the now-standard analysis of interaction patterns and how they lead to expectation states and then maintain patterns of the states and of inequality. This Technical Report was revised as Technical Report #31

    An Evaluation of the Alcohol Consumption Patterns of Tailgaters at Greenland Drive and Walnut Grove, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

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    This study was conducted as an exercise in garbology, which is the study of society through the analysis of its garbage. The researchers looked at differences and similarities between two tailgating locations, Greenland Drive and Walnut Grove, on Middle Tennessee State University’s campus.The data showed evidence of large amounts of alcohol use at both sites with one being greater than the other. The data also showed evidence of one group of people being more affluent than the other group. Overall, the interpretation would suggest the two groups of people were using the sites in a ritualistic manner and not as a permanent settlement. The high amounts of alcohol use and small amounts of food waste would indicate the people were more interested in becoming intoxicated than with the event associated with the site use. While this was less evident at Greenland Drive, the numbers there were still high. Observations at Walnut Grove indicate that many of the participants were likely under the legal drinking age. The research indicates a need to re-evaluate the wisdom of sponsoring such events on a college campus