616 research outputs found

    Seasonal changes in soil organic matter after a decade of nutrient addition in a lowland tropical forest

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    © 2015, US Government. Soil organic matter is an important pool of carbon and nutrients in tropical forests. The majority of this pool is assumed to be relatively stable and to turn over slowly over decades to centuries, although changes in nutrient status can influence soil organic matter on shorter timescales. We measured carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations in soil organic matter and leaf litter over an annual cycle in a long-term nutrient addition experiment in lowland tropical rain forest in the Republic of Panama. Total soil carbon was not affected by a decade of factorial combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium. Nitrogen addition increased leaf litter nitrogen concentration by 7 % but did not affect total soil nitrogen. Phosphorus addition doubled the leaf litter phosphorus concentration and increased soil organic phosphorus by 50 %. Surprisingly, concentrations of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in soil organic matter declined markedly during the four-month dry season, and then recovered rapidly during the following wet season. Between the end of the wet season and the late dry season, total soil carbon declined by 16 %, total nitrogen by 9 %, and organic phosphorus by between 19 % in control plots and 25 % in phosphorus addition plots. The decline in carbon and nitrogen was too great to be explained by changes in litter fall, bulk density, or the soil microbial biomass. However, a major proportion of the dry-season decline in soil organic phosphorus was explained by a corresponding decline in the soil microbial biomass. These results have important implications for our understanding of the stability and turnover of organic matter in tropical forest soils, because they demonstrate that a considerable fraction of the soil organic matter is seasonally transient, despite the overall pool being relatively insensitive to long-term changes in nutrient status

    Taking Blockchain Seriously

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    In the present techno-political moment it is clear that ignoring or dismissing the hype surrounding blockchain is unwise, and certainly for regulatory authorities and governments who must keep a grip on the technology and those promoting it, in order to ensure democratic accountability and regulatory legitimacy within the blockchain ecosystem and beyond. Blockchain is telling (and showing) us something very important about the evolution of capital and neoliberal economic reason, and the likely impact in the near future on forms and patterns of work, social organization, and, crucially, on communities and individuals who lack influence over the technologies and data that increasingly shape and control their lives. In this short essay I introduce some of the problems in the regulation of blockchain and offer counter-narratives aimed at cutting through the hype fuelling the ascendency of this most contemporary of technologies

    Casimir effect due to a single boundary as a manifestation of the Weyl problem

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    The Casimir self-energy of a boundary is ultraviolet-divergent. In many cases the divergences can be eliminated by methods such as zeta-function regularization or through physical arguments (ultraviolet transparency of the boundary would provide a cutoff). Using the example of a massless scalar field theory with a single Dirichlet boundary we explore the relationship between such approaches, with the goal of better understanding the origin of the divergences. We are guided by the insight due to Dowker and Kennedy (1978) and Deutsch and Candelas (1979), that the divergences represent measurable effects that can be interpreted with the aid of the theory of the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues of the Laplacian discussed by Weyl. In many cases the Casimir self-energy is the sum of cutoff-dependent (Weyl) terms having geometrical origin, and an "intrinsic" term that is independent of the cutoff. The Weyl terms make a measurable contribution to the physical situation even when regularization methods succeed in isolating the intrinsic part. Regularization methods fail when the Weyl terms and intrinsic parts of the Casimir effect cannot be clearly separated. Specifically, we demonstrate that the Casimir self-energy of a smooth boundary in two dimensions is a sum of two Weyl terms (exhibiting quadratic and logarithmic cutoff dependence), a geometrical term that is independent of cutoff, and a non-geometrical intrinsic term. As by-products we resolve the puzzle of the divergent Casimir force on a ring and correct the sign of the coefficient of linear tension of the Dirichlet line predicted in earlier treatments.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, minor changes to the text, extra references added, version to be published in J. Phys.

    When Is Antipsychotic Polypharmacy Supported by Research Evidence? Implications for QI

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    Background: Concurrent use of multiple standing antipsychotics (antipsychotic polypharmacy) is increasingly common among both inpatients and outpatients. Although this has often been cited as a potential quality-of-care problem, reviews of research evidence on antipsychotic polypharmacy have not distinguished between appropriate versus inappropriate use. Methods A MEDLINE search from 1966 to December 2007 was completed to identify studies comparing changes in symptoms, functioning, and/or side effects between patients treated with multiple antipsychotics and patients treated with a single antipsychotic. The studies were reviewed in two groups on the basis of whether prescribing was concordant with guideline recommendations for multiple-antipsychotic use. Results A review of the literature, including three randomized controlled trials, found no support for the use of antipsychotic polypharmacy in patients without an established history of treatment resistance to multiple trials of monotherapy. In patients with a history of treatment resistance to multiple monotherapy trials, limited data support antipsychotic polypharmacy, but positive outcomes were primarily found in studies of clozapine augmented with a second-generation antipsychotic. Discussion Research evidence is consistent with the goal of avoiding antipsychotic polypharmacy in patients who lack guideline-recommended indications for its use. The Joint Commission is implementing a core measure set for Hospital-Based Inpatient Psychiatric Services. Two of the measures address antipsychotic polypharmacy. The first measure assesses the overall rate. The second measure determines whether clinically appropriate justification has been documented supporting the use of more than one antipsychotic medication

    Plant responses to fertilization experiments in lowland, species-rich, tropical forests.

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    We present a meta-analysis of plant responses to fertilization experiments conducted in lowland, species-rich, tropical forests. We also update a key result and present the first species-level analyses of tree growth rates for a 15-yr factorial nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) experiment conducted in central Panama. The update concerns community-level tree growth rates, which responded significantly to the addition of N and K together after 10 yr of fertilization but not after 15 yr. Our experimental soils are infertile for the region, and species whose regional distributions are strongly associated with low soil P availability dominate the local tree flora. Under these circumstances, we expect muted responses to fertilization, and we predicted species associated with low-P soils would respond most slowly. The data did not support this prediction, species-level tree growth responses to P addition were unrelated to species-level soil P associations. The meta-analysis demonstrated that nutrient limitation is widespread in lowland tropical forests and evaluated two directional hypotheses concerning plant responses to N addition and to P addition. The meta-analysis supported the hypothesis that tree (or biomass) growth rate responses to fertilization are weaker in old growth forests and stronger in secondary forests, where rapid biomass accumulation provides a nutrient sink. The meta-analysis found no support for the long-standing hypothesis that plant responses are stronger for P addition and weaker for N addition. We do not advocate discarding the latter hypothesis. There are only 14 fertilization experiments from lowland, species-rich, tropical forests, 13 of the 14 experiments added nutrients for five or fewer years, and responses vary widely among experiments. Potential fertilization responses should be muted when the species present are well adapted to nutrient-poor soils, as is the case in our experiment, and when pest pressure increases with fertilization, as it does in our experiment. The statistical power and especially the duration of fertilization experiments conducted in old growth, tropical forests might be insufficient to detect the slow, modest growth responses that are to be expected

    Disk Detective: Discovery of New Circumstellar Disk Candidates through Citizen Science

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    The Disk Detective citizen science project aims to find new stars with 22 micron excess emission from circumstellar dust using data from NASA's WISE mission. Initial cuts on the AllWISE catalog provide an input catalog of 277,686 sources. Volunteers then view images of each source online in 10 different bands to identify false-positives (galaxies, background stars, interstellar matter, image artifacts, etc.). Sources that survive this online vetting are followed up with spectroscopy on the FLWO Tillinghast telescope. This approach should allow us to unleash the full potential of WISE for finding new debris disks and protoplanetary disks. We announce a first list of 37 new disk candidates discovered by the project, and we describe our vetting and follow-up process. One of these systems appears to contain the first debris disk discovered around a star with a white dwarf companion: HD 74389. We also report four newly discovered classical Be stars (HD 6612, HD 7406, HD 164137, and HD 218546) and a new detection of 22 micron excess around a previously known debris disk host star, HD 22128.Comment: 50 pages, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Maine Annex, vol. 1, no. 6

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    The Maine Annex, published by the students of the University of Maine at the Brunswick Campus, was launched January 10, 1947. Editors introduced the publication as the product of a group of progressive students attending the Brunswick Campus. The goal of the publication, according to editors, was to tell the story of our life on this campus. The four-page, tabloid-sized paper included display advertising from area businesses. Among front-page news are the results of the election of Class Officers and planning for a student Minstrel Show and dance to include black-face performances by University of Maine, Brunswick campus students

    The Maine Annex, vol. 1, no. 4

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    The Maine Annex, published by the students of the University of Maine at the Brunswick Campus, was launched January 10, 1947. Editors introduced the publication as the product of a group of progressive students attending the Brunswick Campus. The goal of the publication, according to editors, was to tell the story of our life on this campus. The four-page, tabloid-sized paper included display advertising from area businesses. Among front-page news was a stage performance by American poet, educator, writer, and Brunswick, Maine native son, Robert Peter Tristram Coffin

    The Maine Annex, vol. 1, no. 1

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    The Maine Annex, published by the students of the University of Maine at the Brunswick Campus, was launched January 10, 1947. Editors introduced the publication as the product of a group of progressive students attending the Brunswick Campus. The goal of the publication, according to editors, was to tell the story of our life on this campus. The four-page, tabloid-sized paper included display advertising from area businesses. Following World War II, the federal G.I. Bill enabled approximately 2.3 million, predominantly white male Veterans to receive a post-secondary education. To accommodate increased enrollment, in 1946 the University of Maine established the Brunswick Campus at the former Brunswick Naval Air Station. The remote campus operated until spring 1949, when Veteran registrations waned. Among stories covered in the first issue of The Maine Annex includes The Fate of Your College Dollar, by Bill Nisbet, which discusses how student tuition and fees were distributed