14,773 research outputs found

    Effect of Sensory Attenuation on Cortical Movement-Related Oscillations

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    This study examined the impact of induced sensory deficits on cortical, movement-related oscillations measured using electroencephalography (EEG). We hypothesized that EEG patterns in healthy subjects with induced sensory reduction would be comparable to EEG found after chronic loss of sensory feedback. EEG signals from 64 scalp locations were measured from 10 healthy subjects. Participants dorsiflexed their ankle after prolonged vibration of the tibialis anterior (TA). Beta band time frequency decompositions were calculated using wavelets and compared across conditions. Changes in patterns of movement-related brain activity were observed following attenuation of sensory feedback. A significant decrease in beta power of event-related synchronization was associated with simple ankle dorsiflexion after prolonged vibration of the TA. Attenuation of sensory feedback in young, healthy subjects led to a corresponding decrease in beta band synchronization. This temporary change in beta oscillations suggests that these modulations are a mechanism for sensorimotor integration. The loss of sensory feedback found in spinal cord injury patients contributes to changes in EEG signals underlying motor commands. Similar alterations in cortical signals in healthy subjects with reduced sensory feedback implies these changes reflect normal sensorimotor integration after reduced sensory input rather than brain plasticity

    Spark Ignition Measurements in Jet A: part II

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    An improved system for measuring the ignition energy of liquid fuel was built to perform experiments on aviation kerosene (Jet A). Compared to a previously used system (Shepherd et al. 1998), the present vessel has a more uniform temperature which can be held constant for long periods of time. This ensures thermal equilibrium of the liquid fuel and the vapor inside the vessel. A capacitive spark discharge circuit was used to generate damped sparks and an arrangement of resistors and measurement probes recorded the voltage and current histories during the discharge. This permitted measurement of the energy dissipated in the spark, providing a more reliable, quantitative measure of the ignition spark strength. With this improved system, the ignition energy of Jet A was measured at temperatures from 35C to 50C pressures from 0.300 bar (ambient pressure at 30 kft) to 0.986 bar (ambient pressure near sea level), mass-volume ratios down to 3 kg/m^3, with sparks ranging from 10 mJ to 0.3 J. Special fuel blends with flash points (Tfp) from 29C to 73.5C were also tested. The statistical properties of the ignition threshold energy were investigated using techniques developed for high-explosive testing. Ignition energy measurements at 0.585 bar with high mass-volume ratios (also referred to as mass loadings) showed that the trend of the dependence of ignition energy on temperature was similar for tests using the stored capacitive energy and the measured spark energy. The ignition energy was generally lower with the measured spark energy than with the stored spark energy. The present ignition energy system was capable of clearly resolving the difference in ignition energy between low and high mass-volume ratios. The ignition energy vs. temperature curve for 3 kg/m^3 was shifted approximately 5C higher than the curve for high mass-volume ratios of 35 kg/m^3 or 200 kg/m^3. The ignition energy was subsequently found to depend primarily on the fuel-air mass ratio of the mixture, although systematic effects of the vapor composition are also evident. As expected, the ignition energy increased when the initial pressure was raised from 0.585 bar to 0.986 bar, and decreased when the pressure was decreased to 0.3 bar. Finally, tests on special fuels having flash points different from that of commercial Jet A showed that the minimum ignition temperature at a spark energy of about 0.3 J and a pressure of 0.986 bar depends linearly on the flash point of the fuel

    Jet A Explosion Experiments: Laboratory Testing

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    This report describes a series of experiments and analyses on the flammability of Jet A (aviation kerosene) in air. This is a progress report on ongoing work. The emphasis so far has been on measuring basic explosion parameters as a function of fuel amount and temperature. These parameters include vapor pressure, flammability limits, peak explosion pressure and pressure as a function of time during the explosion. These measurements were undertaken in order to clear up some fundamental issues with the existing data. The report is organized as follows: First, we give some background with data from previous studies and discuss the fuel weathering issues. Second, we describe the facility used to do combustion experiments, the combustion test procedures and the results of the combustion experiments. Third, we give estimates of peak pressure, review the standard analysis of pressure histories and discuss the application to the present data. Fourth, we review the standard approach to flammability limits and the issues in determining Jet A flammability. Fifth, we discuss the problems associated with measuring vapor pressure and describe our results for Jet A. Sixth, we present a model for Jet A which illustrates the issues in analyzing multicomponent fuels. Finally, we apply these results to TWA 800 and summarize our conclusions to date

    Spark Ignition Energy Measurements in Jet A

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    Experiments have been carried out to measure the spark ignition energy of Jet A vapor in air. A range of ignition energies from 1 mJ to 100 J was examined in these tests. The test method was validated by first measuring ignition energies for lean mixtures of the fuels hexane (C6H6) and propane (C3H8) in air at normal temperature (295 K) and pressure (1 atm). These results agree with existing data and provide new results for compositions between the lean flame limit and stoichiometric mixtures. Jet A (from LAX, flashpoint 45–48 [degress] C) vapor mixtures with air have been tested at temperatures between 30 and 60 [degrees] C at two fuel mass loadings, 3 and 200 kg/m3, in an explosion test vessel with a volume of 1.8 liter. Tests at 40, 50, and 60 [degrees] C have been performed at a mass loading of 3 kg/m3 in an 1180-liter vessel. Experiments with Jet A have been carried out with initial conditions of 0.585 bar pressure to simulate altitude conditions appropriate to the TWA 800 explosion. Ignition energies and peak pressures vary strongly as a function of initial temperature, but are a weak function of mass loading. The minimum ignition energy varies from less than 1 mJ at 60 [degrees] C to over 100 J at 30 [degrees] C. At temperatures less than 30 [degrees] C, ignition was not possible with 100 J or even a neon sign transformer (continuous discharge). The peak pressure between 40 and 55 [degrees] C was approximately 4 bar. Peak pressures in the 1180-liter vessel were slightly lower and the ignition energy was higher than in the 1.8-liter vessel. The following conclusions were reached relative to the TWA 800 crash: (a) spark ignition sources with energies between 5 mJ and 1 J are sufficient to ignite Jet A vapor, resulting in a propagating flame; (b) the peak pressure rise was between 1.5 and 4 bar (20 and 60 psi). (c) a thermal ignition source consisting of a hot filament created by discharging electrical energy into a metal wire is also sufficient to ignite Jet A vapor, resulting in a propagating flame; (d) laminar burning speeds are between 15 and 45 cm/s; and (e) the limited amount of fuel available in the CWT (about 50 gal) did not significantly increase the flammability limit. The rapid decrease in spark ignition energy with increasing temperature demonstrates that hot fuel tanks are significantly more hazardous than cool ones with respect to spark ignition sources. A systematic effort is now needed in order to utilize these results and apply spark ignition energy measurements to future analyses of fuel tank flammability. Some key issues that need to be addressed in future testing are: (a) effect of flashpoint on the ignition energy-temperature relationship; (b) ignition energy vs. temperature as a function of altitude; (c) effect of fuel weathering on ignition energy; and (d) the effect of ignition source type on ignition limits

    Integrated Navigation System: Not a Sum of Its Parts

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    Similar to the evolutionary process for living organisms, marine navigation systems are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated. Both by design and function, shipboard and shore-based navigation systems are no longer individual equipment components operating independently. Instead, the trend is toward integration, data fusion and synergy. One example of this are new Performance Standards being considered by IMO to achieve a “harmonized” presentation of all navigation-related information on the display of an integrated navigation system (INS). Unlike a dedicated display for ECDIS or radar, the new INS displays will be a task-oriented composite presentations that enable the mariner to configure the display for an operational situation by selecting specific chart, radar, radar plotting aids (ARPA) and AIS information that is required for the task-at-hand. This paper gives a brief overview of the trend toward the development of INS. In addition to a brief summary of IMO performance standards for navigation equipment/systems, specific mention is made about a BSH (Germany) report on the “Functional Scope and Model of INS.” A discussion is provided about the challenges of providing navigation safety information that goes beyond traditional boundaries of products and services. Currently, many agencies continue to produce individual products and services on a component basis. Hydrographic offices grapple with trying to provide multiple products and services for paper charts, raster navigational charts (RNCs) and electronic navigational charts (ENCs) while a same time, Coast Guard and Maritime Safety agencies focus on improving Aids-to-Navigation (AtoN), Vessel Traffic Services (VTS), AIS networks -- and more recently, port security. In some respects, the continued concentration on separate products and services represents an organizational reluctance to change. This in turn, results in a fragmented, sub-optimal approach to the safety-of-navigation caused by the inability to provide mariners with “seamless” information at reasonable cost. In particular, hydrographic offices must be willing to recognize that chart information can no longer be considered to be separate, individual products. When it comes to the provision and use of chart-related information for use in an INS, the focus needs to shift to what information is actually desired, how it will be provided, what other information it will be used with, and whether it is truly up-todate

    A Genre Analysis of Second Language Classroom Discourse: Exploring the Rhetorical, Linguistic, and Contextual Dimensions of Language Lessons

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    The purpose of the present study is to expand our current understanding of second language classroom discourse by exploring how four English as a second language (ESL) teachers working in an intensive English program structurally organize classroom language lessons through the use of language; how students and teachers perceive the functions of the various stages in a lesson; how teachers prepare for their language lessons; and how various discourses and texts in this teaching context influence teachers‘ spoken discourse in the classroom. In order to carry out the exploratory study of language lessons, a multidimensional genre-oriented approach is utilized that is sensitive to both textual and contextual analyses of language lessons. The findings suggest that despite the spontaneous nature of classroom settings and sometimes improvised nature of classroom teaching, experienced ESL teachers have generated and internalized schemata of language lessons, which consists of a stable schematic structure and linguistic patterns that are recognizable by both teachers and students. However, rather than viewing a language lesson as a distinctive genre, the study suggests that it might be described more precisely as a sub-genre of the classroom discourse genre proper that shares broad communicative purposes with other classroom discourse sub-genres, although also maintaining its own distinct characteristics. Further, the analysis indicates that seven resources appear to interact in dynamic, dialogic, and complex ways as experienced teachers set about constructing lessons that are goal-oriented, activity-driven, cohesive, and meaningful for both themselves and their students. Finally, the results demonstrate that experienced teachers integrate various material resources in the classroom that influence their talk; consequently, a language lesson can be regarded as both a process and a product that is highly multimodal, multimedial, and intertextual. The study concludes with implications for genre studies, classroom discourse studies, and second language teacher education, and with suggestions for future research

    Deployable aerospace PV array based on amorphous silicon alloys

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    The development of the first commercial, ultralight, flexible, deployable, PV array for aerospace applications is discussed. It is based on thin-film, amorphous silicon alloy, multijunction, solar cells deposited on a thin metal or polymer by a proprietary, roll-to-roll process. The array generates over 200 W at AM0 and is made of 20 giant cells, each 54 cm x 29 cm (1566 sq cm in area). Each cell is protected with bypass diodes. Fully encapsulated array blanket and the deployment mechanism weigh about 800 and 500 g, respectively. These data yield power per area ratio of over 60 W/sq m specific power of over 250 W/kg (4 kg/kW) for the blanket and 154 W/kg (6.5 kg/kW) for the power system. When stowed, the array is rolled up to a diameter of 7 cm and a length of 1.11 m. It is deployed quickly to its full area of 2.92 m x 1.11 m, for instant power. Potential applications include power for lightweight space vehicles, high altitude balloons, remotely piloted and tethered vehicles. These developments signal the dawning of a new age of lightweight, deployable, low-cost space arrays in the range from tens to tens of thousands of watts for near-term applications and the feasibility of multi-100 kW to MW arrays for future needs

    A gain-coefficient switched Alexandrite laser

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    We report on a gain-coefficient switched Alexandrite laser. An electro-optic modulator is used to switch between high and low gain states by making use of the polarization dependent gain of Alexandrite. In gain-coefficient switched mode, the laser produces 85 ns pulses with a pulse energy of 240 mJ at a repetition rate of 5 Hz.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure