31 research outputs found

    Mechanistic Details of Glutathione Biosynthesis Revealed by Crystal Structures of \u3ci\u3eSaccharomyces cerevisiae\u3c/i\u3e Glutamate Cysteine Ligase

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    Glutathione is a thiol-disulfide exchange peptide critical for buffering oxidative or chemical stress, and an essential cofactor in several biosynthesis and detoxification pathways. The ratelimiting step in its de novo biosynthesis is catalyzed by glutamate cysteine ligase, a broadly expressed enzyme for which limited structural information is available in higher eukaryotic species. Structural data are critical to the understanding of clinical glutathione deficiency, as well as rational design of enzyme modulators that could impact human disease progression. Here, we have determined the structures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutamate cysteine ligase (ScGCL) in the presence of glutamate and MgCl2 (2.1 Å; R = 18.2%, Rfree = 21.9%), and in complex with glutamate, MgCl2, and ADP (2.7 Å ; R = 19.0%, Rfree = 24.2%). Inspection of these structures reveals an unusual binding pocket for the α-carboxylate of the glutamate substrate and an ATPindependent Mg2+ coordination site, clarifying the Mg2+ dependence of the enzymatic reaction. The ScGCL structures were further used to generate a credible homology model of the catalytic subunit of human glutamate cysteine ligase (hGCLC). Examination of the hGCLC model suggests that post-translational modifications of cysteine residues may be involved in the regulation of enzymatic activity, and elucidates the molecular basis of glutathione deficiency associated with patient hGCLC mutations

    Structural Basis for Feedback and Pharmacological Inhibition of \u3ci\u3eSaccharomyces cerevisiae\u3c/i\u3e Glutamate Cysteine Ligase

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    Structural characterization of glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL), the enzyme that catalyzes the initial, rate-limiting step in glutathione biosynthesis, has revealed many of the molecular details of substrate recognition. To further delineate the mechanistic details of this critical enzyme, we have determined the structures of two inhibited forms of Saccharomyces cerevisiae GCL (ScGCL), which shares significant sequence identity with the human enzyme. In vivo, GCL activity is feedback regulated by glutathione. Examination of the structure of ScGCL-glutathione complex (2.5 A ; R = 19.9%, Rfree = 25.1%) indicates that the inhibitor occupies both the glutamate- and the presumed cysteine- binding site and disrupts the previously observed Mg2 coordination in the ATP-binding site. L-Buthionine-S-sulfoximine (BSO) is a mechanism-based inhibitor of GCL and has been used extensively to deplete glutathione in cell culture and in vivo model systems. Inspection of the ScGCL-BSO structure (2.2A ; R=18.1%, Rfree=23.9%) confirms that BSO is phosphorylated on the sulfoximine nitrogen to generate the inhibitory species and reveals contacts that likely contribute to transition state stabilization. Overall, these structures advance our understanding of the molecular regulation of this critical enzyme and provide additional details of the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme

    Crystal structure of acivicin-inhibited γ-glutamyltranspeptidase reveals critical roles for its C-terminus in autoprocessing and catalysis

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    Helicobacter pylori γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (HpGT) is a general γ-glutamyl hydrolase and a demonstrated virulence factor. The enzyme confers a growth advantage to the bacterium, providing essential amino acid precursors by initiating the degradation of extracellular glutathione and glutamine. HpGT is a member of the N-terminal nucleophile (Ntn) hydrolase superfamily and undergoes autoprocessing to generate the active form of the enzyme. Acivicin is a widely used γ-glutamyltranspeptidase inhibitor that covalently modifies the enzyme, but its precise mechanism of action remains unclear. The time-dependent inactivation of HpGT exhibits a hyperbolic dependence on acivicin concentration with kmax = 0.033 ± 0.006 sec−1 and KI = 19.7 ± 7.2 μM. Structure determination of acivicin-modified HpGT (1.7 Å; Rfactor=17.9%; Rfree=20.8%) demonstrates that acivicin is accommodated within the γ-glutamyl binding pocket of the enzyme. The hydroxyl group of Thr 380, the catalytic nucleophile in the autoprocessing and enzymatic reactions, displaces chloride from the acivicin ring to form the covalently linked complex. Within the acivicin-modified HpGT structure, the C-terminus of the protein becomes ordered with Phe 567 positioned over the active site. Substitution or deletion of Phe 567 leads to a \u3e10-fold reduction in enzymatic activity, underscoring its importance in catalysis. The mobile C-terminus is positioned by several electrostatic interactions within the C-terminal region, most notably a salt bridge between Arg 475 and Glu 566. Mutational analysis reveals that Arg 475 is critical for the proper placement of the C-terminal region, the Tyr 433 containing loop, and the proposed oxyanion hole

    Crystal structure of acivicin-inhibited γ-glutamyltranspeptidase reveals critical roles for its C-terminus in autoprocessing and catalysis

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    Helicobacter pylori γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (HpGT) is a general γ-glutamyl hydrolase and a demonstrated virulence factor. The enzyme confers a growth advantage to the bacterium, providing essential amino acid precursors by initiating the degradation of extracellular glutathione and glutamine. HpGT is a member of the N-terminal nucleophile (Ntn) hydrolase superfamily and undergoes autoprocessing to generate the active form of the enzyme. Acivicin is a widely used γ-glutamyltranspeptidase inhibitor that covalently modifies the enzyme, but its precise mechanism of action remains unclear. The time-dependent inactivation of HpGT exhibits a hyperbolic dependence on acivicin concentration with kmax = 0.033 ± 0.006 sec−1 and KI = 19.7 ± 7.2 μM. Structure determination of acivicin-modified HpGT (1.7 Å; Rfactor=17.9%; Rfree=20.8%) demonstrates that acivicin is accommodated within the γ-glutamyl binding pocket of the enzyme. The hydroxyl group of Thr 380, the catalytic nucleophile in the autoprocessing and enzymatic reactions, displaces chloride from the acivicin ring to form the covalently linked complex. Within the acivicin-modified HpGT structure, the C-terminus of the protein becomes ordered with Phe 567 positioned over the active site. Substitution or deletion of Phe 567 leads to a \u3e10-fold reduction in enzymatic activity, underscoring its importance in catalysis. The mobile C-terminus is positioned by several electrostatic interactions within the C-terminal region, most notably a salt bridge between Arg 475 and Glu 566. Mutational analysis reveals that Arg 475 is critical for the proper placement of the C-terminal region, the Tyr 433 containing loop, and the proposed oxyanion hole

    Emerging regulatory paradigms in glutathione metabolism

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    One of the hallmarks of cancer is the ability to generate and withstand unusual levels of oxidative stress. In part, this property of tumor cells is conferred by elevation of the cellular redox buffer glutathione. Though enzymes of the glutathione synthesis and salvage pathways have been characterized for several decades, we still lack a comprehensive understanding of their independent and coordinate regulatory mechanisms. Recent studies have further revealed that overall central metabolic pathways are frequently altered in various tumor types, resulting in significant increases in biosynthetic capacity, and feeding into glutathione synthesis. In this review, we will discuss the enzymes and pathways affecting glutathione flux in cancer, and summarize current models for regulating cellular glutathione through both de novo synthesis and efficient salvage. In addition, we examine the integration of glutathione metabolism with other altered fates of intermediary metabolites, and highlight remaining questions about molecular details of the accepted regulatory modes

    Inhibiting hexamer disassembly of human UDP-glucose dehydrogenase by photoactivated amino acid crosslinking

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    The enzyme UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (UGDH) catalyzes the reaction of UDP-glucose to UDP-glucuronate through two successive NAD+-dependent oxidation steps. Human UGDH apoprotein purifies as a mixture of dimeric and hexameric species. Addition of substrate and cofactor stabilizes the oligomeric state to primarily the hexameric form. To determine if the dynamic conformations of hUGDH are required for catalytic activity, we used site-specific unnatural amino acid incorporation to facilitate crosslinking of monomeric subunits into predominantly obligate oligomeric species. Optimal crosslinking was achieved by encoding p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine at position 458, normally a glutamine located within the dimer-dimer interface, and exposing to long wavelength UV in the presence of substrate and cofactor. Hexameric complexes were purified by gel filtration chromatography and found to contain significant fractions of dimer and trimer (approximately 50%) along with another 10% tetramer and higher molecular mass species. Activity of the crosslinked enzyme was reduced by almost 60% relative to the uncrosslinked UGDH mutant, and UV exposure had no effect on activity of the wildtype enzyme. These results support a model for catalysis in which the ability to dissociate the dimer-dimer interface is as important for maximal enzyme function as has been previously shown for the formation of the hexamer

    Inhibiting hexamer disassembly of human UDP-glucose dehydrogenase by photoactivated amino acid crosslinking

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    The enzyme UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (UGDH) catalyzes the reaction of UDP-glucose to UDP-glucuronate through two successive NAD+-dependent oxidation steps. Human UGDH apoprotein purifies as a mixture of dimeric and hexameric species. Addition of substrate and cofactor stabilizes the oligomeric state to primarily the hexameric form. To determine if the dynamic conformations of hUGDH are required for catalytic activity, we used site-specific unnatural amino acid incorporation to facilitate crosslinking of monomeric subunits into predominantly obligate oligomeric species. Optimal crosslinking was achieved by encoding p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine at position 458, normally a glutamine located within the dimer-dimer interface, and exposing to long wavelength UV in the presence of substrate and cofactor. Hexameric complexes were purified by gel filtration chromatography and found to contain significant fractions of dimer and trimer (approximately 50%) along with another 10% tetramer and higher molecular mass species. Activity of the crosslinked enzyme was reduced by almost 60% relative to the uncrosslinked UGDH mutant, and UV exposure had no effect on activity of the wildtype enzyme. These results support a model for catalysis in which the ability to dissociate the dimer-dimer interface is as important for maximal enzyme function as has been previously shown for the formation of the hexamer

    Enzymatic defects underlying hereditary glutamate cysteine ligase deficiency are mitigated by association of the catalytic and regulatory subunits

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    Glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL) deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive trait that compromises production of glutathione, a critical redox buffer and enzymatic cofactor. Patients have markedly reduced levels of erythrocyte glutathione, leading to hemolytic anemia and in some cases, impaired neurological function. Human glutamate cysteine ligase is a heterodimer comprised of a catalytic (GCLC) and a regulatory subunit (GCLM), which catalyzes the initial rate limiting step in glutathione production. Four clinical missense mutations have been identified within GCLC: Arg127Cys, Pro158Leu, His370Leu, and Pro414Leu. Here, we have evaluated the impacts of these mutations on enzymatic function in vivo and in vitro to gain further insights into the pathology. Embryonic fibroblasts from GCLC null mice were transiently transfected with wildtype or mutant GCLC and cellular glutathione levels were determined. The four mutant transfectants each had significantly lower levels of glutathione relative to wild-type, with the Pro414Leu mutant being most compromised. The contributions of the regulatory subunit to GCL activity were investigated using an S. cerevisiae model system. Mutant GCLC alone could not complement a glutathione-deficient strain and required the concurrent addition of GCLM to restore growth. Kinetic characterizations of the recombinant GCLC mutants indicated that the Arg127Cys, His370Leu, and Pro414Leu mutants have compromised enzymatic activity that can largely be rescued by the addition of GCLM. Interestingly, the Pro158Leu mutant has kinetic constants comparable to wild-type GCLC, suggesting that heterodimer formation is needed for stability in vivo. Strategies that promote heterodimer formation and persistence would be effective therapeutics for the treatment of GCL deficiency

    Potassium and the K\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e/H\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e Exchanger Kha1p Promote Binding of Copper to ApoFet3p Multi-copper Ferroxidase

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    Acquisition and distribution of metal ions support a number of biological processes. Here we show that respiratory growth of and iron acquisition by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae relies on potassium (K+) compartmentalization to the trans-Golgi network via Kha1p, a K+/H+ exchanger. K+ in the trans-Golgi network facilitates binding of copper to the Fet3p multi-copper ferroxidase. The effect of K+ is not dependent on stable binding with Fet3p or alteration of the characteristics of the secretory pathway. The data suggest that K+ acts as a chemical factor in Fet3p maturation, a role similar to that of cations in folding of nucleic acids. Up-regulation of KHA1 gene in response to iron limitation via iron-specific transcription factors indicates that K+ compartmentalization is linked to cellular iron homeostasis. Our study reveals a novel functional role of K+ in the binding of copper to apoFet3p and identifies a K+/H+ exchanger at the secretory pathway as a new molecular factor associated with iron uptake in yeast

    Potassium and the K\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e/H\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e Exchanger Kha1p Promote Binding of Copper to ApoFet3p Multi-copper Ferroxidase

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    Acquisition and distribution of metal ions support a number of biological processes. Here we show that respiratory growth of and iron acquisition by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae relies on potassium (K+) compartmentalization to the trans-Golgi network via Kha1p, a K+/H+ exchanger. K+ in the trans-Golgi network facilitates binding of copper to the Fet3p multi-copper ferroxidase. The effect of K+ is not dependent on stable binding with Fet3p or alteration of the characteristics of the secretory pathway. The data suggest that K+ acts as a chemical factor in Fet3p maturation, a role similar to that of cations in folding of nucleic acids. Up-regulation of KHA1 gene in response to iron limitation via iron-specific transcription factors indicates that K+ compartmentalization is linked to cellular iron homeostasis. Our study reveals a novel functional role of K+ in the binding of copper to apoFet3p and identifies a K+/H+ exchanger at the secretory pathway as a new molecular factor associated with iron uptake in yeast