3,168 research outputs found

    The POD Professional Relations and Membership Committee

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    The Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) was founded by a small group of pioneering faculty and professional developers who established a support network and became close friends. The subsequent evolution of POD was in the direction of a professional association, as evidenced by its current activities: (1) an annual conference, (2) the expansion of its membership, and (3) the sponsoring of activities which reach beyond the membership. To assist POD in sensible growth and development, the Professional Relations and Membership Committee was formed and assigned three major functions: (1) to monitor the composition of the POD membership and make recommendations relative to POD\u27s growth and development in accordance with the membership\u27s composition, (2) to explore ways in which POD can interact with other professional organizations in a mutually beneficial manner, and (3) to explore ways in which POD can affect organizations which influence developments in higher education

    Linguistics meets economics: Dealing with semantic variation

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    We explore here what happens in conversation when listeners encounter variation as well as change in semantics. Working within a general Gricean framework, and in ways somewhat akin to the “Cheap Talk” model of Crawford and Sobel (1982) and the “Rational Speech Act” model of Goodman and Frank (2016), we develop here a transactional view of communicative acts, based largely on insights drawn from economics. Taking a novel perspective, we build on what happens when communication misfires rather than examining what makes for successful communication. We see this effort as a demonstration of the utility of taking an economic perspective on linguistic issues, specifically the analysis of communicative acts

    Analysis of Arkansas Fur Harvest Records - 1942-1984: II. Species Accounts

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    Fur harvest records were maintained by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission on the following 16 furbearers: badger, beaver, bobcat, eastern spotted skunk (civet), coyote, gray fox, long-tailed weasel, mink, muskrat, nutria, opossum, raccoon, red fox, red wolf, river otter, and striped skunk. These harvest records were analyzed for each species in terms of mean pelt price and numbers of pelt sold by region (Ozark Mountains, Ouachita Mountains, Gulf Coastal Plain, and Mississippi Delta) per year. Historical or biological influences important in interpreting species accounts are presented

    Analysis of Arkansas Fur Harvest Records - 1942-1984: III. Harvest-Price Relationships

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    Correlation and linear regression analyses between mean annual pelt price and total harvest of 13 Arkansas furbearer species between 1965 and 1983 were performed for state and regions (Ozark Mountains, Ouachita Mountains, Gulf Coastal Plain, and Mississippi Delta). Statewide, strong correlations (r \u3e 0.80) were identified for bobcat (Felis rufus), coyote (Canis latrans), gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), mink (Mustela vison), nutria (Myocastor coypus), opossum (Didelphis virginiana), and raccoon (Procyonlotor). Moderate correlations (r = 0.55 - 0.79) were identified for eastern spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius), muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), river otter (Lutra canadensis), and striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis). Nonsignificant correlations (r \u3c 0.468) were shown for beaver (Castor canadensis) and long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata). Regional differences were noted for each species

    The Etymology of bum: Mere Child's Play

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    Three IT-Business Alignment Profiles: Technical Resource, Business Enabler, and Strategic Weapon

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    There is a growing recognition among alignment researchers and IT professionals that one size does not fit all. In this article, we provide an important extension of alignment research that shows three profiles linking IT to different business objectives. We address the need to identify the appropriate types of IT alignment by using a multi-method study including interviews and cases. Two dimensions define the three alignment profiles: internal IT-business integration and external market engagement. The technical resource profile calls for low levels of IT-business integration and IT-market engagement. The business enabler profile deploys IT in some business processes and begins engaging IT with customers and suppliers. The strategic weapon profile uses IT to mobilize and extend the enterprise, which requires extensive IT deployment, both internally and externally. Each profile differs in strategies, criteria, capabilities, and mental models. Importantly, IT decision-makers should not adopt stage-model thinking which assumes that technical resource profiles naturally progress up the chain. Rather, successful use of IT requires specifying the requisite alignment profile as an initial design decision so that appropriate levels of resource allocation and management involvement occur
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