223 research outputs found

    Tests of a Rotenone-Impregnated Bait for Controlling Common Carp

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    An experimental rotenone-impregnated pelleted (approximately 10 mg/pellet) bait was tested in force-feeding and field-feeding experiments as a method of control for common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Mortality rates of force-fed fish ranged from less than 40% when fed one pellet to 100% when fed more than 10 pellets. Mortality occurred within 48 h. Mortality rates of control fish did not exceed 10%. In reservoir feeding trials in 1994 and 1995, carp were fed for 2-3 weeks on a non-toxic, vegetable-based bait dispensed by automatic feeders, followed by one feeding of the bait with rotenone added. Carp ceased feeding on the rotenone bait within minutes. Only three dead common carp were observed in 1994 and no dead carp were observed in 1995. The common carp would not consume enough rotenone pellets for a fatal dosage. Their selectiveness is attributed to their ability to detect the rotenone in the pellets. More palatable rotenone baits are needed for common carp

    Guessing human-chosen secrets

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    Authenticating humans to computers remains a notable weak point in computer security despite decades of effort. Although the security research community has explored dozens of proposals for replacing or strengthening passwords, they appear likely to remain entrenched as the standard mechanism of human-computer authentication on the Internet for years to come. Even in the optimistic scenario of eliminating passwords from most of today's authentication protocols using trusted hardware devices or trusted servers to perform federated authentication, passwords will persist as a means of "last-mile" authentication between humans and these trusted single sign-on deputies. This dissertation studies the difficulty of guessing human-chosen secrets, introducing a sound mathematical framework modeling human choice as a skewed probability distribution. We introduce a new metric, alpha-guesswork, which can accurately models the resistance of a distribution against all possible guessing attacks. We also study the statistical challenges of estimating this metric using empirical data sets which can be modeled as a large random sample from the underlying probability distribution. This framework is then used to evaluate several representative data sets from the most important categories of human-chosen secrets to provide reliable estimates of security against guessing attacks. This includes collecting the largest-ever corpus of user-chosen passwords, with nearly 70 million, the largest list of human names ever assembled for research, the largest data sets of real answers to personal knowledge questions and the first data published about human choice of banking PINs. This data provides reliable numbers for designing security systems and highlights universal limitations of human-chosen secrets

    The Bitcoin Brain Drain: Examining the Use and Abuse of Bitcoin Brain Wallets

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    In the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, users can deterministically derive the private keys used for transmitting money from a password. Such “brain wallets” are appealing because they free users from storing their private keys on untrusted computers. Unfortunately, they also enable attackers to conduct unlimited offline password guessing. In this paper, we report on the first large-scale measurement of the use of brain wallets in Bitcoin. Using a wide range of word lists, we evaluated around 300 billion passwords. Surprisingly, after excluding activities by researchers, we identified just 884 brain wallets worth around $100K in use from September 2011 to August 2015. We find that all but 21 wallets were drained, usually within 24 h but often within minutes. We find that around a dozen “drainers” are competing to liquidate brain wallets as soon as they are funded. We find no evidence that users of brain wallets loaded with more bitcoin select stronger passwords, but we do find that brain wallets with weaker passwords are cracked more quickly

    Limits on revocable proof systems, with applications to stateless blockchains

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    Motivated by the goal of building a cryptocurrency with succinct global state, we introduce the abstract notion of a revocable proof system. We prove an information-theoretic result on the relation between global state size and the required number of local proof updates as statements are revoked (e.g., coins are spent). We apply our result to conclude that there is no useful trade-off point when building a stateless cryptocurrency: the system must either have a linear-sized global state (in the number of accounts in the system) or require a near-linear rate of local proof updates. The notion of a revocable proof system is quite general and also provides new lower bounds for set commitments, vector commitments and authenticated dictionaries

    Proof of Necessary Work: Succinct State Verification with Fairness Guarantees

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    Blockchain-based payment systems utilize an append-only log of transactions whose correctness can be verified by any observer. In almost all of today’s implementations, verification costs grow linearly in either the number of transactions or blocks in the blockchain (often both). We propose a new distributed payment system which uses Incrementally Verifiable Computation (IVC) to enable constant-time verification. Since generating the succinct proofs needed to verify correctness is more expensive, we introduce the notion of Proof of Necessary Work (PoNW), in which proof generation is an integral part of the proof-of-work used in Nakamoto consensus, effectively producing proofs using energy that would otherwise be wasted. We implement and benchmark a prototype of our system using recent recursive SNARK-based constructions, enabling stateless “light” clients to efficiently verify the entire blockchain history in about 40 milliseconds

    Learning Assigned Secrets for Unlocking Mobile Devices

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    ABSTRACT Nearly all smartphones and tablets support unlocking with a short user-chosen secret: e.g., a numeric PIN or a pattern. To address users' tendency to choose guessable PINs and patterns, we compare two approaches for helping users learn assigned random secrets. In one approach, built on our prior work [16], we assign users a second numeric PIN and, during each login, we require them to enter it after their chosen PIN. In a new approach, we re-arrange the digits on the keypad so that the user's chosen PIN appears on an assigned random sequence of key positions. We performed experiments with over a thousand participants to compare these two repetition-learning approaches to simple user-chosen PINs and assigned PINs that users are required to learn immediately at account set-up time. Almost all of the participants using either repetition-learning approach learned their assigned secrets quickly and could recall them three days after the study. Those using the new mapping approach were less likely to write down their secret. Surprisingly, the learning process was less time consuming for those required to enter an extra PIN

    Learning Assigned Secrets for Unlocking Mobile Devices

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    ABSTRACT Nearly all smartphones and tablets support unlocking with a short user-chosen secret: e.g., a numeric PIN or a pattern. To address users' tendency to choose guessable PINs and patterns, we compare two approaches for helping users learn assigned random secrets. In one approach, built on our prior work [16], we assign users a second numeric PIN and, during each login, we require them to enter it after their chosen PIN. In a new approach, we re-arrange the digits on the keypad so that the user's chosen PIN appears on an assigned random sequence of key positions. We performed experiments with over a thousand participants to compare these two repetition-learning approaches to simple user-chosen PINs and assigned PINs that users are required to learn immediately at account set-up time. Almost all of the participants using either repetition-learning approach learned their assigned secrets quickly and could recall them three days after the study. Those using the new mapping approach were less likely to write down their secret. Surprisingly, the learning process was less time consuming for those required to enter an extra PIN

    Differentially Private Password Frequency Lists

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    Given a dataset of user-chosen passwords, the frequency list reveals the frequency of each unique password. We present a novel mechanism for releasing perturbed password frequency lists with rigorous security, efficiency, and distortion guarantees. Specifically, our mechanism is based on a novel algorithm for sampling that enables an efficient implementation of the exponential mechanism for differential privacy (naïve sampling is exponential time). It provides the security guarantee that an adversary will not be able to use this perturbed frequency list to learn anything of significance about any individual user\u27s password even if the adversary already possesses a wealth of background knowledge about the users in the dataset. We prove that our mechanism introduces minimal distortion, thus ensuring that the released frequency list is close to the actual list. Further, we empirically demonstrate, using the now-canonical password dataset leaked from RockYou, that the mechanism works well in practice: as the differential privacy parameter ϵ\epsilon varies from 88 to 0.0020.002 (smaller ϵ\epsilon implies higher security), the normalized distortion coefficient (representing the distance between the released and actual password frequency list divided by the number of users NN) varies from 8.8×1078.8\times10^{-7} to 1.9×1031.9\times 10^{-3}. Given this appealing combination of security and distortion guarantees, our mechanism enables organizations to publish perturbed password frequency lists. This can facilitate new research comparing password security between populations and evaluating password improvement approaches. To this end, we have collaborated with Yahoo! to use our differentially private mechanism to publicly release a corpus of 50 password frequency lists representing approximately 70 million Yahoo! users. This dataset is now the largest password frequency corpus available. Using our perturbed dataset we are able to closely replicate the original published analysis of this data

    SoK: Distributed Randomness Beacons

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    Motivated and inspired by the emergence of blockchains, many new protocols have recently been proposed for generating publicly verifiable randomness in a distributed yet secure fashion. These protocols work under different setups and assumptions, use various cryptographic tools, and entail unique trade-offs and characteristics. In this paper, we systematize the design of distributed randomness beacons (DRBs) as well as the cryptographic building blocks they rely on. We evaluate protocols on two key security properties, unbiasability and unpredictability, and discuss common attack vectors for predicting or biasing the beacon output and the countermeasures employed by protocols. We also compare protocols by communication and computational efficiency. Finally, we provide insights on the applicability of different protocols in various deployment scenarios and highlight possible directions for further research

    Cornucopia: Distributed randomness beacons at scale

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    We propose Cornucopia, a distributed randomness beacon protocol combining accumulators and verifiable delay functions. Cornucopia extends the Unicorn protocol of Lenstra and Wesolowski, utilizing an accumulator to enable efficient verification by each participant that their randomness contribution has been included in the beacon output. The security of this construction reduces to a novel property of accumulators, insertion security. We first show that not all accumulators are insertion-secure. We then prove that common constructions (Merkle trees and RSA accumulators) are naturally insertion-secure. Finally, we give a generic transformation from any universal accumulator (supporting non-membership proofs) to an insertion-secure accumulator, albeit with an efficiency loss proportional to the security parameter