636 research outputs found

    La BibliothÚque de l' Institut de Géographie de Paris,reflet de l'histoire de la pensée géographique : étude sur la période 1925-1960

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    This article relate the history of the library of the Geographical Institute of Paris between 1925-1960.Destinated to preservation of documentation, the library reflect the geographical thought and knowledge.Cet article retace l'histoire de la BibliothÚque de l'Institut de géographie de Paris, de 1925-1960.Lieu de conservation documentaire, reflet de l'évolution de la pensée géographique, la bibliothÚque contribue à la diffusion des savoirs et à la formation des géographes


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    We employed a quasi‐experimental design using pre/post surveys and comparisons with control groups to examine the impact of the Constitutional Rights Foundation’s CityWorks (U.S.A.) curriculum. In particular, we assessed its ability to further democratic aims by supporting the development of three forms of social capital: norms of civic participation, social trust, and knowledge of social networks. Our evaluation indicates that this curriculum and several of its curricular features (use of simulations, role models, service learning, learning about problems in the community, learning how local government works, and personal relevance) have the potential to further the democratic purposes of education. Key words: democratic education, simulations, role models, service‐learning. Se servant d’un design quasi‐expĂ©rimental faisant appel Ă  des sondages en prĂ©test et post‐test et Ă  des comparaisons avec des groupes‐contrĂŽles, les auteurs analysent dans cet article l’impact du programme amĂ©ricain Constitutional Rights Foundation’s CityWorks. Ils se penchent notamment sur son aptitude Ă  promouvoir davantage des objectifs dĂ©mocratiques en appuyant le dĂ©veloppement de trois formes de capital social : les normes de la participation citoyenne, la confiance sociale et la connaissance des rĂ©seaux sociaux. D’aprĂšs les auteurs, ce programme et plusieurs de ses caractĂ©ristiques (recours Ă  des simulations, modĂšles de comportement, apprentissage du service, analyse de problĂšmes communautaires, Ă©tude du mode de fonctionnement du gouvernement local et pertinence pour les Ă©lĂšves) sont susceptibles de promouvoir l’éducation Ă  la dĂ©mocratie. Mots clĂ©s: Ă©ducation Ă  la dĂ©mocratie, simulations, modĂšles de comportement, apprentissage du service.

    CityWorks Evaluation Summary

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    This report summarizes findings from our study of the Constitutional Rights Foundation (CRF) CityWorks curriculum. This high school government curriculum was designed to respond to growing recognition of the need to promote commitments and capacities associated with civic engagement. Our data consists of pre/post surveys from CityWorks classes and control classrooms. We also observed classrooms and collected interview data through focus groups

    Development of the Modified Strategic Management Accounting Disclosure Index (MoSMADi) for Companies’ Decision-Making, Control and Monitoring of Business Strategies in Attaining Business Sustainability

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    The paper aims to explain the development of the modified strategic management accounting disclosure index. The main purpose of strategic management accounting information is to support companies' decision-making, control, and monitoring of business strategies to attain business sustainability. The Modified Strategic Management Accounting Disclosure index which consists of 70 items aims to serve as a holistic and comprehensive checklist to evaluate the extent of strategic management accounting information disclosure on companies' annual reports. It is hoped that the modified strategic management accounting disclosure index would enhance the level of strategic management accounting information disclosure by companies as the checklist is developed based on international and national criteria to highlight the benefits of having the index. The purpose of developing this index is to provide a coherent framework to ensure business sustainability and the need for strategic management accounting information for decision-making, control, and monitoring of the company’s strategies in pursuit

    Liste des acquisitions de la bibliothĂšque de GĂ©ographie

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    AfriqueRandriamananoro-Rabesahala Charlotte Liliane, Ambohimanga-Rova : approche anthropologique de la civilisation merina (Madagascar), Paris, Le Publieur, 2006. Duponnois Lacombe, La brousse, le champ et la jachÚre au Burkina Faso, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007. Fondja Wandji Yris D., Le Cameroun et la question énergétique : analyse, bilan et perspectives Paris, Budapest, Kinshasa [etc.], L'Harmattan, 2007. Ouedraogo Moussa, La communalisation en milieu rural les élus locaux peuvent-ils relever ..

    Références bibliographiques de congrÚs concernant les indépendances des pays africains, publiés entre 1960 et 2010.

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    1963 Décolonisation et régimes politiques en Afrique noire.Actes du colloque organisé par le Centre d'études des relations internationales de Paris et le Centre d'études d'Afrique noire de l'université de Bordeaux, 30 novembre-1er décembre 1963, sur le thÚme «  Les régimes des nouveaux Etats et leurs relations extérieures. Sous la direction d'Albert Mabileau et Jean Meyriat.- Paris : Colin, 1967.- 276 p. 1977 The transfer of power in Africa : decolonization, 1940-1960.D'aprÚs le congrÚs tenu ..

    Acquisitions de la BibliothĂšque de l’Institut de GĂ©ographie

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    Afrique Atta Koffi, Zoungrana, Logiques paysannes et espaces agraires en Afrique, Paris, Karthala, 2010, G 19-3562 Cubizolles, Le football en Afrique du Sud : vécu d'un township au Cap occidental, Paris, Karthala, 2010, G 19-3560 Fassin, Afflictions : l'Afrique du Sud, de l'apartheid au sida, Paris, Karthala, 2004, G 19-3573 Grégoire, Bernus, Touaregs du Niger, le destin d'un mythe, [Nouv. éd.], Paris, Karthala, 2010, G 19-3572 Hugeux, L'Afrique en face, Paris, A. Colin, 2010, G 19-3564 Joiri..

    Characterizing player’s experience from physiological signals using fuzzy decision trees

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    Author manuscript, published in "IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG) 2010, Copenhagen : Denmark (2010)"In the recent years video games have enjoyed a dramatic increase in popularity, the growing market being echoed by a genuine interest in the academic field. With this flourishing technological and theoretical efforts, there is need to develop new evaluative methodologies for acknowledging the various aspects of the player’s subjective experience, and especially the emotional aspect. In this study, we addressed the possibility of developing a model for assessing the player’s enjoyment (amusement) with respect to challenge in an action game. Our aim was to explore the viability of a generic model for assessing emotional experience during gameplay from physiological signals. In particular, we propose an approach to characterize the player’s subjective experience in different psychological levels of enjoyment from physiological signals using fuzzy decision trees.In the recent years video games have enjoyed a dramatic increase in popularity, the growing market being echoed by a genuine interest in the academic field. With this flourishing technological and theoretical efforts, there is need to develop new evaluative methodologies for acknowledging the various aspects of the player’s subjective experience, and especially the emotional aspect. In this study, we addressed the possibility of developing a model for assessing the player’s enjoyment (amusement) with respect to challenge in an action game. Our aim was to explore the viability of a generic model for assessing emotional experience during gameplay from physiological signals. In particular, we propose an approach to characterize the player’s subjective experience in different psychological levels of enjoyment from physiological signals using fuzzy decision trees

    Thermoplastic Ribbon-Ply Bonding Model

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    The aim of the present work was to identify key variables in rapid weldbonding of thermoplastic tow (ribbon) and their relationship to matrix polymer properties and to ribbon microstructure. Theoretical models for viscosity, establishment of ply-ply contact, instantaneous (Velcro) bonding, molecular interdiffusion (healing), void growth suppression, and gap filling were reviewed and synthesized. Consideration of the theoretical bonding mechanisms and length scales and of the experimental weld/peel data allow the prediction of such quantities as the time and pressure required to achieve good contact between a ribbon and a flat substrate, the time dependence of bond strength, pressures needed to prevent void growth from dissolved moisture and conditions for filling gaps and smoothing overlaps
