4 research outputs found

    Antinociceptive effects of Treculia africana decne (african breadfruit) seed lectin in Wistar rats

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    The aim: The use of synthetic compounds to treat many diseases must be strictly controlled due to their potential health hazards. Hence, there is a need to search for natural products to serve as safe alternatives to synthetic products. This study investigated the antinociceptive effects and anti-inflammatory activities of Treculia africana seed lectin. Materials and methods: Lectins were purified from Treculia africana seeds using ion exchange and size-exclusion chromatography. The antinociceptive activity of the lectin was assessed in Wistar rats using abdominal writhing and paw-licking tests induced by acetic acid and formalin, respectively. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed using carrageenan-induced paw oedema. Results: Treculia africana seed lectins at 10 mg/kg (p.o.) produced sedation, reduced ambulation, reduced response to touch, analgesia, and decreased defecation in experimental animals. Administration of Treculia africana seed lectin (1 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg) in experimental animals significantly reduced (P < 0.05) acetic acid-induced muscular writhing in a dose-dependent manner with 23.88 and 36.80 per cent inhibition, respectively. Both early and late phases of formalin-induced nociception were significantly inhibited (P < 0.001) by the lectin at all doses (0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 mg/kg), comparably with the standard drug, diclofenac sodium. At 10 mg/kg, T. africana lectin caused a 69.12 % and 65.55 % reduction in both early and late phases of formalin-induced paw licking. Treculia africana lectin also significantly brought about a reduction (P < 0.05) in inflammation induced by sub-plantar injection of carrageenan as measured by a decrease in paw swollenness. Conclusion: The study showed that Treculia africana lectin possesses antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties and can potentially be employed therapeutics to ameliorate pain and inflammatio

    Antioxidant enhancing ability of different solvents extractable components of Talinum triangulare in some selected Tissue homogenates of Albino Rats -In vitro

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    Antioxidant contents, mostly from plant source have been the major combating components against membranous peroxidation that causes degenerative diseases and among others in the living cells. In this work, we did look into how ethanol and aqueous extractable components of Talinum triangulare could effectively and synergistically enhance the activities of antioxidant enzymes i.e superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalase (CAT) and reduced glutathione (GSH) activities in the different tissues used in vitro. Different methods were employed in the assay and the results showed significant (p < 0.05) increase in ethanolic extract when the GSH enhancing competencies were considered in the organs when compare with that of aqueous and relatively with the control, also, the levels of catalase activities (CAT) observed showed significant (p < 0.05) difference as observed in the organs. Considering the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities, aqueous extract showed significant (p < 0.05) increase in the liver and brain while significant (p < 0.05) increase was only observed in the ethanolic extract in the kidneys tissue. Indisputably, it could be claimed based on these facts that, Talinum triangulare could enhance the activities of these antioxidant enzymes assayed for and in turns could be helpful in the phytotherapeutic management of common diseases associated with the hypoactivity of the enzymes when involve in the diet

    Evaluation of antioxidant potentials of different solvent-fractions of Dialium indium (African Black velvet tamarind) fruit pulp - in vitro

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    Plant phytonutrients have been harnessed for their various curative properties both in vitro and in vivo. In this study African black velvet tamarind (ABVT) fruit pulp was evaluated for it antioxidant potentials using chloroform and hexane fractions through different antioxidant parameters. In the results; total phenolic contents quantified in mg GAE/dried sample in chloroform and hexane extracts were; 14.57 &plusmn;5.85 and 9.78 &plusmn;4.61, total flavonoid contents in chloroform and hexane extracts as; 48.58 &plusmn;0.00 and 27.35 &plusmn;0.00 while the FRAP (&micro;g AAE.g-1 dried sample) was lower in chloroform (298.10 &plusmn;0.00) than hexane extracts (1029.81 &plusmn;0.00). More also, ability of varied concentrations of the extracts (with their IC50) to cause inhibition against Fe2+-induced MDA that was determined by TBARS in rat's brain and liver tissue homogenates, Fe2+-chelating ability and other antioxidant assays, showed an appreciable significant (p &lt;0.05) difference. The various antioxidant properties showed by ABVT has indicated that, if the pulp is incorporated in diet, it could serve as an alternative in managing various ROS-induced degenerative ailments as it has been clearly demonstrated in the protection of brain and liver homogenates from Fe2+-induced oxidative stress.&nbsp

    Антиноцицептивні ефекти лектину насіння Treculia africana decne (африканського хлібного дерева) у щурів породи Wistar

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    The aim: The use of synthetic compounds to treat many diseases must be strictly controlled due to their potential health hazards. Hence, there is a need to search for natural products to serve as safe alternatives to synthetic products. This study investigated the antinociceptive effects and anti-inflammatory activities of Treculia africana seed lectin. Materials and methods: Lectins were purified from Treculia africana seeds using ion exchange and size-exclusion chromatography. The antinociceptive activity of the lectin was assessed in Wistar rats using abdominal writhing and paw-licking tests induced by acetic acid and formalin, respectively. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed using carrageenan-induced paw oedema. Results: Treculia africana seed lectins at 10 mg/kg (p.o.) produced sedation, reduced ambulation, reduced response to touch, analgesia, and decreased defecation in experimental animals. Administration of Treculia africana seed lectin (1 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg) in experimental animals significantly reduced (P &lt; 0.05) acetic acid-induced muscular writhing in a dose-dependent manner with 23.88 and 36.80 per cent inhibition, respectively. Both early and late phases of formalin-induced nociception were significantly inhibited (P &lt; 0.001) by the lectin at all doses (0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 mg/kg), comparably with the standard drug, diclofenac sodium. At 10 mg/kg, T. africana lectin caused a 69.12 % and 65.55 % reduction in both early and late phases of formalin-induced paw licking. Treculia africana lectin also significantly brought about a reduction (P &lt; 0.05) in inflammation induced by sub-plantar injection of carrageenan as measured by a decrease in paw swollenness. Conclusion: The study showed that Treculia africana lectin possesses antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties and can potentially be employed therapeutics to ameliorate pain and inflammationМета: використання синтетичних сполук для лікування багатьох захворювань має суворо контролюватися через їх потенційну небезпеку для здоров’я. Отже, існує потреба шукати натуральні продукти, які б слугували безпечною альтернативою синтетичним продуктам. Це дослідження вивчало антиноцицептивні ефекти та протизапальну активність лектину насіння Treculia africana. Матеріали та методи. Лектини були очищені з насіння Treculia africana за допомогою іонообмінної та ексклюзійної хроматографії. Антиноцицептивну активність лектину оцінювали на щурах породи Вістар за допомогою тестів звивання живота та облизування лап, індукованих оцтовою кислотою та формаліном відповідно. Протизапальну активність оцінювали за допомогою індукованого карагеніном набряку лапи. Результати: Лектини насіння Treculia africana у дозі 10 мг/кг (перорально) викликали седативний ефект, уповільнювали ходіння, знижували реакцію на дотик, аналгезію та зменшували дефекацію у експериментальних тварин. Застосування лектину насіння Treculia africana (1 мг/кг і 10 мг/кг) експериментальним тваринам значно зменшувало (P&lt;0,05) спричинене оцтовою кислотою звивання м’язів залежно від дози з 23,88 % і 36,80 % інгібування відповідно. Як рання, так і пізня фази індукованої формаліном ноцицепції значно пригнічувалися (P &lt;0,001) лектином у всіх дозах (0,1, 1,0 та 10,0 мг/кг), порівняно зі стандартним препаратом, диклофенаком натрію. При дозі лектину 10 мг/кг відбувалося зниження як на ранній, так і на пізній фазах індукованого формаліном облизування лап на 69,12 % і 65,55 % відповідно. Лектин Treculia africana також значно зменшив (P&lt;0,05) запалення, спричинене підплантарною ін’єкцією карагеніну, що було виміряно за зменшенням набряку лапи. Висновок: дослідження показало, що лектин Treculia africana має антиноцицептивні та протизапальні властивості та потенційно може бути використаний у терапії для полегшення болю та запаленн