16 research outputs found

    Concepções sobre anatomia humana de alunos do ensino médio da cidade de Cuité-PB: funções e relações com cotidiano

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    Através de experiências vivenciadas num campus de expansão universitária, sobre o desempenho dos alunos na disciplina de anatomia humana, foi possível perceber uma deficiência no conhecimento básico dos alunos, culminando num elevado índice de notas baixas e reprovações na disciplina. O estudo objetivou analisar as concepções de alunos do terceiro ano do ensino médio do município de Cuité-PB sobre anatomia humana, suas formas de estudo e sua aplicabilidade no cotidiano. Para isso foi utilizado um questionário com questões objetivas e discursivas sobre a temática, sendo as respostas submetidas à análise descritivo-exploratória e estatística descritiva. A maioria dos alunos definiu a anatomia como o estudo do corpo e referiu querer estudar a disciplina; 85% deles disseram que o estudo da anatomia humana poderia ser útil no dia-a-dia, e desses, 17% relataram que poderia ser empregado em problemas de saúde e 36% não citaram uma utilidade específica. Houve muitas associações do estudo com profissionais/estudantes da saúde (62%); 29% relataram que os conhecimentos sobre anatomia humana foram adquiridos com professores do ensino fundamental. A maioria dos alunos definiu seu conhecimento como regular e relatou sentir dificuldades no assunto. Pudemos observar que o conhecimento sobre anatomia dos pesquisados apresentou deficiências e lacunas. O nosso estudo pode servir de referência de pesquisa para outros que queiram se aprofundar mais sobre a temática

    Morphologic repercussions in young rat thymus submitted to protein undernourishment and early corrected re-nourishment.

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    Verificou-se o metabolismo e as repercussões morfológicas no timo de forma qualitativa e quantitativa através de morfometria e estereologia.Utilizaram-se 30 ratos wistar () nos grupos Nutrido (N=10), Desnutrido (D=10) e Renutrido (R=10). O peso corporal e a ingestão foi maior no N, menor no D, e os R apresentaram valores médios em relação a estes grupos. Todos os outros parâmetros (ingestão de água, excreção de fezes e urina, %ingestão/peso corporal, %fezes/ingestão, água/peso corporal, %urina/água consumida e peso tímico) não obtiveram diferença estatística entre o N e R. O grupo D mostrou exuberante alteração nos componentes elásticos e fibrosos, menor calibre dos seus vasos, atrofia dos lóbulos tímicos (com limite córtex-medular muitas vezes indefinido), e grande quantidade de timócitos em apoptose no córtex e na medula. Poucos corpúsculos tímicos foram verificados no grupo D, diferindo dos animais N e R. Deste modo, afirma-se que os animais R conseguiram restituir a morfologia da glândula após intervenção nutricional.The Metabolism and morphologic repercussions on thymus were verified in a qualitative and quantitative way by morfometric and stereologycal assessment. 30 wistar rats were used () in the Nourishment (N=10), Undernourishment (UN=10) and Re-nourishment (RN=10) groups. The body weight and ingestion were higher in N, lower in UN, and RN presented medium values in relation to the others groups. All the addicional parameters as water ingestion, faeces and urine excrecion, %ingestion/corporal weigh, %faeces/ingestion, water/corporal weight, %urine/water consumed and thymic weight, had no statistics difference between N and RN. The UN group showed exuberant modification on elastic and fibrous components, smaller caliber of their vessels, thymic lobule atrophy (with many times indefinite cortex-medular limit), and apoptose of timocytes in the cortex and medulla. Few thymic corpuscles were verified in UN group differing of the N and RN. Therefore, after nutricional intervencional, the gland morphology was reestablished

    Analysis of aging and degeneration of human cervical and lumbar intervertebral disc

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A degeneração do disco intervertebral (DIV) é um processo crônico e apontado como o maior causador de cervicalgia e lombalgia. Esse processo geralmente conta com a degradação da matriz extracelular, expressão de citocinas inflamatórias e fatores angiogênicos e axonogênicos. Entretanto, muito pouco se sabe sobre esse processo em DIVs assintomáticos durante o envelhecimento, principalmente no segmento cervical. O objetivo desse estudo foi de delinear o perfil de moléculas relacionadas à degeneração discal em DIVs cervicais e lombares. MÉTODOS: Discos intervertebrais humanos cervicais e lombares (C4-C6 e L4-S1) foram coletados em autópsia de 30 indivíduos presumivelmente assintomáticos e divididos em grupos jovem (GJ 65 anos, n=60). O nível de degeneração foi constatado pela escala de Thompson, e foi correlacionado com a detecção imuno-histoquímica das moléculas de MMP-1, -2, -3, TIMP-1, IL-1beta, TNF-alfa, VEGF, NGF-beta e BDNF. RESULTADOS: Todos os DIVs mostraram algum grau de degeneração, embora mais acentuadas no GI. As moléculas empenhadas no estudo foram identificadas em ambos grupos. A detecção imuno-histoquímica foi prevalente no citoplasma das células nativas do DIV e na região de interseção entre a placa vertebral e o arranjo fibro-colágeno. O envelhecimento propiciou, no disco cervical, maior expressão de MMP-2, -3, VEGF, NGF-beta e BDNF, enquanto que no disco lombar, a maior expressão foi de MMP-1, -2 -3, TIMP-1, TNF-alfa, VEGF e NGF-beta. DISCUSSÃO: O envelhecimento de DIVs cervicais e lombares caracterizou-se por exibir um processo catabólico e extensivo remodelamento da matriz extracelular, os quais podem ser interpretados como eventos que antecipam a doença degenerativa discal. Esse processo é capaz de levar a angiogênese e axonogênese de modo a ampliar o metabolismo aeróbio do DIV e captar informação nociceptiva como forma de defesa, uma vez que até nos discos lombares de indivíduos jovens essa última característica pôde ser observada. Discos assintomáticos também exibem moléculas relacionadas à doença degenerativa discal e talvez a inibição de parte dessas possa resultar em terapia preventivaINTRODUCTION: Degeneration of the intervertebral disc (DIV) is a chronic process that pointed as a major cause of neck and low back pain. This process generally includes an extracellular matrix degradation, expression of inflammatory cytokines, angiogenesis and axonogenesis factors. However, there is a little known about this process in asymptomatic DIVs during aging, especially in the cervical region. The aim of this study was to delineate the profile of molecules related to disc degeneration in the cervical and lumbar discs. METHODS: Human cervical and lumbar intervertebral discs (C4-C6 e L4-S1) were harvested at autopsy from 30 asymptomatic individuals, and divided according to age with young (GJ 65 years old, n=60) groups. Gross degeneration was graded according to the Thompson scale and this was correlated to the immunohistochemical detection of molecules of MMP-1, -2, -3, TIMP-1, IL-1beta, TNF-alfa, VEGF, NGF-beta e BDNF. RESULTS: Discs from GJ were significantly less degenerated than those of GI. The molecules involved in the study were identified in both groups. The immunohistochemical detection was prevalent in the cytoplasm of native disc cells and the region between the vertebral plate and fibrous collagen arrangement (intersection). Aging provided in cervical disc, increased expression of MMP-2, -3, VEGF, NGF and BDNF-beta, whereas in the lumbar disc the highest expression of MMP-1, -2, -3, TIMP-1, TNF-alfa, VEGF and NGF-beta was seen. DISCUSSION: The aging of cervical and lumbar DIV was marked by catabolic process and a extensive remodeling on extracellular matrix which can be interpreted as a predict event of the degenerative disc disease. This process can lead to angiogenesis and axonogenesis in order to expand the aerobic metabolism of the DIV and get nociceptive information as a defense, since even in the lumbar discs of young individuals this last feature can be observed. Asymptomatic discs also exhibit molecules related to degenerative disc disease and perhaps the inhibition some of these can result in preventive therap

    The pectoralis quartus and chondro-epitrochlearis combined muscle variation: description and surgical relevance

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    The authors describe a rare unilateral muscle variation in the thoracic wall combining the pectoralis quartus and chondro-epitrochlearis muscles. A routine dissection was performed in the upper right limb of a male adult cadaver with approximately 35-50 years of age, embalmed in formalin 10%. An accessory muscle, the pectoralis quartus, was identified and was associated with a tendon that was inserted in the medial humeral epicondyle, characteristic of the chondro-epitrochlearis muscle tendon. Such variations have significant clinical relevance to orthopedics, mastology, neural and vascular surgery, and other specialties, for surgical approaches in both the axillary and brachial regions

    Persistent median artery inside the carpal tunnel: description and surgical implications

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    The median artery is usually a transient vessel during the embryonic period. However, this artery can persist in adult life as the persistent median artery. This paper aims to describe this relevant anatomical variation for surgeons, review the literature and discuss its clinical implications. A routine dissection was performed in the upper left limb of a male adult cadaver of approximately 50-60 years of age, embalmed in formalin 10%. The persistent median artery was identified emerging as a terminal branch of the common interosseous artery with a path along the ulnar side of the median nerve. In the wrist, the persistent median artery passed through the carpal tunnel, deep in the transverse carpal ligament. The dissection in the palmar region revealed no anastomosis with the ulnar artery forming the superficial palmar arch. The common digital arteries emerged from the ulnar artery and the persistent median artery. Such variation has clinical and surgical relevance in approaching carpal tunnel syndrome and other clinical disorders in the wrist

    The absence of piriformis muscle, combined muscular fusion, and neurovascular variation in the gluteal region

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    The gluteal region contains important neurovascular and muscular structures with diverse clinical and surgical implications. This paper aims to describe and discuss the clinical importance of a unique variation involving not only the piriformis, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, obturator internus, and superior gemellus muscles, but also the superior gluteal neurovascular bundle, and sciatic nerve. A routine dissection of a right hemipelvis and its gluteal region of a male cadaver fixed in 10% formalin was performed. During dissection, it was observed a rare presentation of the absence of the piriformis muscle, associated with a tendon fusion between gluteus and obturator internus, and a fusion between gluteus minimus and superior gemellus muscles, along with an unusual topography with the sciatic nerve, which passed through these group of fused muscles. This rare variation stands out with clinical manifestations that are not fully established. Knowing this anatomy is essential to avoid surgical iatrogeny

    Accessory soleus muscle: a case report and clinical applicability

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    Variations in leg muscle are uncommon. Literature on this subject is scarce, but when those variations are reported they may cause alterations in joint mechanics or cause some discomfort in the leg and foot. The accessory soleus muscle (ASM) is considered an unusual anatomical variation, with an  incidence of 0.5-6.0% in the population through studies in cadavers. During routine preparation of study material in the dissection room of the anatomy laboratory of the Escola Superior de Ciências da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Vitória/ES – Brazil, an ASM was found in the right inferior limb of a male cadaver fixed in 10% formalin. This supernumerary muscle was 3 cm wide, 9 cm long and 1 cm thick in its most voluminous part, in typical penniform fibers arrangement. It was located in the posteromedial region of the ankle, anterior to the Achilles tendon and posterior to the deep muscles of the leg compartment. Its anterior face covered the tibial nerve and the posterior tibial vessels, while its lower half was covered by the flexor retinaculum into the tarsal tunnel. Reports in the literature show possible compression of a neurovascular bundle because of its intimal position within the tarsal tunnel, which could result in ischemic compartment syndrome

    Aging and degeneration of the intervertebral disc: review of basic science

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    Currently there is a growing interest in the study of intervertebral discs due to loss of manpower brought to society by low back and neck pains. These papers seek to delineate the difference between normal aging and disc degeneration, trying to understand what factor would be determining for the second condition. Thus, the morphology field was expanded and knowledge on the structure of intervertebral discs currently uses the research field of cell and molecular biology, and genetics. The results indicate that regardless of age or condition, the intervertebral disc undergoes long and extensive remodeling of its constituents, which are influenced by several factors: environmental, soluble, cell growth and extracellular matrix. In this literature review we describe the biological characteristics of the cervical and lumbar intervertebral disc with a focus on basic science of aging and degeneration, selecting the latest findings and discussions of the area, which influence future research and clinical thoughts.</p