864 research outputs found

    Narrativas territoriales de la comunidad aymara de Chapiquiña en los altos de Arica

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    This article describes the process in which an Aymara community signify their territory in a context of ethnic and territorial claim. It proposes the importance of the territory in the Andes from the pre-Hispanic and colonial period to understand that the Aymara territory is a social and historical construction where memory has played a fundamental role. The analytical categories used were historical, economic and ritual territorial narrative which allow us to propose that the Aymara territory is deterritorialized and reterritorialized through 'the ways of memory' both in urban and rural space.Este artículo expone el proceso en el cual una comunidad aymara significa su territorio en un contexto de reivindicación étnica y territorial. Se propone la importancia del territorio en los Andes desde el periodo prehispánico y el colonial para comprender que el territorio aymara es una construcción social e histórica donde la memoria ha jugado un rol fundamental. Se analizan las ‘narrativas territoriales’ históricas, económicas y rituales, para plantear que el territorio aymara se desterritorializa y reterritorializa mediante ‘los caminos de la memoria’ tanto en el espacio urbano y rural

    An Examination: Using Participatory Action Research in a Marginalized Coastal Community at Risk to Natural Hazards

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    This extended case study examines the appropriateness of using Participatory Action Research (PAR) in a small, marginalized coastal community at risk to natural hazards. PAR is a method of conducting high-quality research to support the social change goals of diverse cultural and ethnic communities, especially as they relate to community involvement, democracy, emancipation, and liberation (Lindsey and McGuinness (1998). PAR is not the typical research methodology for hazards research. The community\u27s goal was to Save our heritage and our land . They consisted of 75-80 members who primarily make their living by seafood extraction. This community has experienced social oppression and environmental events associated with living in a coastal Louisiana community. Findings suggest that PAR has its limitations, however, it does appear to be a useful research method for residents, researchers and those who want a more respectful, empowering, ground up approach to multi-user learning and social change

    Understanding Identities of Internationally Adopted Adolescents Through the Use of Art Therapy: A Literature Review

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    As international adoption becomes more popular and widely used in the United States, there is more evidence of the impact that adoption and the process of adaptation can have on an individual in both the long and short term, especially in the development of their identity. While adolescence tends to be a time when the individual is focused on creating and understanding their uniqueness, being an adoptee adds even more complexity to this task. Adopted children often struggle with issues of self- esteem, sense of belonging, identity formation, and safety (Harris, 2012). Art therapy has been successfully used with adolescents as a way of expression and as a tool for self-exploration. Through the use of art therapy, adolescents are able to communicate their feelings, develop coping strategies, and access the necessary open and safe space for self-exploration and self-reflection (Beaumont, 2012). Although there are many techniques that can be used within the art therapy profession, Beaumont (2012) explained that narrative, existential, and expressive techniques are the most useful with this population, as they allow adolescents to obtain a greater understanding of self and their identity

    Investigation on Impact Strength Properties of Kevlar Fabric using Different Shear Thickening Fluid Composition

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    Great interest has aroused in developing high impact resistant fabrics based on the incorporation of a shear thickening fluid (STF) into high performance fabrics (Kevlar). This work developed a shear thickening fluid enhanced fabrics and the influence of the shear thickening fluid types against spike impact and the impact resistance performance were investigated. Silica nano-particle impregnated Kevlar fabrics exhibit significantly enhanced ballistic performance while retaining flexibility. It was found that fabrics impregnated with functionalized nanoparticles offer multiple resistance to the penetration of a sharp impactor. The improvement in protection is traced by the formation of siloxane bonds during functionalization. It exhibits significant improvement in shear stiffness and aslight increase in tensile stiffness. The impact strength properties of all samples were tested using impact testingand quasi-static testing apparatuses. Chemical compositions and microscopic structures were analyzed with Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The current study clearly displays a significant enhancement in penetration resistance of Kevlar fabric impregnated with different combination of STF’s.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 64, No. 3, May 2014, pp. 236-243, DOI:http://dx.doi.org /10.14429/dsj.64.732

    Bibliographic Review of the Application of Ovulation Synchronization Protocol Based on Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) and Insulin to Increase the Conception Rate in Crossbred Holstein Cows

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    The review work is based on analyzing and recording the effects of the application of ovulation synchronization protocols based on gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and insulin for the increase of the pregnancy rate in crossbred Holstein cows in research published between 2013 and 2017. The study was conducted through the integrated search of relevant authors’ research using key criteria of both inclusion and exclusion, with results from 244 articles analyzed, where 118 analyzed the interaction of energy balance and ovulation of dairy cows. Fifty-three articles relate the effective ovulation synchronization protocol for the luteal process and 73 articles analyze the effect of insulin in the luteal process; and finally 18 articles are important to address the problem; insulin can be altered as a metabolic hormone by the increase of fat components of the feed ration consumed by cows, thus influencing ovarian function; ovulation synchronization is necessary, which can be based on GnRH and insulin


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    Abstract · Chromatic aberrations have previously been reported for the normally entirely black Groove-billed Ani (Crotophaga sulcirostris). Here, we present three additional observations of the occurrence of chromatic aberrations in this species, in the southwest of Ecuador. In May 2016, we observed two birds with a nearly entirely white coloration, except for a few small black spots, and one pied-colored bird, with a mix of white and black coloration on all main body parts. Most likely, these chromatic aberrations are cases of progressive greying. Future studies should determine whether multiple individuals with chromatic aberration in the same place are a coincidence or due to other reasons.Resumen · Registros adicionales de la coloración aberrante del plumaje en el Garrapatero pico estriado (Crotophaga sulcirostris) Casos de aberraciones cromáticas de plumaje han sido reportados previamente para el Garrapatero Pico Estriado (Crotophaga sulcirostris) una especie cuyo plumaje es normalmente completamente negro. Aquí, presentamos tres observaciones adicionales de ocurrencia de aberraciones cromáticas en esta especie para el sureste de Ecuador. En mayo de 2016 observamos dos individuos con una coloración casi completamente blanca, salvo pequeñas manchas negras, y un individuo que presentaba una mezcla de plumas blancas y negras. Es probable que en este caso se trate de encanecimiento progresivo (“progressive greying”), que puede afectar la mayor parte del plumaje de esta ave. Son necesarios más estudios para determinar si las observaciones de múltiples individuos con aberraciones cromáticas en el mismo lugar, se tratan de una coincidencia o si existen otros factores

    Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring with Enhanced Lifetime-enhancing Cooperative Data Gathering and Relaying Algorithm (E-LCDGRA) Based Sensor Network

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    The air continues to be an extremely substantial part of survival on earth. Air pollution poses a critical risk to humans and the environment. Using sensor-based structures, we can get air pollutant data in real-time. However, the sensors rely upon limited-battery sources that are immaterial to be alternated repeatedly amid extensive broadcast costs associated with real-time applications like air quality monitoring. Consequently, air quality sensor-based monitoring structures are lifetime-constrained and prone to the untimely loss of connectivity. Effective energy administration measures must therefore be implemented to handle the outlay of power dissipation. In this study, the authors propose outdoor air quality monitoring using a sensor network with an enhanced lifetime-enhancing cooperative data gathering and relaying algorithm (E-LCDGRA). LCDGRA is a cluster-based cooperative event-driven routing scheme with dedicated relay allocation mechanisms that tackle the problems of event-driven clustered WSNs with immobile gateways. The adapted variant, named E-LCDGRA, enhances the LCDGRA algorithm by incorporating a non-beaconaided CSMA layer-2 un-slotted protocol with a back-off mechanism. The performance of the proposed E-LCDGRA is examined with other classical gathering schemes, including IEESEP and CERP, in terms of average lifetime, energy consumption, and dela

    Reflexiones sobre el proceso de integración de los migrantes venezolanos beneficiados por el programa de interiorización de la Operação Acolhida

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    Los venezolanos han tenido que lidiar durante más de una década con hiperinflación, violencia e inseguridad, limitado acceso servicios básicos, escasez de alimentos y una tensa situación política de constante pugna y polarización. La suma de todos estos elementos desencadenó en la emigración millones de venezolanos, considerada una crisis humanitaria. Entre los años 2014 a 2020, debido a su proximidad geográfica, Brasil adquirió importancia como país destino para muchos migrantes venezolanos que escapaban de la crisis, generando una alta demanda de servicios públicos y abrigo en el estado fronterizo de Roraima. En este contexto, el gobierno brasileño crea en 2018 una política pública llamada Operação Acolhida, con el objetivo de dar una respuesta humanitaria a la crisis migratoria. Junto a la Operação Acolhida nace el Programa de Interiorización, que consiste en el traslado voluntario de venezolanos ubicados en los abrigos de Roraima a otros estados brasileños con mayores oportunidades de inserción socioeconómica. Dicho programa es la principal estrategia del gobierno federal para incorporar a los migrantes lo más rápido posible a la sociedad y aliviar el peso que pueda suponer este flujo migratorio en los estados fronterizos. Este ensayo se plantea esbozar el contexto en el que se ha realizado el proceso de integración de los migrantes venezolanos a la sociedad brasileña utilizando una política pública.São Cristóvão, S