2 research outputs found

    Financial impact of antibiotic therapy face to bacterial multiresistance in emergency hospital in Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Introducción: El objetivo de este artículo fue analizar los costos financieros de la terapia con antibióticos contra la resistencia bacteriana en un hospital público de alta complejidad en Agreste Pernambucano. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal a partir de los datos recopilados de los registros de la Comisión de Control de Infecciones Hospitalarias (CCIH), la Farmacia y el Centro de Suministros Farmacéuticos (CAF) del hospital investigado. Esto se obtuvo a través de un instrumento de recolección estructurado, con datos correspondientes al período de enero a diciembre de 2016. Resultados: Las principales muestras clínicas con presencia de resistencia a múltiples fármacos bacterianos fueron sangre, orina y secreción traqueal, con mayor prevalencia de las siguientes bacterias: Staphylococcus aureus (23,08%), Staphylococcus coagulasa negativo (26,15%), Citrobacter sp. (19,23%), Enterobacter sp. (10,77%) y Pseudomonas sp. (7,69%). En vista de la resistencia a múltiples fármacos presentada, los antibióticos más utilizados para el tratamiento fueron: vancomicina (21,7%), piperacilina con tazobactam (24,55%), ampicilina con sulbactam (10.4%), cefepima (18,43%) y meropenem (58,5%). La presencia de bacterias resistentes fue la causa del aumento de los costos en el tratamiento de los pacientes. Los valores en este estudio con terapia con antibióticos generaron un costo de R83.298,83en2016,conel49Conclusioˊn:Laprevencioˊn,atraveˊsdepolıˊticasrelacionadasconelcontrolracionalyelusodeantimicrobianos,esfundamentalenlaluchacontralasinfeccionesnosocomialesporbacteriasmultirresistentes.Introduction:TheobjectiveofthisarticlewastoanalyzethefinancialcostsofantibiotictherapyagainstbacterialresistanceinapublichospitalofhighcomplexitylocatedintheAgresteregionofPernambuco.Method:Itwasperformedadescriptive,retrospectiveandcrosssectionalstudybasedondatacollectedfromHospitalInfectionControlCommission(CCIH)andthePharmaceuticalSupplyCenter(CAF)oftheinvestigatedhospital.ItwasobtainedbyastructuredinstrumentofdatacollectionandtheperiodanalysedwasfromJanuarytoDecember2016.Results:Themainclinicalsampleswithpresenceofbacterialmultiresistancewereblood,urineandtrachealsecretion,withahigherprevalenceofthefollowingbacteria:Staphylococcusaureus(23,08 83.298,83 en 2016, con el 49% de las muertes hospitalarias. Conclusión: La prevención, a través de políticas relacionadas con el control racional y el uso de antimicrobianos, es fundamental en la lucha contra las infecciones nosocomiales por bacterias multirresistentes.Introduction: The objective of this article was to analyze the financial costs of antibiotic therapy against bacterial resistance in a public hospital of high complexity located in the Agreste region of Pernambuco. Method: It was performed a descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study based on data collected from Hospital Infection Control Commission (CCIH) and the Pharmaceutical Supply Center (CAF) of the investigated hospital. It was obtained by a structured instrument of data collection and the period analysed was from January to December 2016. Results: The main clinical samples with presence of bacterial multiresistance were blood, urine and tracheal secretion, with a higher prevalence of the following bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus (23,08%), Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (26,15%), Citrobacter sp. (19,23%), Enterobacter sp. (10,77%) and Pseudomonas sp (7,69%). Faced to the multiresistance presented, the most common antibiotics used in the treatment were: vancomycin (21,7%), piperacillin-tazobactam (24,55%), ampicillin-sulbactam (10,4%), cefepime (18,43%) and meropenem (58,5%). The presence of resistant bacteria was a cause of increased costs in the treatment of patients. According to this study, the antibiotic therapy listed above generated a cost of R 83.298,83 and 49% of hospital death in 2016. Conclusion: The prevention, through of policies related to the control and rational use of antimicrobials, is fundamental in the fight against hospital infections caused by multiresistant bacteria

    Inquérito Epidemiológico sobre tracoma em escolas pertencentes a IV Gerência Regional de Saúde do Estado de Pernambuco

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    <p>O tracoma é uma doença inflamatória ocular crônica que atinge a conjuntiva e a córnea, tendo como agente etiológico a <em>Chlamydia trachomatis</em> que provoca um quadro clinico de conjuntivite crônica, acompanhada de poucos sinais e sintomas, sendo apenas, prurido ocular, hiperemia leve, pouca ou nenhuma secreção ocular, sendo o diagnóstico do Tracoma estrategicamente clínico, e geralmente feito através do exame oftalmológico externo. O tratamento sistêmico é seletivo com antibiótico de ação sistêmica por via oral. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar possíveis infecções oculares em estudantes para se obter um perfil de prevalência. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com alunos do ensino fundamental, matriculados nas escolas da rede pública de alguns municípios pertencentes as quatro microrregiões da IV Gerência Regional de Saúde (GERES) considerados endêmicos para tracoma e também em alguns municípios não endêmicos que se dispuseram a participar do estudo. Todas as formas clínicas diagnosticadas nos estudantes examinados foram de TF- Tracoma Inflamatório Folicular. Foram examinados 25.594 estudantes de municípios prioritários e destes foram notificados e confirmados 541 casos do agravo. Quanto aos municípios não prioritários, foram realizados apenas 2.844 analises de infecções por tracoma em estudantes e apenas 83 casos positivos foram diagnosticados. A partir deste estudo foi possível concluir que algumas regiões da IV GERES apresentaram um índice de manifestação do tracoma que apesar de leve, mostra que a infecção ainda não está extinta, como preconiza o governo que aconteça em todo o Brasil até 2020. A região com maior prevalência de manifestação de tracoma foi a microrregião IX com cerca de 15,2% do total de casos positivos, e durante os anos estudados, 2012 foi o que apresentou maior número de casos.</p><p align="center"><strong><em>Epidemiological survey aboutof trachoma in students schools belonging to cities localized in the IV Gerencia Regional de Saude located in the state of Pernambuc, Caruaru –PE.</em></strong></p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Introduction: Trachoma is a chronic inflammatory eye disease that affects the conjunctive and the cornea areas of the eyes, <em>Chlamydia trachomatis</em> causes a clinical effect of chronic conjunctivitis, accompanied by few signs and symptoms such as only, ocular itching, slight hyperemia, little or no eye discharge. Trachoma diagnosis is strategically clinical, and generally made through the external eye examination. Systemic treatment is selective with systemic acting antibiotic orally. The objective of this study was to identify eyes infections in students, to obtain the prevalence profile. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was done with elementary school students, enrolled in the public schools of some cities belonging the four micro-regions y in the four micro-regions of the IV Regional Health Management Gerencia Regional de Saude (GERES) considered endemic for trachoma and also, in some cities non-endemic which agreed to trace their infection profile. Results and discussion: All clinical forms diagnosed in students examined were TF- Follicular inflammatory trachoma. 25,594 schoolchildren in priority municipalities were examined. From this total, 541 were reported and confirmed cases of the disorder. From non-priority municipalities, only 2,844 were performed trachoma infection in students and justonly 83 positive cases were diagnosed. From this study, it was possible to conclude that some regions of the IV GERES presented a low Conclusion: Parts of IV Regional Health Management index showed a slight manifestation of trachomama, but it hads been not extinguished yet, as recommended by the government that happens throughout Brazil by 2020. The regions which showed the highest prevalence of the infection was the micro-region IX, about 15,2% in a total of positive cases, and during the years studied, 2012 had the largest number of cases.</p><p class="CorpodoresumoIVCBM"> </p