28 research outputs found

    Brownfields do not "only live twice": The possibilities for heritage preservation and the enlargement of leisure time activities in Brno, the Czech Republic

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    Central Europe is replete with legacy contaminated sites, commonly called “brownfields”. The question is what can be done to remediate them and make them again safe and useful to society. This question is addressed in post-socialistic city of Brno, the Czech Republic. Our research assesses public perceptions of such sites that are currently utilized for the leisure time activities. Special attention is paid to public views of heritage preservation as an option for brownfield regeneration. The principal aim of the paper is to measure public support of heritage preservation through the conversion of brownfields to leisure activities and tourism. Data were gathered by means of the questionnaire survey with visitors of four brownfields currently being used for leisure time activities (n = 130). It was revealed that the awareness of the visitors of the issue of brownfield regeneration is very low, and that importantly affects the perception of heritage preservation of individual sites. Further, the opinions of the respondents are significantly influenced by the local contexts of individual brownfields (predominantly by the situation and the technical state). However, it might be stated that in locations where the historical state of building has already been repaired, historical heritage is perceived more positively

    Clinical Study Comparison of Long-Term Effect of Dual-Chamber Pacing and Alcohol Septal Ablation in Patients with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy

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    Introduction. Nonpharmacological treatment of patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) comprises surgical myectomy (SME), alcohol septal ablation (ASA), and dual-chamber (DDD) pacing. The aim of the study was to compare the long-term effect of DDD pacing and ASA in symptomatic HOCM patients. Patients and Methods. We evaluated retrospective data from three cardiocenters; there were 24 patients treated with DDD pacing included and 52 treated with ASA followed for 101 ± 49 and 87 ± 23 months, respectively. Results. In the group treated with DDD pacing, the left ventricle outflow tract gradient (LVOTG) decreased from 82 ± 44 mmHg to 21 ± 21 mmHg, and NYHA class improved from 2.7 ± 0.5 to 2.1 ± 0.6 (both < 0.001). In the ASA-treated group, a decline in LVOTG from 73 ± 38 mmHg to 24 ± 26 mmHg and reduction in NYHA class from 2.8 ± 0.5 to 1.7 ± 0.8 were observed (both < 0.001). The LVOTG change was similar in both groups ( = 0.264), and symptoms were more affected by ASA ( = 0.001). Conclusion. ASA and DDD pacing were similarly effective in reducing LVOTG. The symptoms improvement was more expressed in patients treated with ASA

    MTNR1B Genetic Variability Is Associated with Gestational Diabetes in Czech Women

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    The gene MTNR1B encodes a receptor for melatonin. Melatonin receptors are expressed in human -cells, which implies that genetic variants might affect glucose tolerance. Meta-analysis confirmed that the rs10830963 shows the most robust association. The aim of the study was to assess the rs10830963 in Czech GDM patients and controls and to study relations between the SNP and biochemical as well as anthropometric characteristics. Our cohort consisted of 880 women; 458 were diagnosed with GDM, and 422 were normoglycemic controls without history of GDM. Despite similar BMI, the GDM group showed higher WHR, waist circumference, abdominal circumference, and total body fat content. The risk allele G was more frequent in the GDM group (38.3 versus 29.4% in controls, OR 1.49 CI95% [1.22; 1.82]; OR = 0.0001). In spite of higher frequency, the G allele in the GDM group was not associated with any markers of glucose metabolism. In contrast, controls showed significant association of the allele G with FPG and with postchallenge glycemia during the oGTT. Frequency analysis indicates that rs10830963 is involved in gestational diabetes in Czech women. However, the association of the SNP with glucose metabolism, which is obvious in controls, is covert in women who have experienced GDM

    MTNR1B Genetic Variability Is Associated with Gestational Diabetes in Czech Women

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    The gene MTNR1B encodes a receptor for melatonin. Melatonin receptors are expressed in human ÎČ-cells, which implies that genetic variants might affect glucose tolerance. Meta-analysis confirmed that the rs10830963 shows the most robust association. The aim of the study was to assess the rs10830963 in Czech GDM patients and controls and to study relations between the SNP and biochemical as well as anthropometric characteristics. Our cohort consisted of 880 women; 458 were diagnosed with GDM, and 422 were normoglycemic controls without history of GDM. Despite similar BMI, the GDM group showed higher WHR, waist circumference, abdominal circumference, and total body fat content. The risk allele G was more frequent in the GDM group (38.3 versus 29.4% in controls, OR 1.49 CI95% [1.22; 1.82]; POR=0.0001). In spite of higher frequency, the G allele in the GDM group was not associated with any markers of glucose metabolism. In contrast, controls showed significant association of the allele G with FPG and with postchallenge glycemia during the oGTT. Frequency analysis indicates that rs10830963 is involved in gestational diabetes in Czech women. However, the association of the SNP with glucose metabolism, which is obvious in controls, is covert in women who have experienced GDM

    Outcome of Alcohol Septal Ablation in Mildly Symptomatic Patients With Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy: A Long-Term Follow-Up Study Based on the Euro-Alcohol Septal Ablation Registry

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    Background The long‐term efficacy and safety of alcohol septal ablation ( ASA ) in patients with highly symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy has been demonstrated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long‐term outcomes of mildly symptomatic patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy treated with ASA . Methods and Results We retrospectively evaluated consecutive patients enrolled in the Euro‐ ASA registry (1427 patients) and identified 161 patients (53±13 years; 27% women) who were mildly symptomatic (New York Heart Association [ NYHA ] class II ) pre‐ ASA . The median (interquartile range) follow‐up was 4.8 (1.7–8.5) years. The clinical outcome was assessed and compared with the age‐ and sex‐matched general population. The 30‐day mortality after ASA was 0.6% and the annual all‐cause mortality rate was 1.7%, which was similar to the age‐ and sex‐matched general population ( P =0.62). A total of 141 (88%) patients had resting left ventricular outflow tract gradient at the last clinical checkup ≀30 mm Hg. Obstruction was reduced from 63±32 to 15±19 mm Hg ( P &lt;0.01), and the mean NYHA class decreased from 2.0±0 to 1.3±0.1 ( P &lt;0.01); 69%, 29%, and 2% of patients were in NYHA class I, II , and III at the last clinical checkup, respectively. Conclusions Mildly symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy patients treated with ASA had sustained symptomatic and hemodynamic relief with a low risk of developing severe heart failure. Their survival is comparable to the general population. </jats:sec

    Aspects of intradermal immunization with different adjuvants: The role of dendritic cells and Th1/Th2 response.

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    Intradermal (i.d.) application of vaccine is promising way how to induce specific immune response against particular pathogens. Adjuvants, substances added into vaccination dose with the aim to increase immunogenicity, play important role in activation of dendritic cells with subsequent activation of lymphocytes. They can, however, induce unwanted local reactions. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of i.d. administration of model antigen keyhole limped hemocyanine alone or with different adjuvants-aluminium hydroxide and oil-based adjuvants-on local histopathological reaction as well as dendritic cell activation at the site of administration and local cytokine and chemokine response. This was assessed at 4 and 24 hours after application. Selection of the adjuvants was based on the fact, that they differently enhance antibody or cell-mediated immunity. The results showed activation of dendritic cells and both Th1 and Th2 response stimulated by oil-based adjuvants. It was associated with higher expression of set of genes, incl. chemokine receptor CCR7 or Th1-associated chemokine CXCL10 and cytokine IFNÎł. Application of the antigen with aluminium hydroxide induced higher expression of Th2-associated IL4 or IL13. On the other hand, both complete and incomplete FreundÂŽs adjuvants provoked strong local reaction associated with influx of neutrophils. This was accompanied with high expression of proinflammatory IL1 or neutrophil chemoattractant CXCL8. Surprisingly, similarly strong local reaction was detected also after application of aluminium hydroxide-based adjuvant. The best balanced local reaction with sufficient activation of immune cells was detected after application of oil-based adjuvants Montanide and Emulsigen

    Comparison of Long-Term Effect of Dual-Chamber Pacing and Alcohol Septal Ablation in Patients with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy

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    Introduction. Nonpharmacological treatment of patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) comprises surgical myectomy (SME), alcohol septal ablation (ASA), and dual-chamber (DDD) pacing. The aim of the study was to compare the long-term effect of DDD pacing and ASA in symptomatic HOCM patients. Patients and Methods. We evaluated retrospective data from three cardiocenters; there were 24 patients treated with DDD pacing included and 52 treated with ASA followed for 101 ± 49 and 87 ± 23 months, respectively. Results. In the group treated with DDD pacing, the left ventricle outflow tract gradient (LVOTG) decreased from 82 ± 44 mmHg to 21 ± 21 mmHg, and NYHA class improved from 2.7 ± 0.5 to 2.1 ± 0.6 (both P<0.001). In the ASA-treated group, a decline in LVOTG from 73 ± 38 mmHg to 24 ± 26 mmHg and reduction in NYHA class from 2.8 ± 0.5 to 1.7 ± 0.8 were observed (both P<0.001). The LVOTG change was similar in both groups (P=0.264), and symptoms were more affected by ASA (P=0.001). Conclusion. ASA and DDD pacing were similarly effective in reducing LVOTG. The symptoms improvement was more expressed in patients treated with ASA

    Is fast track management after elective cranial surgery safe and can it replace routine early postoperative computed tomography?

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    Aims: Patient management following elective cranial surgery varies between different neurosurgical institutions. Early routine postoperative cranial computed tomography (CT) is often performed while keeping patients sedated and ventilated for several hours. We hypothesize that fast track management without routine CT scanning, i.e., early extubation within one hour allowing neurological monitoring, is safe and does not increase the rate of return to OR compared with published data. Methods: We prospectively screened 1118 patients with cranial procedures performed at our department over a period of two years. 420 patients with elective brain surgery older than 18 years with no history of prior cranial surgery were included. Routine neurosurgical practice as it is performed at our department was not altered for this observational study. Fast track management was aimed for all cases, extubated and awake patients were further monitored. CT scanning within 48 hours after surgery was not performed except for unexpected neurological deterioration. This study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01987648). Results: 420 elective craniotomies were performed for 310 supra- and 110 infratentorial lesions. 398 patients (94.8%) were able to be extubated within 1 hour, 21 (5%) within 6 hours, and 1 patient (0.2%) was extubated 9 hours after surgery. Emergency CT within 48 hours was performed for 36 patients (8.6%, 26 supra- and 10 infratentorial cases) due to unexpected neurological worsening. Of these 36 patients 5 had to return to the OR (hemorrhage in 3, swelling in 2 cases). Return to OR rate of all included cases was 1.2%. This rate compares favorably with 1-4% as quoted in the current literature. No patient returned to the OR without prior CT imaging. Of 398 patients extubated within one hour 2 (0.5%) returned to the OR. Patients who couldn’t be extubated within the first hour had a higher risk of returning to the OR (3 of 22, i.e., 14%). Overall 30-day mortality was 0.2% (1 patient). Conclusions: Early extubation and CT imaging performed only for patients with unexpected neurological worsening after elective craniotomy procedures is safe and does not increase patient mortality or the return to OR rate. With this fast track approach early postoperative cranial CT for detection of postoperative complications in the absence of an unexpected neurological finding is not justified. Acknowledgments The authors thank Nicole Söll, study nurse, Department of Neurosurgery, Bern University Hospital, Switzerland for crucial support in data collection and managing the database

    Noninvasive prenatal testing: more caution in counseling is needed in high risk pregnancies with ultrasound abnormalities

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    OBJECTIVE Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is increasingly being used in prenatal aneuploidy screening. The objective of this study was to assess the positive predictive value in our cohort of 68 cases with positive NIPT result. In addition, we wondered if the use of NIPT in cases with ultrasound abnormalities is appropriate, given the limited number of chromosomes investigated. DESIGN We performed confirmative invasive testing using karyotyping, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and/or high-resolution chromosomal microarray analysis. RESULTS In line with the published data, the positive NIPT result was confirmed in 64.7% of cases. Inconclusive and negative NIPT results followed by cytogenetically pathologic findings were encountered in three and in five cases, respectively. Four of the five fetuses with negative NIPT but pathologic cytogenetic findings were born with several malformations and diagnosed right after birth with severe genetic conditions. Of note, in all of those four cases, NIPT was offered despite the finding of major fetal ultrasound abnormalities and despite the fact that the family would not have opposed invasive testing or pregnancy termination. CONCLUSION More education of health care providers and caution in counseling and interpretation of test results are needed in order to meet the challenges that this new test, which enriches our diagnostic options in prenatal testing, poses