17 research outputs found

    Clinical and epidemiological differences between septic arthritis of the knee and hip caused by oxacillin-sensitive and -resistant s. aureus

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    OBJECTIVE: To establish the risk factors for joint infection by oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) using clinical and epidemiological data. METHODS: All septic arthritis cases of the knee and hip diagnosed and treated in our institution from 2006 to 2012 were evaluated retrospectively. Only patients with cultures identified as microbial agents were included in the study. The clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the patients were analyzed, seeking the differences between populations affected by MRSA and oxacillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA). RESULTS: S. aureus was isolated in thirty-five patients (46.0%) in our total sample, 25 in the knee and 10 in the hip. Of these 35 patients, 22 presented with MSSA and 13 presented with MRSA. Provenance from a health service-related environment, as described by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was the only variable associated with oxacillin-resistant strains of this bacterium (p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Provenance from a health service-related environment was associated with a higher incidence of MRSA-related septic arthritis, suggesting that this agent should be considered in the initial choice of antibiotic treatment. Previous surgeries of the knee or affected limb and the absence of leukocytes might also be related to infection with this agent

    Value of preoperative radiographic evaluations on knee bone defects for revision arthroplasty

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar o valor da avaliação radiográfica pré-operatória nas revisões de artroplastias totais do joelho. MÉTODOS: Trinta e um joelhos operados no período de 2006 a 2008 em uma série consecutiva de casos de cirurgia de revisão de artroplastia total de joelho foram analisados retrospectivamente. CRITÉRIOS ANALISADOS: número de cunhas ou enxertos ósseos estruturados utilizados para preenchimento dos defeitos ósseos; localização das cunhas e enxertos ósseos utilizados e espessura média do polietileno utilizada. A classificação AORI era estabelecida previamente através de radiografias pré-operatórias segundo critérios preestabelecidos. Após a análise, os joelhos foram divididos em quatro grupos (I, IIA, IIB e III). RESULTADOS: O número médio de cunhas ou enxertos ósseos utilizados em cada joelho variou de maneira crescente entre os grupos (grupo I: 1,33; grupo IIA: 2; grupo IIB: 4,33; grupo III: 4,83) (P = 0,0012). As localizações mais comuns foram: medial na tíbia e posteromedial no fêmur. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na espessura do polietileno utilizado. CONCLUSÃO: A classificação AORI para defeitos ósseos no joelho baseada em radiografias pré-operatórias mostrou correlação crescente com a necessidade de utilização de cunhas e/ou enxertos estruturados na revisão de artroplastia total do joelho. Porém, até 46% dos joelhos dos grupos I e IIA apresentaram falhas ósseas de até 5mm não diagnosticadas através das radiografias pré-operatórias

    Densidade linear do sistema de fibras elásticicas dos ligamentos patelar, cruzado anterior e cruzado posterior Linear density of the elastic fibers system in patellar and cruciate ligaments

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    Com o objetivo de comparar os ligamentos cruzados da articulação do joelho com o ligamento patelar, os autores realizaram análise da quantidade de fibras elásticas entre esses ligamentos por meio de amostras obtidas de sete cadáveres. O estudo histomorfométrico do sistema de fibras elásticas revelado por métodos seletivos de coloração mostrou não haver diferença na densidade linear de todo o sistema de fibras elásticas. Não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante na quantidade de fibras elásticas maduras entre os três ligamentos estudados. Entretanto, a quantidade de fibras elásticas maduras e elaunínicas, fibras responsáveis pela elasticidade, foi maior no ligamento cruzado anterior. Dessa forma podemos inferir que o ligamento cruzado posterior e o ligamento patelar têm mais fibras oxitalânicas, que são responsáveis pela resistência tecidual. Os autores concluiram que o ligamento cruzado posterior e o ligamento patelar têm estrutura semelhante e parecem mais relacionados à transmissão de força, enquanto o ligamento cruzado anterior está relacionado à elasticidade da articulação de joelho.In order to verify the improvement to choose the better ligament that may be used in knee surgical repair, we performed a comparative analysis of the amount of the elastic fibers system between the patellar and cruciates ligaments. Samples of these ligaments obtained from seven human corpses were studied. Histomorphometric study of the elastic fibers, stained by selective methods didn't show differences in the total amount of all types of elastic fibers, in all three ligaments studied. No difference either was found in the amount of mature elastic fibers. However, the amount of mature and elaunin elastic fibers was significantly different. The anterior cruciate ligament had a greater amount of mature and elaunin elastic fibers, responsible for elasticity. So, the posterior cruciate and the patellar ligaments have more oxytalan elastic fibers, responsible for resistance. We concluded that the posterior cruciate and the patellar ligaments have similar structure and seem more related to transmittance of force, whereas the anterior cruciate ligament is related to elasticity of the knee joint

    Complications after total knee arthroplasty: periprosthetic fracture after extensor mechanism transplantation

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    With the increase in total knee replacements in Brazil there is also an increase in the number of complications. The authors report a case in which 3 serious complications happened after a total knee replacement and the treatment was based on the literature, but individualized to the patient in some important points. The outcome was considered very good


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    Objective: In total knee arthroplasty, the minimally-invasive approach has been claimed to enable earlier rehabilitation because it spares the femoral quadriceps muscle. To check the influence of preserving the extensor apparatus during surgery, the strength of knee extension and flexion muscles was evaluated in patients submitted to total knee arthroplasty with different approaches. Materials and Methods: The values of maximum torque and total work obtained by isokinetic dynamometry six months after surgery were compared for the Minimally invasive surgery group constituted of 12 individuals submitted to total knee arthroplasty by the minimally invasive surgical approach and the Control group, constituted of eight patients submitted to total knee arthroplasty by the transquadricipital approach, between January 2005 and July 2006. Results: Statistical analysis of the absolute values for maximum torque and total work adjusted for body weights did not show differences between both groups. Conclusion: There was no difference in the extension and flexion strength of the knee muscles six months after surgery

    An Unusual Metallic Foreign Body inside the Knee Medial Femoral Condyle

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    Foreign bodies in the knee joint are uncommon, particularly those not related to surgical procedures. In this paper, we present a case of an intraosseous metallic foreign body situated in the medial femoral condyle for one year, causing pain, which was removed with complete resolution of the symptoms


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    ABSTRACT The performance of genicular nerve block requires an imaging method to guide the procedure. Radioscopy has the disadvantage of being radiation dependent. Objective: To assess whether the use of adhesive radiopaque grids reduce radiation exposure in these cases. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted with 23 orthopedists in which needles were positioned in a model with and without the use of adhesive radiopaque grids. The number of fluoroscopy shots necessary for proper positioning in three points (superior lateral, superior medial, and inferior medial) were registered. Results: A statistical difference was observed in the three blocking points studied. The number of radioscopies required for these three points were 12.1 ± 2.5 in the group without grid and 5.0 ± 1.8 in the group with grid. The superior medial point presented the greatest numerical difference and the inferior medial point the smallest. Conclusion: The use of adhesive radiopaque grids led to a statistically significant reduction in the number of radioscopies/fluoroscopies required to perform the genicular block. The use of this device increases the safety of the physician and patient by reducing radiation exposure in this procedure. Level of Evidence III, Level of Evidence II, Random Clinical Trial

    Evaluation of the anterolateral ligament of the knee by means of magnetic resonance examination

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the presence of the anterolateral ligament (ALL) of the knee in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations.METHODS: Thirty-three MRI examinations on patients' knees that were done because of indications unrelated to ligament instability or trauma were evaluated. T1-weighted images in the sagittal plane and T2-weighted images with fat saturation in the axial, sagittal and coronal planes were obtained. The images were evaluated by two radiologists with experience of musculoskeletal pathological conditions. In assessing ligament visibility, we divided the analysis into three portions of the ligament: from its origin in the femur to its point of bifurcation; from the bifurcation to the meniscal insertion; and from the bifurcation to the tibial insertion. The capacity to view the ligament in each of its portions and overall was taken to be a dichotomous categorical variable (yes or no).RESULTS: The ALL was viewed with signal characteristics similar to those of the other ligament structures of the knee, with T2 hyposignal with fat saturation. The main plane in which the ligament was viewed was the coronal plane. Some portion of the ligament was viewed clearly in 27 knees (81.8%). The meniscal portion was evident in 25 knees (75.7%), the femoral portion in 23 (69.6%) and the tibial portion in 13 (39.3%). The three portions were viewed together in 11 knees (33.3%).CONCLUSION: The anterolateral ligament of the knee is best viewed in sequences in the coronal plane. The ligament was completely characterized in 33.3% of the cases. The meniscal portion was the part most easily identified and the tibial portion was the part least encountered

    Epidemiology of septic arthritis of the knee at Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade de São Paulo

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    Background:Septic arthritis is an infrequent disease although very important due to the possibility of disastrous outcomes if treatment is not adequately established. Adequate information concerning the epidemiology of septic arthritis is still lacking due to the uncommon nature of the disease as well as the struggle to establish a correct case-definition.Objective:To epidemiologically characterize the population seen at Hospital das Clínicas, University of São Paulo with a diagnosis of septic arthritis between 2006 and 2011.Methods:Sixty-one patients diagnosed with septic arthritis of the knee between 2006 and 2011 were retrospectively evaluated. The patients' clinical and epidemiological characteristics, the microorganisms that caused the infection and the patients' treatment and evolution were analyzed.Results:Septic arthritis of the knee was more common among men, with distribution across a variety of age ranges. Most diagnoses were made through positive synovial fluid cultures. The most prevalent clinical comorbidities were systemic arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus, and the most commonly reported joint disease was osteoarthritis. Staphylococcus aureus was the prevailing pathogen. Fever was present in 36% of the cases. All patients presented elevation in inflammatory tests. Gram staining was positive in only 50.8% of the synovial fluid samples analyzed. Six patients presented complications and unfavorable evolution of their condition.Conclusion:S. aureus is still the most common pathogen in acute knee infections in our environment. Gram staining, absence of fever and normal leukocyte count cannot be used to rule out septic arthritis

    Judet quadricepsplasty in the treatment of posttraumatic knee rigidity: Long-term outcomes of 45 cases

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    BACKGROUND: Posttraumatic knee stiffness is a very debilitating condition. Judet's quadricepsplasty technique has been used for more than 50 years. However, few reports of quadricepsplasty results exist in the literature. METHODS: We report the results of 45 cases of posttraumatic arthrofibrosis of the knee treated with Judet's quadricepsplasty. The results of the procedure were analyzed by measuring the degrees of flexion of the operated knees at different time points (before, immediately after, and late postoperatively). RESULTS: The degree of flexion increased from 33.6 degrees (range, 5-80 degrees) preoperatively to 105 degrees (range, 45-160 degrees) immediately after surgery, followed by a slight fall in the range of motion (ROM) in the late postoperative period, which reached an average of 84.8 degrees. There was no significant correlation between knee strength and the patient's gender, but there was a slight trend of lower strength with age. Although Judet's quadricepsplasty technique dates from more than 50 years ago, it still provides good outcomes in the treatment of rigid knees of various etiologies. In general, all cases showed the same pattern of a small decrease in the ROM in the late postoperative period. CONCLUSION: Judet's quadricepsplasty can increase the ROM of rigid knees. The ROM obtained with the surgery persists long term. (J Trauma. 2012; 72: E77-E80. Copyright (C) 2012 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins