5,578 research outputs found

    A Conditional Defense of Shame and Shame Punishment

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    This paper makes two essential claims about the nature of shame and shame punishment. I argue that, if we properly understand the nature of shame, that it is sometimes justifiable to shame others in the context of a pluralistic multicultural society. I begin by assessing the accounts of shame provided by Cheshire Calhoun (2004) and Julien Deonna, Raffaele Rodogno, & Fabrice Teroni (2012). I argue that both views have problems. I defend a theory of shame and embarrassment that connects both emotions to “whole-self” properties. Shame and embarrassment, I claim, are products of the same underlying emotion. I distinguish between moralized and nonmoralized shame in order to show when, and how, moral and non-moral shame may be justly deployed. Shame is appropriate, I argue, if and only if it targets malleable moral or non-moral normative imperfections of a person’s ‘whole-self.’ Shame is unjustifiable when it targets durable aspects of a person’s “whole-self.” I conclude by distinguishing shame punishments from guilt punishments and show that my account can explain why it is wrong to shame individuals on account of their race, sex, gender, or body while permitting us to sometimes levy shame and shame punishment against others, even those otherwise immune to moral reasons

    A structure from motion inequality

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    We state an elementary inequality for the structure from motion problem for m cameras and n points. This structure from motion inequality relates space dimension, camera parameter dimension, the number of cameras and number points and global symmetry properties and provides a rigorous criterion for which reconstruction is not possible with probability 1. Mathematically the inequality is based on Frobenius theorem which is a geometric incarnation of the fundamental theorem of linear algebra. The paper also provides a general mathematical formalism for the structure from motion problem. It includes the situation the points can move while the camera takes the pictures.Comment: 15 pages, 22 figure

    Space and camera path reconstruction for omni-directional vision

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    In this paper, we address the inverse problem of reconstructing a scene as well as the camera motion from the image sequence taken by an omni-directional camera. Our structure from motion results give sharp conditions under which the reconstruction is unique. For example, if there are three points in general position and three omni-directional cameras in general position, a unique reconstruction is possible up to a similarity. We then look at the reconstruction problem with m cameras and n points, where n and m can be large and the over-determined system is solved by least square methods. The reconstruction is robust and generalizes to the case of a dynamic environment where landmarks can move during the movie capture. Possible applications of the result are computer assisted scene reconstruction, 3D scanning, autonomous robot navigation, medical tomography and city reconstructions


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    La presente obra de una manera acuciosa, analiza el tema en cuestión desde diferentes ópticas, aristas que corresponden a rubros que van de lo geográfico, cultural, antropológico, sociológico, económico, educativo, psicológico, pasando por lo político. Como es evidente, cuando se analiza un tema desde ópticas tan distintas, se pueden encontrar puntos de coincidencia, pero también distanciamientos, que son el resultado del análisis y las reflexiones al respecto.La sustentabilidad de los ecosistemas, el fenómeno del cambio climático, los problemas de escasez, contaminación y mal uso del agua; son algunas ideas que han marcado las discusiones alrededor del mundo desde los últimos años del siglo XX hasta nuestros días. Internacionalmente, algunos discursos se inscriben en reconocer la importancia del agua como un derecho fundamental del hombre, como es el caso de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), el Banco Mundial (BM), los cuales consideran la importancia de la participación del sector privado en la prestación de servicios urbanos, o la visión de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico ( OCDE), que también resalta la importancia de hacer uso de los mercados y de sus instrumentos económicos para resolver la problemática de los recursos hídricos.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México-Unidad Académica Profesional Chimalhuacá

    Beta ensembles, stochastic Airy spectrum, and a diffusion

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    We prove that the largest eigenvalues of the beta ensembles of random matrix theory converge in distribution to the low-lying eigenvalues of the random Schroedinger operator -d^2/dx^2 + x + (2/beta^{1/2}) b_x' restricted to the positive half-line, where b_x' is white noise. In doing so we extend the definition of the Tracy-Widom(beta) distributions to all beta>0, and also analyze their tails. Last, in a parallel development, we provide a second characterization of these laws in terms of a one-dimensional diffusion. The proofs rely on the associated tridiagonal matrix models and a universality result showing that the spectrum of such models converge to that of their continuum operator limit. In particular, we show how Tracy-Widom laws arise from a functional central limit theorem.Comment: Revised content, new results. In particular, Theorems 1.3 and 5.1 are ne

    Los hongos comestibles silvestres, su contexto alimentario propuesta de desidratado como proceso agroindustrial

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    TESIS PARA OBTENER EL GRADO DE MAESTRO EN AGROINDUSTRIA RURAL, DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL Y TURISMO AGROALIMENTARIO OTORGADOR POR EL INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y RURALES (ICAR) UAEMEste texto trata sobre una propuesta de agroindustria rural de productos deshidratados de hongos comestibles silvestres (HCS), sustentando su importancia como productos alimentarios diferenciados, y cuyo proceso intermedio de transformación puede contrarrestar la fuga de valor territorial al que actualmente están sujetos, con la intención de contribuir al desarrollo local. A lo largo del documento, se describe parte del contexto alimentario de los HCS, el cual, presenta realidades matizadas que se adscriben a lo singular de cada territorio, con el común denominador de ser visualizados como alimentos únicos, gracias a su carácter natural, trascendencia cultural y tipicidad organoléptica. Esto se realiza con la intención de ampliar las referencias y las reflexiones acerca de los fenómenos de recolección y consumo de los mismos en espacios rurales forestales, información que muchas veces es limitada