2,582 research outputs found

    Vacuum Stability and the Higgs Boson

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    The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC, and especially the determination of its mass around 125 GeV, together with the absence of any trace of new physics make it conceivable that we live in a metastable (but long-lived) electroweak vacuum. I will describe the state-of-the-art calculation that leads to this conclusion, elaborate on possible implications as well as cures of this instability of the Higgs potential and discuss some possible lines of attack for lattice studies of such metastability.Comment: 15 pages. Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory - LATTICE 201

    Resummation of Goldstone Infrared Divergences: A Proof to All Orders

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    The perturbative effective potential calculated in Landau gauge suffers from infrared problems due to Goldstone boson loops. These divergences are spurious and can be removed by a resummation procedure that amounts to a shift of the mass of soft Goldstones. We prove this to all loops using an effective theory approach, providing a compact recipe for the shift of the Goldstone mass that relies on the use of the method of regions to split soft and hard Goldstone contributions.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Novel Effects in Electroweak Breaking from a Hidden Sector

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    The Higgs boson offers a unique window to hidden sector fields S_i, singlets under the Standard Model gauge group, via the renormalizable interactions |H|^2 S_i^2. We prove that such interactions can provide new patterns for electroweak breaking, including radiative breaking by dimensional transmutation consistent with LEP bounds, and trigger the strong enough first order phase transition required by electroweak baryogenesis.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Complete Two-loop Dominant Corrections to the Mass of the Lightest CP-even Higgs Boson in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    Using an effective potential approach, we compute two-loop radiative corrections to the MSSM lightest CP{\cal CP}-even Higgs boson mass Mh0M_{h^0} to O(αt2){\cal O}(\alpha_t^2) for arbitrary left-right top-squark mixing and tan⁥ÎČ\tan\beta. We find that these corrections can increase Mh0M_{h^0} by as much as 5 GeV; assuming a SUSY scale of 1 TeV, the upper bound on the Higgs boson mass is Mh0≈129±5M_{h^0}\approx 129\pm 5 GeV for the top quark pole mass 175±5175\pm 5 GeV. We also derive an analytical approximation formula for Mh0M_{h^0} which is good to a precision of \lsim 0.5 GeV for most of the parameter space and suitable to be further improved by including renormalization group resummation of leading and next-to-leading order logarithmic terms. Our final compact formula admits a clear physical interpretation: radiative corrections up to the two-loop level can be well approximated by a one-loop expression with parameters evaluated at the appropriate scales, plus a smaller finite two-loop threshold correction term.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures. Minor typographic errors corrected. Add bottom Yukawa contributions in the Appendice

    The Legend of Sierra Azul

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    Gauge-Independent Scales Related to the Standard Model Vacuum Instability

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    The measured (central) values of the Higgs and top quark masses indicate that the Standard Model (SM) effective potential develops an instability at high field values. The scale of this instability, determined as the Higgs field value at which the potential drops below the electroweak minimum, is about 101110^{11} GeV. However, such a scale is unphysical as it is not gauge-invariant and suffers from a gauge-fixing uncertainty of up to two orders of magnitude. Subjecting our system, the SM, to several probes of the instability (adding higher order operators to the potential; letting the vacuum decay through critical bubbles; heating up the system to very high temperature; inflating it) and asking in each case physical questions, we are able to provide several gauge-invariant scales related with the Higgs potential instability.Comment: 44 pages, 9 figure

    An Essential Preliminary: The Grand Jury, Its Cloak of Secrecy, and the Misconceived Inherent Authority to Release Grand Jury Materials

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    Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e) enumerates the exceptions under which courts may disclose otherwise secret grand jury materials. Until recently, long-standing Eleventh Circuit precedent allowed district courts in its jurisdiction to disclose grand jury records based on an extratextual reading of Rule 6(e) that relied on district courts’ “inherent authority” to disclose grand jury materials. In March of 2020, the Eleventh Circuit moved away from this precedent and held that district courts lack the inherent authority to authorize the disclosure of grand jury records outside of the limited exceptions set forth in Rule 6(e). Although the Eleventh Circuit moved away from its broad interpretation of Rule 6(e)’s grant of authority to release grand jury materials, many of its sister circuits are steadfast in their adoption of the “inherent authority” approach to the disclosure of grand jury materials. The Supreme Court had the opportunity to squarely consider this issue, and it chose not to— but on January 21, 2020, the Court expressly stated that whether district courts may exercise their inherent authority to release grand jury materials outside the enumerated exceptions found in Rule 6(e) is an important question. Ultimately, the resolution of the circuit split examined by this Article lies in the hands of the Advisory Committee on the Criminal Rules. Accordingly, this Article takes the Eleventh Circuit’s decision in United States v. Pitch one step further and, following Judge Adalberto Jordan’s lead, advocates that district courts should be authorized to order the disclosure of grand jury materials of particular historical significance. Under the current regime, they cannot. With that understanding, this Article argues that the Advisory Committee on the Criminal Rules should recommend an amendment to Rule 6(e) that would allow for disclosure of grand jury documents of historical significance under certain circumstances. This Article concludes by providing proposed language that could serve as a framework through which the Advisory Commit- tee on the Criminal Rules could prevent district courts from creating exceptions outside Rule 6(e) while simultaneously allowing the disclosure of grand jury materials in historically significant cases and respecting the role grand jury secrecy has played in American jurisprudence

    Towards biorecycling of plastics: Isolation and characterization of Pseudomonas capeferrum TDA1, a bacterium capable to degrade polyurethane mono- and oligomers

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    During the last 50 years, plastic industry has grown exponentially with an estimated 8300 million metric tonnes of plastic produced to date. Regardless of the large variety of polymers available, 99% are entirely fossil-fuel based which compromises its degradability after use. Major synthetic polymers in use today are polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyurethane (PU) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The current methods for disposing of plastic waste mainly include landfilling, incineration, mechanical and chemical recycling. Despite of the significant improvement of these technologies, it is still necessary to overcome several limitations and deficiencies. Polyurethane (PU) is a synthetic polymer used as raw material in several industries. In 2015, PU global production reached 27 million metric tons, making the sixth most-used plastic worldwide. The main constituents of polyurethane are isocyanates, polyols and chain extenders. Unfortunately, the mismanaged plastic has spread out in different habitats across our planet including cold marine areas and uninhabited places, threatening wildlife and ecosystems. In order to avoid further contamination, it is necessary to transform plastic waste by restoring functional properties, providing added value and exploring new application areas that could provide economic benefits in a long- term perspective. In the last 10 years, a transition from a linear economy to a sustainable, bio-based circular economy has become fundamental to cope the fossil fuel-driven climate change and global plastic pollution. This transformation involves industrial and basic research strongly focused on biotechnology and bioprocesses. Within this transition, microorganisms are key players due to the wide diversity of enzymes and metabolic pathways that could be used for the development of sustainable processes and biomaterials. Recently, microorganisms with plastic-degrading potential have been regularly identified in different environments such as waste disposal, landfills, plastic refineries, open dumps, etc. Selective pressure and evolution of genetically flexible mechanisms have contribute to metabolize anthropogenic compounds, which it has been noted in several enzymatic reactions designed for the efficient degradation of a wide variety of recalcitrant substrates, leading to novel metabolic pathways. Even though several bacterial genera have been reported in the degradation of environmental pollutants, Pseudomonas species are amongst the most cited degraders of aromatic hydrocarbons and plastic polymers. The genus Pseudomonas incorporates one of the most complex, diverse, and ecologically significant group of bacteria on the planet. Members of this genus are found in large numbers in all the major natural environments (terrestrial, freshwater, and marine) and form intimate associations with plants and animals. This universal distribution suggests a remarkable degree of physiological and genetic adaptability. In fact, Pseudomonas have been most frequently linked with PU degradation. Chemically, polyester-based PUs are semi-crystalline structures containing hydrolysable ester and urethane bonds that are fragmented by extracellular enzymes (hydrolases), releasing oligomeric and monomeric building blocks. For instance, amines, alcohols, acids, aromatics, and other residues, such as EG (ethylene glycol), 1,4-butanediol (BDO), adipic acid (AA) ,4â€Č-methylenedianiline (MDA) and 2,4- toluene diamine (2,4-TDA) are constantly present during PU degradation. However, MDA and 2,4-TDA are considered environmental pollutants, which represent a major risk for species in the aquatic and terrestrial areas. This fragmentation of the polymer is known as depolymerization and it is essential for strengthening recycling processes that use plastic waste as feedstock. The broad spectrum of building blocks might be used as carbon and energy source for microorganisms that degrade these compounds and/or use them for the production of higher-value elements. This latter is considered a promising upcycling strategy to reduce fossil-fuel plastic waste and promote new waste management strategies. Previous studies have revealed that extracellular enzymes are essential for biofilm formation on the polymer surface, reducing the resistance and durability of plastic materials. This first step promotes microbial attachment and further degradation. Enzymes with hydrolytic and proteolytic activity have been detected in spherical structures called outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) in several Pseudomonas species. Generally, OMVs play a key role in establishing inter- and intra-species communication, acquisition of nutrients, stress response, delivery of toxins, adhesion and virulence factors, biofilm formation, etc. Even though numerous bacterial strains and enzymes are involved in degradation processes, the complete catabolic mechanism is not totally understood yet. This thesis also centers on the characterization of outer membrane vesicles for extracellular degradation of a polyurethane oligomer and elucidation of the degradation pathway for the polyurethane monomer 2,4-diaminotoluene (2,4-TDA) by Pseudomonas capeferrum TDA1. In the first chapter, bacterial isolation from soil samples and the subsequent protocols to quantify biodegradation of polyurethane building blocks were fully described. The isolated strain was able to use a PU oligomer and 2,4-TDA as sole source of carbon. The latter compound also served as nitrogen source. These results provided a key insight into the catabolic mechanism of the soil bacterium as a potential PU monomer and oligomer-degrader. The second chapter described the identification of the isolated strain as Pseudomonas sp. by partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing, membrane fatty acid profile and structural gene for the cis/trans isomerase (cti). In addition, genomic DNA was isolated from bacterial cells grown on succinate and utilized for whole genome sequencing in order to detect catabolic genes related to aromatic compounds degradation. Preliminary, enzymes involved in the metabolic pathway were identified, which eventually led to a suggested degradation pathway for Pseudomonas sp. grown on 2,4-TDA. The strain was identified as Pseudomonas capeferrum (type strain WCS358) using the full 16S rRNA gene sequence. The third chapter reported a new method of RNA extraction from Pseudomonas capeferrum TDA1 growing on 2,4-TDA. Phenols and catechols are central intermediates of the aromatics biodegradation that can be easily oxidized to yield the corresponding quinones, which interfere with nucleic acids and tend to co- precipitate or degrade RNA. The chemical process is regulated by the activity of polyphenol oxidases enzymes, which have been identified in several Pseudomonas species previously. This optimized protocol incorporated several modifications including the use of a carrier, pooled samples and a final cleaning up step that could improve it significantly, yielded a high-quality RNA measured by A260/A280, A260/230 ratios (2.02 ± 0.16, 1.95 ± 0.01, respectively) from cells grown on 2,4-TDA compared to standard assays. Moreover, RIN (RNA integrity number) values were analyzed and samples with a RIN higher than 7.0 were selected for downstream applications, confirming the RNA quality. Finally, the fourth chapter evaluated the transcriptional changes in Pseudomonas capeferrum TDA1 grown on 2,4-TDA using RNA-seq. From all the expressed genes, one third were overexpressed in comparison to the control (succinate). These alterations in the gene expression demonstrates that aromatic compounds trigger adaptive responses that modify the transcriptional regulation mechanism including important changes not only in the catabolic system, but also in other patterns related to bacterial cell physiology and biofilm formation. In order to evaluate extracellular degradation, OMVs isolated from P. capeferrum TDA1 grown on a PU oligomer were tested for hydrolytic activity. Purified OMVs showed higher esterase activity compared to cell pellets. Relative OMV yields in TDA1 raised significantly in PU oligomer (0.28 ± 0.05%) compared to succinate (0.09 ± 0.01%). This three-fold increased activity could demonstrate that the release of OMV is part of the adaptive mechanisms of bacteria to stressful environmental conditions. The macromolecular degradation may occur through the action of both periplasmic and membrane-bound hydrolases harbored inside of OMVs and can be considered as a supporting mechanism for biodegradation. The results of this thesis present a further understanding of the transcriptome response in P. capeferrum TDA1 exposed to a PU monomer, suggest a model for extracellular degradation involving OMVs and propose a complete catabolic mechanism for the biodegradation of polyester-based PU containing intra and extracellular enzymes. Moreover, further studies on biological degradation of PU will contribute to redesign plastic polymers considering biodegradable building blocks and improving biocatalytic degradation, which could provide a sustainable use of PU plastic waste in the future

    On the integration of reaction and separation in a batch extractive distillation column with a middle vessel

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    In this work, the integration of reaction and separation in a batch extractive distillation column with a middle vessel/reactor is analyzed for azeotrope-forming mixtures. This equipment configuration has the potential to promote the complete conversion of reactants; therefore, the main process characteristics are investigated. A mixture showing several azeotropes and involving an esterification reaction was selected as an academic example. The first part of the paper deals with the phase-equilibrium analysis of the mixture. The nodes (pure components and azeotropes) and the distillation regions of the multicomponent mixture are obtained. The analysis of the topology of the residue-curve map is used to select one of the reagents as entrainer. Feasibility of the combined operation is studied based on the phase-equilibrium analysis and the investigation of the feasible cuts at infinite separation power. The second part of the contribution focuses on the different steps of the process. The influence of operating and process parameters on the operation performance is studied with the aid of a process simulator. Physical explanations are given for the results. Results show the advantages of integrating reaction and separation to enhance both reagents conversion and product separation.Fil: Espinosa, Hector Jose Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño; Argentin
