1,125 research outputs found
Automated generation of computationally hard feature models using evolutionary algorithms
This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Expert Systems with Applications. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2014 Elsevier B.V.A feature model is a compact representation of the products of a software product line. The automated extraction of information from feature models is a thriving topic involving numerous analysis operations, techniques and tools. Performance evaluations in this domain mainly rely on the use of random feature models. However, these only provide a rough idea of the behaviour of the tools with average problems and are not sufficient to reveal their real strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we propose to model the problem of finding computationally hard feature models as an optimization problem and we solve it using a novel evolutionary algorithm for optimized feature models (ETHOM). Given a tool and an analysis operation, ETHOM generates input models of a predefined size maximizing aspects such as the execution time or the memory consumption of the tool when performing the operation over the model. This allows users and developers to know the performance of tools in pessimistic cases providing a better idea of their real power and revealing performance bugs. Experiments using ETHOM on a number of analyses and tools have successfully identified models producing much longer executions times and higher memory consumption than those obtained with random models of identical or even larger size.European Commission (FEDER), the Spanish Government and
the Andalusian Government
Conflict-free strides for vectors in matched memories
Address transformation schemes, such as skewing and linear transformations, have been proposed to achieve conflict-free access to one family of strides in vector processors with matched memories. The paper extends these schemes to achieve this conflict-free access for several families. The basic idea is to perform an out-of-order access to vectors of fixed length, equal to that of the vector registers of the processor. The hardware required is similar to that for the access in order.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Adsorption Mechanism and Uptake of Methane in Covalent Organic Frameworks: Theory and Experiment
We determined the methane (CH_4) uptake (at 298 K and 1 to 100 bar pressure) for a variety of covalent organic frameworks (COFs), including both two-dimensional (COF-1, COF-5, COF-6, COF-8, and COF-10) and three-dimensional (COF-102, COF-103, COF-105, and COF-108) systems. For all COFs, the CH_4 uptake was predicted from grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations based on force fields (FF) developed to fit accurate quantum mechanics (QM) [second order Møller−Plesset (MP2) perturbation theory using doubly polarized quadruple-ζ (QZVPP) basis sets]. This FF was validated by comparison with the equation of state for CH_4 and by comparison with the experimental uptake isotherms at 298 K (reported here for COF-5 and COF-8), which agrees well (within 2% for 1−100 bar) with the GCMC simulations. From our simulations we have been able to observe, for the first time, multilayer formation coexisting with a pore filling mechanism. The best COF in terms of total volume of CH_4 per unit volume COF absorbent is COF-1, which can store 195 v/v at 298 K and 30 bar, exceeding the U.S. Department of Energy target for CH_4 storage of 180 v/v at 298 K and 35 bar. The best COFs on a delivery amount basis (volume adsorbed from 5 to 100 bar) are COF-102 and COF-103 with values of 230 and 234 v(STP: 298 K, 1.01 bar)/v, respectively, making these promising materials for practical methane storage
Matter-antimatter asymmetry without departure from thermal equilibrium
We explore the possibility of baryogenesis without departure from thermal
equilibrium. A possible scenario is found, though it contains strong
constraints on the size of the violation () effects and on the role
of the (baryon number) nonconserving interactions which are needed for it.Comment: Revtex, 4page
Computing size-independent matrix problems on systolic array processors
A methodology to transform dense to band matrices is presented in this paper. This transformation, is accomplished by triangular blocks partitioning, and allows the implementation of solutions to problems with any given size, by means of contraflow systolic arrays, originally proposed by H.T. Kung. Matrix-vector and matrix-matrix multiplications are the operations considered here.The proposed transformations allow the optimal utilization of processing elements (PEs) of the systolic array when dense matrix are operated. Every computation is made inside the array by using adequate feedback. The feedback delay time depends only on the systolic array size.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
RanBP2-Mediated SUMOylation Promotes Human DNA Polymerase Lambda Nuclear Localization and DNA Repair
Cellular DNA is under constant attack by a wide variety of agents, both endogenous and exogenous. To counteract DNA damage, human cells have a large collection of DNA repair factors. Among them, DNA polymerase lambda (Polλ) stands out for its versatility, as it participates in different DNA repair and damage tolerance pathways in which gap-filling DNA synthesis is required. In this work we show that human Polλ is conjugated with Small Ubiquitin-like MOdifier (SUMO) proteins both in vitro and in vivo, with Lys27 being the main target of this covalent modification. Polλ SUMOylation takes place in the nuclear pore complex and is mediated by the E3 ligase RanBP2. This post-translational modification promotes Polλ entry into the nucleus, which is required for its recruitment to DNA lesions and stimulated by DNA damage induction. Our work represents an advance in the knowledge of molecular pathways that regulate cellular localization of human Polλ, which are essential to be able to perform its functions during repair of nuclear DNA, and that might constitute an important point for the modulation of its activity in human cells
Conservación del Patrimonio Minero-Metalúrgico español
El patrimonio histórico minero-metalúrgico, muy extenso y valioso en España, por la gran tradición que estas actividades han tenido en nuestro país y que se remonta s i n interrupción a la más remota antigüedad, está amenazado por e l abandono progresivo que han sufrido gran par te de nuestras cuencas mineras. Ante el despunte de iniciativas, todavía l ocales y poco generalizadas , encaminadas a la protección de este patrimonio, urge establece r una metodología de inventario , catalogación, uso y gestión que pueda ser asumida y aplicada por los distintos agentes sociales interesados . Para ello se propone también la validación de esta metodología en una provincia española (Ciudad Real), donde se realizaría esta labor de inventario y catalogación, estableciéndose acciones encaminadas a la protección, uso y gestión del patrimonio histórico minerometalúrgico
The outer space. A need of a defence strategysm
La tecnología espacial y sus productos derivados se han convertido en un
elemento fundamental para la vida y para la supervivencia y prosperidad de las
sociedades desarrolladas y poseen un peso creciente en aquellas otras que están
en vías de desarrollo. Esta dependencia del espacio irá, además, reforzándose
progresivamente en los próximos años. Esta realidad, unida a los riesgos y desafíos
asociados a fenómenos naturales, accidentes no provocados, o bien, a acciones
intencionadas realizadas por otros actores en el espacio, trae como consecuencia
la necesidad de protección de nuestras actividades en el espacio para garantizar un
acceso continuado; de no hacerlo, el impacto en el normal desarrollo de nuestras
vidas y en el planeamiento y conducción de operaciones militares sería muy
significativo. En general, las Fuerzas Armadas españolas disponen de un nivel
muy aceptable de capacidades espaciales para afrontar los entornos operativos
del presente. Sin embargo, el espacio ultraterrestre se encuentra cada vez más
congestionado y disputado y, en este contexto, no existe la misma disponibilidad
de capacidades necesarias para implementar un control efectivo del espacio que
permita contrarrestar actividades maliciosas de potenciales adversarios, aspecto
en el que resulta imprescindible avanzar.Space technology and its derivative products have become a fundamental
element for our life and for the survival and prosperity of developed societies
and have as well a growing impact in those that are developing. In addition, this
dependency on space will become gradually stronger in the coming years. This
reality, along with the risks and challenges associated with natural phenomena,
unprovoked accidents, or intentional actions carried out by other actors in
space, results in the need to protect our activities in space in order to guarantee
a continued access; otherwise, we will face a very negative impact on our lives
as well as on the planning and execution of military operations. In general,
Spanish Armed Forces enjoy a very acceptable level of space capabilities
to deal with today's operating environments. However, in the context of an
increasingly congested and contested outer space they have not the same
availability of capabilities needed to implement an effective space control to
counter malicious activities of potential adversaries, area in which it is essential
to move forward
Analysis and simulation of multiplexed single-bus networks with and without buffering
Performance issues of a single-bus interconnection network for multiprocessor systems, operating in a multiplexed way, are presented in this paper. Several models are developed and used
to allow system performance evaluation. Comparisons with equivalent crossbar systems are provided. It is shown how crossbar EBW values can be reached and exceeded when appropriate operation parameters are chosen in a multiplexed
single-bus system. Another architectural feature is considered, concerning the utilization of buffers at the memory modules. With the buffering scheme, memory interference can be reduced so that the system performance is practically improved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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