945 research outputs found

    Translation, Systems and Research: The Contribution of Polysystem Studies to Translation Studies

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    Translation, Systems and Research: The Contribution of Polysystem Studies to Translation Studies — The aim of this article is not at all to examine Polysystems theory nor Polysystems research as such, but rather to discuss the impact Polysystems research has had in the development of a new discipline, i.e. Translation Studies. The ambiguous position of PS research within Translation Studies is due to its interdisciplinary claims and, on the other hand, to the necessity to work in a real world of disciplines where institutionalization is inevitable and even needed. The starting point of PS theory is not translation at all, but rather the dynamic functions fulfilled by translation within (inevitably) heterogeneous cultures and societies. On the basis of such hypotheses about culture(s) a rich panorama of new questions for research on translation has been worked out, as well as methodological models, and individual and collective descriptive research has been started in many countries on many cultural situations. Hence it may be accepted that descriptive research on translation would hardly have existed without the programmatic PS contribution and that the establishment of Translation Studies as an academic discipline is greatly indebted to PS. The gradual extension through various countries and disciplines (film studies, media studies, social organization, etc.) has favoured combinations with other approaches while making less clear the specific profile of the PS approach. It may be said that PS has served research as such, much more than its own sake, but wasn't this exactly the goal it wanted to achieve?Traduction, systèmes et recherche : contribution des études polysystémiques à la traductologie — L'objectif de l'article n'est nullement d'étudier la théorie du polysystème ou les recherches polysystémiques pour elles-mêmes, mais bien plus de déterminer en quoi et comment le PS a exercé une influence dans le développement d'une discipline nouvelle, à savoir les recherches sur la traduction. La position ambiguë des recherches polysystémiques est due à leurs ambitions sur le plan de l'interdisciplinarité, mais aussi à la nécessité de fonctionner au sein d'un monde réel où l'institutionalisation est inévitable sinon même une nécessité. Le point de départ de la théorie du PS n'est point la traduction, mais bien plus l'ensemble des fonctions dynamiques remplies par les traductions dans les cultures et les sociétés, censées être hétérogènes par définition. C'est sur la base d'hypothèses de ce genre qu'un riche panorama de questions de recherche a été mis au point, ainsi que des schémas méthodologiques, puis des projets individuels et collectifs en série dans de nombreux pays et sur des situations culturelles très diverses. Il n'est pas excessif dès lors d'avancer que les DTS (Descriptive Translation Studies) n'auraient pas existé sans le programme des recherches polysystémiques, et que, plus globalement, les recherches sur la traduction n'auraient sans doute pas eu de statut universitaire sans le PS. L'essor du PS dans plusieurs disciplines voisines (les études cinématographiques, les recherches sur les médias, sur l'organisation sociale, etc.) a favorisé des combinaisons avec d'autres approches tout en rendant moins spécifique le profil de l'approche. On est en droit d'estimer que le PS s'est ainsi mis au service de la recherche au lieu de servir ses propres fins. En fait, tels furent exactement, semble-t-il, les objectifs officiels dès l'origine

    Size-dependent optical properties of colloidal PbS quantum dots

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    We quantitatively investigate the size-dependent optical properties of colloidal PbS nanocrystals or quantum dots (Qdots) by combining-the Qdot absorbance spectra with detailed elemental analysis of the Qdot suspensions. At high energies, the molar extinction coefficient epsilon increases With the Not volume d(3) and agrees with theoretical calculations using the Maxwell-Garnett effective medium theory and bulk values for the Qdot dielectric function. This demonstrates that quantum confinement has no influence on E in this spectral range, and it provides an accurate method to calculate the Qdot concentration. Around the band gap, epsilon only increases with d(1.3), and values are comparable to the epsilon of PbSe Qdots. The data are related to the oscillator strength f(if) of the band gap transition and results agree well with theoretical tight-binding calculations, predicting a linear dependence of f(if) on d. For both PbS and PbSe Qdots, the exciton lifetime tau is calculated from f(if). We find values ranging between 1 and 3 mu s, in agreement with experimental literature data from time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy. Our results provide a thorough general framework to calculate and understand the optical properties of suspended colloidal quantum dots. Most importantly, it highlights the significance of the local field factor in these systems

    Uma contribuição ao estudo da dinâmica do gerador de indução auto-excitado com regulador estático

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica.Este trabalho trata do estudo do comportamento do motor monofásico de indução alimentado por fonte de corrente e freqüência variáveis, com o objetivo de controlar a sua velocidade. São apresentados modelos para o estudo do motor em regimes permanente e transitório e programas para análise do seu comportamento, a partir dos modelos. É realizado estudo global do motor alimentado pelo comutador, analiticamente e por simulação, dando-se ênfase aos fenômenos associados a comutação. São apresentadas expressões para o dimensionamento dos parâmetros do comutador. São mostrados os circuitos de comando dos tiristores, com os respectivos valores dos componentes. Todos os resultados teóricos são comparados experimentalmente, com o emprego de um protótipo de laboratório

    In Memoriam André Lefevere

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    Interdisciplinarity in Translation Studies

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    Since 1992 (Snell-Hornby et al. 1994) the Translation Studies * (EdT) have claimed the status of "interdiscipline". In fact, there are still doubts about his academic status which is recent in relation to the profession. Since Holmes 1988 [1972], the development of the EdT was, several times, considered a success story; Although it is not clear whether the academic results (arguments and peculiar components linked to their prestige, such as books, societies, recognized scholars, congresses) were more decisive than the translation market in the progressive recognition of WTS

    Universe-Cities as Problematic Global Villages continuities and shifts in our academic worlds

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    Edição: 1st ed. Editoria: Florianópolis: PGET/UFSC; Tubarão: Copiart, 2014. Páginas: 284 p. Língua da publicação: Inglês Referência ABNT: Lambert, José; Iliescu Gheorghiu, Catalina (Eds.). Universe-Cities as Problematic Global Villages continuities and shifts in our academic worlds. 1st ed. Florianópolis: PGET/UFSC; Tubarão: Copiart, 2014. 284 p
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