1,659 research outputs found

    Transport on exploding percolation clusters

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    We propose a simple generalization of the explosive percolation process [Achlioptas et al., Science 323, 1453 (2009)], and investigate its structural and transport properties. In this model, at each step, a set of q unoccupied bonds is randomly chosen. Each of these bonds is then associated with a weight given by the product of the cluster sizes that they would potentially connect, and only that bond among the q-set which has the smallest weight becomes occupied. Our results indicate that, at criticality, all finite-size scaling exponents for the spanning cluster, the conducting backbone, the cutting bonds, and the global conductance of the system, change continuously and significantly with q. Surprisingly, we also observe that systems with intermediate values of q display the worst conductive performance. This is explained by the strong inhibition of loops in the spanning cluster, resulting in a substantially smaller associated conducting backbone.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Hydrogen evolution and consumption in AOT–isooctane reverse micelles by Desulfovibrio gigas hydrogenase

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    The enzyme hydrogenase isolated from the sulphate reducing anaerobic bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas was encapsulated in reverse micelles of AOT–water–isooctane. The enzyme ability to consume molecular hydrogen was studied as a function of the micelle size (given by Wo = [H2O]/[organic solvent]). A peak of catalytic activity was obtained for Wo = 18, a micelle size theoretically fitting the heterodimeric hydrogenase molecule. At this Wo value, the recorded catalytic activity was slightly higher than in a buffer system(Kcat = 169.43 s−1 against the buffer value of 151 s−1). The optimal buffer used to encapsulate the enzyme was found to be imidazole 50 mM, pH 9.0. The molecular hydrogen production activity was also tested in this reverse micelle medium

    Industrial Automation Self-Learning Through the Develoment of Didactic Industrial Processes

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    Trabalho apresentado no 20th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, 27-29 de setembro 2017, Budapeste, HungriaTeaching industrial automation is a complex mission. The classical approach is based on lectures and laboratories assisted by teachers. Nevertheless, teaching industrial automation using the classical approach is not easy because this multidisciplinary area requires knowledge in control, energy, electronics, robotics and computer engineering, among others. In this way, this paper presents an approach to teach Industrial Automation based on a self learning strategy. Instead of using the classical approach, students must develop a research work and a didactic automation prototype. The results of this methodology indicate that students increase the interest about industrial automation and clarify important aspects of assembly, commissioning, parameterization and programming of electric and electronic devices. Additionally this methodology seems to increase self-confidence of students and give them the necessary background to face the challenge of working in the real world.N/

    Non-Newtonian fluid flow through three-dimensional disordered porous media

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    We investigate the flow of various non-Newtonian fluids through three-dimensional disordered porous media by direct numerical simulation of momentum transport and continuity equations. Remarkably, our results for power-law (PL) fluids indicate that the flow, when quantified in terms of a properly modified permeability-like index and Reynolds number, can be successfully described by a single (universal) curve over a broad range of Reynolds conditions and power-law exponents. We also study the flow behavior of Bingham fluids described in terms of the Herschel-Bulkley model. In this case, our simulations reveal that the interplay of ({\it i}) the disordered geometry of the pore space, ({\it ii}) the fluid rheological properties, and ({\it iii}) the inertial effects on the flow is responsible for a substantial enhancement of the macroscopic hydraulic conductance of the system at intermediate Reynolds conditions. This anomalous condition of ``enhanced transport'' represents a novel feature for flow in porous materials.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. This article appears also in Physical Review Letters 103 194502 (2009

    Fatigue in disordered media

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    We obtain the Paris law of fatigue crack propagation in a disordered solid using a fuse network model where the accumulated damage in each resistor increases with time as a power law of the local current amplitude. When a resistor reaches its fatigue threshold, it burns irreversibly. Over time, this drives cracks to grow until the system is fractured in two parts. We study the relation between the macroscopic exponent of the crack growth rate -- entering the phenomenological Paris law -- and the microscopic damage-accumulation exponent, γ\gamma, under the influence of disorder. The way the jumps of the growing crack, Δa\Delta a, and the waiting-time between successive breaks, Δt\Delta t, depend on the type of material, via γ\gamma, are also investigated. We find that the averages of these quantities, and $/$, scale as power laws of the crack length $a$, $ \propto a^{\alpha}$ and $/ \propto a^{-\beta}$, where is the average rupture time. Strikingly, our results show, for small values of γ\gamma, a decrease in the exponent of the Paris law in comparison with the homogeneous case, leading to an increase in the lifetime of breaking materials. For the particular case of γ=0\gamma=0, when fatigue is exclusively ruled by disorder, an analytical treatment confirms the results obtained by simulation
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