223 research outputs found

    Biodiversidad de Diplura (Hexapoda: Entognatha) en México

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    ResumenSe hace una descripción general de la morfología de los Diplura, dando información sobre su reproducción, así como de sus hábitats frecuentes y su importancia desde diversos aspectos. Se muestra la distribución de 6 familias en 23 estados de México. Se hace una evaluación de la diversidad y se proporciona el listado (Apéndice) de las 57 especies que se conocen del país, señalando los estados donde han sido citados.AbstractA general description of the morphology of the Diplura is done, information about their reproduction and habitats as well as their common environments and their importance in different aspects is provided. Distribution of 6 families in 23 states of Mexico is shown. An assessment of their diversity and a list of the 57 species known in the country and the states where they have been cited are provided

    A new Mexican species of Folsomides (Collembola: Isotomidae)

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    AbstractA new species of Folsomides from Baja California Sur is described and illustrated. It is clearly differentiated from F. chichinautzini Kovác et Palacios-Vargas and F. decemoculatus Scherbakov by its smaller size, the different shape of the postantennal organ, the number of sensillae in the antennal segment IV, the number of dental setae and the body chaetotaxy. In addition a key for identification of the American species of Folsomides is provided

    A new species of Tullbergia (Collembola, Tullbergiidae) from Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    A new species of Tullbergia from Argentina is described and illustrated; it is differentiated from Tullbergia paranensis by the number of vesicles of postantennal organ, pseudocelli shape and its formulae and the number of dorsal sensilla on Ant. IV. In addition a key for the identification of the members of the family from Argentina is included.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    First Mexican species of the genus Cosberella (Collembola, Hypogastruridae)

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    A new species of Cosberella is described and illustrated from a temperate forest of Citlaltépetl formation, Veracruz State. It is characterized by the following combination of characters: Th I with 2 + 2 dorsal setae; 2 + 2 axial setae on Th II–III; two capitate tenent hairs on each leg; unguiculus half the length of unguis; unguis with tooth; six dental setae and Abd VI without anal spines. A key for the species of the genus is included


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    ABSTRACT: We present a comparison at the generic level of the cave Collembola fauna recorded around the world. Using the biogeographical provinces proposed by KEY WORDS: Diversity, cave, distribution, springtails, troglobites Caves represent a very peculiar environment, drawing the attention of many different kinds of research, including archaeology, biology, hydrology, geology and ethnology, and cultural aspects including legends and myths (Barr an

    A new species of Tullbergia (Collembola, Tullbergiidae) from Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    A new species of Tullbergia from Argentina is described and illustrated; it is differentiated from Tullbergia paranensis by the number of vesicles of postantennal organ, pseudocelli shape and its formulae and the number of dorsal sensilla on Ant. IV. In addition a key for the identification of the members of the family from Argentina is included.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Type material of Protura (Hexapoda) housed at the collection of División Entomología of Museo de La Plata, Argentina

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    Los ejemplares tipo de Protura (Hexapoda) depositados en el Museo de La Plata (División Entomología) fueron examinados y listados. Para cada taxón, se brinda información actualizada y sus datos de recolección. Dichos ejemplares pertenecen a seis especies descriptas por las especialistas Julia Vidal Sarmiento y Judith Najt, entre 1970 y 1972. El material tipo incluye seis holotipos, dos alotipos y 17 paratipos. Setenta y cuatro especímenes en preparados microscópicos sin determinar son conservados en la colección general.Type specimens of Protura (Hexapoda) housed at the Museo de La Plata (División Entomología) were examined and listed. For each taxon the updated information and collection data are given. The material includes six species described by the specialists Julia Vidal Sarmiento and Judith Najt between 1970 and 1972. The type material consists on six holotypes, two allotypes and 17 paratype specimens. Seventy four undetermined specimen slides are retained in the general collection.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Diversity and dynamics of microarthropods from different biotopes of Las Sardinas cave (Mexico)

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    aBstract an ecological study of the microarthropod communities from las sardinas cave was undertaken. Four different biotopes were studied over the course of a year: bat guano, litter, soil under the chemoautotrophic bacteria colonies and as a control, plain soil without litter or guano. a total of 27,913 specimens of a total of 169 species were collected. analysis of Variance (anoVa) showed that there is a significant effect of biotope on the recorded density, and the post hoc Tukey's test showed that guano is the most different biotope with the highest value of density recorded. The interaction between season and biotope variables was not significant. In the most extreme case, 99 percent of the microarthropods in soil under chemoautotrophic bacteria were mites, mainly in the family Histiostomidae

    Mechanical Biosensors in Biological and Food Area: a Review

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    A review of state the art about the structure, classification and operation of biosensors applied in food and biological areas is presented. This review is focused to mechanical biosensors that use mill, micro and nanocantilevers. Basic concepts of atomic force microscopy and optical systems, used as testing platform of biosensors are described. The most funcionalized strategies and geometrical configurations are also explained. Mathematical methods for evaluating the performance in static and dynamic mode of the mechanical biosensors are reviewed and examples of application in biological and food areas are provided. An overall description of the operational effect of operation conditions and design variables on the sensitivity devices is also proposed. A brief description of the design processes and manufacturing of cantilevers based silicon technology as well as information about BioMEMS and BioNEMS are provided. Finally, overall tends in research, development and commercialization of biosensors are described briefly as well as probable areas of development in food biosensors. Thereby, this review provides an overall view of biosensors, as an exploratory guide to identify the most important aspects of this technology