152 research outputs found

    Accordion traditions as Cultural Heritage in border regions of Portugal

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    This article examines two emblematic musical forms that are found in the border regions of Portugal: chromatic accordion music in the Algarve in southern Portugal, and diatonic concertina music in northern Portugal. The object of this text is to reveal the processes of development and transmission of these border-area traditions, as well as reveal efforts to conceive these traditions as Cultural Heritage, whether it be on a local, national or supranational level, and the motivations of those efforts. The methodology employed in this study involved in situ oral history collection, and field work was carried out in 2019 and 2020 in various communities in the interior of Portugal. A comparison is made of the two case studies, paying attention to the ways in which these traditions have been fomented and projected as being representative of a region or nation, and also paying attention to the role played throughout history by migratory diasporas (provoked by political, economic and demographic factors) in the transformation, resignification, and projection of these traditions

    Estimation of uncertainty in analytical balances. Comparison of mass measurements performed in analytical balances (LATU-1999)

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    The current paper provides the details of the main sources of uncertainty that occur when conventional mass determinations are performed in analytical balances. The data presented correspond to the calibration of 18 analytical balances that belong to LATU, together with the detailed quantification of each of the sources of uncertainty. The results of a comparison of conventional mass measurement performed in those balances with a Teflon sample are assessed, considering their uncertainty values. Conclusions are subsequently drawn on conventional mass measurement´s reproducibility in analytical balances in LATU

    Dinámicas transfronterizas en la música de acordeón y bandoneón del norte uruguayo

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    Este artículo intenta aportar al proceso de definir a la tradición musical de acordeón y bandoneón de la región norte del Uruguay y contribuir a la determinación si efectivamente puede ser considerada un género musical diferenciado. Explora a las perspectivas de distintos investigadores uruguayos sobre el contexto geográfico e histórico de la región, y se presentan los testimonios de los músicos entrevistados sobre las maneras en que ellos mismos autodefinen a su propia música y perciben la forma en que su música se diferencia del sur de Uruguay y de los países vecinos: Argentina y Brasil

    Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica en la determinación de la antigüedad de la red de abastecimiento de aguas del municipio de San Cristóbal de la Laguna

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    El presente proyecto abarca el estudio de las redes de abastecimiento del municipio de San Cristóbal de La Laguna con el fin de inventariar su antigüedad para reducir el número de averías y, en consecuencia, mejorar el rendimiento del agua suministrada al sistema y anticiparse al deterioro de las tuberías. El método de trabajo empleado se ha constituido fundamentalmente en el ejercicio de investigación de la documentación propia de Teidagua, como son los históricos de proyectos, históricos de inversiones y en la recopilación de información de las fuentes externas como son la documentación de las Actas de Recepción de la Gerencia de Urbanismo de la Laguna, las ortofotos y el catastro. La herramienta utilizada para plasmar en un mapa toda la información recogida es el ArcGIS Desktop de la empresa ESRI.This project covers the study of the water supply of the Municipality of San Cristóbal of La Laguna in order to determine the age of the networks with the aim of reducing the number of breakdowns and, consequently, the loss of drinking water. The method of work used has been constituted fundamentally in the research exercise of Teidagua's own documentation, such as: Historic of Projects, Historic of investments and Historic of other projects, and in the collection of information from information sources as they are the documentation of the Reception Acts of Urbanism of the Management of Urbanism of La Laguna, the orthophotos and the cadastre. In addition, the tool used to capture all the information collected on a flat has been ArcGIS Desktop from ESRI company

    Proyecto de inmigracion nacional para la Isla de Cuba y de la mas facil realizacion

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotearia, 201

    Tratamiento integrado para la rehabilitación dental

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    Introducción: la periodoncia, odontología restauradora, cirugía bucal y prótesis estomatológica son disciplinas de la odontología que se interrelacionan para proporcionar una rehabilitación oral integral. Objetivos: conocer las múltiples opciones de tratamiento y determinar los protocolos ideales en cada caso con base en la evidencia científica. Material y métodos: se presentan dos casos clínicos realizados en el Servicio de Prácticas Odontológicas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, incluyendo cada uno de ellos diferentes alternativas de tratamiento y la secuencia terapéutica seguida. Resultados: se ha conseguido restablecer el estado de salud bucodental y la funcionalidad y estética perdidas a causa de la patología oral con un altísimo grado de satisfacción por parte de los pacientes. Discusión: se justifican las propuestas de tratamiento formuladas en cada caso organizadas en la secuencia terapéutica seguida. Conclusiones: la oferta de la odontología actual se adecúa a la situación de cada paciente previa valoración de la historia clínica, exploración, diagnóstico y pronóstico. Es imprescindible una primera fase higiénica para instaurar el estado de salud bucodental, seguida de la fase protésica, la cual ofrece multitud de posibilidades que deben ser consensuadas con el paciente en torno a sus expectativas. Por último, el mantenimiento es una etapa fundamental para garantizar el éxito a largo plazo. Palabras clave: tratamiento multidisciplinar, periodoncia, odontología restauradora, cirugía bucal, prótesis estomatológica


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    To form a more and more integral personality and with a wide vision of the world in that today one is living it is an unavoidable task to have the Cuban educators before yes, in a time characterized by a deep integration of the sciences. The achievement of this implies the elaboration of actions guided to reach a bigger integration among the contents of the subjects that today in day is imparted in the curriculum of the university students and its utility in the practice. For this aim it has decided to conceive the present work, with more emphasis in the interdisciplinarity among the subjects that are imparted in the disciplines History and Cultural Thought and Cuban Culture, corresponding to the Plan D of the career of Degree in Sociocultural Studies, being the main objective of the same one to favour the integration of the contents of this matters through the elaboration of a system of actions, demand of the current Cuban education without which we cannot perfect the teaching process - learning forming a man with a bigger preparation for the life, demand of the current Cuban society. The practical experiences applied in the University of The Tunas and the obtained results justify this proposal.Formar una personalidad cada vez más integral y con una visión amplia del mundo en que hoy se está viviendo es una tarea ineludible que tienen los educadores cubanos ante sí, en una época caracterizada por una integración profunda de las ciencias. El logro de esto implica la elaboración de acciones encaminadas a alcanzar una mayor integración entre los contenidos de las asignaturas que hoy en día se imparten en el currículo de los estudiantes universitarios y su utilidad en la práctica. Sobre esta dirección se ha decidido concebir el presente trabajo, con mayor énfasis en la interdisciplinariedad entre las asignaturas que se imparten en las disciplinas Historia y Pensamiento Cultural y Cultura Cubana, correspondientes al Plan D de la carrera de Licenciatura en Estudios Socioculturales, siendo el objetivo principal del mismo favorecer la integración de los contenidos de dichas materias a través de la elaboración de un sistema de acciones, exigencia de la educación cubana actual sin la cual no podemos perfeccionar el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje formando a un hombre con una mayor preparación para la vida, exigencia de la sociedad cubana actual. Las experiencias prácticas aplicadas en la Universidad de Las Tunas y los resultados obtenidos justifican esta propuesta

    Transport pathways across the West African Monsoon as revealed by Lagrangian Coherent Structures

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    The West African Monsoon (WAM) system is the main source of rainfall in the agriculturally based region of the Sahel. Understanding transport across the WAM is of crucial importance due to the strong impact of humidity and dust pathways on local cloud formation. However, the description of this transport is challenging due to its 3D complex nature. Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS) simplify transport description across the WAM by providing a geometrical partition of the troposphere into domains. Air parcels within each domain have similar dynamical characteristics. LCS make it possible to achieve an integrated vision of transport pathways across this system. Using this approach we unveil new connections in the WAM system. In particular, we identify transport pathways between the Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) and the African Easterly Jet (AEJ). Furthermore, the clockwise circulation associated with the divergent upper part of the Sahara heat low is clearly delimitated. Additionally, we show the presence of mixing regions in the AEJ and the lower part of the TEJ that are linked to pathways to sources of dust and humidity

    Alternative pretreatments of rice and tobacco wastes for the production of fermentable sugars

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    The scarce oil supplies and the emissions of gases of greenhouse effect have caused the interest in production and utilization of lignocellulosic bioethanol. This can substitute partially or totally the fossil fuels. The stages of pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis are the most expensive. Different pretreatments have been studied for ethanol production from these materials. Their results depend on the method characteristics and on biomass used. The agroindustrial wastes present a composition with possibilities of being evaluated like raw material for bioethanol production. In the present research, the pretreatment stages with Ultrasound and Ozone are studied, in order to decrease the lignin content and to increase the performance of the fermentative sugars in the lignocellulosic wastes (rice hull and dark tobacco vein). In the first pretreatment procedure, time and waste type were studied and in the second stage, the ozone concentration, waste type and moisture content were the studied variables. A combined procedure was applied to the best preliminary results. It is demonstrated that a decrease in the lignin concentration and the structural transformation of the materials under consideration come true. The best results were gotten for the rice hulls