4,877 research outputs found

    Colonisation, formal and informal institutions, and development

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    This article analyses current attempts to identify the factors underlying long-term economic growth. The author criticises some the arguments and historical proofs in which are based the two main explanations which dominate recent literature: the institutional approach and those which focus on the importance of geographical factors. Using an approach which is deliberately eclectic, the author considers the role of geography, international trade, human capital and institutional quality in explaining development. A new estimation is carried out through TLSL with instrumental variables. The results of the empirical model confirm the central role of institutions in long-term economic growth. However, certain geographical conditions also seem to have influenced countries´ possibilities of progress. Human capital and trade openness are less robust in explaining economic growth.Development, long-term growth, institutional quality, geographical factors, human capital, trade openness.

    The Determinants of Institutional Quality. More on the Debate

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    This paper provides new evidences about the determinants of institutional quality. Given the shortcomings of governance indicators, we first discuss the criteria employed to judge institutional quality. Then, we identify the factors that, according to these criteria, shape the quality of institutions. The results of this empirical research show that the main determinants of the quality of the institutions of a given country are its income per head and its income distribution, the efficiency of its tax system and the educational level of its population. Interestingly, some of the variables identified in previous literature (location, ethnolinguistic fragmentation, the origin of the legal system or colonial origin) either do not have any impact on institutional quality or they impact indirectly through the variables previously mentioned.Institutional Quality Development, Income Distribution, Tax System

    The Determinants of Institutional Quality. More on the Debate

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    This paper provides new evidences about the determinants of institutional quality. Prior to implementing our empirical research, we discuss the criteria that should be used to judge the quality of institutions. Then, we identify the factors that, according to these criteria, determine institutional quality. The results obtained in the estimated model enable to draw some interesting conclusions. First of all, development level determines institutional quality: the highest the former, the highest the latter. Secondly, income distribution seems to condition institutional quality. A certain degree of social cohesion is needed to provide institutional predictability and legitimacy. Thirdly, a sound tax system is positively asso-ciated with institutional quality improvement. Taxes provide the necessary revenue to ge-nerate quality institutions, while creating a narrower and more demanding relation between State and citizens. Finally, education improves institutional quality. On the contrary, some of the variables identified in the literature either they do not seem to determine institutional quality or their effects are indirect, through the aforementioned variables.Institutional quality, income distribution, taxes, education.

    Un mundo en transformación: repensar la agenda de desarrollo

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    Depto. de Relaciones Internacionales e Historia GlobalFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

    Poverty, Sustainable Development and the Environment

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    This chapter contains six basic sections. The first is a brief summary of the economic and social situation in the region following years of reforms since the mid-1980s. Beyond providing the context for the following sections of this chapter, such an analysis underscores the difficulties the region has faced in transforming the economic progress of the period into improved social well-being. Persistently high levels of inequality and relative poverty –chronic phenomena in Latin American development– reflect such difficulties. The second section deals directly with these phenomena. Once again, the analysis confirms the fact that even though economic growth is necessary for the elimination of poverty, it is far from sufficient for the achievement of this objective in Latin America. The creation of equal opportunities can only be built upon a foundation of economic growth accompanied by progress in providing equal access to resources and assets. Three lines of action are crucial for success: first, the formation of human capital through the provision of higher quality, more functional education for all; second, the generation of quality employment as a way to broaden the social base and support necessary for growth; and third, a universal system of social protection against risks must be consolidated. Finally, the environmental risks stemming from the chosen growth model will be discussed, as well as the steps necessary to resolve them. The chapter will conclude with a brief final section in which we take stock of the decade of the 1990s

    Nuevas direcciones en la política de ayuda al desarrollo

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    La evolución de la ayuda al desarrollo a lo largo de los últimos años revela que el sistema internacional de cooperación al desarrollo se encuentra sumido en una profunda crisis. En el presente trabajo se discuten las causas de esa crisis y se estudian los nuevos ámbitos a los que debiera dar respuesta la ayuda, como consecuencia del proceso de globalización. El artículo termina con un análisis de la eficacia de la ayuda y unas propuestas para la reforma del sistema. ________________________________________Aid evaluation shows that the international cooperation is in deep crisis. This article the causes of this situation and proposes, in the framework of the globalization context, new areas of research. The article ends with an assessment of aid effectiveness, and suggest some proposals for the reform of foreign aid

    La gran recesión: respuestas y desafíos

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    El presente documento de trabajo reflexiona sobre estos aspectos a partir de una consideración de las causas y consecuencias de la crisis. La ponencia se estructura en torno a cuatro epígrafes adicionales a esta introducción. El segundo epígrafe discute los orígenes de la crisis, considerando los diversos factores que la alentaron. El tercer epígrafe se dedica a considerar los efectos de la crisis, tomando nota del diferente comportamiento económico de las diversas regiones de la economía mundial. El cuarto epígrafe repara en las respuestas a la crisis, discutiendo hasta qué punto constituyen vías adecuadas de salida de la situación. Finalmente, el quinto epígrafe hace un balance de los factores de cambio que parecen estar asociados a la crisis

    Estimación de un modelo de comportamiento exportador para la empresa española: aplicación del método LISREL

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    El presente estudio parte de dos aseveraciones. En primer lugar, es admitido que la exportación constituye una de las variables estratégicas básicas en el comportamiento dinámico de una economía moderna. La segunda aseveración tiene que ver con un cambio percibido en la forma de estudiar este ámbito de la realidad económica: existe la convicción, cada vez más generalizada, de que para detectar las ventajas comerciales de un país no basta con investigar, de forma agregada, las bases de su especialización sectorial. Es necesario complementar esa óptica con un análisis más detallado de las ventajas específicas atribuidas a sus empresas; pues, en efecto, son las empresas las encargadas de proyectar las ventajas genéricas de un país en forma de ventajas competitivas en los mercados internacionales. Es más, la creciente interconexión entre los mercados no hace sino revalorizar el papel que la empresa tiene como portador específico de capacidades competitivas