2 research outputs found

    A hydrothermal karst-hosted U-P deposit related to Pangea break-up: Itataia deposit, Borborema Province, Northeastern Brazil - a review

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    The Itataia U-P deposit holds the second largest uranium reserve in Brazil. All of the uranium is contained within the microcrystalline structure of fluorapatite, which is the ore mineral of the collophanite bodies. The main lithology that hosts the mineralization is marble, and the collophanite occurs as massive bodies, stockwork vein, breccia, filling vugs in episyenites, and disseminated in host rocks. This review shows that five important episodes in the Northern Borborema Province, leading to the consolidation of the Itataia U-P deposit: i) deposition of a phosphate-rich Neoproterozoic supracrustal quartz-pelite-carbonate sequence, represented by the Itataia Group; ii) building of the Neoproterozoic Tamboril-Santa Quitéria continental magmatic arc, responsible for the partial melting of the phosphate-rich supracrustal sequence; iii) Na-metasomatism related to Neoproterozoic/Cambrian-Ordovician post-collisional to anorogenic granitoids, which generated uranium-rich albitite, as well as barren episyenite bodies; iv) Cretaceous hydrothermal karstic event related to the generalized fracturing of the continental crust caused by the Pangea break-up and making possible the deposition of collophanites in the karstic features and vugs in episyenites; v) reworking of the collophanites with the deposition of breccia in paleokarstic features in the marble

    Bond strength of resin-resin interfaces contaminated with saliva and submitted to different surface treatments

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different surface treatments on shear bond strength of saliva-contaminated resin-resin interfaces. Flat resin surfaces were fabricated. In the control group, no contamination or surface treatment was performed. The resin surfaces of the experimental groups were contaminated with saliva and air-dried, and then submitted to: (G1) rinsing with water and drying; (G2) application of an adhesive system; (G3) rinsing and drying, abrasion with finishing disks, etching and application of adhesive system; (G4) rinsing and drying, etching, application of silane and adhesive system. Resin cylinders were placed over the treated surfaces. The specimens were stored in water or ethanol. Shear bond strength tests were performed and the mode of failure was evaluated. Data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Dunnett T3 test. Contamination of resin-resin interfaces with saliva significantly reduced shear strength, especially after prolonged storage (p<0.05). Similar values to the original bond strength were obtained after abrasion and application of adhesive (G3) or etching and application of silane and adhesive (G4). If contamination occurs, a surface treatment is required to guarantee an adequate interaction between the resin increments