173 research outputs found

    GABAergic presubicular projections to the medial entorhinal cortex of the rat

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    We characterized presubicular neurons giving rise to bilateral projections to the medial entorhinal cortex (MEA) of the rat. Retrograde labeling of presubiculo–entorhinal projections with horseradish peroxidase and subsequent GABA immunocytochemistry revealed that 20–30 % of the ipsilaterally projecting neurons are GABAergic. No GABAergic projections to the contralateral MEA were observed. GABAergic projection neurons were observed only in the dorsal part of the presubiculum, which, when taking into account the topography of presubicular projections to MEA, indicates that only the dorsal part of MEA receives GABAergic input. The GABAergic projection neurons constitute �30-40 % of all GABAergic neurons present in the superficial layers of the dorsal presubiculum. Using doublelabel fluorescent retrograde tracing, we found that the ipsilateral and contralateral presubiculo–entorhinal projections originat

    Metabolic changes in early lactation and impaired reproductive performance in dairy cows.

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    This review addresses the suggestion that the decline in dairy reproductive performance, as increasingly observed these days, may be due to a hampered process of metabolic adaptation in early lactating cows. In our opinion, adaptation to the negative energy balance is a gradual process. Because almost all cows do adapt in the long run, it is not possible to classify animals as adapted or non-adapted. The use of risk factors is more appropriate in this case and is discussed in this review. Among them are the body condition score and its derivatives, feed intake, the calculated negative energy balance, and metabolic parameters like the plasma concentration of insulin or the triacylglycerol content in the liver. Moreover, factors that play a role in the link between declined reproductive performance and the metabolic situation of the cow during the early lactating period are discussed. Among these are insulin, insulin-like growth factors, leptin, neuropeptide Y, non-esterified fatty acids, thyroid hormones, urea, and ammonia

    Исследование свободных колебаний ортотропных цилиндрических оболочек на основе различных моделей

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    Досліджуються вільні коливання ортотропних циліндричних оболонок при різних граничних умовах на краях в уточненій постановці з застосуванням теорії Міндліна–Тимошенка та на основі тривимірної теорії пружності. Для розрахунку частот використовується чисельно-аналітичний підхід, який базується на застосуванні сплайн-апроксимації, а також методу колокації, дискретної ортогоналізації разом з методом покрокового пошуку. Проведено порівняння частот циліндричних оболонок з різними граничними умовами на торцях, отриманих в рамках різних моделей.A problem of natural vibrations of orthotropic cylindrical shells under various boundary conditions of its end-faces within the framework of the Mindlin–Timoshenko theory and on the basis of 3-D elasticity theory is considered. Using the method of spline-approximation and collocation, the problems are solved by the steady-state numerical method of discrete orthogonalization with incremental search. The comparison of the frequencies of cylindrical shells with different boundary conditions on their ends within various models is performed

    Effect of voluntary waiting period on metabolism of dairy cows during different phases of the lactation.

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    An extended calving interval (CInt) by extending the voluntary waiting period (VWP) could be associated with altered metabolism in dairy cows. The aim of this study was first to evaluate the effects of VWP on metabolism and body condition during the first 305 days after the first calving in the experiment (calving 1), around the end of the VWP, and during pregnancy (280 d before calving 2). Second, the effects of the VWP on metabolism were determined from 2 wk before until 6 wk after calving 2. Third, individual cow characteristics were used to predict milk production and body condition of cows after different VWP. Holstein-Friesian cows (N=154, 41 primiparous (PP), 113 multiparous (MP)) were blocked for parity, milk production, and lactation persistency, randomly assigned to a VWP of 50, 125, or 200 days (VWP50, VWP125, or VWP200) and followed from calving 1 until 6 wk after calving 2. In the first 6 wk after calving 1 and from 2 wk before until 6 wk after calving 2, weekly plasma samples were analyzed for non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate, glucose, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). From wk 7 after calving 1 until 2 wk before calving 2, insulin and IGF-1 were analyzed every 2 wk. Fat- and protein-corrected milk (FPCM) and body weight (BW) gain were measured weekly. Cows were divided in two parity classes based on calving 1 (PP and MP) and remained in these classes after calving 2. During pregnancy, MP cows in VWP200 had greater plasma insulin and IGF-1 concentration and lower FPCM compared with MP cows in VWP125 (insulin: 18.5 vs 13.9 µU/mL, CI 13.0 - 19.7, P<0.01; IGF-1: 198.5 vs 175.3 ng/mL ± 5.3, P=0.04; FPCM: 22.6 vs 30.0 kg/d ± 0.8, P<0.01) or VWP50 (insulin: 15.8 µU/mL, P<0.01; IGF-1: 178.2 ng/mL, P<0.01; FPCM: 26.6 kg/d, P<0.01) and had a greater daily BW gain compared with cows in VWP50 (3.6 vs 2.5 kg/d ± 0.2; P<0.01). After calving 2, MP cows in VWP200 had greater plasma NEFA concentration (0.41 mmol/L) compared with MP cows in VWP125 (0.30 mmol/L, P=0.04) or VWP50 (0.26 mmol/L, P<0.01). For PP cows, the VWP did not affect FPCM or body condition during the first lactation in the experiment, or metabolism after calving 2. Independent of the VWP, higher milk production and lower body condition before insemination were associated with higher milk production and lower body condition at the end of the lactation. Variation in these characteristics among cows could call for an individual approach for an extended VWP

    Coarsening Dynamics of Crystalline Thin Films

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    The formation of pyramid-like structures in thin-film growth on substrates with a quadratic symmetry, e.g., {001} surfaces, is shown to exhibit anisotropic scaling as there exist two length scales with different time dependences. Analytical and numerical results indicate that for most realizations coarsening of mounds is described by an exponent n=0.2357. However, depending on material parameters, n may lie between 0 (logarithmic coarsening) and 1/3. In contrast, growth on substrates with triangular symmetries ({111} surfaces) is dominated by a single length scale and an exponent n=1/3.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 3 figure