15 research outputs found

    Hybrid Optimal Control Approach to Commercial Aircraft 3D Multiphase Trayectory Optimization

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    Proceedings of: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference. 2-5 August 2010, Toronto, Canada.Given the sequence of phases and flights modes conforming the flight profile os a comercial aircraft, the initial and final states, a set of path constraints and real wind forecast data, we solve the multiphase problem of finding optimal control inputs, switching times between flight modes and the corresponding trajectory of the aircraft that minimizes fuel consumption. The aircraft in flight is modelled as a hybriddynamical system, i.e., a system that has contibuos and discrete dynamics, where the distinct discrete dynamics corresponds to different fight phases and swwitches betwrrn them occur either in response to control law or when the state of the system reaches prescribed regions of the state space. The three dimensional motion of the aircraft over a spherical earth is described by a point variable-mass dynamic model. The hybrid optimal control problem is converted into a conventional optimal control problem by a parameterization of the switching instants and solved using a collocation method. This approach provides an overall optimal solution for a complete fight including the optimal switching instants between phases. An application to a realistic 13-phase A-340-300 fight is solved and discussed.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Government through the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, the Comunidad de Madrid, and the project i-Math Ingenio Mathematica. This work has been carried out whithin the framework of the Atlantida project, partially by the Spanish Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial, in which the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos is collaborating with GVM Aerospace and Defence.Publicad

    Detached house

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je návrh a vypracování studie a projektu pro provádění stavby pro rodinný dům s provozovnou v lokalitě Brno Mokrá Hora. Provozovnu tvoří výdejní místo pro online obchod. Budova sestává z polozapušťeného suterénu jednoho nadzemního podlaží. Bude sloužit jako trvalé bydlení pro čtyřčlennou rodinu a pracoviště pro dva zaměstnance. Stěny bude tvořit vápenopískové zdivo s kontaktním zateplovacím systémem ETICS, stropy budou železobetonové a střecha plochá vegetační. Součástí návrhu je také parkoviště pro dva osobní automobily a jedno lehké užitkové vozidlo. Zajímavost řešení spočívá ve výškové poloze střechy, nachází se totiž v úrovni místní komunikace. Projekt pro provádění stavby byl zpracován v programu AutoCAD, studie a vizualizace pomocí programů ArchiCAD a Artlantis 5.The subject of this bachelors thesis was to design a single-family house in Brno Mokrá Hora and process the study and the design documentation for this house. Part of it will serve as permanent housing for a 4 member family and the second part as a distribution point for an online shop with 2 employees. The walls will consist of sand-lime bricks with an additional contact thermal insulation system ETICS, the ceiling will be reinforced concrete constructions and the house will have a walkable flat green roof. Part of the documentation is also the modification design of the surrounding terrain and the design of the car park for 2 cars and 1 light commercial vehicle. An interesting design choice is the height level of the roof, which is situated in the same level as the local road. Design documentation was processed using the program AutoCAD, the study and the visualization using both ArchiCAD and Artlantis 5.

    The Death of Distance Revisited: Cyberplace, Physical and Relational Proximities

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