398 research outputs found

    Solutions to Yang-Mills equations

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    This article gives explicit solutions to the Yang-Mills equations. The solutions have positive energy that can be made arbitrarily small by selection of a parameter showing that Yang-Mills field theories do not have a mass gap.Comment: minor corrections to section

    Música congelada = Frozen music

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    Living statues

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    The author looks at the notion of movement in architecture, beginning with Futu- rism. Artists such as Boccioni, Marinetti and Sant'Elia expressively turned »the art of the becoming, the perishable, the transitory and the expendable« into their central concern, but unfortunately, they were never able to bring their projects to successful completion. Using the Futurist manifesto as a starting point, the author investigates theoretical debates throughout the ages pertaining to the notion of movement in art and architecture. The analysis looks at the concept of statues in ancient Egypt and Greece, describes the unsettling impact that photography caused in artistic circles towards the end of the 19th century, and continues right up to the philosophical discussions on space and duration by Henri Bergson and Edmund Husserl. Identifying a resemblance between Husserl's notion of Nahsphären and the Deleuzean notion of >smooth< - as opposed to >striated< - space, these discussions are then linked to current trends and concepts in architecture, such as the Hydrogen House in Vienna, designed by Greg Lynn.The author looks at the notion of movement in architecture, beginning with Futu- rism. Artists such as Boccioni, Marinetti and Sant'Elia expressively turned »the art of the becoming, the perishable, the transitory and the expendable« into their central concern, but unfortunately, they were never able to bring their projects to successful completion. Using the Futurist manifesto as a starting point, the author investigates theoretical debates throughout the ages pertaining to the notion of movement in art and architecture. The analysis looks at the concept of statues in ancient Egypt and Greece, describes the unsettling impact that photography caused in artistic circles towards the end of the 19th century, and continues right up to the philosophical discussions on space and duration by Henri Bergson and Edmund Husserl. Identifying a resemblance between Husserl's notion of Nahsphären and the Deleuzean notion of >smooth< - as opposed to >striated< - space, these discussions are then linked to current trends and concepts in architecture, such as the Hydrogen House in Vienna, designed by Greg Lynn

    How to Read (Anything as) Art

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    Alberti defines beauty in architecture as a state of harmony in so much as that any change in the building would be for the worse. Yet, it is hard to believe that any physical object can ever become so perfect. Hence, Alberti seems to leave us with only two alternatives; either there can never be beauty in architecture, or else architectural masterpieces and other works of art are not material things at all, but rather belong to a world of Greek necessity, inhabited by gods and, if Freud is right, dreams as well. Through a discussion of architectural criticism, I try to show how works of art are constituted in interpretation as perfect artifacts in such a way that Alberti's vision isboth possible and inevitable (see note 1)

    Paper, Rock, Scissors: analog and digital pictures in architectural design

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 19. bis 22. April 2007 in Weimar an der Bauhaus-Universität zum Thema: ‚Die Realität des Imaginären. Architektur und das digitale Bild

    Heterotopiary : the machine in the garden

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 27. bis 30. Juni 1996 in Weimar an der Bauhaus-Universität zum Thema: ‚Techno-Fiction. Zur Kritik der technologischen Utopien

    Mobiiliverkkodatan käytön validointi lähtö-määränpää -matriisien luomisessa

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    The rapid development in telecommunication networks during last years has made it possible to study human travel behaviour effectively from mobile network data. The combination of passive and active signalling events gathered by mobile network operators allow analysing movements of people with full longitudinal and spatial coverage. Therefore, recent years have seen an increasing interest in utilizing mobile network data in transportation studies, as an alternative or a complementary data source for conventional transport data. This study validates the capability of mobile network data to produce long-distance origin-destination matrices in Finland. Features that are being validated include trip counts, seasonal trip count changes and modal split. As reference data sources of the study, the National Travel Survey 2016, HELMET-transport demand model (Transport model by HSL) and LAM-data (automated traffic census) are used. Validation is done by analysing correlations between mobile network data and the reference data sources. By being able to demonstrate the validity and reliability of mobile network data usage in producing origin-destination matrices, cost-effectiveness and more accurate methods to gather information from long-distance transportation can be provided for the field in general. The overall results of the study are in line with the few similar related studies that have been conducted. The thesis work suggests that mobile network data is capable of producing more reliable trip counts from sparsely populated areas than the National Travel Survey. In addition, it seems to be more capable of capturing the high summer peak in longdistance travelling in Finland. The results regarding modal split are promising, but more studies regarding the modal detection will be needed.Matkapuhelinverkkojen viime vuosien nopea kehitys on mahdollistanut yhä tarkemman matkapuhelinten solupaikannuksen. Teleoperaattoreiden keräämä passiivisten ja aktiivisten matkapuhelinverkon signaalihavaintojen yhdistelmä mahdollistaa ihmisten liikkumiskäyttäytymisen tutkimisen kattavasti sekä ajallisesti että alueellisesti. Viime aikoina matkapuhelinverkkodatan hyödyntäminen liikennetutkimuksissa on tästä syystä herättänyt kasvavaa kiinnostusta perinteisten tiedonkeruumenetelmien korvaajana ja täydentäjänä. Tämä tutkimus validoi mobiiliverkkodatan käyttöä lähtö-määränpää -matriisien luomisessa Suomen pitkän matkan liikenteessä. Validoitavia ominaisuuksia ovat matkamäärät, matkamäärien vuodenajoittainen vaihtelu ja matkojen kulkumuotojakauma. Referenssiaineistona työssä käytetään Suomen Henkilöliikennetutkimusta, HELMET-liikennemallia ja LAM-dataa. Validointi suoritetaan analysoimalla mobiiliverkkodatan ja referenssiaineistojen välisiä korrelaatioita. Osoittamalla mobiiliverkkodatan käytettävyys lähtö-määränpää matriisien luomisessa, liikennesuunnittelun kustannustehokkuutta ja keinoja tarkemman tiedon keräämiseen pitkämatkaisesta liikkumisesta voidaan edistää. Työn tulokset ovat linjassa aiemman tutkimuksen kanssa. Tulokset näyttävät mobiiliverkkodatan olevan kykenevä tuottamaan lähtö-määränpää -tietoa hajaasutusalueilta luotettavammin kuin Henkilöliikennetutkimus. Lisäksi, mobiiliverkkodata näyttää pystyvän observoimaan kesän lomakauden matkapiikin tarkemmin kuin Henkilöliikennetutkimus. Tulokset mobiiliverkkodatan kulkumuototunnistukseen ovat lupaavia, mutta lisää tutkimusta tarvitaan näiden havaintojen vahvistamiseen