17 research outputs found

    Map showing <i>Z. borbonicus</i> sampling localities, and distribution of the four morphs on RĂ©union.

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    <p>Letters correspond to the different plumage morphs: A: Brown morph; B: Grey morph; C: Grey-headed brown morph; and D: Grey-headed brown-naped brown morph. For a more detailed description of pigmentation phenotypes, see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0050906#pone.0050906-Gill1" target="_blank">[17]</a>. Adapted from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0050906#pone.0050906-Hubbard1" target="_blank">[18]</a>.</p

    Diversity statistics and results from selection tests for <i>Z. borbonicus</i> morphs.

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    <p>Π: nucleotide diversity. S: number of segregating sites. Significance levels:</p>*<p>p<0.05;</p>**<p>p<0.01.</p

    Amino-acids variants observed at the <i>MC1R</i> locus in 51 <i>Z. borbonicus</i> individuals representing the four RĂ©union morphs and nine <i>Z. mauritianus</i> individuals.

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    <p>For each variant the corresponding nucleotide substitution is indicated, with its state (heterozygous or homozygous) in each morph and species studied here. Sequences were numbered in reference to the chicken genome (Genbank accession number: AY220305).</p

    Results for McDonald-Kreitman neutrality test.

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    <p><i>Zosterops japonicus</i> sequence was used as an outgroup. NS: non-significant.</p

    Genetic distances among Mascarene haplotypes

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    This file contains genetic distances among cytochrome-b haplotypes of hemosporidian parasites infecting Mascarene birds. The haplotypes are 476bp-long for Leucocytozoon and 478bp-long for Plasmodium. Genetic distances are provided as the raw number of nucleotide substitution and K80 distance, for each codon position

    Phased DNA sequences and aminoacids

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    This file contains all the phased sequences used in the study, with heterozygous gaps resolved. Fasta containing aminoacids translations are also provided for markers used in MK tests

    Informations about individuals

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    This file contains for each individual included in the study its identifier, its color form/morph, the locality where it was sampled and its sex

    Phylogenetic chronogram of the Engraulidae based on a Bayesian relaxed clock analysis.

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    <p>The outgroup <i>Ilisha elongata</i> is not shown. Horizontal timescale is in million years before present (Ma) (Paleogene Epoch abbreviations: Paleo, Paleocene; Eo, Eocene; and Oligo, Oligocene). The yellow and grey horizontal bars at nodes are 95% age credibility intervals. The grey horizontal bar indicates calibration constraint of Engraulidae age. Numbers in italics given at nodes are the Bayesian posterior probabilities when <1. See text for details on the method of time-calibrated phylogenetic reconstruction.</p


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    File summarizing the morphological data for each individual. Each line corresponds to a single individual with informations about sampling localities, ringer and all the morphological variables measured: weight (g), wing length (mm), tail length (mm), tarsus length (mm), bill length (mm), bill depth (mm) and bill width (mm)