13,827 research outputs found

    Redshift-distance Survey of Early-type Galaxies: The D_n-sigma Relation

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    In this paper R-band photometric and velocity dispersion measurements for a sample of 452 elliptical and S0 galaxies in 28 clusters are used to construct a template D_n-sigma relation. This template relation is constructed by combining the data from the 28 clusters, under the assumption that galaxies in different clusters have similar properties. The photometric and spectroscopic data used consist of new as well as published measurements, converted to a common system, as presented in a accompanying paper. The resulting direct relation, corrected for incompleteness bias, is log{D_n} =1.203 log{sigma} + 1.406; the zero-point has been defined by requiring distant clusters to be at rest relative to the CMB. This zero-point is consistent with the value obtained by using the distance to Virgo as determined by the Cepheid period-luminosity relation. This new D_n-sigma relation leads to a peculiar velocity of -72 (\pm 189) km/s for the Coma cluster. The scatter in the distance relation corresponds to a distance error of about 20%, comparable to the values obtained for the Fundamental Plane relation. Correlations between the scatter and residuals of the D_n-sigma relation with other parameters that characterize the cluster and/or the galaxy stellar population are also analyzed. The direct and inverse relations presented here have been used in recent studies of the peculiar velocity field mapped by the ENEAR all-sky sample.Comment: 46 pages, 20 figures, and 7 tables. To appear in AJ, vol. 123, no. 5, May 200

    Redshift-Distance Survey of Early-type Galaxies. I. Sample Selection, Properties and Completeness

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    This is the first in a series of papers describing the recently completed all-sky redshift-distance survey of nearby early-type galaxies (ENEAR) carried out for peculiar velocity analysis. The sample is divided into two parts and consists of 1607 elliptical and lenticular galaxies with cz < 7000 km/s and with blue magnitudes brighter than m_B=14.5 (ENEARm), and of galaxies in clusters (ENEARc). Galaxy distances based on the Dn-sigma and Fundamental Plane (FP) relations are now available for 1359 and 1107 ENEARm galaxies, respectively, with roughly 80% based on new data gathered by our group. The Dn-sigma and FP template distance relations are derived by combining 569 and 431 galaxies in 28 clusters, respectively, of which about 60% are based on our new measurements. The ENEARm redshift-distance survey extends the earlier work of the 7S and the recent Tully-Fisher surveys sampling a comparable volume. In subsequent papers of this series we intend to use the ENEAR sample by itself or in combination with the SFI Tully-Fisher survey to analyze the properties of the local peculiar velocity field and to test how sensitive the results are to different sampling and to the distance indicators. We also anticipate that the homogeneous database assembled will be used for a variety of other applications and serve as a benchmark for similar studies at high-redshift.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures, submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Infrared Spectra of Meteoritic SiC Grains

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    We present here the first infrared spectra of meteoritic SiC grains. The mid-infrared transmission spectra of meteoritic SiC grains isolated from the Murchison meteorite were measured in the wavelength range 2.5--16.5 micron, in order to make available the optical properties of presolar SiC grains. These grains are most likely stellar condensates with an origin predominately in carbon stars. Measurements were performed on two different extractions of presolar SiC from the Murchison meteorite. The two samples show very different spectral appearance due to different grain size distributions. The spectral feature of the smaller meteoritic SiC grains is a relatively broad absorption band found between the longitudinal and transverse lattice vibration modes around 11.3 micron, supporting the current interpretation about the presence of SiC grains in carbon stars. In contrast to this, the spectral feature of the large (> 5 micron) grains has an extinction minimum around 10 micron. The obtained spectra are compared with commercially available SiC grains and the differences are discussed. This comparison shows that the crystal structure (e.g., beta-SiC versus alpha-SiC) of SiC grains plays a minor role on the optical signature of SiC grains compared to e.g. grain size.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. To appear in A&

    The Globular Cluster Systems in the Coma Ellipticals. III: The Unique Case of IC 4051

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    Using archival \hst WFPC2 data, we derive the metallicity distribution, luminosity function, and spatial structure of the globular cluster system around IC 4051, a giant E galaxy on the outskirts of the Coma cluster core. The metallicity distribution derived from the (V-I) colors has a mean [Fe/H] = -0.3, a near-complete lack of metal-poor clusters, and only a small metallicity gradient with radius; it may, however, have two roughly equal metallicity subcomponents, centered at [Fe/H] ~ 0.0 and -1.0. The luminosity distribution (GCLF) has the Gaussian-like form observed in all other giant E galaxies, with a peak (turnover) at V = 27.8, consistent with a Coma distance of 100 Mpc. The radial profiles of both the GCS and the halo light show an unusually steep falloff which may indicate that the halo of this galaxy has been tidally truncated. Lastly, the specific frequency of the GCS is remarkably large: we find S_N = 11 +- 2, resembling the central cD-type galaxies even though IC 4051 is not a cD or brightest cluster elliptical. A formation model consistent with most of the observations would be that this galaxy was subjected to removal of a large fraction of its protogalactic gas shortly after its main phase of globular cluster formation, probably by its first passage through the Coma core. Since then, no significant additions due to accretions or mergers have taken place.Comment: 24 pp. plus 13 Figures. Postscript file for the complete paper can also be downloaded from http://www.physun.mcmaster.ca/~harris/WEHarris.html. Astron.J., in pres

    Commuting self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators defined from the partial derivatives

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    We consider the problem of finding commuting self-adjoint extensions of the partial derivatives {(1/i)(\partial/\partial x_j):j=1,...,d} with domain C_c^\infty(\Omega) where the self-adjointness is defined relative to L^2(\Omega), and \Omega is a given open subset of R^d. The measure on \Omega is Lebesgue measure on R^d restricted to \Omega. The problem originates with I.E. Segal and B. Fuglede, and is difficult in general. In this paper, we provide a representation-theoretic answer in the special case when \Omega=I\times\Omega_2 and I is an open interval. We then apply the results to the case when \Omega is a d-cube, I^d, and we describe possible subsets \Lambda of R^d such that {e^(i2\pi\lambda \dot x) restricted to I^d:\lambda\in\Lambda} is an orthonormal basis in L^2(I^d).Comment: LaTeX2e amsart class, 18 pages, 2 figures; PACS numbers 02.20.Km, 02.30.Nw, 02.30.Tb, 02.60.-x, 03.65.-w, 03.65.Bz, 03.65.Db, 61.12.Bt, 61.44.B

    Are complete intersections complete intersections?

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    A commutative local ring is generally defined to be a complete intersection if its completion is isomorphic to the quotient of a regular local ring by an ideal generated by a regular sequence. It has not previously been determined whether or not such a ring is necessarily itself the quotient of a regular ring by an ideal generated by a regular sequence. In this article, it is shown that if a complete intersection is a one dimensional integral domain, then it is such a quotient. However, an example is produced of a three dimensional complete intersection domain which is not a homomorphic image of a regular local ring, and so the property does not hold in general

    Two tails in NGC 3656, and the major merger origin of shell and minor axis dust lane ellipticals

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    I report on the discovery of two faint (~ 26.8 Rmag/arcsec^2) tidal tails around the shell elliptical NGC 3656 (Arp 155). This galaxy had previously been interpreted as a case of accretion, or minor merger. The two tidal tails are inconsistent with a minor merger, and point instead to a disk-disk major merger origin. NGC 3656 extends Toomre's merger sequence toward normal elliptical galaxies, and hints at a major merger origin for shells and minor-axis dust lanes. A dwarf galaxy lies at the tip of one of the tidal tails. A prominent shell, which shows sharp azymuthal color discontinuities, belongs to a rotating dynamical component of young stars which includes the inner dust lane.Comment: 9 pages, 2 plates, 1 figure, uses aaspp.sty, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. Files also available by anonymous ftp at ftp.iac.es, directory ./pub/balcell

    Charge exchange contribution to the decay of the ring current, measured by energetic neutral atoms (ENAs)

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    In this paper we calculate the contribution of charge exchange to the decay of the ring current. Past works have suggested that charge exchange of ring current protons is primarily responsible for the decay of the ring current during the late recovery phase, but there is still much debate about the fast decay of the early recovery phase. We use energetic neutral atom (ENA) measurements from Polar to calculate the total ENA energy escape. To get the total ENA escape we apply a forward modeling technique, and to estimate the total ring current energy escape we use the Dessler-Parker-Sckopke relationship. We find that during the late recovery phase of the March 10, 1998 storm ENAs with energies greater than 17.5 keV can account for 75% of the estimated energy loss from the ring current. During the fast recovery the measured ENAs can only account for a small portion of the total energy loss. We also find that the lifetime of the trapped ions is significantly shorter during the fast recovery phase than during the late recovery phase, suggesting that different processes are operating during the two phases

    Tuning of magnetic and electronic states by control of oxygen content in lanthanum strontium cobaltites

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    We report on the magnetic, resistive, and structural studies of perovskite La1/3_{1/3}Sr2/3_{2/3}CoO3−δ_{3-\delta}. By using the relation of synthesis temperature and oxygen partial pressure to oxygen stoichiometry obtained from thermogravimetric analysis, we have synthesized a series of samples with precisely controlled δ=0.00−0.49\delta=0.00-0.49. These samples show three structural phases at δ=0.00−0.15\delta=0.00-0.15, ≈0.25\approx0.25, ≈0.5\approx0.5, and two-phase behavior for other oxygen contents. The stoichiometric material with δ=0.00\delta=0.00 is a cubic ferromagnetic metal with the Curie temperature TC=274T_{\rm C}=274 K. The increase of δ\delta to 0.15 is followed by a linear decrease of TCT_{\rm C} to ≈\approx 160 K and a metal-insulator transition near the boundary of the cubic structure range. Further increase of δ\delta results in formation of a tetragonal 2ap×2ap×4ap2a_p\times 2a_p \times 4a_p phase for δ≈0.25\delta\approx 0.25 and a brownmillerite phase for δ≈0.5\delta\approx0.5. At low temperatures, these are weak ferromagnetic insulators (canted antiferromagnets) with magnetic transitions at Tm≈230T_{\rm m}\approx230 and 120 K, respectively. At higher temperatures, the 2ap×2ap×4ap2a_p\times 2a_p \times 4a_p phase is GG-type antiferromagnetic between 230 K and ≈\approx360 K. Low temperature magnetic properties of this system for δ<1/3\delta<1/3 can be described in terms of a mixture of Co3+^{3+} ions in the low-spin state and Co4+^{4+} ions in the intermediate-spin state and a possible spin transition of Co3+^{3+} to the intermediate-spin state above TCT_{\rm C}. For δ>1/3\delta>1/3, there appears to be a combination of Co2+^{2+} and Co3+^{3+} ions, both in the high-spin state with dominating antiferromagnetic interactions.Comment: RevTeX, 9 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Physical Review
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