3 research outputs found

    A espectrometria de absorção atômica com diagnóstico nutricional foliar de cana-de-açúcar e na avaliação de fertilizantes foliares

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    A influência da composição de diferentes fertilizantes foliares, designados por tertemunha (T1), fosfito(T2), micronutrientes(T3), fosfito+micronutrientes (T4), bioestimulantes(T5), fosfito+bioestimulante (T6), micronutrientes+bioestimulantne(T7), fosfito+micronutrientes+bioestimulante(T8), foi avaliada na nutrição e produtividade da cana-de açúcar da sfra de 2007/2008. Foram desenvolvidas novas metodologias analítica para determinações multielementares de Cu, Fe, MN e Zn em extrato de solo e Cu, Fe, Mn, Sn, Ca, K e Mg em folhas de cana-de-açúcar por espectrometria de absorção atômica em chama como rfo9nte contínua e de alta resolulção (HR-CS FAAs). A produtividade da caqna-de açucar foi avaliada por meio da análise do grau Brix, açucares totais recuperáveis (ATR), teor de sacarose, massa de colmos, e massa de colmos x ATR. As determinações de micronutrientes em solo foram feitas empregando as linhas atômicas principais de Cu (324,754nm), MN(279,482nm), Zn (213,857nm) e a secundária (252,744nm)e adjacente (248,325nm) do Fe. Exatidão e precisão foram avaliados pela análise de dois materiais de referência do Instituto Agronômico de Campipnas (IAC) e os...The influence of the composition of differents foliar fertilizers referred by testify (T1), phosphite (T2), micronutrients (T3), phosphite + micronutrients (T4), biostimulant (T5), phosphite +biostimulant (T6), micronutrients+biostimulant (T7), phosphite +biostimulant +micronutrients (T8) was evaluated on nutrition and yield of 2007/2008 sugarcane crop. New analytical methodologies were developed for multielement determinations of Cu, Fe, Mn and Sn in soil extract and Cu, Fe, Mn, Sn, Ca, K and Mg in sugarcane leaves by high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry (HR-CS FAAs). The sdugarcane yield was evelluated by anaysis of Brix degree, total recoverabel sugars (TRS), sucros content and total stalk weight (TSW). The determination of micronutrients in soil were carried out using the main lines for Cu (324,754nm), MN(279,482nm), Zn (213,857nm) and the secondary (252,744nm) and adjacent (248,325nm) for Fe. Accuracy and precision were evalueted by analysis of two reference materials of the Agronomic Institute of Campinas (IAC) and the results were in agreement at a 95% confidence level. The... (Complete abstract click electronic access below

    2023 UPDATE: Luso-Brazilian evidence-based guideline for the management of antidiabetic therapy in type 2 diabetes

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    Abstract Background The management of antidiabetic therapy in people with type 2 diabetes (T2D) has evolved beyond glycemic control. In this context, Brazil and Portugal defined a joint panel of four leading diabetes societies to update the guideline published in 2020. Methods The panelists searched MEDLINE (via PubMed) for the best evidence from clinical studies on treating T2D and its cardiorenal complications. The panel searched for evidence on antidiabetic therapy in people with T2D without cardiorenal disease and in patients with T2D and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), heart failure (HF), or diabetic kidney disease (DKD). The degree of recommendation and the level of evidence were determined using predefined criteria. Results and conclusions All people with T2D need to have their cardiovascular (CV) risk status stratified and HbA1c, BMI, and eGFR assessed before defining therapy. An HbA1c target of less than 7% is adequate for most adults, and a more flexible target (up to 8%) should be considered in frail older people. Non-pharmacological approaches are recommended during all phases of treatment. In treatment naïve T2D individuals without cardiorenal complications, metformin is the agent of choice when HbA1c is 7.5% or below. When HbA1c is above 7.5% to 9%, starting with dual therapy is recommended, and triple therapy may be considered. When HbA1c is above 9%, starting with dual therapyt is recommended, and triple therapy should be considered. Antidiabetic drugs with proven CV benefit (AD1) are recommended to reduce CV events if the patient is at high or very high CV risk, and antidiabetic agents with proven efficacy in weight reduction should be considered when obesity is present. If HbA1c remains above target, intensification is recommended with triple, quadruple therapy, or even insulin-based therapy. In people with T2D and established ASCVD, AD1 agents (SGLT2 inhibitors or GLP-1 RA with proven CV benefit) are initially recommended to reduce CV outcomes, and metformin or a second AD1 may be necessary to improve glycemic control if HbA1c is above the target. In T2D with HF, SGLT2 inhibitors are recommended to reduce HF hospitalizations and mortality and to improve HbA1c. In patients with DKD, SGLT2 inhibitors in combination with metformin are recommended when eGFR is above 30 mL/min/1.73 m2. SGLT2 inhibitors can be continued until end-stage kidney disease