81 research outputs found

    Probiotics and Periodontal Diseases

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    Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Probiotics have been used to directly modify the resident oral microbiome and proposed to modulate immune responses. In dentistry, probiotics have been employed as useful adjuncts for the reduction of caries development, suppressing oral Candida infection and controlling halitosis. Plaque-induced gingivitis is a gingival inflammation caused by the adherent bacterial biofilm around teeth. Gingivitis and periodontitis are considered to be a continuum of the same inflammatory process, although many gingivitis lesions do not progress to periodontitis. Periodontitis is an inflammatory process that affects the attachment structures of teeth. It constitutes a second cause of tooth loss worldwide. Conventional treatment modalities of periodontal disease include non-surgical and/or surgical management, with an emphasis on mechanical debridement. However, mechanical debridement as a sole therapy is not always effective to improve clinical parameters. A growing number of studies support probiotic therapy to prevent or treat gingivitis and periodontitis. Oral administration of probiotics is an effective adjunct in reducing pathogenic bacteria and improving clinical signs of disease. Probiotics may serve as adjunct or replacement therapy substitute antibiotics in managing human periodontal infections in future

    Sistema de recuperación de vapores (COVS) compuestos orgánicos volátiles, aplicado a estaciones de servicio que comercializan combustibles líquidos: una revisión de la literatura científica.

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    RESUMEN El análisis de revisión sistemática estudiará el sistema de recuperación de vapores COVs que se producen en las estaciones de servicio que comercializan combustibles líquidos. El objetivo de la elaboración del presente proyecto es analizar los estudios teóricos y técnicos sobre el sistema de recuperación de vapores COVs que se aplica a estaciones de servicio que comercializan combustibles líquidos desde el período 1990 al 2018. Las fuentes de información utilizadas como bibliotecas virtuales o bases de datos: Google Académico, Renati- SUNEDU, Proquest. Se buscará información del periodo 1990 - 2018, en idioma español e inglés, estatus de publicación (últimos 28 años), tipos de publicación (revistas, tesis doctorales, tesinas, normas y decretos supremos). Uno de los hallazgos encontrados en la revisión sistemática es la tesis de (Moreno Campos, 1999) “Proyecto de instalación y verificación de sistemas de recuperación de vapores en una estación de servicios de abastecimiento de combustibles líquidos a vehículos motorizados”, indica que Recuperación de vapores es un término general que describe los métodos para prevenir la emisión de componentes orgánicos volátiles (COV) hacia la atmósfera. Este es un proceso usado durante la entrega y operaciones de abastecimiento en lugares de abastecimiento de combustible a vehículos como un medio para mejorar la calidad del aire. De los resultados obtenidos en los estudios de la revisión sistemática se demuestra la importancia de contar con el sistema de recuperación de vapores COVs en las estaciones de servicio de nuestro país, los COVs son vapores de los combustibles líquidos que al no ser tratados debidamente ocasionan daño al medio ambiente y el ser humano. De la búsqueda de información realizada para nuestro trabajo de revisión sistemática se presentó limitaciones en el alcance de la investigación ya que en el Perú solo se ha implementado el sistema de recuperación de vapores COVs en el proceso de descarga de combustible en las estaciones de servicio, la norma legal no contempla su implementación en el proceso de despacho de combustible al vehículo motorizado

    Effect of periodontal treatment in patients with periodontitis and diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The evidence is inconclusive regarding the effect of periodontal treatment on glycemic control and systemic inflammation in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and periodontitis. Objective: To evaluate the effect of scaling and root planing (SRP) on the metabolic control and systemic inflammation of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Methodology: A literature search was conducted using the MEDLINE database via PubMed and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, from their oldest records up to July 2018. Only randomized clinical trials (RCT) were considered eligible for evaluating the effect of periodontal treatment on markers of metabolic control [glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C)] and systemic inflammation [C-reactive protein (CRP)] in patients with T2D. The quality of the studies was evaluated using the Cochrane Collaboration risk assessment tool. Meta-analyses were performed for HbA1c and CRP using random effects models. The size of the overall intervention effect was estimated by calculating the weighted average of the differences in means (DM) between the groups in each study. Heterogeneity was assessed using the Q-statistic method (x2 and I²). The level of significance was established at p<0.05. Results: Nine RCT were included. SRP was effective in reducing HbA1c [DM=0.56 (0.36-0.75); p<0.01] and CRP [DM=1.89 (1.70-2.08); p<0.01]. No heterogeneity was detected (I2=0%, p>0.05). Conclusions: SRP has an impact on metabolic control and reduction of systemic inflammation of patients with T2D

    Host response mechanisms in periodontal diseases

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    Periodontal diseases usually refer to common inflammatory disorders known as gingivitis and periodontitis, which are caused by a pathogenic microbiota in the subgingival biofilm, including Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola that trigger innate, inflammatory, and adaptive immune responses. These processes result in the destruction of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth, and eventually in tissue, bone and finally, tooth loss. The innate immune response constitutes a homeostatic system, which is the first line of defense, and is able to recognize invading microorganisms as non-self, triggering immune responses to eliminate them. In addition to the innate immunity, adaptive immunity cells and characteristic cytokines have been described as important players in the periodontal disease pathogenesis scenario, with a special attention to CD4+ T-cells (T-helper cells). Interestingly, the T cell-mediated adaptive immunity development is highly dependent on innate immunity-associated antigen presenting cells, which after antigen capture undergo into a maturation process and migrate towards the lymph nodes, where they produce distinct patterns of cytokines that will contribute to the subsequent polarization and activation of specific T CD4+ lymphocytes. Skeletal homeostasis depends on a dynamic balance between the activities of the bone-forming osteoblasts (OBLs) and bone-resorbing osteoclasts (OCLs). This balance is tightly controlled by various regulatory systems, such as the endocrine system, and is influenced by the immune system, an osteoimmunological regulation depending on lymphocyte- and macrophage-derived cytokines. All these cytokines and inflammatory mediators are capable of acting alone or in concert, to stimulate periodontal breakdown and collagen destruction via tissue-derived matrix metalloproteinases, a characterization of the progression of periodontitis as a stage that presents a significantly host immune and inflammatory response to the microbial challenge that determine of susceptibility to develop the destructive/progressive periodontitis under the influence of multiple behavioral, environmental and genetic factors

    Riesgo de síndrome metabólico en niños, Chiclayo Perú

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    Objetivo: Identificar el riesgo de síndrome metabólico (RSM) en niños de 10 -16 años, de 6 instituciones educativas del distrito de Pimentel, 2015. Material y métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal. El muestreo por conveniencia, participaron 723 niños. Se pesó con balanza digital calibrada, se usó tallímetro y se midió la cintura con centímetro. Las medidas obtenidas se ingresaron a la aplicación móvil ®Pediatripedia, para obtener el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y el percentil para la edad. Con los resultados de la razón cintura estatura (RCE) en relación al IMC determinamos el RSM dado por un metaanálisis de Chile. Resultados: mayoría fueron niñas (51,04 %), 55,90 % de la población tiene de 10-11 años. 18,26 % (132) tiene sobrepeso y 13,97 % (101) tiene obesidad. La Obesidad y sobrepeso fueron más prevalente en colegios nacionales. Respecto al RSM en pacientes con obesidad y sobrepeso, 26 tuvieron 3,34 veces y 106 tuvieron 8,16 veces, 94 tuvieron 12,11.Existen más niños con obesidad y sobrepeso en los colegios estatales. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad ha aumentado en 9.56 % y 10.97 % respectivamente. 26 niños tuvieron 3,34 veces RSM, 106 tuvieron 8,16 veces RSM y 94 tuvieron 12,11 veces RSM. La obesidad y el sobrepeso fue más frecuente en los colegios nacionales que en los particulares

    Association between the Mediterranean Diet Index and self-reported Gingival Health Status Indicators in a population of Chilean adults: a cross-sectional study

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    Despite the recognized impact of diet on non-communicable diseases, the association between the Mediterranean diet and periodontal diseases is still uncertain. This study aimed to determine the association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Index (MDI) and self-reported gingival health status in Chilean adults, exploring the feasibility of using validated web-based survey questionnaires. Methodology: Cross-sectional data were collected from a representative sample of a population of Chilean adults (18-60 years old) using a low-cost and time-saving methodology. By the PsyToolkit platform, anonymous survey data were downloaded and analyzed in bivariate (crude) and backward stepwise selection multivariate logistic regression models adjusted for sociodemographic determinants, smoking, and dental attendance using STATA 17. Odds ratios (OR) [95% confidence intervals] were estimated. Results: In total, 351 complete statistical data were mostly obtained from female university students who had never smoked and reported having visited a dentist in the previous year. Multivariate regression models showed an association between MDI and very good/good gingival health status (OR 1.18 [95% CI 1.04-1.34], p=0.013), absence of bleeding on toothbrushing (OR 1.12 [95% CI 1.01-1.25], p=0.035), and absence of clinical signs of gingival inflammation (OR 1.24 [95% CI 1.10-1.40], p<0.001), after controlling for age, sex, educational level, smoking, and dental attendance. Conclusions: We associated adherence to the Mediterranean diet with better self-reported gingival health status in a population of Chilean adults in an entirely web-based research environment. Longitudinal studies with random sampling are required to establish the effect of diet on gingival and periodontal health. Nevertheless, this evidence could contribute to the design of low-cost surveillance programs to reduce the burden of periodontal disease and related “common risk factors”

    Microbiological and clinical effects of probiotics and antibiotics on nonsurgical treatment of chronic periodontitis: a randomized placebo- controlled trial with 9-month follow-up

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    ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this double-blind, placebo-controlled and parallel- arm randomized clinical trial was to evaluate the effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus SP1-containing probiotic sachet and azithromycin tablets as an adjunct to nonsurgical therapy in clinical parameters and in presence and levels of Tannerella forsythia, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Material and Methods: Forty-seven systemically healthy volunteers with chronic periodontitis were recruited and monitored clinically and microbiologically at baseline for 3, 6 and 9 months after therapy. Subgingival plaque samples were collected from four periodontal sites with clinical attachment level ≥1 mm, probing pocket depth ≥4 mm and bleeding on probing, one site in each quadrant. Samples were cultivated and processed using the PCR technique. Patients received nonsurgical therapy including scaling and root planing (SRP) and were randomly assigned to a probiotic (n=16), antibiotic (n = 16) or placebo (n = 15) group. L. rhamnosus SP1 was taken once a day for 3 months. Azithromycin 500mg was taken once a day for 5 days. Results: All groups showed improvements in clinical and microbiological parameters at all time points evaluated. Probiotic and antibiotic groups showed greater reductions in cultivable microbiota compared with baseline. The placebo group showed greater reduction in number of subjects with P. gingivalis compared with baseline. However, there were no significant differences between groups. Conclusions: The adjunctive use of L. rhamnosus SP1 sachets and azithromycin during initial therapy resulted in similar clinical and microbiological improvements compared with the placebo group