7 research outputs found

    Stationary states of two Dirac particles in a Coulomb field

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    A proposta do trabalho e obter os valores dos níveis de energia do átomo de hélio ou de íons tipo hélio por meio de um hamiltoniano modelo que descreve os estados estacionários de um sistema de duas partículas de dirac em um centro coulombiano. A função de onda total e escrita como uma combinação de produtos diretos anti-simetrizados de bispinores similares as soluções para uma partícula. Parte dos espectros do átomo de hélio e do SI POT.12+ para os momentos angulares totais J = 0, 1, 2 (paridades par e ímpar, respectivamente) são obtidos.The helium and helium-like ions energy levels are evaluated using a Hamiltonian operator that describes the stationary states of two-DIRAC particles system in an external Coulomb field. The total wave function of the system is an anti-simmetrized combination of tensor products of bispinors, similar to the one-particle DIRAC solutions. The partial helium and 51 12+ spectra are obtained for the total angular momenta J = 0,1,2 (even and odd parities, respectively)

    Stationary states of two Dirac particles in a Coulomb field

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    A proposta do trabalho e obter os valores dos níveis de energia do átomo de hélio ou de íons tipo hélio por meio de um hamiltoniano modelo que descreve os estados estacionários de um sistema de duas partículas de dirac em um centro coulombiano. A função de onda total e escrita como uma combinação de produtos diretos anti-simetrizados de bispinores similares as soluções para uma partícula. Parte dos espectros do átomo de hélio e do SI POT.12+ para os momentos angulares totais J = 0, 1, 2 (paridades par e ímpar, respectivamente) são obtidos.The helium and helium-like ions energy levels are evaluated using a Hamiltonian operator that describes the stationary states of two-DIRAC particles system in an external Coulomb field. The total wave function of the system is an anti-simmetrized combination of tensor products of bispinors, similar to the one-particle DIRAC solutions. The partial helium and 51 12+ spectra are obtained for the total angular momenta J = 0,1,2 (even and odd parities, respectively)

    Relationship between connectivity and academic productivity

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    A relevant factor in the growth of academic productivity in the second half of 20th century is the implementation of the internet, particularly in developing countries. One of the first networks in Brazil is the Academic Network at Sao Paulo (ANSP), a regional network implemented in the state of Sao Paulo, which contains the largest concentration of researchers in the country. This study presents a unique metric for analyzing the impact of ANSP in academic productivity in the state of Sao Paulo. We correlate academic production and available bandwidth using Fisher ideal price index with suitable variables to evaluate the impact of the internet on research centers and universities. We find that the members of ANSP show a steady growth in academic productivity compared with other institutions outside of the ANSP network. These results suggest that policies which increase available bandwidth can positively affect academic productivity.FAPESPFAPES